Technical reports: Games and Virtual Worlds

reports (325)

techrep_id file title / author
UU-CS-2015-018 pdf Torso Crowds
Sybren Stüvel, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann, Frank van der Stappen and Arjan Egges
UU-CS-2015-006 pdf An analysis of manoeuvring in dense crowds
Sybren Stüvel, Thijs de Goeij, Frank van der Stappen and Arjan Egges
UU-CS-2015-005 pdf On Streams and Incentives: A Synthesis of Individual and Collective Crowd Motion
Arthur van Goethem, Norman Jaklin, Atlas Cook IV and Roland Geraerts
UU-CS-2014-016 pdf Bounding the Locus of the Center of Mass for a Part with Shape Variation
Fatemeh Panahi and Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2013-018 pdf The 5/10 method: a method for designing educational games
Johan Jeuring, Rick van Rooij and Nicolas Pronost
UU-CS-2008-029 pdf Detecting Commuting Patterns by Clustering Subtrajectories
Kevin Buchin, Maike Buchin, Joachim Gudmundsson, Maarten Löffler and Jun Luo
UU-CS-2008-008 pdf Algorithmic Aspects of Proportional Symbol Maps
Sergio Cabello, Herman Haverkort, Marc van Kreveld, Bettina Speckmann
UU-CS-2007-044 pdf Planar Bichromatic Minimum Spanning Trees
Magdalene G. Borgelt, Marc van Kreveld, Maarten Löffler, Jun Luo, Damian Merrick, Rodrigo I. Silveira, Mostafa Vahedi
UU-CS-2007-033 ps.gz Caging polygons with two and three fingers
Mostafa Vahedi and A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2007-028 pdf On the Design of Traps for Feeding 3D Parts on Vibratory Tracks
Onno C. Goemans, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2007-009 ps.gz
Wooden Geometric Puzzles: Design and Hardness Proofs
Helmut Alt, Hans L. Bodlaender, Marc van Kreveld, Günter Rote, Gerard Tel
UU-CS-2006-036 ps.gz
Pushing using Compliance
Dennis Nieuwenhuisen, A. Frank van der Stappen, and Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2006-035 ps.gz
An Effective Framework for Path Planning amidst Movable Obstacles
Dennis Nieuwenhuisen, A. Frank van der Stappen, and Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2006-031 ps.gz
Region-restricted clustering for geographic data mining
Joachim Gudmundsson, Marc van Kreveld, Giri Narasimhan
UU-CS-2006-011 ps.gz
Scale-Dependent Definitions of Gradient and Aspect and their Computation
Iris Reinbacher, Marc van Kreveld, Tim Adelaar and Marc Benkert
UU-CS-2005-044 ps.gz
Efficient Detection of Motion Patterns in Spatio-Temporal Data Sets
Joachim Gudmundsson, Marc van Kreveld, Bettina Speckmann
UU-CS-2005-040 ps.gz
The Visibility-Voronoi Complex and Its Applications
Ron Wein, Jur P. van den Berg, Dan Halperin
UU-CS-2005-037 pdf Realizing partitions respecting full and partial order information
Erik Demaine, Jeff Erickson, Danny Krizanc, Henk Meijer, Pat Morin, Mark Overmars, Sue Whitesides
UU-CS-2005-036 pdf Web-based Delineation of Imprecise Regions
Avi Arampatzis, Marc van Kreveld, Iris Reinbacher, Christopher B. Jones, Subodh Vaid, Paul Clough, Hideo Joho, and Mark Sanderson
UU-CS-2005-026 pdf Delineating Boundaries for Imprecise Regions
Iris Reinbacher, Marc Benkert, Marc van Kreveld, Joseph Mitchell, Jack Snoeyink, and Alexander Wolff
UU-CS-2005-017 pdf Multiple polyline to polygon matching
M. Tanase, R. C. Veltkamp, Herman Haverkort
UU-CS-2005-003 pdf Approximation Algorithms for the Earth Mover's Distance Under Transformations Using Reference Points
Oliver Klein, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2004-068 ps.gz
Automatic Construction of High Quality Roadmaps for Path Planning
D. Nieuwenhuisen, A. Kamphuis, M. Mooijekind, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-2004-064 ps.gz
Useful Cycles in Probabilistic Roadmap Graphs
Dennis Nieuwenhuisen and Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2004-062 ps.gz
Finding Paths for Coherent Groups using Clearance
Arno Kamphuis en Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2004-057 pdf Learning Object-Oriented Design by Creating Games
Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2004-056 pdf Game Design in Education
Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2004-055 ps.gz
An Intersection-Sensitive Algorithm for Snap Routing
Mark de Berg, Dan Halperin, Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2004-043 ps.gz
Area-Preserving Approximations of Polygonal Paths
Prosenjit Bose, Sergio Cabello, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson, Marc van Kreveld, and Bettina Speckmann
UU-CS-2004-033 pdf Automatic Generation of Camera Motion to Track a Moving Guide
Onno Goemans and Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2004-027 ps.gz
Distributed Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval
Marc van Kreveld, Iris Reinbacher, Avi Arampatzis, Roelof van Zwol
UU-CS-2004-026 pdf A Comparison of Text and Shape Matching for Retrieval of Online 3D Models
Patrick Min
UU-CS-2004-022 pdf The Priority R-Tree: a practically efficient and worst-case-optimal R-tree
Lars Arge, Mark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort, Ke Yi
UU-CS-2004-020 ps.gz
Roadmap-based Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments
Jur P. van den Berg and Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2004-014 ps.gz
Maximizing the Area of Overlap of two Unions of Disks under Rigid Motion
Mark de Berg, Sergio Cabello, Panos Giannopoulos, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2004-013 ps.gz
On Computing All Immobilizing Grasps of a Simple Polygon with Few Contacts
Jae-Sook Cheong, Herman J. Haverkort, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2004-009 ps.gz
Significant-Presence Range Queries in Categorical Data
Mark de Berg and Herman J. Haverkort
UU-CS-2004-008 ps.gz
Optimal Spanners for Axis-Aligned Rectangles
Tetsuo Asano, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Hazel Everett, Herman J. Haverkort, Naoki Katoh and Alexander Wolff
UU-CS-2004-007 ps.gz
Constrained Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations
Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2004-004 pdf Immobilizing Hinged Polygons
Jae-Sook Cheong, A. Frank van der Stappen, Ken Goldberg, Mark H. Overmars, Elon Rimon
UU-CS-2003-041 ps.gz
Sampling Techniques for Probabilistic Roadmap Planners
Roland Geraerts, Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2003-040 ps.gz
Approximation Algorithms for Spreading Points
Sergio Cabello
UU-CS-2003-039 ps.gz
Clearance Based Path Optimization for Motion Planning
Roland Geraerts, Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2003-037 ps.gz
Using workspace information as a guide to non-uniform sampling in probabilistic roadmap planners
Jur van den Berg, Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2003-036 ps.gz
Motion Planning for Coherent Groups of Entities
Arno Kamphuis, Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2003-035 ps.gz
Computing Maximally Separated Sets in the Plane and Independent Sets in the Intersection Graph of Unit Disks
Pankaj K. Agarwal, Mark Overmars, and Micha Sharir
UU-CS-2003-031 ps.gz
Planar embeddability of the vertices of a graph using a fixed point set is NP-hard
Sergii Cabello
UU-CS-2003-025 ps.gz The Area of Overlap of two Unions of Convex Objects under Translations
Mark de Berg, Panos Giannopoulos, Christian Knauer, René van Oostrum, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2003-024 ps.gz
Using Transportation Distances for Measuring Melodic Similarity
Rainer Typke, Panos Giannopoulos, Remco C. Veltkamp, Frans Wiering, René van Oostrum
UU-CS-2003-020 pdf Good NEWS: Partitioning a Simple Polygon by Compass Direction
Marc van Kreveld, Iris Reinbacher
UU-CS-2003-019 pdf Interactive needle insertions in 3D nonlinear material
Han-Wen Nienhuys, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2003-018 pdf Maintaining mesh connectivity using a simplex-based data structure
Han-Wen Nienhuys, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2003-014 pdf Automated segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysms in multi-spectral MR images
Marleen de Bruijne, Bram van Ginneken, Wilbert Bartels, Maarten J. van der Laan, Jan D. Blankensteijn, Wiro J. Niessen, Max A. Viergever
UU-CS-2003-013 pdf Active shape model segmentation using a non-linear appearance model: application to 3D AAA segmentation
Marleen de Bruijne, Bram van Ginneken, Wiro J. Niessen, Max A. Viergever
UU-CS-2003-012 pdf Three-dimensional point distribution models for tubular objects
Marleen de Bruijne, Bram van Ginneken, Max A. Viergever, Wiro J. Niessen
UU-CS-2003-011 pdf Interactive segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysms in CTA images
Marleen de Bruijne, Bram van Ginneken, Max A. Viergever, Wiro J. Niessen
UU-CS-2003-006 pdf Facility Location and the Geometric Minimum-Diameter Spanning Tree
Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Sang-Min Park, Chan-Su Shin, and Alexander Wolff
UU-CS-2003-005 ps.gz
On the Implementation of Polygonal Approximation Algorithms
Ovidiu Grigore, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2003-004 pdf Motion Planning for Camera Movements in Virtual Environments
Dennis Nieuwenhuisen, Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2003-003 ps.gz
Approximation algorithms for aligning points
Sergio Cabello, Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2002-049 pdf Mutual Information Aspects of Scale Space Images
Arjan Kuijper
UU-CS-2002-044 ps.gz
A Delaunay approach to interactive cutting in triangulated surfaces
Han-Wen Nienhuys, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2002-041 ps.gz
A Comparative Study of Probabilistic Roadmap Planners
Roland Geraerts, Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2002-040 ps.gz
Schematization of Networks
Sergio Cabello, Mark de Berg, Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2002-038 ps.gz
On Simplifying Dot Maps
Mark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, Otfried Cheong, Pat Morin
UU-CS-2002-037 ps.gz
Balanced partition of minimum spanning trees
