Technical reports: Informatica Algemeen

report (1)

techrep_id file title / author
UU-CS-2011-027 pdf Utrecht Multi-Person Motion (MPM) Benchmark
N.P. van der Aa, X. Luo, G.J. Giezeman, R.T. Tan, and R.C. Veltkamp

BibTeX entry

author = {Aa, N.P.~van~der and Luo, X. and Giezeman, G.J. and Tan, R.T. and Veltkamp, R.C.},
year = 2011,
title = {Utrecht Multi-Person Motion (MPM) Benchmark},
number = {UU-CS-2011-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}