Technical reports: Complete overview

reports (1473)

techrep_id file title / author
UU-CS-2019-012 pdf Understanding Computation: A General Theory of Computational Processes
Jan van Leeuwen and Jiri Wiedermann
UU-CS-2019-011 pdf What do you mean? The CIRCA-DIPS method for root cause analysis of data interoperability problems within aviation information systems
Cassandra Renes and Marco Spruit
UU-CS-2019-010 pdf Fundamental Constructs for Derivation Business Rules
Eline de Haan, Marco Spruit and Martijn Zoet
UU-CS-2019-009 pdf M-RAM: a Mobile Risk Assessment Method for Enterprise Mobile Security
Joey Janssen and Marco Spruit
UU-CS-2019-008 pdf On the Nature of Links between Requirements and Architectures: Case Studies on User Story Utilization in Agile Development
Sabine Molenaar, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Abel Menkveld, Thijs Smudde, Remmelt Blessinga, Fabiano Dalpiaz
UU-CS-2019-007 pdf Van zelfhulpboek tot interactieve app: Analyse van het boek ‘Geweldloze communicatie’
Robbert Jan Beun
UU-CS-2019-006 pdf 12-weken programma ‘Slapen’
Robbert Jan Beun
UU-CS-2019-005 pdf Van zelfhulpboek tot interactieve app: Analyse van het boek ‘Compassie in je leven’
Robbert Jan Beun
UU-CS-2019-004 pdf A Research Agenda for Formal Methods in the Netherlands
Marieke Huisman, Wouter Swierstra and Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2019-003 pdf The CYSFAM Questionnaire: Assessing CYberSecurity Focus Area Maturity
Marco Spruit, Sonny van Lingen and Bilge Yigit Ozkan
UU-CS-2019-002 pdf Evaluation of classification models for retrieving experimental sections from full-text publications
Armel Lefebvre, Jorrit Berendsen and Marco Spruit
UU-CS-2019-001 pdf BIDQI: The Business Impacts of Data Quality Interdependencies Model
Marco Spruit and Vincent van der Linden
UU-CS-2018-005 not
Some Reachability Results on Combining Petri Nets with Data Models
Jan Martijn van der Werf & Artem Polyvyanyy
UU-CS-2018-004 pdf On a Synergy Between Data and Processes
Jan Martijn van der Werf, Artem Polyvyanyy, Sietse Overbeek and Rick Brouwers
UU-CS-2018-003 pdf Flower power: Finding optimal plant cutting strategies through a combination of optimization and data mining
Han Hoogeveen, Jakub Tomczyk and Tom van der Zanden
UU-CS-2018-002 pdf The OMC Approach: Towards a method for digital business strategy formulation
Crystal Reijnen, Sjaak Brinkkemper and Sietse Overbeek
UU-CS-2018-001 pdf Synchronizing transportation of people with reduced mobility through airport terminals
Rene van Twist, Marjan van den Akker and Han Hoogeveen
UU-CS-2017-019 pdf Reasoning on Architecture Design
Pim de Jong, Marlies van Steenbergen, Jan Martijn van der Werf and Floris Bex
UU-CS-2017-018 pdf Harmonic Subjectivity in Popular Music
Hendrik Vincent Koops, Bas de Haas, John Ashley Burgoyne, Jeroen Bransen, Anja Volk
UU-CS-2017-017 pdf All-inclusive Software Architecture Video Wall - building a Prototype
Samantha van Dalen, Sjaak Brinkkemper and Jan Martijn van der Werf
UU-CS-2017-016 pdf An intelligent tutor to learn the evaluation of microcontroller I/O programming expressions
Hugo Arends, Bastiaan Heeren, Hieke Keuning and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2017-015 pdf Designing and comparing two Scratch-based teaching approaches for students aged 10-12 years — extended version
Nienke van Es and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2017-014 pdf Visually Embodying Well-Typedness of Algebraic Data Structures through Maramafication
Chide Groenouwe and John-Jules Meyer
UU-CS-2017-013 pdf Building a generic feedback system for rule-based problems
Nico Naus and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2017-012 pdf Analysing and adapting communication scenarios in virtual learning environments for one-to-one communication skills training
Raja Lala, Johan Jeuring and Timo Overbeek.
UU-CS-2017-011 pdf Cognitive Modelling with Term Rewriting
Ivica Milovanovic, and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2017-010 pdf Tracking Maximum Ascending Subsequences in Sequences of Partially Ordered Data
Ton Kloks, Richard B. Tan and Jan van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2017-009 pdf Towards the adoption of DevOps in sotfware product organizations: A maturity model approach
Rico de Feijter, Rob van Vliet, Erik Jagroep, Sietse Overbeek and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2017-008 pdf Using scenario smells to analyse scripted communication scenarios in virtual learning environments
Timo Overbeek, Johan Jeuring and Raja Lala
UU-CS-2017-007 pdf An extensible domain-specific language for describing problem-solving procedures
Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2017-006 pdf Code quality Issues in Student Programs
Hieke Keuning, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2017-005 pdf Scenarios in virtual learning environments for one-to-one communication skills training
Raja Lala, Johan Jeuring, Jordy van Dortmont and Marcell van Geest
UU-CS-2017-004 pdf Risk Mediation in Association Rules: Application Examples
Michiel Meulendijk, Marco Spruit and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2017-003 pdf A Generic Framework for Model-Driven Analysis of Heterogeneous Legacy Software Systems
Amir Saeidi, Jurriaan Hage, Ravi Khadka and Slinger Jansen
UU-CS-2017-002 pdf Structure-aware Version Control: A generic approach using Agda
Victor Cacciari Miraldo and Wouter Swierstra
UU-CS-2017-001 pdf Prediction of Quadcopter State through Multi-Microphone Side-Channel Fusion
Hendrik Vincent Koops, Kashish Garg, Munsung (Bill) Kim, Jonathan Li, Anja Volk and Franz Franchetti
UU-CS-2016-012 pdf A Lazy Language Needs a Lazy Type System: Introducing Polymorphic Contexts
Doaitse Swierstra, Marcos Viera and Atze Dijkstra
UU-CS-2016-011 pdf Context-Dependent Type Error Diagnosis for Functional Languages
Alejandro Serrano Mena and Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2016-010 pdf From Attribute Grammars to Constraint Handling Rules
Alejandro Serrano Mena and Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2016-009 pdf Generating hints and feedback for Hilbert-style axiomatic proofs
Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2016-008 pdf Talk and Tools: The Best of Both Worlds in Mobile User Interfaces of E-coaching
Robbert Jan Beun, Siska Fitrianie, Fiemke Griffioen-Both, Sandor Spruit, Corine Horsch, Jaap Lancee and Willem-Paul Brinkman
UU-CS-2016-007 pdf Question Answering and Cognitive Automata with Background Intelligence
Jan van Leeuwen and Jiri Wiedermann
UU-CS-2016-006 pdf Making sense of risks: A hybrid argumentative-narrative approach to risk assessment
Bas Hovestad and Floris Bex
UU-CS-2016-005 pdf Vorm en effect van Programmeeronderwijs in het primair onderwijs
Johan Jeuring, Gemma Corbalan, Joek van Montfort, Nienke van Es and Hanneke Leeuwestein
UU-CS-2016-004 pdf On the Subsequence Theorem of Erdős and Szekeres
Jan van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2016-003 pdf The Automatic Generation of Knowledge Spaces From Problem Solving Strategies
Ivica Milovanovic and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2016-002 pdf An implementation architecture for scenario-based simulations
Raja Lala, Johan Jeuring and Jordy van Dortmont
UU-CS-2016-001 pdf Towards a Systematic Review of Automated Feedback Generation for Programming Exercises – Extended Version
Hieke Keuning, Johan Jeuring and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2015-021 pdf A domain reasoner for propositional logic
Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2015-020 pdf Accuracy Test of Software Architecture Compliance Checking Tools – Test Instruction
Leo Pruijt, Christian Köppe, Jan Martijn van der Werf and Sjaak Brinkkemper.