Mattias Andersson, Joachim Gudmundsson, Christos Levcopoulos, Giri Narasimhan
UU-CS-2002-036 ps.gz
TSP with Neighborhoods of Varying Size
Mark de Berg, Joachim Gudmondsson, Matthew J. Katz, Christos Levcopoulos, Mark H. Overmars, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2002-034 ps.gz
The One-Round Voronoi Game
Otfried Cheong, Sariel Har-Peled, Nathan Linial, Jiri Matousek
UU-CS-2002-033 ps.gz
Computing Signed Permutations of Polygons
Greg Aloupis, Prosenjit Bose, Erik D. Demaine, Stefan Langerman, Henk Meijer, Mark Overmars, Godfried T. Toussaint
UU-CS-2002-027 pdf Box-Trees for Collision Checking in Industrial Installations
Herman J. Haverkort, Mark de Berg
UU-CS-2002-020 ps.gz
Preprocessing Chains for Fast Dihedral Rotations Is Hard or Even Impossible
Michael Soss, Jeff Erickson, Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2002-019 ps.gz
Polyhedral model retrieval using weighted point sets
Johan W.H. Tangelder, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2002-018 ps.gz
Logical Filtering in Scale Space
Arjan Kuijper, Luc Florack
UU-CS-2002-016 ps.gz
Hierarchical Decompositions and Circular Ray Shooting in Simple Polygons
Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong, Hazel Everett, René van Oostrum
UU-CS-2002-015 ps.gz
On the design and analysis of competent GAs
Steven van Dijk, Dirk Thierens, Mark de Berg
UU-CS-2002-014 ps.gz
A pseudo-metric for weighted point sets
Panos Giannopoulos and Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2002-013 ps.gz
Computing farthest neighbors on a convex polytope
Otfried Cheong, Chan-Su Shin, Antoine Vigneron
UU-CS-2002-012 ps.gz
Spanning trees crossing few barriers
Tetsuo Asano, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Leonidas J. Guibas, Jack Snoeyink, Hisao Tamaki
UU-CS-2002-006 ps.gz
Computing Tolerance Parameters for Fixturing and Feeding
JingLiang Chen, Ken Goldberg, Mark H. Overmars, Dan Halperin, Karl F. Böhringer, Yan Zhuang
UU-CS-2002-004 ps.gz
Recent developments in motion planning
Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2001-61 pdf Active shape models exploiting slice-to-slice correlation in segmentation of 3D CTA AAA images
Marleen de Bruijne, Bram van Ginneken, Wiro J. Niessen, J. B. Antoine Maintz, Max A. Viergever
UU-CS-2001-60 pdf Semi-automatic aortic endograft location for post-operative evaluation of endovascular aneurysm treatment
Marleen de Bruijne, Wiro J. Niessen, J. B. Antoine Maintz, Max A. Viergever
UU-CS-2001-55 pdf The relevance of non-generic events in scale space models
Arjan Kuijper and Luc Florack
UU-CS-2001-48 pdf Casting a polyhedron with directional uncertainty
Hee-kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, Rene van Oostrum
UU-CS-2001-47 pdf Voronoi diagrams on the sphere
Hyeon-Suk Na, Chung-Nim Lee, Otfried Cheong
UU-CS-2001-46 pdf Building bridges between convex regions
Hee-Kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, Chan-Su Shin
UU-CS-2001-45 pdf Competitive facility location along a highway
Hee-Kap Ahn, Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong, Mordecai Golin, Rene van Oostrum
UU-CS-2001-44 pdf A simple and efficient algorithm for high-quality line labeling
Alexander Wolff, Lars Knipping, Marc van Kreveld, Tycho Strijk, Pankaj K. Agarwal
UU-CS-2001-43 pdf Towards an evaluation of quality for names placement methods
Steven van Dijk, Marc van Kreveld, Tycho Strijk, Alexander Wolff
UU-CS-2001-37 pdf It's all in the game
Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2001-36 pdf Gaussian sampling for probabilistic roadmap planners
V. Boor, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-2001-25 pdf On the creations of critical points in scale space with applications to medical image analysis
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-2001-24 pdf The application of catastrophe theory to medical image analysis
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-2001-23 pdf The application of catastrophe theory to image analysis
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-2001-21 pdf On R-trees with low query complexity
M. T. de Berg, J. G. Gudmundsson, M. Hammar, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-2001-19 pdf Scale Space Hierarchy
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack, M. A. Viergever
UU-CS-2001-17 pdf Hierarchical pre-segmentation without prior knowledge
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-2001-16 pdf Supporting cuts and finite element deformation in interactive surgery simulation
H. W. Nienhuys, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-2001-14 pdf A Survey on Multidimensional Access Methods
H. K. Ahn, N. Mamoulis, H. M. Wong
UU-CS-2001-13 pdf Flipping Your Lid
H. K. Ahn, P. Bose, J. Czyzowicz, N. Hanusse, E. Kranakis, P. Morin
UU-CS-2001-11 pdf Geometry and Part Feeding
A. F. van der Stappen, R-P. M. Berretty, K. Goldberg, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-2001-10 pdf Box-Trees and R-Trees with Near-Optimal Query Time
P. K. Agarwal, M. T. de Berg, J. G. Gudmundsson, M. Hammar, H. J. Haverkort
UU-CS-2001-07 pdf Finding sets of points without empty convex 6-gons
M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-2001-06 pdf Motion Planning in Environments with Dangerzones
D. Sent, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-2001-05 pdf Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations
J. G. Gudmundsson, M. Hammar, M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-2000-41 ps.gz
Models and motion planning
M. T. de Berg, M. J. Katz, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-2000-40 ps.gz
Guarding scenes against invasive hypercubes
M. T. de Berg, H. David, M. J. Katz, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-2000-39 ps.gz
Trap design for vibratory bowl feeders
R-P. M. Berretty, K. Goldberg, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-2000-37 ps.gz
Shape similarity measures, properties, and constructions
R. C. Veltkamp, M. Hagedoorn
UU-CS-2000-34 ps.gz
Content-based image retrieval systems: A survey
R. C. Veltkamp, M. Tanase
UU-CS-2000-32 ps.gz
Using genetic algorithms for solving hard problems in GIS
S. van Dijk, D. Thierens, M. T. de Berg
UU-CS-2000-31 ps.gz
Flipturning polygons
O. Aichholzer, C. Cortes, E. D. Demaine, V. Dujmovic, J. Erickson, H. Meijer, M. H. Overmars, B. Palop, S. Ramaswami, G. T. Toussaint
UU-CS-2000-30 ps.gz
Reconfiguring convex polygons
O. Aichholzer, E. D. Demaine, J. Erickson, F. Hurtado, M. H. Overmars, M. Soss, G. T. Toussaint
UU-CS-2000-22 ps.gz
Algorithms for maximum independent set applied to map labelling
T. W. Strijk, A. M. Verweij, K. I. Aardal
UU-CS-2000-21 ps.gz
Orienting polyhedral parts by pushing
R-P. M. Berretty, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-2000-08 ps.gz
Practical extensions of point labeling in the slider model
T. W. Strijk, M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-2000-05 ps.gz
On equicut graphs
M. Deza, D. Pasechnik
UU-CS-1999-40 ps.gz
Lower bounds for kinetic planar subdivisions
P. K. Agarwal, J. Basch, M. T. de Berg, L. J. Guibas, J. Hershberger
UU-CS-1999-39 ps.gz
On the fatness of Minkowski sums
M. T. de Berg, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-1999-35 ps.gz
A geometric model of retinocortical mechanisms
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1999-27 ps.gz
State-of-the-art in shape matching
R. C. Veltkamp, M. Hagedoorn
UU-CS-1999-24 ps.gz
Labeling points with circles
T. W. Strijk, A. Wolff
UU-CS-1999-21 ps.gz
New visibility partitions with applications in affine pattern matching
M. Hagedoorn, M. H. Overmars, R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-1999-18 ps.gz
Efficient evaluation of triangular B-splines
M. Franssen, R. C. Veltkamp, W. Wesselink
UU-CS-1999-14 ps.gz
Computing immobilizing grasps of polygonal parts
A. F. van der Stappen, C. Wentink, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1999-12 ps.gz
Calculations on critical points under Gaussian blurring
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1999-07 ps.gz
Visual representations embodying spacetime structure
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1999-03 ps.gz
Metric pattern spaces
M. Hagedoorn, R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-1999-01 ps.gz
Efficient image retrieval through vantage objects
J. M. Vleugels, R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-1998-44 ps.gz
Spatio-frequency analysis of scale-space filtering
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1998-41 ps.gz
Robust genetic algorithms for high quality map labeling
S. van Dijk, D. Thierens, M. T. de Berg
UU-CS-1998-40 ps.gz
Point labeling with sliding labels
M. van Kreveld, T. W. Strijk, A. Wolff
UU-CS-1998-37 ps.gz
Non-linear scale-spaces isomorphic to the linear case
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1998-34 ps.gz
On the behaviour of critical points under Gaussian blurring
L. M. J. Florack, A. Kuijper
UU-CS-1998-31 ps.gz
The topological structure of scale-space images
L. M. J. Florack, A. Kuijper
UU-CS-1998-30 ps.gz
Motion planning for multiple robots
B. Aronov, M. T. de Berg, A. F. van der Stappen, P. Svestka, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1998-29 ps.gz
Labeling a rectilinear map more efficiently
T. W. Strijk, M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-1998-27 ps.gz
Duality principles in image processing and analysis
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1998-23 pdf Registration of 3D Medical Images using Simple Morphlogical Tools
J.B.A. Maintz and P.A. van den Elsen and M.A. Viergever
UU-CS-1998-22 pdf An Overview of Medical Image Registration Methods
J.B.A. Maintz and M.A. Viergever
UU-CS-1998-21 pdf A Multiscale Approach to Mutual Information Matching
J.P.W. Pluim and J.B.A. Maintz and M.A. Viergever
UU-CS-1998-20 pdf A Survey of Medical Image Registration
J.B.A. Maintz and M.A. Viergever
UU-CS-1998-19 pdf Comparison and Evaluation of Retrospective Intermodality Brain Image Registration Techniques
J. West et al.
UU-CS-1998-18 ps.gz
General multimodal elastic registration based on mutual information
J. B. A. Maintz, E. H. W. Meijering, M. A. Viergever
UU-CS-1998-16 ps.gz
Separating an object from its cast
H. K. Ahn, M. T. de Berg, P. Bose, S-W. Cheng, D. Halperin, J. Matousek, O. Schwarzkopf
UU-CS-1998-13 ps.gz
Realistic input models for geometric algorithms
M. T. de Berg, M. J. Katz, A. F. van der Stappen, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1998-12 ps.gz
Linear size binary space partitions for uncluttered scenes
M. T. de Berg
UU-CS-1998-11 ps.gz
Reaching a polygon with directional uncertainty
O. Cheong, R. W. van Oostrum
UU-CS-1998-09 ps.gz
Motion extraction - An approach based on duality and Gauge theory
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1998-06 ps.gz
Algorithms for fence design
R-P. M. Berretty, K. Goldberg, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-1997-41 ps.gz
Computing fence designs for orienting parts
R-P. M. Berretty, K. Goldberg, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-1997-33 ps.gz
Reliable and efficient pattern matching using an affine invariant metric
M. Hagedoorn, R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-1997-28 ps.gz
A way to account for models in image analysis illustrated by motion extraction
L. M. J. Florack, W. Niessen
UU-CS-1997-27 ps.gz
Measurement duality
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1997-26 ps.gz
A priori scale in classical scalar and density fields
L. M. J. Florack, J. Koenderink
UU-CS-1997-25 ps.gz
Pseudo-linear scale-space theory Towards the integration of linear and morphologic scale-space paradigms
L. M. J. Florack, R. Maas
UU-CS-1997-22 ps.gz
Visualization of TINs
M. T. de Berg
UU-CS-1997-20 ps.gz
Dynamic motion planning in low obstacle density environments
R-P. M. Berretty, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-1997-19 ps.gz
Motion planning in environments with low obstacle density
A. F. van der Stappen, M. H. Overmars, M. T. de Berg, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1997-15 ps.gz
Computing a single cell in the overlay of two simple polygons
M. T. de Berg, O. Devillers, K. T. G. Dobrindt, O. Schwarzkopf
UU-CS-1997-09 ps.gz
The intrinsic structure of optic flow incorporating measurement duality
L. M. J. Florack, W. Niessen, M. Nielsen
UU-CS-1996-54 ps.gz
Computing constrained minimum-width annuli of point sets
M. T. de Berg, P. Bose, D. Bremmer, S. Ramaswami, G. Wilfong
UU-CS-1996-49 ps.gz
Geometrix eccentricity and the complexity of manipulation plans
A. F. van der Stappen, K. Y. Goldberg, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-43 ps.gz
Coordinated path planning for multiple robots
P. Svestka, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-40 ps.gz
Variational modeling of triangular Bezier surfaces
R. C. Veltkamp, W. Wesselink
UU-CS-1996-38 ps.gz
Algorithms for fixture design
C. Wentink, A. F. van der Stappen, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-35 ps.gz
On piercing sets of objects
M. J. Katz, F. Nielsen
UU-CS-1996-34 ps.gz
Optimal line bipartitions of point sets
O. Devillers, M. J. Katz
UU-CS-1996-33 pdf Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polygons Under Translations
M. de Berg and O. Devillers and M. van Kreveld and O. Schwarzkopf and M. Teillaud
UU-CS-1996-26 ps.gz
Range searching in low-density environments
O. Schwarzkopf, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1996-25 ps.gz
Computing the angularity tolerance
M. T. de Berg, H. Meijer, M. H. Overmars, G. Wilfong
UU-CS-1996-24 pdf Freeform Shape Machining Using Minkowski Operations
J.W.H. Tangelder and J.S.M. Vergeest and M.H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-23 pdf Computation of Voxel Maps Containing Tool Access Directions for Machining Free-form Shapes
J.W.H. Tangelder and J.S.M. Vergeest and M.H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-20 ps.gz
On probabilistic completeness and expected complexity for probabilistic path planning
P. Svestka
UU-CS-1996-17 ps.gz
Simple traversal of a subdivision without extra storage
M. T. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, R. W. van Oostrum, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-11 ps.gz
Immobilizing polygons against a wall
M. H. Overmars, A. S. Rao, O. Schwarzkopf, C. Wentink
UU-CS-1996-10 ps.gz
Robot motion planning in unknown environments using Neural Networks
A. J. Knobbe, J. N. Kok, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-09 ps.gz
Exact motion planning for tractor-trailer robots
P. Svestka, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1996-08 ps.gz
Multi-level path planning for nonholonomic robots using semi-holonomic subsystems
S. Sekhavat, P. Svestka, J-P. Laumond, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1995-33 ps.gz
Motion planning in environments with low obstacle density
A. F. van der Stappen, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1995-28 ps.gz
The union of moving polygonal pseudodiscs - combinatorial bounds and applications
M. T. de Berg, H. Everett, L. J. Guibas
UU-CS-1995-26 ps.gz
A new approach to subdivision simplification
M. T. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, S. Schirra
UU-CS-1995-22 ps.gz
Probabilistic path planning
P. Svestka, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1995-21 pdf Trends and Developments in Computational Geometry
M. de Berg
UU-CS-1995-14 ps.gz
Approximating generalized Voronoi diagrams in any dimension
J. M. Vleugels, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1995-12 ps.gz
On levels of detail in terrains
M. T. de Berg, K. T. G. Dobrindt
UU-CS-1995-06 ps.gz
Constructing levels in arrangements and higher order Voronoi diagrams
P. K. Agarwal, M. T. de Berg, J. Matousek, O. Schwarzkopf
UU-CS-1994-51 pdf New Results on Binary Space Partitions in the Plane
M. de Berg and M. de Groot and M. Overmars
UU-CS-1994-49 ps.gz
Complete algorithms for feeding polyhedral parts using pivot grasps
A. S. Rao, D. Kriegman, K. Y. Goldberg
UU-CS-1994-40 ps.gz
The overlay of lower envelopes and its applications
P. K. Agarwal, O. Schwarzkopf, M. Sharir
UU-CS-1994-39 ps.gz
Computing many faces in arrangements of lines and segments
P. K. Agarwal, J. Matousek, O. Schwarzkopf
UU-CS-1994-36 ps.gz
Spheres, molecules, and hidden surface removal
D. Halperin, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1994-34 ps.gz
Computing half-plane and strip discrepancy of planar point sets
M. T. de Berg
UU-CS-1994-33 ps.gz
Motion planning for car-like robots using a probabilistic learning approach
P. Svestka, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1994-32 ps.gz
Probabilistic roadmaps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces
L. Kavraki, P. Svestka, J-C. Latombe, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1994-31 ps.gz
Hunting Voronoi vertices
V. Ferrucci, M. H. Overmars, A. S. Rao, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1994-30 ps.gz
Range searching and point location among fat objects
M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-1994-29 ps.gz
Vertical decompositions for triangles in 3-space
M. T. de Berg, L. J. Guibas, D. Halperin
UU-CS-1994-25 ps.gz
Feasibility of design in stereolithography
B. Asberg, G. Blanco, P. Bose, J. Garcia-Lopez, M. H. Overmars, G. T. Toussaint, G. Wilfong, B. Zhu
UU-CS-1994-24 ps.gz
Friction and part curvature in parallel-jaw grasping
A. S. Rao, K. Y. Goldberg
UU-CS-1994-18 pdf Computing Grasp Functions
A.S. Rao and K.Y. Goldberg
UU-CS-1994-17 ps.gz
The floodlight problem
F. Bose, L. J. Guibas, A. Lubiw, M. H. Overmars, D. Souvaine, J. Urrutia
UU-CS-1994-12 ps.gz
On lazy randomized incremental construction
M. T. de Berg, K. T. G. Dobrindt, O. Schwarzkopf
UU-CS-1994-09 ps.gz
Reaching a goal with directional uncertainty
M. T. de Berg, L. J. Guibas, D. Halperin, M. H. Overmars, O. Schwarzkopf, M. Sharir, M. Teillaud
UU-CS-1994-03 ps.gz
A probablisitic learning approach to motion planning
M. H. Overmars, P. Svestka
UU-CS-1994-02 ps.gz
Trekking in the Alps without freezing or getting tired
M. T. de Berg, M. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-93-43 ps.gz
Manipulating algebraic parts in the plane
A. S. Rao, K. Y. Goldberg
RUU-CS-93-38 ps.gz
Motion planning using a colored Kohonen network
J. M. Vleugels, J. N. Kok, M. H. Overmars
RUU-CS-93-34 ps.gz
Teaching computational geometry
M. H. Overmars
RUU-CS-93-25 pdf Rectilinear Decompositions with Low Stabbing Number
M. de Berg and M. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-93-23 pdf Perfect Binary Space Partitions
M. de Berg, M. de Groot and M. Overmars
RUU-CS-93-21 ps.gz
Placing registration marks
A. S. Rao, K. Y. Goldberg
RUU-CS-93-20 ps.gz
Piecewise linear paths among convex obstacles
M. T. de Berg, J. Matousek, O. Schwarzkopf
RUU-CS-93-18 ps.gz
A probabilistic approach to motion planning for car-like robots
P. Svestka
RUU-CS-93-17 ps.gz
Shape from diameter: positive results
A. S. Rao, K. Y. Goldberg
RUU-CS-93-16 ps.gz
Shape from diameter: negative results
A. S. Rao, K. Y. Goldberg
RUU-CS-93-15 ps.gz
On a class of O(n2) problems in computational geometry
A. Gajentaan, M. H. Overmars
RUU-CS-93-09 pdf Isomorphisms between Predicate and State Transformers
Marcello Bonsangue and Joost N. Kok
RUU-CS-93-07 ps.gz
On the relation between Unity properties and sequences of states
R. T. Udink, J. N. Kok
RUU-CS-93-06 pdf A Multiscale Approach to Image Segmentation Using Kohonen Networks
S. Haring and M.A. Viergever and J.N. Kok
RUU-CS-93-05 pdf Generalized Hidden Surface Removal
Mark de Berg
RUU-CS-92-46 pdf A lateral inhibition neural network that emulates a winner-takes-all algorithm
B. Krekelberg and J.N. Kok
RUU-CS-92-45 pdf A deterministic algorithm for the three-dimensional diameter problem
J. Matouv{s}ek and O. Schwarzkopf
RUU-CS-92-44 pdf On blocks; locality and asynchronous communication (extended abstract)
F.S. de Boer and J.N. Kok and C. Palamidessi and J.J.M.M. Rutten
RUU-CS-92-40 pdf Semantics, orderings and recursion in the weakest precondition calculus
M. Bonsangue and J.N. Kok
RUU-CS-92-37 pdf The exact fitting problem in higher dimensions
J.-M. Robert and L.J. Guibas and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-92-32 pdf A random approach to motion planning
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-92-26 pdf Cuttings and Applications
M.T. de Berg and O. Schwarzkopf
RUU-CS-92-24 pdf Sparse arrangements and the number of views of polyhedral scenes
M. de Berg and D. Halperin and M. Overmars and M. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-92-22 pdf Current trends in the semantics of dataflow
J.N. Kok
RUU-CS-92-05 pdf The complexity of the free space for a robot moving amidst fat obstacles
M.H. Overmars and A.F. van der Stappen and D. Halperin
RUU-CS-91-46 pdf A paradigm for asynchronous communication and its application to concurrent constraint programming
F. S. de Boer, J. N. Kok, C. Palamidessi, J. J. M. M. Rutten
RUU-CS-91-45 pdf Towards a complete hierarchy of compositional dataflow models
B. Jonsson, J. N. Kok
RUU-CS-91-41 pdf Computing and verifying depth orders
M.T. de Berg and M.H. Overmars and O. Schwarzkopf
RUU-CS-91-40 pdf Point location in fat subdivisions
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-91-31 pdf Efficient hidden surface removal for objects with small union size
M.J. Katz and M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-91-30 pdf Translating Queries for Sets of polygons
M.T. de Berg and H. Everett and H. Wagner
RUU-CS-91-29 pdf Two- and three-dimensional point location in Rectangular subdivisions
M.T. de Berg and M. van Kreveld and J. Snoeyink
RUU-CS-91-28 pdf Efficient ray shooting and hidden surface removal
M.T. de Berg and D. Halperin and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-91-27 pdf Minimum-link c-oriented path queries
J. Adegeest and M.H. Overmars and J. Snoeyink
RUU-CS-91-20 pdf Shortest path queries in rectilinear words
M.T. de Berg and M. van Kreveld and B.J. Nilsson and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-91-12 pdf Intersection queries in curved objects
P.A. Agarwal and M. van Kreveld and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-91-09 pdf Point location in zones of k-flats in arrangements
M.T. de Berg and M. van Kreveld and J. Snoeyink
RUU-CS-91-06 pdf Dynamic output-sensitive hidden surface removal for c-Oriented polyhedra
M. de Berg
RUU-CS-91-05 pdf Union-copy structures and dynamic segment trees
M. van Kreveld and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-90-40 pdf The failure of failures towards a paradigm for asynchronous communication
F.S. de Boer and J.N. Kok and C. Palamidessi and J.J.M.M. Rutten
RUU-CS-90-39 pdf On logic programming and the refinement calculus semantics based program transformations
J.N. Kok
RUU-CS-90-33 pdf Hidden surface removel for $c$-oriented polyhedra
M. de Berg and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-90-26 pdf Maintaining 2- and 3-connected components in graphs, Part I: 2- and 3-edge-connected components
J.A. La Poutré and J. van Leeuwen and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-90-21 pdf Hidden surface removal for axis-parallel polyhedra (extended abstract)
M. de Berg and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-90-20 pdf Finding shortest paths in the presence of orthogonal obstacles using a combined L1 and link metric
M. de Berg and M. van Kreveld and B.J. Nilsson and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-90-13 pdf Intersection queries in sets of disks
M. van Kreveld and M. Overmars and P. Agarwal
RUU-CS-90-09 pdf Merging visibility maps
M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-89-32 pdf An improved technique for output-sensitive hidden surface removal
M. Sharir and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-31 pdf Translating polygons with applications to hidden surface removal
M. de Berg
RUU-CS-89-30 pdf Finding complete bipartite subgraphs in bipartite graphs
M. de Berg and M.H. Overmars and M. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-89-28 pdf New upperbounds in Klee's measure problem
M.H. Overmars and C.K. Yap
RUU-CS-89-26 pdf A simple output-sensitive algorithm for hidden surface removal
M. Sharir and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-25 pdf Dynamic partition trees