UU-CS-2015-019 pdf Ask-Elle: an adaptable programming tutor for Haskell giving automated feedback
Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring andThomas van Binsbergen
UU-CS-2015-018 pdf Torso Crowds
Sybren Stüvel, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann, Frank van der Stappen and Arjan Egges
UU-CS-2015-017 pdf The Effect of Simulations and Games on Learning Objectives in Tertiary Education: A Systematic Review
Stephanie de Smale, Tom Overmans, Johan Jeuring and Liesbeth van de Grint
UU-CS-2015-016 pdf Open Problems of the Lorentz Workshop, "Enumeration Algorithms using Structure"
Hans Bodlaender, Endre Boros, Pinar Heggernes, Dieter Kratsch
UU-CS-2015-015 pdf Proceedings TFPIE 2015: the Fourth International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in Education
Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2015-014 pdf Type Class Instances for Type-Level Lambdas in Haskell
Thijs Alkemade and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2015-013 pdf Scheduling Electric Vehicles
Marcel van Kooten Niekerk, Marjan van den Akker and Han Hoogeveen
UU-CS-2015-012 pdf Type-Changing Rewriting and Semantics-Preserving Transformation
Sean Leather, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh and Bram Schuur
UU-CS-2015-011 pdf Identifying Companies in Open Source Software Ecosystems
Jakob Buis and SlingerJansen
UU-CS-2015-010 pdf Column generation strategies and decomposition approaches to the size robust multiple knapsack problem
Denise Tönissen, Marjan van den Akker and Han Hoogeveen
UU-CS-2015-009 pdf Demo: Communicate! — a serious game for communication skills
Johan Jeuring, Frans Grosfeld, Bastiaan Heeren, Michiel Hulsbergen, Richta IJntema, Vincent Jonker, Nicole Mastenbroek, Maarten van der Smagt, Frank Wijmans, Majanne Wolters and Henk van Zeijts
UU-CS-2015-008 pdf Quality Metrics for Sustainability - The operational Energy Use of Application Software
Ruvar Spauwen, Jan Martijn van der Werf, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Erik Jagroep and Leen Blom
UU-CS-2015-007 pdf A pilot study of the use of LogEx, lessons learned
Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2015-006 pdf An analysis of manoeuvring in dense crowds
Sybren Stüvel, Thijs de Goeij, Frank van der Stappen and Arjan Egges
UU-CS-2015-005 pdf On Streams and Incentives: A Synthesis of Individual and Collective Crowd Motion
Arthur van Goethem, Norman Jaklin, Atlas Cook IV and Roland Geraerts
UU-CS-2015-004 pdf Crowd-centric requirements engineering: A method based on crowdsourcing and gamification
Remco Snijders, Atilla Özüm, Fabiano Dalpiaz and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2015-003 pdf A Structure-guided Approach to Capturing Bayesian Reasoning about Legal Evidence in Argumentation
Sjoerd Timmer, John-Jules Meyer, Henry Prakken, Silja Renooij and Bart Verheij
UU-CS-2015-002 pdf Exceptional Model Mining with Tree-Constrained Gradient Ascent
Thomas Krak and Ad Feelders
UU-CS-2015-001 pdf A Note on Recursively Enumerable Classes of Partial Recursive Functions
Jan van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2014-028 pdf Decomposition approaches for recoverable robust optimization problems
Marjan van den Akker, Paul Bouman, Han Hoogeveen and Denise Tonissen
UU-CS-2014-027 pdf Effectieve computerapplicaties: vergelijk de didactiek, niet het domein
Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2014-026 pdf Strategy-based feedback in a programming tutor
Hieke Keuning, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2014-025 pdf Model solutions and properties for diagnosing student programs in Ask-Elle
Johan Jeuring, Thomas van Binsbergen, Alex Gerdes and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2014-024 pdf Sensitivity of Multi-dimensional Bayesian Classifiers
Janneke Bolt and Silja Renooij
UU-CS-2014-023 pdf The business intelligence as a service capability maturity model
Tim de Boer and Marco Spruit
UU-CS-2014-022 pdf The MD3M Questionnaire: Assessing Master Data Management Maturity
Marco Spruit and Katharina Pietzka
UU-CS-2014-021 pdf Evaluating Haskell expressions in a tutoring environment
Tim Olmer, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2014-020 pdf Shortcutting Directed and Undirected Networks with a Degree Constraint
Richard B. Tan, Erik Jan van Leeuwen and Jan van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2014-019 pdf DOMain Specific Type Error Diagnosis (DOMSTED)
Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2014-018 pdf A Quantitative Comparison of Semantic Web Page Segmentation Approaches
Robert Kreuzer, Jurriaan Hage en Ad Feelders
UU-CS-2014-017 pdf Cost versus Precision for Approximate Typing for Python
Levin Fritz and Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2014-016 pdf Bounding the Locus of the Center of Mass for a Part with Shape Variation
Fatemeh Panahi and Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2014-015 pdf Collecting annotations for induced musical emotion via online game with a purpose Emotify
Anna Aljanaki, Frans Wiering and Remco Veltkamp
UU-CS-2014-014 pdf Separating the Classes of Recursively Enumerable Languages Based on Machine Size
Jan van Leeuwen and Jiri Wiedermann
UU-CS-2014-013 pdf Exploiting Attribute Grammars to Achieve Automatic Tupling
Jeroen Bransen, Atze Dijkstra and Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2014-012 pdf Test Prioritization based on Change Sensitivity: an Industrial Case Study
Cu Nguyen, Paolo Tonella, Tanja Vos, Nelly Condori, Bilha Mendelson, Daniel Citron and Onn Shehory
UU-CS-2014-011 pdf Evaluating Rogue User Testing in Industry: an Experience Report
Sebastian Bauersfeld, Antonio de Rojas and Tanja Vos
UU-CS-2014-010 pdf Evaluating Rogue User an Industrial Case Study at Softeam