H. Schipper and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-24 pdf An input-size/output-size trade-off in the time-complexity of rectilinear hidden surface removal
M.T. Goodrich and M.J. Atallah and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-18 pdf Ranking intervals under visibility constraints
H. Edelsbrunner and M.H. Overmars and E. Welzl
RUU-CS-89-17 pdf Storing line segments in partition trees
M.H. Overmars and H. Schipper and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-89-16 pdf Concatenable structures for decomposable problems
M.J. van Kreveld and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-13 pdf On rectilinear link distance
M. de Berg
RUU-CS-89-12 pdf Counting and reporting intersections in arrangements
L.J. Guibas and M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-89-11 pdf Ray shooting, implicit point location, and related queries in arrangements of segments
L. Guibas and M. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-89-10 pdf Finding squares and rectangles in sets of points
M.J. van Kreveld and M.T. de Berg
RUU-CS-89-08 pdf Computational geometry and its application to computer graphics
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-07 pdf Finding minimum area k-gons
M. Overmars and G. Rote and G. Woeginger
RUU-CS-88-38 pdf Efficient motion planning for an L-shaped object
D. Halperin and M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-88-36 pdf Concatenable segment trees
M.J. van Kreveld and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-35 pdf A general approach to dominance in the plane
M.T. de Berg and S. Carlsson and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-28 pdf Divided k-d trees
M.J. van Kreveld and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-27 pdf Maintaining multiple representations of dynamic data structures
M.H.M. Smid and M.H. Overmars and L. Torenvliet and P. van Emde Boas
RUU-CS-88-26 pdf Intersecting line segments, ray shooting, and other applications of geometric partitioning techniques
L. Guibas and M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-88-22 pdf New upper bounds in Klees measure problem (extended abstract)
M.H. Overmars and C.K. Yap
RUU-CS-88-21 pdf Connectability problems
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-12 pdf Sets without empty convex 6-gons
M.H. Overmars and B. Scholten and I. Vincent
RUU-CS-88-11 pdf Searching for empty convex polygons
D.P. Dobkin and H. Edelsbrunner and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-10 pdf Dominance in the presence of obstacles
M.T. de Berg and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-07 pdf New methods for computing visibility graphs (extended abstract)
M.H. Overmars and E. Welzl
RUU-CS-88-01 pdf Data structures in a real-time environment
P. Lentfert and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-21 pdf Maintaining range trees in secondary memory Part II; lower bounds
M.H.M. Smid and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-20 pdf Maintaining range trees in secondary memory Part I; Partitions
M.H. Overmars and M.H.M. Smid and M.T. de Berg and M.J. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-87-16 pdf Two models for the reconstruction problem for dynamic data structures
M.H.M. Smid and L. Torenvliet and P. van Emde Boas and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-09 pdf Construction of sparse visibility graphs
M.H. Overmars and E. Welzl
RUU-CS-87-08 pdf A balanced search tree with 0(1) worst-case update time
C. Levcopoulos and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-05 pdf Geometric data structures for computer graphics; an overview
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-04 pdf Computational geometry on a grid; an overview
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-03 pdf Partitioning range trees
M.H. Overmars and M.H.M. Smid
RUU-CS-87-02 pdf Efficient data structures for range searching on a grid
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-86-21 pdf The reconstruction of dynamic data structures
M.H.M. Smid and L. Torenvliet and P. van Emde Boas and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-86-20 pdf On rectangular visibility
M.H. Overmars and D. Wood
RUU-CS-86-19 pdf Normalized divide and conquer ; a scaling technique for solving multi-dimensional problems
R.G. Karlsson and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-86-18 pdf Scanline algorithms on a grid
R.G. Karlsson and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-85-21 pdf General methods for adding range restrictions to decomposable searching problems
H.W.Scholten and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-85-17 pdf Range searching on a grid
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-85-13 pdf Geometric data structures for computer graphics
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-85-08 pdf The inverted file tree machine!: efficient multi-key retrieval for VLSI
H.P. Kriegel and R.Mannss and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-85-06 pdf The complexity of cutting paper
M.H. Overmars and E. Welzl
RUU-CS-84-10 pdf Zooming by repeated range detection
H. Edelsbrunner and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-84-08 not
$ast$ Data structures (190 p., in Dutch)
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-83-12 pdf The locus approach
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-83-08 pdf Batched dynamic solutions to decomposable searching problems
H. Edelsbrunner and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-83-06 pdf Range searching in a set of line segments
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-15 pdf On the equivalence of some rectangle problems
H. Edelsbrunner and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-13 not
VLSI layouts of perfect binary trees (to appear)
J. van Leeuwen and M.H. Overmars and D. Wood
RUU-CS-81-10 pdf Transforming semi-dynamic data structures into dynamic structures
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-09 pdf Searching in the past II- general transformations
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-08 pdf The art of dynamizing
J. van Leeuwen and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-07 pdf Searching in the past I
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-04 pdf Stratified balanced search trees
J. van Leeuwen and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-03 pdf Maintenance of configurations in the plane (revised edition)
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-81-01 pdf On the equivalence of rectangle containment, rectangle enclosure and ECDF-searching
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-80-10 pdf Worst case optimal insertion and deletion methods for decomposable searching problems
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-80-09 pdf Dynamization of order decomposable set problems
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-80-07 pdf General methods for the all elements and all pairs problem
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-80-06 pdf Dynamization of decomposable searching problems yielding good worst case bounds
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-80-05 pdf Notes on maintenance of configurations in the plane
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-80-02 pdf Dynamic multi-dimensional data structures based on quad- and k-d trees
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-80-01 pdf Some principles for dynamizing decomposable searching problems
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-10 pdf Two general methods for dynamizing decomposable searching problems
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-09 pdf Maintenance of configurations in the plane
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-07 not
Further comments on Bykat's convex hull algorithm
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-03 pdf Rapid subtree indentification revisited
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen

BibTeX entries

author = {Stüvel, Sybren and Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia and Thalmann, Daniel and Stappen, Frank~van~der and Egges, Arjan},
year = 2015,
title = {Torso Crowds},
number = {UU-CS-2015-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stüvel, Sybren and Goeij, Thijs~de and Stappen, Frank~van~der and Egges, Arjan},
year = 2015,
title = {An analysis of manoeuvring in dense crowds},
number = {UU-CS-2015-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Goethem, Arthur~van and Jaklin, Norman and IV, Atlas~Cook and Geraerts, Roland},
year = 2015,
title = {On Streams and Incentives: A Synthesis of Individual and Collective Crowd Motion},
number = {UU-CS-2015-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Panahi, Fatemeh and Stappen, Frank~van~der},
year = 2014,
title = {Bounding the Locus of the Center of Mass for a Part with Shape Variation},
number = {UU-CS-2014-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Rooij, Rick~van and Pronost, Nicolas},
year = 2013,
title = {The 5/10 method: a method for designing educational games},
number = {UU-CS-2013-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Buchin, Kevin and Buchin, Maike and Gudmundsson, Joachim and Löffler, Maarten and Luo, Jun},
year = 2008,
title = {Detecting Commuting Patterns by Clustering Subtrajectories},
number = {UU-CS-2008-029},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cabello, Sergio and Haverkort, Herman and Kreveld, Marc~van and Speckmann, Bettina},
year = 2008,
title = {Algorithmic Aspects of Proportional Symbol Maps},
number = {UU-CS-2008-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Borgelt, Magdalene~G. and Kreveld, Marc~van and Löffler, Maarten and Luo, Jun and Merrick, Damian and Silveira, Rodrigo~I. and Vahedi, Mostafa},
year = 2007,
title = {Planar Bichromatic Minimum Spanning Trees},
number = {UU-CS-2007-044},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vahedi, Mostafa and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2007,
title = {Caging polygons with two and three fingers},
number = {UU-CS-2007-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Goemans, Onno~C. and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2007,
title = {On the Design of Traps for Feeding 3D Parts on Vibratory Tracks},
number = {UU-CS-2007-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Alt, Helmut and Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Kreveld, Marc~van and Rote, Günter and Tel, Gerard},
year = 2007,
title = {Wooden Geometric Puzzles: Design and Hardness Proofs},
number = {UU-CS-2007-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhuisen, Dennis and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2006,
title = {Pushing using Compliance},
number = {UU-CS-2006-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhuisen, Dennis and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2006,
title = {An Effective Framework for Path Planning amidst Movable Obstacles},
number = {UU-CS-2006-035},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gudmundsson, Joachim and Kreveld, Marc~van and Narasimhan, Giri},
year = 2006,
title = {Region-restricted clustering for geographic data mining},
number = {UU-CS-2006-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Reinbacher, Iris and Kreveld, Marc~van and Adelaar, Tim and Benkert, Marc},
year = 2006,
title = {Scale-Dependent Definitions of Gradient and Aspect and their Computation},
number = {UU-CS-2006-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gudmundsson, Joachim and Kreveld, Marc~van and Speckmann, Bettina},
year = 2005,
title = {Efficient Detection of Motion Patterns in Spatio-Temporal Data Sets},
number = {UU-CS-2005-044},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wein, Ron and Berg, Jur~P.~van~den and Halperin, Dan},
year = 2005,
title = {The Visibility-Voronoi Complex and Its Applications},
number = {UU-CS-2005-040},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Demaine, Erik and Erickson, Jeff and Krizanc, Danny and Meijer, Henk and Morin, Pat and Overmars, Mark and Whitesides, Sue},
year = 2005,
title = {Realizing partitions respecting full and partial order information},
number = {UU-CS-2005-037},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arampatzis, Avi and Kreveld, Marc~van and Reinbacher, Iris and Jones, Christopher~B. and Vaid, Subodh and Clough, Paul and Joho, Hideo and Sanderson, Mark},
year = 2005,
title = {Web-based Delineation of Imprecise Regions},
number = {UU-CS-2005-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Reinbacher, Iris and Benkert, Marc and Kreveld, Marc~van and Mitchell, Joseph and Snoeyink, Jack and Wolff, Alexander},
year = 2005,
title = {Delineating Boundaries for Imprecise Regions},
number = {UU-CS-2005-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tanase, M. and Veltkamp, R.~C. and Haverkort, Herman},
year = 2005,
title = {Multiple polyline to polygon matching},
number = {UU-CS-2005-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Klein, Oliver and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2005,
title = {Approximation Algorithms for the Earth Mover's Distance Under Transformations Using Reference Points},
number = {UU-CS-2005-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhuisen, D. and Kamphuis, A. and Mooijekind, M. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 2004,
title = {Automatic Construction of High Quality Roadmaps for Path Planning},
number = {UU-CS-2004-068},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhuisen, Dennis and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2004,
title = {Useful Cycles in Probabilistic Roadmap Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2004-064},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, Arno~Kamphuis~en~Mark~H.},
year = 2004,
title = {Finding Paths for Coherent Groups using Clearance},
number = {UU-CS-2004-062},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, Mark},
year = 2004,
title = {Learning Object-Oriented Design by Creating Games},
number = {UU-CS-2004-057},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, Mark},
year = 2004,
title = {Game Design in Education},
number = {UU-CS-2004-056},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Halperin, Dan and Overmars, Mark},
year = 2004,
title = {An Intersection-Sensitive Algorithm for Snap Routing},
number = {UU-CS-2004-055},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bose, Prosenjit and Cabello, Sergio and Cheong, Otfried and Gudmundsson, Joachim and Kreveld, Marc~van and Speckmann, Bettina},
year = 2004,
title = {Area-Preserving Approximations of Polygonal Paths},
number = {UU-CS-2004-043},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Goemans, Onno and Overmars, Mark},
year = 2004,
title = {Automatic Generation of Camera Motion to Track a Moving Guide},
number = {UU-CS-2004-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Reinbacher, Iris and Arampatzis, Avi and Zwol, Roelof~van},
year = 2004,
title = {Distributed Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval},
number = {UU-CS-2004-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Min, Patrick},
year = 2004,
title = {A Comparison of Text and Shape Matching for Retrieval of Online 3D Models},
number = {UU-CS-2004-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arge, Lars and Berg, Mark~de and Haverkort, Herman~J. and Yi, Ke},
year = 2004,
title = {The Priority R-Tree: a practically efficient and worst-case-optimal R-tree},
number = {UU-CS-2004-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Jur~P.~van~den and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2004,
title = {Roadmap-based Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments},
number = {UU-CS-2004-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Cabello, Sergio and Giannopoulos, Panos and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2004,
title = {Maximizing the Area of Overlap of two Unions of Disks under Rigid Motion},
number = {UU-CS-2004-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheong, Jae-Sook and Haverkort, Herman~J. and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2004,
title = {On Computing All Immobilizing Grasps of a Simple Polygon with Few Contacts},
number = {UU-CS-2004-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Haverkort, Herman~J.},
year = 2004,
title = {Significant-Presence Range Queries in Categorical Data},
number = {UU-CS-2004-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Asano, Tetsuo and Berg, Mark~de and Cheong, Otfried and Haverkort, Hazel~Everett,
Herman~J. and Katoh, Naoki and Wolff, Alexander},
year = 2004,
title = {Optimal Spanners for Axis-Aligned Rectangles},
number = {UU-CS-2004-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gudmundsson, Joachim and Haverkort, Herman~J. and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2004,
title = {Constrained Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations},
number = {UU-CS-2004-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheong, Jae-Sook and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der and Goldberg, Ken and Overmars, Mark~H. and Rimon, Elon},
year = 2004,
title = {Immobilizing Hinged Polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2004-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Geraerts, Roland and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2003,
title = {Sampling Techniques for Probabilistic Roadmap Planners},
number = {UU-CS-2003-041},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cabello, Sergio},
year = 2003,
title = {Approximation Algorithms for Spreading Points},
number = {UU-CS-2003-040},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Geraerts, Roland and Overmars, Mark},
year = 2003,
title = {Clearance Based Path Optimization for Motion Planning},
number = {UU-CS-2003-039},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Jur~van~den and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2003,
title = {Using workspace information as a guide to non-uniform sampling in probabilistic roadmap planners},
number = {UU-CS-2003-037},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kamphuis, Arno and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2003,
title = {Motion Planning for Coherent Groups of Entities},
number = {UU-CS-2003-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, Pankaj~K. and Overmars, Mark and Sharir, Micha},
year = 2003,
title = {Computing Maximally Separated Sets in the Plane and Independent Sets in the Intersection Graph of Unit Disks},
number = {UU-CS-2003-035},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cabello, Sergii},
year = 2003,
title = {Planar embeddability of the vertices of a graph using a fixed point set is NP-hard},
number = {UU-CS-2003-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Giannopoulos, Panos and Knauer, Christian and Oostrum, René~van and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2003,
title = {The Area of Overlap of two Unions of Convex Objects under Translations},
number = {UU-CS-2003-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Typke, Rainer and Giannopoulos, Panos and Veltkamp, Remco~C. and Wiering, Frans and Oostrum, René~van},
year = 2003,
title = {Using Transportation Distances for Measuring Melodic Similarity},
number = {UU-CS-2003-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Reinbacher, Iris},
year = 2003,
title = {Good NEWS: Partitioning a Simple Polygon by Compass Direction},
number = {UU-CS-2003-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nienhuys, Han-Wen and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2003,
title = {Interactive needle insertions in 3D nonlinear material},
number = {UU-CS-2003-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nienhuys, Han-Wen and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2003,
title = {Maintaining mesh connectivity using a simplex-based data structure},
number = {UU-CS-2003-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Ginneken, Bram~van and Bartels, Wilbert and Laan, Maarten~J.~van~der and Blankensteijn, Jan~D. and Niessen, Wiro~J. and Viergever, Max~A.},
year = 2003,
title = {Automated segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysms in multi-spectral MR images},
number = {UU-CS-2003-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Ginneken, Bram~van and Niessen, Wiro~J. and Viergever, Max~A.},
year = 2003,
title = {Active shape model segmentation using a non-linear appearance model: application to 3D AAA segmentation},
number = {UU-CS-2003-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Ginneken, Bram~van and Viergever, Max~A. and Niessen, Wiro~J.},
year = 2003,
title = {Three-dimensional point distribution models for tubular objects},
number = {UU-CS-2003-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Ginneken, Bram~van and Viergever, Max~A. and Niessen, Wiro~J.},
year = 2003,
title = {Interactive segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysms in CTA images},
number = {UU-CS-2003-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gudmundsson, Joachim and Haverkort, Herman~J. and Park, Sang-Min and Shin, Chan-Su and Wolff, Alexander},
year = 2003,
title = {Facility Location and the Geometric Minimum-Diameter Spanning Tree},
number = {UU-CS-2003-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Grigore, Ovidiu and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2003,
title = {On the Implementation of Polygonal Approximation Algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-2003-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhuisen, Dennis and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2003,
title = {Motion Planning for Camera Movements in Virtual Environments},
number = {UU-CS-2003-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cabello, Sergio and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2003,
title = {Approximation algorithms for aligning points},
number = {UU-CS-2003-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, Arjan},
year = 2002,
title = {Mutual Information Aspects of Scale Space Images},
number = {UU-CS-2002-049},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nienhuys, Han-Wen and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2002,
title = {A Delaunay approach to interactive cutting in triangulated surfaces},
number = {UU-CS-2002-044},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Geraerts, Roland and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2002,
title = {A Comparative Study of Probabilistic Roadmap Planners},
number = {UU-CS-2002-041},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cabello, Sergio and Berg, Mark~de and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2002,
title = {Schematization of Networks},
number = {UU-CS-2002-040},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Bose, Prosenjit and Cheong, Otfried and Morin, Pat},
year = 2002,
title = {On Simplifying Dot Maps},
number = {UU-CS-2002-038},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Andersson, Mattias and Gudmundsson, Joachim and Levcopoulos, Christos and Narasimhan, Giri},
year = 2002,
title = {Balanced partition of minimum spanning trees},
number = {UU-CS-2002-037},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Gudmondsson, Joachim and Katz, Matthew~J. and Levcopoulos, Christos and Overmars, Mark~H. and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2002,
title = {TSP with Neighborhoods of Varying Size},
number = {UU-CS-2002-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheong, Otfried and Har-Peled, Sariel and Linial, Nathan and Matousek, Jiri},
year = 2002,
title = {The One-Round Voronoi Game},
number = {UU-CS-2002-034},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aloupis, Greg and Bose, Prosenjit and Demaine, Erik~D. and Langerman, Stefan and Meijer, Henk and Overmars, Mark and Toussaint, Godfried~T.},
year = 2002,
title = {Computing Signed Permutations of Polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2002-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haverkort, Herman~J. and Berg, Mark~de},
year = 2002,
title = {Box-Trees for Collision Checking in Industrial Installations},
number = {UU-CS-2002-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Soss, Michael and Erickson, Jeff and Overmars, Mark},
year = 2002,
title = {Preprocessing Chains for Fast Dihedral Rotations Is Hard or Even Impossible},
number = {UU-CS-2002-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tangelder, Johan~W.H. and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2002,
title = {Polyhedral model retrieval using weighted point sets},
number = {UU-CS-2002-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, Arjan and Florack, Luc},
year = 2002,
title = {Logical Filtering in Scale Space},
number = {UU-CS-2002-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheng, Siu-Wing and Cheong, Otfried and Everett, Hazel and Oostrum, René~van},
year = 2002,
title = {Hierarchical Decompositions and Circular Ray Shooting in Simple Polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2002-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijk, Steven~van and Thierens, Dirk and Berg, Mark~de},
year = 2002,
title = {On the design and analysis of competent GAs},
number = {UU-CS-2002-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Giannopoulos, Panos and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2002,
title = {A pseudo-metric for weighted point sets},
number = {UU-CS-2002-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheong, Otfried and Shin, Chan-Su and Vigneron, Antoine},
year = 2002,
title = {Computing farthest neighbors on a convex polytope},
number = {UU-CS-2002-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Asano, Tetsuo and Berg, Mark~de and Cheong, Otfried and Guibas, Leonidas~J. and Snoeyink, Jack and Tamaki, Hisao},
year = 2002,
title = {Spanning trees crossing few barriers},
number = {UU-CS-2002-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Chen, JingLiang and Goldberg, Ken and Overmars, Mark~H. and Halperin, Dan and Böhringer, Karl~F. and Zhuang, Yan},
year = 2002,
title = {Computing Tolerance Parameters for Fixturing and Feeding},
number = {UU-CS-2002-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2002,
title = {Recent developments in motion planning},
number = {UU-CS-2002-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Ginneken, Bram~van and Niessen, Wiro~J. and Maintz, J.~B.~Antoine and Viergever, Max~A.},
year = 2001,
title = {Active shape models exploiting slice-to-slice correlation in segmentation of 3D CTA AAA images},
number = {UU-CS-2001-61},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Niessen, Wiro~J. and Maintz, J.~B.~Antoine and Viergever, Max~A.},
year = 2001,
title = {Semi-automatic aortic endograft location for post-operative evaluation of endovascular aneurysm treatment},
number = {UU-CS-2001-60},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, Arjan and Florack, Luc},
year = 2001,
title = {The relevance of non-generic events in scale space models},
number = {UU-CS-2001-55},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, Hee-kap and Cheong, Otfried and Oostrum, Rene~van},
year = 2001,
title = {Casting a polyhedron with directional uncertainty},
number = {UU-CS-2001-48},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Na, Hyeon-Suk and Lee, Chung-Nim and Cheong, Otfried},
year = 2001,
title = {Voronoi diagrams on the sphere},
number = {UU-CS-2001-47},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, Hee-Kap and Cheong, Otfried and Shin, Chan-Su},
year = 2001,
title = {Building bridges between convex regions},
number = {UU-CS-2001-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, Hee-Kap and Cheng, Siu-Wing and Cheong, Otfried and Golin, Mordecai and Oostrum, Rene~van},
year = 2001,
title = {Competitive facility location along a highway},
number = {UU-CS-2001-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wolff, Alexander and Knipping, Lars and Kreveld, Marc~van and Strijk, Tycho and Agarwal, Pankaj~K.},
year = 2001,
title = {A simple and efficient algorithm for high-quality line labeling},
number = {UU-CS-2001-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijk, Steven~van and Kreveld, Marc~van and Strijk, Tycho and Wolff, Alexander},
year = 2001,
title = {Towards an evaluation of quality for names placement methods},
number = {UU-CS-2001-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, Mark},