Sebastian Bauersfeld, Nelly Condori-Fernandez, Tanja Vos, Etienne Brosse and Alessandra Bagnato
UU-CS-2014-009 pdf Evaluating the FITTEST Automated Testing Tools in SOFTEAM: an Industrial Case Study
Etienne Brosse, Alessandra Bagnato, Tanja Vos and Nelly Condori
UU-CS-2014-008 pdf Analyzing the Applicability of a Combinatorial Testing Tool in an Industrial Environment
Nelly Condori-Fernández, Tanja Vos, Peter Kruse, Etienne Brosse and Alessandra Bagnato
UU-CS-2014-007 pdf Orienting a Part with Shape Variation
Fatemeh Panahi and Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2014-006 pdf Cybersecurity in the news: A grounded theory approach to better understand its emerging prominence
Tjalling Reijmer and Marco Spruit
UU-CS-2014-005 pdf Feedback services for stepwise exercises
Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2014-004 pdf Industrial Perception of Legacy Software System and their Modernization
Belfrit Batlajery, Ravi Khadka, Amir Saeidi, Slinger Jansen and Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2014-003 pdf Turing Machines with One-sided Advice and the Acceptance of the co-RE Languages
Jan van Leeuwen and Jiri Wiedermann
UU-CS-2014-002 pdf Characterising Seismic Data
Roel Bertens and Arno Siebes
UU-CS-2014-001 pdf Exploiting Monotonicity Constraints in Active Learning for Ordinal Classification
Pieter Soons and Ad Feelders
UU-CS-2013-021 pdf Exploring Big Data opportunities for Online Customer Segmentation
Georgia Fotaki, Marco Spruit, Sjaak Brinkkemper and Dlon Meijer
UU-CS-2013-020 pdf Intention-mining: A solution to process participant support in process aware information systems
Elena Epure, Charlotte Hug, Rébecca Deneckère and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2013-019 pdf University Students' Achievement Goals and Help-Seeking Strategies in an Intelligent Tutoring System
Bram Vaessen, Frans Prins and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2013-018 pdf The 5/10 method: a method for designing educational games
Johan Jeuring, Rick van Rooij and Nicolas Pronost
UU-CS-2013-017 pdf Type-Changing Rewriting and Semantics-Preserving Transformation
Sean Leather, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh and Bram Schuur
UU-CS-2013-016 pdf Finding palindromes: variants and algorithms
Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2013-015 pdf Sharing is Caring - A Decision Support Model for Multi-Tenant Architectures
Michiel Pors, Leen Blom, Jaap Kabbedijk and Slinger Jansen
UU-CS-2013-014 pdf Usage of Generic Programming on Hackage — Experience report —
Nikolaos Bezirgiannis, Johan Jeuring and Sean Leather
UU-CS-2013-013 pdf Haskell in the Large
Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2013-012 pdf Towards automatic generationof domain-specific mathematical input support
Eric Andre ́s, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2013-011 pdf Type-changing program transformations with pattern matching
Joeri van Eekelen, Sean Leather and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2013-010 pdf An Efficient Proximity Probing Algorithm for Metrology
Fatemeh Panahi, Aviv Adler, A. Frank van der Stappen and Ken Goldberg
UU-CS-2013-009 pdf Inductive triple graphs: a purely functional approach to represent RDF
Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Johan Jeuring and Jose María Álvarez Rodríguez
UU-CS-2013-008 pdf The history of finding palindromes
Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2013-007 pdf Watertight Scenes from Urban LiDAR and Planar Surfaces
Marc van Kreveld, Thijs van Lankveld en Remco Veltkamp
UU-CS-2013-006 pdf A data architecture for research in mobile health
Anna van der Zalm, Sandor Spruit and Robbert-Jan Beun
UU-CS-2013-005 pdf Parse Your Options
Doaitse Swierstra and Atze Dijkstra
UU-CS-2013-004 pdf A formal model of coaching progressive relaxation
Rogier van Eijk
UU-CS-2013-003 pdf A DSL for describing the artificial intelligence in real-time video games
Tom Hastjarjanto, Johan Jeuring and Sean Leather
UU-CS-2013-002 pdf A formalisation of argument schemes for case-based reasoning in ASPIC+
Henry Prakken, Adam Wyner, Trevor Bench-Capon and Katie Atkinson
UU-CS-2013-001 pdf RFID Security and Privacy: Threats and Countermeasures
Marco Spruit and Wouter Wester
UU-CS-2012-018 pdf Parsing the Billboard Chord Transcriptions
Bas de Haas and John Ashley Burgoyne
UU-CS-2012-017 pdf Cyber Security in Smart Grid Substations
Thijs Baars, Lucas van den Bemd, Michail Theuns, Robin van den Akker, Machiel Schönbeck and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2012-016 pdf Compositional Compiler Construction: Oberon0
Marcos Viera and S.Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2012-015 pdf Melodic Segmentation: A Survey
Marcelo Rodríguez López and Anja Volk
UU-CS-2012-014 pdf FITTEST Log Format (version 1.1)
Wishnu Prasetya, Alexander Elyasov, Arie Middelkoop and Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2012-013 pdf Log-Based Reduction by Rewriting
Alexander Elyasov, Wishnu Prasetya and Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2012-012 pdf Using Sub-cases to Improve Log-based Oracles Inference
Wishnu Prasetya, Jurriaan Hage and Alexander Elyasov
UU-CS-2012-011 pdf Feedback Genereren in Leeromgevingen voor Algebra
Johan Jeuring and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2012-010 pdf Ask-Elle: A Haskell tutor -- Demonstration --
Johan Jeuring, Alex Gerdes and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2012-009 pdf Generic conversions of abstract syntax rep- resentations
Steven Keuchel and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2012-008 pdf Testing Type Class Laws
Johan Jeuring, Patrik Jansson and Cláudio Amaral
UU-CS-2012-007 pdf Teachers and students in charge- Using annotated model solutions in a functional programming tutor-
Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2012-006 pdf Legacy to SOA Evolution:Evaluation Results
Ravi Khadka, Amir Saeide, Andrei Idu, Jurriaan Hage and Slinger Jansen
UU-CS-2012-005 pdf A Programming tutor for Haskell
Johan Jeuring, Alex Gerdes and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2012-004 pdf Type-and-Transform Systems
Sean Leather, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh and Bram Schuur
UU-CS-2012-003 pdf Probability estimation and a competence model for rule based e-tutoring systems
Diederik M. Roijers, Johan Jeuring and Ad Feelders
UU-CS-2012-002 pdf An Interactive Functional Programming Tutor
Alex Gerdes, Johan Jeuring and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2012-001 pdf Exact algorithms for Kayles
Hans L.Bodlaender, Dieter Kratsch and Sjoerd T.Timmer
UU-CS-2011-033 pdf Logisch en Functioneel Programmeren voor Wiskunde D
Wouter Swierstra, Doaitse Swierstra and Jurriën Stutterheim
UU-CS-2011-032 pdf Grammar Fragments Fly First-Class
Marcos Viera and Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2011-031 pdf Rendement van objectgeoriënteerd programmeren - een pilot-experiment met de BlueJ methode
Ernst Koldenhof, Johan Jeuring, and Sandra Ruth
UU-CS-2011-030 pdf Math-Bridge, een internationale wiskundebrug tussen VO en HO, ook voor informaticastudenten
Josje Lodder and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2011-029 pdf UUAG Meets AspectAG- How to make Attribute Grammars First-Class
Marcos Viera, Doaitse Swierstra and Arie Middelkoop
UU-CS-2011-028 pdf Semantic Macros- Attribute Grammar Combinators
Marcos Viera, Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2011-027 pdf Utrecht Multi-Person Motion (MPM) Benchmark
N.P. van der Aa, X. Luo, G.J. Giezeman, R.T. Tan, and R.C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2011-026 pdf Persuasive Tools for Exercise Adherence in Mobile Insomnia Therapy
Robbert-Jan Beun
UU-CS-2011-025 pdf Efficient sensitivity analysis in hidden Markov models
Silja Renooij
UU-CS-2011-024 pdf Games on Graphs - The Complexity of Pure Nash Equilibria
Antonis Thomas
UU-CS-2011-023 pdf HarmTrace: Automatic functional harmonic analysis
W. Bas de Haas, José Pedro Magalhães, Frans Wiering and Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2011-022 pdf Software Product Portfolio Management - Towards improvement of current practice
Erik Jagroep, Inge van de Weerd, Sjaak Brinkkemper and Ton Dobbe
UU-CS-2011-021 pdf Generic Programming for Indexed Datatypes
José Pedro Magalhães and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2011-020 pdf Comparing Datatype Generic Libraries in Haskell
Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev, Johan Jeuring, Patrik Jansson, Alex Gerdes, Oleg Kiselyov and Bruno C.D.S. Oliveira
UU-CS-2011-019 pdf Modeling XML Content Explained
Harrie Passier and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2011-018 pdf Maturity of Operational Procurement in the Construction Industry
X.C. Xing, J. Versendaal, J.M. van den Akker, and B. De Bevere
UU-CS-2011-017 pdf On the shape of a set of points and lines in the plane
Marc van Kreveld, Thijs van Lankveld, and Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2011-016 pdf Interleaving strategies
Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2011-015 pdf A Geometrical Distance Measure for Determining the Similarity of Musical Harmony
W. Bas de Haas, Frans Wiering and Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2011-014 pdf Comments on 'Consistent Depth Maps Recovery from a Video Sequence'
Nico P. van der Aa, Dennis S. Grootendorst, Bob F. Böggemann and Robby T. Tan
UU-CS-2011-013 pdf Recoverable robustness by column generation
P.C. Bouman, J.M. van den Akker, J.A. Hoogeveen
UU-CS-2011-012 pdf Finding Long and Similar Parts of Trajectories
Kevin Buchin, Maike Buchin, Marc van Kreveld, Jun Luo
UU-CS-2011-011 pdf Routing for analog chip designs at NXP Semiconductors
Marjan van den Akker, Theo Beelen, Rob H. Bisseling, Bas Fagginger Auer, Frederik von Heymann, Tobias Muller, Joost Rommes
UU-CS-2011-010 pdf Multi-person Tracking Based on Vertical Reference Lines and Dynamic Visibility Analysis
Xinghan Luo, Robby T. Tan, and Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2011-009 pdf A Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies
Tiago Alves, Jurriaan Hage, Peter Rademaker
UU-CS-2011-008 pdf Developing a legacy to SOA Migration Method
Gijs Reijnders, Ravi Khadka, Slinger Jansen, and Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2011-007 pdf Experience Report: Functional Modelling of Musical Harmony
José Pedro Magalhães and W. Bas de Haas
UU-CS-2011-006 pdf A framework for IT performance management - Enabling organizational growth with IT performance management
S. Haanappel, R. Drost, F. Harmsen, S. Brinkkemper, and J.M. Versendaal
UU-CS-2011-005 pdf CTy: a Haskell DSL for Specifying and Generating Combinatoric Test-cases
I. S. W. B. Prasetya, J. Amorim, T. E. J. Vos, and A. Baars
UU-CS-2011-004 pdf Identifying rectangles in laser range data for urban scene reconstruction
Thijs van Lankveld, Marc van Kreveld, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2011-003 pdf Exact Algorithms for Kayles
Hans L. Bodlaender and Dieter Kratsch
UU-CS-2011-002 pdf Modeling Attempt and Action Failure in Probabilistic stit Logic
Jan Broersen
UU-CS-2011-001 pdf The MT940 Project Requirement Document
Martin Janek, Ravi Khadka, and Slinger Jansen
UU-CS-2010-028 pdf Properties of exercise strategies
Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2010-027 pdf Spanning tree congestion of k-outerplanar graphs
Hans L. Bodlaender, Kyohei Kozawa, Takayoshi Matsushima, Yota Otachi
UU-CS-2010-026 pdf Convex Polygon Intersection Graphs
Erik Jan van Leeuwen, Jan van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2010-025 pdf Kevin Vlaanderen, Inge van de Weerd, Sjaak Brinkkemper
Improving Software Product anagement Processes: a detailed view ofthe Product Software Knowledge Infrastructure
UU-CS-2010-024 pdf Exact algorithms for Intervalizing Colored Graphs
Hans L. Bodlaender and Johan M. M. van Rooij
UU-CS-2010-023 pdf How to support students learning in mathematical bridging-courses using an ITS? Remedial scenarios in the European project Math-Bridge
Rolf Biehler, Pascal R. Fischer, Reinhard Hochmuth, Johan Jeuring, Thomas Wassong
UU-CS-2010-022 pdf Treewidth Computations II. Lower Bounds
Hans L. Bodlaender and Arie M. C. A. Koster
UU-CS-2010-021 pdf Data Warehouse (DW) Maturity Assessment Questionnaire
Catalina Sacu, Marco Spruit and Frank Habers
UU-CS-2010-020 pdf Preproceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL 2010)
Jurriaan Hage (editor)
UU-CS-2010-019 pdf Path Planning for Groups using Column Generation
Marjan van den Akker, Roland Geraerts, Han Hoogeveen, and Corien Prins
UU-CS-2010-018 pdf Optimal distributed power generation under network load constraints
Marjan van den Akker, Gabriel Bloemhof, Joost Bosman, Daan Crommelin, Jason Frank, and Guangyan Yang
UU-CS-2010-017 pdf A generic deriving mechanism for Haskell
José Pedro Magalhães, Atze Dijkstra, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh
UU-CS-2010-016 pdf Generic selections of subexpressions
Martijn van Steenbergen, José Pedro Magalhães, and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2010-015 pdf A comparison of plagiarism detection tools
Jurriaan Hage, Peter Rademaker, Nikè van Vugt
UU-CS-2010-014 pdf The Contribution of Enterprise Architecture to the Achievement of Organizational Goals: Establishing the Enterprise Architecture Benefits Framework
Vasilis Boucharas, Marlies van Steenbergen, Slinger Jansen, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2010-013 pdf SPM Maturity Matrix
Willem Bekkers, Inge van de Weerd
UU-CS-2010-012 pdf Subgroup Discovery on Numeric and Ordinal Targets, with an Application to Biological Data Aggregation
Barbara F.I.Pieters
UU-CS-2010-011 pdf Adapting Mathematical Domain Reasoners
Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2010-010 pdf BIDM: The Business Intelligence Development Model
Catalina Sacu, Marco Spruit
UU-CS-2010-009 pdf A Decomposition of the Isotonic Regression
Ad Feelders
UU-CS-2010-008 pdf A Lightweight Approach to Datatype-generic Rewriting
Thomas van Noort, Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev, Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring, Bastiaan Heeren, José Pedro Magalhães
UU-CS-2010-007 pdf Complexity Results for the Spanning Tree Congestion Problem
Yota Otachi, Hans L. Bodlaender, Erik Jan van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2010-005 pdf Partitioning Sparse Graphs Into Triangles: Relations to exact satisfiability and very fast exponential time algorithms
Johan M. M. van Rooij, Marcel E. van Kooten Niekerk, Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2010-004 pdf An empirical research to the relationships between software product management and software project management
Christina Manteli, Inge van de Weerd, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2010-003 pdf Productization: The process of transforming from customer-specific software development to product software development
Peter Artz, Inge van de Weerd, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2010-002 pdf Identifying and exploiting commonalities for the job-shop scheduling problem
M.L. Kammer, J.M. van den Akker en J.A. Hoogeveen
UU-CS-2010-001 pdf Studying Multi-sourced IT Service Chain Arrangements - The Case of Mission Critical Outsourcing
Ilja Heitslager, Remko Helms, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2009-035 pdf On Planar Supports for Hypergraphs
Kevin Buchin, Marc van Kreveld, Henk Meijer, Bettina Speckmann, Kevin Verbeek
UU-CS-2009-034 pdf Structure of Polynomial-Time Approximation
Erik Jan van Leeuwen, Jan van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2009-033 not
Constructing naive Bayesian classifiers for veterinary medicine: a case study in the clinical diagnosis of classical swine fever
Petra L. Geenen, Linda C. van der Gaag, W.L.A. Loeffen, A.R.W. Elbers
UU-CS-2009-032 pdf Library-style ontologies to support varying model views
Linda C. van der Gaag, Hermi Tabachneck-Schijf
UU-CS-2009-031 pdf Using Strategies for Assessment of Programming Exercises
Alex Gerdes, Johan Jeuring, Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2009-030 pdf An Interactive Exercise Player for Math-Bridge
Johan Jeuring, Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2009-029 pdf Construct Your Own Favorite Programming Language
S.Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2009-028 pdf A Survey of Tools for Software Operation Knowledge Acquisition
Baldur Kristjánsson, Henk van der Schuur
UU-CS-2009-027 pdf Kernelization for Maximum Leaf Spanning Tree with Positive Vertex Weights
Bart Jansen
UU-CS-2009-026 pdf Robust planning of airport platform buses
Guido Diepen, B.Pieters, Marjan van den Akker, Han A. Hoogeveen.
UU-CS-2009-025 pdf Design by Measure and Conquer: Exact algorithms for dominating set
Johan M. M. van Rooij, Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2009-024 pdf Pull-Ups, Push-Downs, and Passing It Around - Exercises in Functional Incrementalization.
Sean Leather, Andres Löh, Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2009-023 pdf A Note on Exact Algorithms for Vertex Ordering Problems on Graphs
Hans L. Bodlaender, Fedor V. Fomin, Arie M. C. A. Koster, Dieter Kratsch, Dimitrios M. Thilikos
UU-CS-2009-022 pdf Optimizing Generics Is Easy!