year = 2001,
title = {It's all in the game},
number = {UU-CS-2001-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boor, V. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 2001,
title = {Gaussian sampling for probabilistic roadmap planners},
number = {UU-CS-2001-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 2001,
title = {On the creations of critical points in scale space with applications to medical image analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2001-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 2001,
title = {The application of catastrophe theory to medical image analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2001-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 2001,
title = {The application of catastrophe theory to image analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2001-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Gudmundsson, J.~G. and Hammar, M. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 2001,
title = {On R-trees with low query complexity},
number = {UU-CS-2001-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J. and Viergever, M.~A.},
year = 2001,
title = {Scale Space Hierarchy},
number = {UU-CS-2001-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 2001,
title = {Hierarchical pre-segmentation without prior knowledge},
number = {UU-CS-2001-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nienhuys, H.~W. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 2001,
title = {Supporting cuts and finite element deformation in interactive surgery simulation},
number = {UU-CS-2001-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, H.~K. and Mamoulis, N. and Wong, H.~M.},
year = 2001,
title = {A Survey on Multidimensional Access Methods},
number = {UU-CS-2001-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, H.~K. and Bose, P. and Czyzowicz, J. and Hanusse, N. and Kranakis, E. and Morin, P.},
year = 2001,
title = {Flipping Your Lid},
number = {UU-CS-2001-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Berretty, R-P.~M. and Goldberg, K. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 2001,
title = {Geometry and Part Feeding},
number = {UU-CS-2001-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Gudmundsson, J.~G. and Hammar, M. and Haverkort, H.~J.},
year = 2001,
title = {Box-Trees and R-Trees with Near-Optimal Query Time},
number = {UU-CS-2001-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 2001,
title = {Finding sets of points without empty convex 6-gons},
number = {UU-CS-2001-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sent, D. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 2001,
title = {Motion Planning in Environments with Dangerzones},
number = {UU-CS-2001-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gudmundsson, J.~G. and Hammar, M. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 2001,
title = {Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations},
number = {UU-CS-2001-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Katz, M.~J. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 2000,
title = {Models and motion planning},
number = {UU-CS-2000-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and David, H. and Katz, M.~J. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 2000,
title = {Guarding scenes against invasive hypercubes},
number = {UU-CS-2000-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berretty, R-P.~M. and Goldberg, K. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 2000,
title = {Trap design for vibratory bowl feeders},
number = {UU-CS-2000-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C. and Hagedoorn, M.},
year = 2000,
title = {Shape similarity measures, properties, and constructions},
number = {UU-CS-2000-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C. and Tanase, M.},
year = 2000,
title = {Content-based image retrieval systems: A survey},
number = {UU-CS-2000-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijk, S.~van and Thierens, D. and Berg, M.~T.~de},
year = 2000,
title = {Using genetic algorithms for solving hard problems in GIS},
number = {UU-CS-2000-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aichholzer, O. and Cortes, C. and Demaine, E.~D. and Dujmovic, V. and Erickson, J. and Meijer, H. and Overmars, M.~H. and Palop, B. and Ramaswami, S. and Toussaint, G.~T.},
year = 2000,
title = {Flipturning polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2000-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aichholzer, O. and Demaine, E.~D. and Erickson, J. and Hurtado, F. and Overmars, M.~H. and Soss, M. and Toussaint, G.~T.},
year = 2000,
title = {Reconfiguring convex polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2000-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Strijk, T.~W. and Verweij, A.~M. and Aardal, K.~I.},
year = 2000,
title = {Algorithms for maximum independent set applied to map labelling},
number = {UU-CS-2000-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berretty, R-P.~M. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 2000,
title = {Orienting polyhedral parts by pushing},
number = {UU-CS-2000-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Strijk, T.~W. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 2000,
title = {Practical extensions of point labeling in the slider model},
number = {UU-CS-2000-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Deza, M. and Pasechnik, D.},
year = 2000,
title = {On equicut graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2000-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Basch, J. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Guibas, L.~J. and Hershberger, J.},
year = 1999,
title = {Lower bounds for kinetic planar subdivisions},
number = {UU-CS-1999-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 1999,
title = {On the fatness of Minkowski sums},
number = {UU-CS-1999-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1999,
title = {A geometric model of retinocortical mechanisms},
number = {UU-CS-1999-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C. and Hagedoorn, M.},
year = 1999,
title = {State-of-the-art in shape matching},
number = {UU-CS-1999-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Strijk, T.~W. and Wolff, A.},
year = 1999,
title = {Labeling points with circles},
number = {UU-CS-1999-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hagedoorn, M. and Overmars, M.~H. and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 1999,
title = {New visibility partitions with applications in affine pattern matching},
number = {UU-CS-1999-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Franssen, M. and Veltkamp, R.~C. and Wesselink, W.},
year = 1999,
title = {Efficient evaluation of triangular B-splines},
number = {UU-CS-1999-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Wentink, C. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1999,
title = {Computing immobilizing grasps of polygonal parts},
number = {UU-CS-1999-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1999,
title = {Calculations on critical points under Gaussian blurring},
number = {UU-CS-1999-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1999,
title = {Visual representations embodying spacetime structure},
number = {UU-CS-1999-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hagedoorn, M. and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 1999,
title = {Metric pattern spaces},
number = {UU-CS-1999-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vleugels, J.~M. and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 1999,
title = {Efficient image retrieval through vantage objects},
number = {UU-CS-1999-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1998,
title = {Spatio-frequency analysis of scale-space filtering},
number = {UU-CS-1998-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijk, S.~van and Thierens, D. and Berg, M.~T.~de},
year = 1998,
title = {Robust genetic algorithms for high quality map labeling},
number = {UU-CS-1998-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van and Strijk, T.~W. and Wolff, A.},
year = 1998,
title = {Point labeling with sliding labels},
number = {UU-CS-1998-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1998,
title = {Non-linear scale-spaces isomorphic to the linear case},
number = {UU-CS-1998-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Kuijper, A.},
year = 1998,
title = {On the behaviour of critical points under Gaussian blurring},
number = {UU-CS-1998-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Kuijper, A.},
year = 1998,
title = {The topological structure of scale-space images},
number = {UU-CS-1998-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aronov, B. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Svestka, P. and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1998,
title = {Motion planning for multiple robots},
number = {UU-CS-1998-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Strijk, T.~W. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1998,
title = {Labeling a rectilinear map more efficiently},
number = {UU-CS-1998-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1998,
title = {Duality principles in image processing and analysis},
number = {UU-CS-1998-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Maintz, J.B.A. and Elsen, P.A.~van~den and Viergever, M.A.},
year = 1998,
title = {Registration of 3D Medical Images using Simple Morphlogical Tools},
number = {UU-CS-1998-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Maintz, J.B.A. and Viergever, M.A.},
year = 1998,
title = {An Overview of Medical Image Registration Methods},
number = {UU-CS-1998-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pluim, J.P.W. and Maintz, J.B.A. and Viergever, M.A.},
year = 1998,
title = {A Multiscale Approach to Mutual Information Matching},
number = {UU-CS-1998-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Maintz, J.B.A. and Viergever, M.A.},
year = 1998,
title = {A Survey of Medical Image Registration},
number = {UU-CS-1998-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {West, J. et~al.},
year = 1998,
title = {Comparison and Evaluation of Retrospective Intermodality Brain Image Registration Techniques},
number = {UU-CS-1998-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Maintz, J.~B.~A. and Meijering, E.~H.~W. and Viergever, M.~A.},
year = 1998,
title = {General multimodal elastic registration based on mutual information},
number = {UU-CS-1998-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, H.~K. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Bose, P. and Cheng, S-W. and Halperin, D. and Matousek, J. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1998,
title = {Separating an object from its cast},
number = {UU-CS-1998-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Katz, M.~J. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1998,
title = {Realistic input models for geometric algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-1998-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de},
year = 1998,
title = {Linear size binary space partitions for uncluttered scenes},
number = {UU-CS-1998-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheong, O. and Oostrum, R.~W.~van},
year = 1998,
title = {Reaching a polygon with directional uncertainty},
number = {UU-CS-1998-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1998,
title = {Motion extraction - An approach based on duality and Gauge theory},
number = {UU-CS-1998-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berretty, R-P.~M. and Goldberg, K. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 1998,
title = {Algorithms for fence design},
number = {UU-CS-1998-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berretty, R-P.~M. and Goldberg, K. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 1997,
title = {Computing fence designs for orienting parts},
number = {UU-CS-1997-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hagedoorn, M. and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 1997,
title = {Reliable and efficient pattern matching using an affine invariant metric},
number = {UU-CS-1997-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Niessen, W.},
year = 1997,
title = {A way to account for models in image analysis illustrated by motion extraction},
number = {UU-CS-1997-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1997,
title = {Measurement duality},
number = {UU-CS-1997-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Koenderink, J.},
year = 1997,
title = {A priori scale in classical scalar and density fields},
number = {UU-CS-1997-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Maas, R.},
year = 1997,
title = {Pseudo-linear scale-space theory Towards the integration of linear and morphologic scale-space paradigms},
number = {UU-CS-1997-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de},
year = 1997,
title = {Visualization of TINs},
number = {UU-CS-1997-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berretty, R-P.~M. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 1997,
title = {Dynamic motion planning in low obstacle density environments},
number = {UU-CS-1997-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Overmars, M.~H. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1997,
title = {Motion planning in environments with low obstacle density},
number = {UU-CS-1997-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Devillers, O. and Dobrindt, K.~T.~G. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1997,
title = {Computing a single cell in the overlay of two simple polygons},
number = {UU-CS-1997-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Niessen, W. and Nielsen, M.},
year = 1997,
title = {The intrinsic structure of optic flow incorporating measurement duality},
number = {UU-CS-1997-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Bose, P. and Bremmer, D. and Ramaswami, S. and Wilfong, G.},
year = 1996,
title = {Computing constrained minimum-width annuli of point sets},
number = {UU-CS-1996-54},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Goldberg, K.~Y. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Geometrix eccentricity and the complexity of manipulation plans},