José Pedro Magalhães, Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh
UU-CS-2009-021 pdf Categorizing impacts of implementing Enterprise Content Management Systems
Knut R. Grahlmann, Cokky Hilhorst, Sander van Amerongen, Remko Helms, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2009-020 pdf Mutational data loading routines for human genome databases: the BRCA1 case
Matthijs van der Kroon, Ignacio Lereu Ramirez, Ana M. Levin, Oscar Pastor, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2009-019 pdf An abstract framework for argumentation with structured arguments
Henry Prakken
UU-CS-2009-018 pdf Conditional Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Probabilistic Inference
Johan Kwisthout, Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2009-017 pdf Enumerating Well-Typed Terms Generically
Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev ,Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2009-016 pdf Generic Programming for Domain Reasoners
Johan Jeuring, José Pedro Magalhães, Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2009-015 pdf Developing a Maturity Matrix for Software Product Management
Inge van de Weerd, Willem Bekkers, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2009-014 pdf A Modal Representation of Strategic Reasoning
Jan Broersen, Rosja Mastop, John-Jules Meyer, Paolo Turrini
UU-CS-2009-013 pdf Shape Fitting on Point Sets with Probability Distributions
Maarten Löffler, Jeff Phillips
UU-CS-2009-012 pdf (Meta) Kernelization
Hans L. Bodlaender, Fedor V. Fomin, Daniel Lokshtanov, Eelko Penninkx, Saket Saurabh, Dimitrios M. Thilikos
UU-CS-2009-011 pdf Canonical Forms in Interactive Exercise Assistants.
Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2009-010 pdf Peeling Meshed Potatoes
Boris Aronov, Marc van Kreveld, Maarten Löffler, Rodrigo I. Silveira.
UU-CS-2009-009 pdf Corrective Hints for Type Incorrect Generic Java Programs
Nabil el Boustani, Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2009-008 pdf Fixed Partitioning and Salient Point with MPEG-7 Cluster Correlograms for Image Categorization
Azizi Abdullah, Remco Veltkamp, Marco Wiering
UU-CS-2009-007 pdf Preprocessing Imprecise Points and Splitting Triangulations
Marc van Kreveld, Maarten Löffler, Joseph Mitchell
UU-CS-2009-006 pdf Wetenschap is voor iedereen
Suzanne Haanappel, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2009-005 pdf Case Study Report: Agile Product Management at Planon
Kevin Vlaanderen, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Tjan-Hien Cheng, Slinger Jansen
UU-CS-2009-004 pdf Soft Typing PHP
Patrick Camphuijsen, Jurriaan Hage and Stefan Holdermans
UU-CS-2009-003 pdf Strategies for Exercises
Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, Alex Gerdes
UU-CS-2009-002 pdf Transcriptierapport Helpdeskgesprekken
Arnout Terpstra, Cliffred van Velzen, Robbert-Jan Beun, Rogier M.van Eijk
UU-CS-2009-001 pdf Geniaal programmeren - Generic programming at Utrecht
Johan Jeuring, Lambert Meertens
UU-CS-2008-050 pdf Marginals of DAG-Isomorphic Independence Models
Peter de Waal
UU-CS-2008-049 pdf Constructing Strategies for Programming
Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2008-048 pdf Best practices voor projecten onder enterprise architectuur
Ralph Foorthuis and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2008-047 pdf Best Practices for Business and Systems Analysis in Projects Conforming to Enterprise Architecture
Ralph Foorthuis and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2008-046 pdf A Framework for Local Project Architecture in the Context of Enterprise Architecture
Ralph Foorthuis and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2008-045 pdf Haskell as an Architecture Description Language
Martijn M. Schrage, S. Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2008-044 pdf Combinator Parsing: A Short Tutorial
Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2008-043 pdf Inclusion/Exclusion Meets Measure and Conquer: Exact algorithms for counting dominating sets.
Johan M.M. van Rooij, Jesper Nederlof and Thomas C. van Dijk
UU-CS-2008-042 pdf Faster parameterized algorithms for Minimum Fill-In
Hans L. Bodlaender, Pinar Heggernes and Yngve Villanger
UU-CS-2008-041 pdf Integrated gate and bus assignment at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
Guido Diepen, Marjan van den Akker and Han Hoogeveen
UU-CS-2008-040 pdf Evidence and Scenario Sensitivities in Naive Bayesian Classifiers
Silja Renooij en Linda van der Gaag
UU-CS-2008-039 pdf On alignment of eye behaviour in human-agent interaction
Huub Prüst, Robbert-Jan Beun and Rogier van Eijk
UU-CS-2008-038 pdf Improving Type Error Messages for Generic Java
Nabil el Boustani and Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2008-037 pdf Patterns for In-code Algebraic Testing
Wishnu Prasetya and Tanja Vos
UU-CS-2008-036 pdf Smoothing imprecise 1.5D terrains
Chris Gray, Maarten Löffler and Rodrigo I. Silveira
UU-CS-2008-035 pdf Shunting passenger trains: getting ready for departure
Marjan van den Akker, Hilbrandt Baarsma, Johann Hurink, Maciej Modelski, Jacob Jan Paulus, Ingrid Reijnen, Dan Roozemond and Jan Schreuder
UU-CS-2008-034 pdf Krimp Minimisation for Missing Data Estimation
J.Vreeken and A.Siebes
UU-CS-2008-033 pdf Clustering with partial information
Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Pinar Heggernes, Federico Mancini, Charis Papadopoulos and Frances Rosamond
UU-CS-2008-032 pdf Treewidth Computations I Upper Bounds
Hans L.Bodlaender and Arie M.C.A.Koster
UU-CS-2008-031 pdf A formal model of adjudication dialogues
Henri Prakken
UU-CS-2008-030 pdf Analysis of Data Reduction: Transformations give evidence for non-existence of polynomial kernels
Hans L. Bodlaender, Stéphan Thomassé, and Anders Yeo
UU-CS-2008-029 pdf Detecting Commuting Patterns by Clustering Subtrajectories
Kevin Buchin, Maike Buchin, Joachim Gudmundsson, Maarten Löffler and Jun Luo
UU-CS-2008-028 pdf Connected Rectilinear Graphs on Point Sets
Maarten Löffler and Elena Mumford
UU-CS-2008-027 pdf Efficient Functional Unification and Substitution
Atze Dijkstra, Arie Middelkoop, and S. Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2008-026 pdf On Measuring Musical Style - The Case of Some Disputed Organ Fugues in the J. S. Bach (BWV)Catalogue
Peter van Kranenburg
UU-CS-2008-025 pdf Libraries for Generic Programming in Haskell
Johan Jeuring, Sean Leather, José Pedro Magalhães, and Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev
UU-CS-2008-024 pdf Representing causal knowledge in sense-making software for crime analysis
Susan W. van den Braak, Herre van Oostendorp, Henry Prakken and Gerard A. W. Vreeswijk
UU-CS-2008-023 pdf A Process Model for Project Members Conforming to Enterprise Architecture
Ralph Foorthuis and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2008-022 pdf Modularity in Agent Programming Languages: An Illustration in Extended 2APL
Mehdi Dastani, Christian P. Mol, and Bas R. Steunebrink
UU-CS-2008-021 pdf Typed Transformations of Typed Abstract Syntax
Arthur Baars, Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2008-020 pdf A Lightweight Approach to Datatype-Generic Rewriting
Thomas van Noort, Alexey Rodriguez, Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring, Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2008-019 pdf Generic programming with fixed points for mutually recursive datatypes
Alexey Rodriguez, Stefan Holdermans, Andres Löh, Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2008-018 pdf Feedback Services for Exercise Assistants
Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, and Sylvia Stuurman
UU-CS-2008-017 pdf Open Problems in Parameterized and Exact Computation - IWPEC 2008
Hans L. Bodlaender, Erik D. Demaine, Michael R. Fellows, Jiong Guo, Danny Hermelin, Daniel Lokshtanov, Moritz Müller, Venkatesh Raman, Johan van Rooij, Frances A. Rosamond
UU-CS-2008-016 pdf The Relevance of Situational Factors in Software Product Management
Willem Bekkers, Inge van de Weerd, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Alain Mahieu
UU-CS-2008-015 pdf Aligning Bayesian Network Classifiers With MedicaL Contexts
Linda C. van der Gaag, Silja Renooij, Ad Feelders, Arend de Groote, Marinus J.C. Eijkemans, Frank J. Broekmans, Bart C.J.M. Fauser
UU-CS-2008-014 ps.gz
Verifying Monotonicity of Bayesian Networks with Domain Experts
Linda C. van der Gaag, Hermina J.M. Tabachneck-Schijf, Petra L. Geenen
UU-CS-2008-013 pdf The Study of Melodic Similarity using Manual Annotation and Melody Feature Sets
Anja Volk, Peter van Kranenburg, Joerg Garbers, Frans Wiering, Remco C. Veltkamp, Louis Grijp
UU-CS-2008-012 pdf Recognizing Strategies
Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2008-011 pdf The Generic Haskell user's guide, Version 1.80 - Emerald release
Andres Löh, Johan Jeuring, Thomas van Noort, Alexey Rodriguez, Dave Clarke, Ralf Hinze, Jan de Wit
UU-CS-2008-010 pdf Comparing Libraries for Generic Programming in Haskell
Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev, Johan Jeuring, Patrik Jansson, Alex Gerdes, Oleg Kiselyov, Bruno C. d. S. Oliviera
UU-CS-2008-009 pdf Controlling risk prior to offshore application development - Investigation and mitigation of collaboration and application risk
Cor-Jan Jager, Stefan Vos, Michiel Borgers, Frank Harmsen, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Lidwien van de Wijngaert
UU-CS-2008-008 pdf Algorithmic Aspects of Proportional Symbol Maps
Sergio Cabello, Herman Haverkort, Marc van Kreveld, Bettina Speckmann
UU-CS-2008-007 pdf Towards a Definition of Higher Order Constrained Delaunay Triangulations
Rodrigo I. Silveira and Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2008-006 pdf The Generation of Metric Hierarchies using Inner Metric Analysis
Anja Volk
UU-CS-2008-005 pdf Integer Maximum Flow in Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Constraint
Hans L. Bodlaender, Richard B. Tan, Thomas C. van Dijk, and Jan van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2008-004 pdf Currency Systems for Efficient and Equitable Exchange Among Selfish Agents in the Air Traffic Management Domain
Geert Jonker, Frank Dignum and John-Jules Meyer
UU-CS-2008-003 pdf Integrating Timetabling and Vehicle Scheduling in Public Bus Transportation
A.P.R. van den Heuvel, J.M. van den Akker, and M.E. van Kooten Niekerk
UU-CS-2008-002 pdf Selecting vantage objects for similarity indexing
Reinier H. van Leuken en Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2008-001 pdf Specifying Strategies for Exercises
Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, Arthur van Leeuwen and Alex Gerdes
UU-CS-2007-054 pdf Matched Drawings of Planar Graphs
Emilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Marc van Kreveld, Giuseppe Liotta, Bettina Speckmann
UU-CS-2007-053 pdf On Involutive Anti-Automorphisms of Finite Abelian Groups
Jurriaan Hage and Tero Harju
UU-CS-2007-052 pdf Experimental Verification of a Realistic Input Model for Polyhedral Terrains
Esther Moet
UU-CS-2007-051 ps.gz
Exact Algorithms for Edge Domination
Johan M. M. van Rooij and Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2007-050 ps.gz
Complexity Results for Local Monotonicity in Probabilistic Networks
Johan Kwisthout, Hans L. Bodlaender, Gerard Tel
UU-CS-2007-049 pdf Abstract Interpretation of Functional Programs using an Attribute Grammar System
Jeroen Fokker and S. Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2007-048 pdf Formalising ordinary legal disputes: a case study
Henry Prakken
UU-CS-2007-047 pdf A 3D Face Matching Framework
F.B. ter Haar and R.C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2007-046 pdf On Problems Without Polynomial Kernels
Hans L. Bodlaender, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R, Fellows, and Danny Hermelin
UU-CS-2007-045 pdf On the Number of Empty Pseudo-Triangles in Point Sets
Marc van Kreveld and Bettina Speckmann
UU-CS-2007-044 pdf Planar Bichromatic Minimum Spanning Trees
Magdalene G. Borgelt, Marc van Kreveld, Maarten Löffler, Jun Luo, Damian Merrick, Rodrigo I. Silveira, Mostafa Vahedi
UU-CS-2007-043 pdf Geodesic Disks and Clustering in a Simple Polygon
Magdalene G. Borgelt, Marc van Kreveld, and Jun Luo
UU-CS-2007-042 pdf Edges and Switches, Tunnels and Bridges
D. Eppstein, M. van Kreveld, E. Mumford, and B. Speckmann