number = {UU-CS-1996-49},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Coordinated path planning for multiple robots},
number = {UU-CS-1996-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C. and Wesselink, W.},
year = 1996,
title = {Variational modeling of triangular Bezier surfaces},
number = {UU-CS-1996-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wentink, C. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Algorithms for fixture design},
number = {UU-CS-1996-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Katz, M.~J. and Nielsen, F.},
year = 1996,
title = {On piercing sets of objects},
number = {UU-CS-1996-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Devillers, O. and Katz, M.~J.},
year = 1996,
title = {Optimal line bipartitions of point sets},
number = {UU-CS-1996-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Devillers, O. and Kreveld, M.~van and Schwarzkopf, O. and Teillaud, M.},
year = 1996,
title = {Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polygons Under Translations},
number = {UU-CS-1996-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schwarzkopf, O. and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1996,
title = {Range searching in low-density environments},
number = {UU-CS-1996-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Meijer, H. and Overmars, M.~H. and Wilfong, G.},
year = 1996,
title = {Computing the angularity tolerance},
number = {UU-CS-1996-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tangelder, J.W.H. and Vergeest, J.S.M. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Freeform Shape Machining Using Minkowski Operations},
number = {UU-CS-1996-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tangelder, J.W.H. and Vergeest, J.S.M. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Computation of Voxel Maps Containing Tool Access Directions for Machining Free-form Shapes},
number = {UU-CS-1996-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P.},
year = 1996,
title = {On probabilistic completeness and expected complexity for probabilistic path planning},
number = {UU-CS-1996-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Oostrum, R.~W.~van and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Simple traversal of a subdivision without extra storage},
number = {UU-CS-1996-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.~H. and Rao, A.~S. and Schwarzkopf, O. and Wentink, C.},
year = 1996,
title = {Immobilizing polygons against a wall},
number = {UU-CS-1996-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Knobbe, A.~J. and Kok, J.~N. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Robot motion planning in unknown environments using Neural Networks},
number = {UU-CS-1996-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P. and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1996,
title = {Exact motion planning for tractor-trailer robots},
number = {UU-CS-1996-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sekhavat, S. and Svestka, P. and Laumond, J-P. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Multi-level path planning for nonholonomic robots using semi-holonomic subsystems},
number = {UU-CS-1996-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1995,
title = {Motion planning in environments with low obstacle density},
number = {UU-CS-1995-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Everett, H. and Guibas, L.~J.},
year = 1995,
title = {The union of moving polygonal pseudodiscs - combinatorial bounds and applications},
number = {UU-CS-1995-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Schirra, S.},
year = 1995,
title = {A new approach to subdivision simplification},
number = {UU-CS-1995-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1995,
title = {Probabilistic path planning},
number = {UU-CS-1995-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de},
year = 1995,
title = {Trends and Developments in Computational Geometry},
number = {UU-CS-1995-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vleugels, J.~M. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1995,
title = {Approximating generalized Voronoi diagrams in any dimension},
number = {UU-CS-1995-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Dobrindt, K.~T.~G.},
year = 1995,
title = {On levels of detail in terrains},
number = {UU-CS-1995-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Matousek, J. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1995,
title = {Constructing levels in arrangements and higher order Voronoi diagrams},
number = {UU-CS-1995-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Groot, M.~de and Overmars, M.},
year = 1994,
title = {New Results on Binary Space Partitions in the Plane},
number = {UU-CS-1994-51},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Kriegman, D. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1994,
title = {Complete algorithms for feeding polyhedral parts using pivot grasps},
number = {UU-CS-1994-49},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Schwarzkopf, O. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1994,
title = {The overlay of lower envelopes and its applications},
number = {UU-CS-1994-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Matousek, J. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1994,
title = {Computing many faces in arrangements of lines and segments},
number = {UU-CS-1994-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Halperin, D. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Spheres, molecules, and hidden surface removal},
number = {UU-CS-1994-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de},
year = 1994,
title = {Computing half-plane and strip discrepancy of planar point sets},
number = {UU-CS-1994-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Motion planning for car-like robots using a probabilistic learning approach},
number = {UU-CS-1994-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kavraki, L. and Svestka, P. and Latombe, J-C. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Probabilistic roadmaps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces},
number = {UU-CS-1994-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ferrucci, V. and Overmars, M.~H. and Rao, A.~S. and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1994,
title = {Hunting Voronoi vertices},
number = {UU-CS-1994-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 1994,
title = {Range searching and point location among fat objects},
number = {UU-CS-1994-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Guibas, L.~J. and Halperin, D.},
year = 1994,
title = {Vertical decompositions for triangles in 3-space},
number = {UU-CS-1994-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Asberg, B. and Blanco, G. and Bose, P. and Garcia-Lopez, J. and Overmars, M.~H. and Toussaint, G.~T. and Wilfong, G. and Zhu, B.},
year = 1994,
title = {Feasibility of design in stereolithography},
number = {UU-CS-1994-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1994,
title = {Friction and part curvature in parallel-jaw grasping},
number = {UU-CS-1994-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.S. and Goldberg, K.Y.},
year = 1994,
title = {Computing Grasp Functions},
number = {UU-CS-1994-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bose, F. and Guibas, L.~J. and Lubiw, A. and Overmars, M.~H. and Souvaine, D. and Urrutia, J.},
year = 1994,
title = {The floodlight problem},
number = {UU-CS-1994-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Dobrindt, K.~T.~G. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1994,
title = {On lazy randomized incremental construction},
number = {UU-CS-1994-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Guibas, L.~J. and Halperin, D. and Overmars, M.~H. and Schwarzkopf, O. and Sharir, M. and Teillaud, M.},
year = 1994,
title = {Reaching a goal with directional uncertainty},
number = {UU-CS-1994-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.~H. and Svestka, P.},
year = 1994,
title = {A probablisitic learning approach to motion planning},
number = {UU-CS-1994-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1994,
title = {Trekking in the Alps without freezing or getting tired},
number = {UU-CS-1994-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1993,
title = {Manipulating algebraic parts in the plane},
number = {RUU-CS-93-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vleugels, J.~M. and Kok, J.~N. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1993,
title = {Motion planning using a colored Kohonen network},
number = {RUU-CS-93-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1993,
title = {Teaching computational geometry},
number = {RUU-CS-93-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1993,
title = {Rectilinear Decompositions with Low Stabbing Number},
number = {RUU-CS-93-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Groot, M.~de and Overmars, M.},
year = 1993,
title = {Perfect Binary Space Partitions},
number = {RUU-CS-93-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1993,
title = {Placing registration marks},
number = {RUU-CS-93-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Matousek, J. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1993,
title = {Piecewise linear paths among convex obstacles},
number = {RUU-CS-93-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P.},
year = 1993,
title = {A probabilistic approach to motion planning for car-like robots},
number = {RUU-CS-93-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1993,
title = {Shape from diameter: positive results},
number = {RUU-CS-93-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1993,
title = {Shape from diameter: negative results},
number = {RUU-CS-93-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gajentaan, A. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1993,
title = {On a class of O(n2) problems in computational geometry},
number = {RUU-CS-93-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bonsangue, Marcello and Kok, Joost~N.},
year = 1993,
title = {Isomorphisms between Predicate and State Transformers},
number = {RUU-CS-93-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Udink, R.~T. and Kok, J.~N.},
year = 1993,
title = {On the relation between Unity properties and sequences of states},
number = {RUU-CS-93-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haring, S. and Viergever, M.A. and Kok, J.N.},
year = 1993,
title = {A Multiscale Approach to Image Segmentation Using Kohonen Networks},
number = {RUU-CS-93-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de},
year = 1993,
title = {Generalized Hidden Surface Removal},
number = {RUU-CS-93-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Krekelberg, B. and Kok, J.N.},
year = 1992,
title = {A lateral inhibition neural network that emulates a winner-takes-all algorithm},
number = {RUU-CS-92-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Matouv{s}ek, J. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1992,
title = {A deterministic algorithm for the three-dimensional diameter problem},
number = {RUU-CS-92-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.S.~de and Kok, J.N. and Palamidessi, C. and Rutten, J.J.M.M.},
year = 1992,
title = {On blocks; locality and asynchronous communication (extended abstract)},
number = {RUU-CS-92-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bonsangue, M. and Kok, J.N.},
year = 1992,
title = {Semantics, orderings and recursion in the weakest precondition calculus},
number = {RUU-CS-92-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Robert, J.-M. and Guibas, L.J. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1992,
title = {The exact fitting problem in higher dimensions},
number = {RUU-CS-92-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1992,
title = {A random approach to motion planning},
number = {RUU-CS-92-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1992,
title = {Cuttings and Applications},
number = {RUU-CS-92-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Halperin, D. and Overmars, M. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1992,
title = {Sparse arrangements and the number of views of polyhedral scenes},
number = {RUU-CS-92-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kok, J.N.},
year = 1992,
title = {Current trends in the semantics of dataflow},
number = {RUU-CS-92-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Stappen, A.F.~van~der and Halperin, D.},
year = 1992,
title = {The complexity of the free space for a robot moving amidst fat obstacles},
number = {RUU-CS-92-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.~S.~de and Kok, J.~N. and Palamidessi, C. and Rutten, J.~J.~M.~M.},
year = 1991,
title = {A paradigm for asynchronous communication and its application to concurrent constraint programming},
number = {RUU-CS-91-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jonsson, B. and Kok, J.~N.},
year = 1991,
title = {Towards a complete hierarchy of compositional dataflow models},
number = {RUU-CS-91-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Overmars, M.H. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1991,
title = {Computing and verifying depth orders},
number = {RUU-CS-91-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Point location in fat subdivisions},
number = {RUU-CS-91-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Katz, M.J. and Overmars, M.H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1991,
title = {Efficient hidden surface removal for objects with small union size},
number = {RUU-CS-91-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Everett, H. and Wagner, H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Translating Queries for Sets of polygons},
number = {RUU-CS-91-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Snoeyink, J.},
year = 1991,
title = {Two- and three-dimensional point location in Rectangular subdivisions},
number = {RUU-CS-91-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Halperin, D. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Efficient ray shooting and hidden surface removal},
number = {RUU-CS-91-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Adegeest, J. and Overmars, M.H. and Snoeyink, J.},
year = 1991,
title = {Minimum-link c-oriented path queries},
number = {RUU-CS-91-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Nilsson, B.J. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Shortest path queries in rectilinear words},
number = {RUU-CS-91-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.A. and Kreveld, M.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Intersection queries in curved objects},
number = {RUU-CS-91-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Snoeyink, J.},
year = 1991,
title = {Point location in zones of k-flats in arrangements},
number = {RUU-CS-91-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de},
year = 1991,
title = {Dynamic output-sensitive hidden surface removal for c-Oriented polyhedra},
number = {RUU-CS-91-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Union-copy structures and dynamic segment trees},
number = {RUU-CS-91-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.S.~de and Kok, J.N. and Palamidessi, C. and Rutten, J.J.M.M.},
year = 1990,
title = {The failure of failures towards a paradigm for asynchronous communication},
number = {RUU-CS-90-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kok, J.N.},
year = 1990,
title = {On logic programming and the refinement calculus semantics based program transformations},
number = {RUU-CS-90-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Hidden surface removel for $c$-oriented polyhedra},
number = {RUU-CS-90-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Poutré, J.A.~La and Leeuwen, J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Maintaining 2- and 3-connected components in graphs, Part I: 2- and 3-edge-connected components},
number = {RUU-CS-90-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Hidden surface removal for axis-parallel polyhedra (extended abstract)},
number = {RUU-CS-90-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Nilsson, B.J. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Finding shortest paths in the presence of orthogonal obstacles using a combined L1 and link metric},
number = {RUU-CS-90-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van and Overmars, M. and Agarwal, P.},
year = 1990,
title = {Intersection queries in sets of disks},
number = {RUU-CS-90-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1990,
title = {Merging visibility maps},
number = {RUU-CS-90-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sharir, M. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {An improved technique for output-sensitive hidden surface removal},
number = {RUU-CS-89-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de},
year = 1989,
title = {Translating polygons with applications to hidden surface removal},
number = {RUU-CS-89-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Overmars, M.H. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1989,
title = {Finding complete bipartite subgraphs in bipartite graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-89-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Yap, C.K.},
year = 1989,
title = {New upperbounds in Klee's measure problem},
number = {RUU-CS-89-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sharir, M. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {A simple output-sensitive algorithm for hidden surface removal},
number = {RUU-CS-89-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schipper, H. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {Dynamic partition trees},
number = {RUU-CS-89-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Goodrich, M.T. and Atallah, M.J. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {An input-size/output-size trade-off in the time-complexity of rectilinear hidden surface removal},
number = {RUU-CS-89-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H. and Welzl, E.},
year = 1989,
title = {Ranking intervals under visibility constraints},
number = {RUU-CS-89-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Schipper, H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1989,
title = {Storing line segments in partition trees},
number = {RUU-CS-89-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {Concatenable structures for decomposable problems},
number = {RUU-CS-89-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de},
year = 1989,
title = {On rectilinear link distance},
number = {RUU-CS-89-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Guibas, L.J. and Overmars, M.H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1989,
title = {Counting and reporting intersections in arrangements},
number = {RUU-CS-89-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Guibas, L. and Overmars, M. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1989,
title = {Ray shooting, implicit point location, and related queries in arrangements of segments},
number = {RUU-CS-89-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.J.~van and Berg, M.T.~de},
year = 1989,
title = {Finding squares and rectangles in sets of points},
number = {RUU-CS-89-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {Computational geometry and its application to computer graphics},
number = {RUU-CS-89-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M. and Rote, G. and Woeginger, G.},
year = 1989,
title = {Finding minimum area k-gons},
number = {RUU-CS-89-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Halperin, D. and Overmars, M.H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1988,
title = {Efficient motion planning for an L-shaped object},
number = {RUU-CS-88-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Concatenable segment trees},
number = {RUU-CS-88-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Carlsson, S. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {A general approach to dominance in the plane},
number = {RUU-CS-88-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Divided k-d trees},
number = {RUU-CS-88-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Smid, M.H.M. and Overmars, M.H. and Torenvliet, L. and Boas, P.~van~Emde},
year = 1988,
title = {Maintaining multiple representations of dynamic data structures},
number = {RUU-CS-88-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Guibas, L. and Overmars, M.H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1988,
title = {Intersecting line segments, ray shooting, and other applications of geometric partitioning techniques},
number = {RUU-CS-88-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Yap, C.K.},
year = 1988,
title = {New upper bounds in Klees measure problem (extended abstract)},
number = {RUU-CS-88-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Connectability problems},
number = {RUU-CS-88-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Scholten, B. and Vincent, I.},
year = 1988,
title = {Sets without empty convex 6-gons},
number = {RUU-CS-88-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dobkin, D.P. and Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Searching for empty convex polygons},
number = {RUU-CS-88-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Dominance in the presence of obstacles},
number = {RUU-CS-88-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Welzl, E.},
year = 1988,
title = {New methods for computing visibility graphs (extended abstract)},
number = {RUU-CS-88-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lentfert, P. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Data structures in a real-time environment},
number = {RUU-CS-88-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Smid, M.H.M. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1987,
title = {Maintaining range trees in secondary memory Part II; lower bounds},
number = {RUU-CS-87-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Smid, M.H.M. and Berg, M.T.~de and Kreveld, M.J.~van},
year = 1987,
title = {Maintaining range trees in secondary memory Part I; Partitions},
number = {RUU-CS-87-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Smid, M.H.M. and Torenvliet, L. and Boas, P.~van~Emde and Overmars, M.H.~},
year = 1987,
title = {Two models for the reconstruction problem for dynamic data structures},
number = {RUU-CS-87-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Welzl, E.},
year = 1987,
title = {Construction of sparse visibility graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-87-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Levcopoulos, C. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1987,
title = {A balanced search tree with 0(1) worst-case update time},
number = {RUU-CS-87-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1987,
title = {Geometric data structures for computer graphics; an overview},
number = {RUU-CS-87-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1987,
title = {Computational geometry on a grid; an overview},
number = {RUU-CS-87-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Smid, M.H.M.},
year = 1987,
title = {Partitioning range trees},
number = {RUU-CS-87-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1987,
title = {Efficient data structures for range searching on a grid},
number = {RUU-CS-87-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Smid, M.H.M. and Torenvliet, L. and Boas, P.~van~Emde and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1986,
title = {The reconstruction of dynamic data structures},
number = {RUU-CS-86-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Wood, D.},
year = 1986,
title = {On rectangular visibility},
number = {RUU-CS-86-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Karlsson, R.G. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1986,
title = {Normalized divide and conquer ; a scaling technique for solving multi-dimensional problems},
number = {RUU-CS-86-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Karlsson, R.G. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1986,
title = {Scanline algorithms on a grid},
number = {RUU-CS-86-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.W.Scholten and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1985,
title = {General methods for adding range restrictions to decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-85-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1985,
title = {Range searching on a grid},
number = {RUU-CS-85-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1985,
title = {Geometric data structures for computer graphics},
number = {RUU-CS-85-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kriegel, H.P. and R.Mannss and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1985,
title = {The inverted file tree machine!: efficient multi-key retrieval for VLSI},
number = {RUU-CS-85-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Welzl, E.},
year = 1985,
title = {The complexity of cutting paper},
number = {RUU-CS-85-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1984,
title = {Zooming by repeated range detection},
number = {RUU-CS-84-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1984,
title = {$ast$ Data structures (190 p., in Dutch)},
number = {RUU-CS-84-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1983,
title = {The locus approach},
number = {RUU-CS-83-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1983,
title = {Batched dynamic solutions to decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-83-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1983,
title = {Range searching in a set of line segments},
number = {RUU-CS-83-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {On the equivalence of some rectangle problems},
number = {RUU-CS-81-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Overmars, M.H. and Wood, D.},
year = 1981,
title = {VLSI layouts of perfect binary trees (to appear)},
number = {RUU-CS-81-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {Transforming semi-dynamic data structures into dynamic structures},
number = {RUU-CS-81-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {Searching in the past II- general transformations},
number = {RUU-CS-81-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {The art of dynamizing},
number = {RUU-CS-81-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {Searching in the past I},
number = {RUU-CS-81-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {Stratified balanced search trees},
number = {RUU-CS-81-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1981,
title = {Maintenance of configurations in the plane (revised edition)},
number = {RUU-CS-81-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {On the equivalence of rectangle containment, rectangle enclosure and ECDF-searching},
number = {RUU-CS-81-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Worst case optimal insertion and deletion methods for decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-80-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1980,
title = {Dynamization of order decomposable set problems},
number = {RUU-CS-80-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1980,
title = {General methods for the all elements and all pairs problem},
number = {RUU-CS-80-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Dynamization of decomposable searching problems yielding good worst case bounds},
number = {RUU-CS-80-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Notes on maintenance of configurations in the plane},
number = {RUU-CS-80-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Dynamic multi-dimensional data structures based on quad- and k-d trees},
number = {RUU-CS-80-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Some principles for dynamizing decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-80-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {Two general methods for dynamizing decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-79-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {Maintenance of configurations in the plane},
number = {RUU-CS-79-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {Further comments on Bykat's convex hull algorithm},
number = {RUU-CS-79-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {Rapid subtree indentification revisited},
number = {RUU-CS-79-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}