UU-CS-2007-041 pdf Business Process Improvement in Organizational Design of E-Government Services
Ömer Faruk Aydinli, Sjaak Brinkkemper, and Pascal Ravesteyn
UU-CS-2007-040 ps.gz
The Computational Complexity of Monotonicity in Probabilistic Networks
Johan Kwisthout
UU-CS-2007-039 ps.gz
Joint Attention and Language Evolution
Johan Kwisthout, Paul Vogt, Pim Haselager and Ton Dijkstra
UU-CS-2007-038 pdf Approximating Largest Convex Hulls for Imprecise Points
Marc van Kreveld, Maarten Löffler
UU-CS-2007-037 pdf Trace-based Reflexive Testing of OO Programs
I.S.W.B. Prasetya, T.E.J. Vos, A. Baars
UU-CS-2007-036 pdf Feedback in exercise assistants
Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2007-035 pdf Quadratic Kernelization of Convex Recoloring of Trees
Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Mark A. Ragan, Frances A. Rosamond, and Mark Weyer
UU-CS-2007-034 pdf Optimal Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations of Polygons
Rodrigo I. Silveira and Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2007-033 ps.gz Caging polygons with two and three fingers
Mostafa Vahedi and A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2007-032 pdf Flooding countries and destroying dams
Rodrigo I. Silveira and René van Oostrum
UU-CS-2007-031 ps.gz On the minimum corridor connection problem and other generalized geometric problems
Hans L. Bodlaender, Corinne Feremans, Alexander Grigoriev, Eelko Penninkx, René Sitters and Thomas Wolle
UU-CS-2007-030 pdf Emulating BLAST using database technology
Hans Philippi
UU-CS-2007-029 pdf Morph Endo! Report on the Tenth Interstellar Contest on Fuun Programming
Eelco Dolstra, Jur Hage, Bastiaan Heeren, Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh, Arie Middelkoop, Alexey Rodriguez, John van Schie, Clara Löh
UU-CS-2007-028 pdf On the Design of Traps for Feeding 3D Parts on Vibratory Tracks
Onno C. Goemans, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2007-027 pdf Morph Endo! Task Description of the Tenth Interstellar Contest on Fuun Programming
Eelco Dolstra, Jur Hage, Bastiaan Heeren, Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh, Arie Middelkoop, Alexey Rodriguez, John van Schie, Clara Löh
UU-CS-2007-026 not
Poster Proceedings of the IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Situational Method Engineering: Fundamentals and Experiences (ME07)
Jolita Ralyté, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Brian Henderson-Sellers
UU-CS-2007-025 pdf Largest Bounding Box, Smallest Diameter, and Related Problems on Imprecise Points
Maarten Löffler, Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2007-024 ps.gz
Student Enrollment and Image of the Informatics Discipline
Jan van Leeuwen and Letizia Tanca
UU-CS-2007-023 pdf The Neon DSEL for Mining Helium Programs
Jurriaan Hage and Peter van Keeken
UU-CS-2007-022 not
SAIM - A situational method for application integration
Sj. Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2007-021 pdf Improving offshore communication by choosing the right coordination strategy
Matthias Fabriek, Mischa van den Brand, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Frank Harmsen, and Remko Helms
UU-CS-2007-020 pdf Privacy Preservation through Data Generation
Vreeken, J., Van Leeuwen, M., and Siebes, A.
UU-CS-2007-019 ps.gz
The Valve Location Problem in Simple Network Topologies
Hans L. Bodlaender, Alexander Grigoriev, Nadejda V. Grigorieva, Albert Hendriks
UU-CS-2007-018 pdf Using column generation for gate planning at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
G. Diepen, J.M. van den Akker, J.A. Hoogeveen en J.W. Smeltink
UU-CS-2007-017 pdf A Generic Framework for Developing Exercise Assistants
Johan Jeuring, Harrie Passier, Sylvia Stuurman
UU-CS-2007-016 pdf Towards Integration of Music Information Retrieval and Folk Song Research
Peter van Kranenburg, Jörg Garbers, Anja Volk, Frans Wiering, Louis Grijp, Remco Veltkamp
UU-CS-2007-015 pdf SHREC2007: 3D Shape Retrieval Contest
Remco C. Veltkamp and Frank B. ter Haar
UU-CS-2007-014 pdf Characterising the Difference
J. Vreeken, M. van Leeuwen, and A. Siebes
UU-CS-2007-013 pdf A Dynamic Bayesian Network for Diagnosing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in ICU Patients
Theodore Charitos, Linda C. van der Gaag, Stefan Visscher, Karin A.M. Schurink and Peter J.F. Lucas
UU-CS-2007-012 pdf Mining Helium programs with Neon
Jurriaan Hage and Peter van Keeken
UU-CS-2007-011 pdf Optimization for First Order Delaunay Triangulations
Marc van Kreveld, Maarten Löffler, Rodrigo I. Silveira
UU-CS-2007-010 pdf An Algorithm for Computing Semi-Stable Semantics
Martin Caminada
UU-CS-2007-009 ps.gz
Wooden Geometric Puzzles: Design and Hardness Proofs
Helmut Alt, Hans L. Bodlaender, Marc van Kreveld, Günter Rote, Gerard Tel
UU-CS-2007-008 pdf Turning an interactive tool implemented in Haskell into a web application -- An experience report
Sylvia Stuurman and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2007-007 pdf Strategy Feedback in an E-learning Tool for Mathematical Exercises
Johan Jeuring and Wouter Pasman
UU-CS-2007-006 pdf Emotions as Heuristics for Rational Agents
Bas R. Steunebrink, Mehdi Dastani, John-Jules Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-2007-005 pdf A Column Generation Based Destructive Lower Bound for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems
J.M. van den Akker, G. Diepen, and J.A. Hoogeveen
UU-CS-2007-004 pdf Postulates for Paraconsistent Reasoning and Fault Tolerant Logic Programming
Martin Caminada and Jonathan Ben-Naim
UU-CS-2007-003 pdf Existence of Simple Tours of Imprecise Points
Maarten Löffler
UU-CS-2007-002 pdf Finding Near-Optimal Rosters Using Column Generation
Han Hoogeveen and Eelko Penninkx
UU-CS-2007-001 pdf A column generation approach for examination timetabling
Roel Wijgers and Han Hoogeveen
UU-CS-2006-065 pdf An Integer Linear Programming Approach to Product Software Release Planning & Scheduling
Chen Li, Marjan van den Akker, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2006-064 pdf The WITCHCRAFFT Baseline Measurement and Pilot Project
Jö Garbers, Peter van Kranenburg, Anja Volk, Frans Wiering, Louis Peter Grijp, Remco C. Veltkamp, Martine de Bruin
UU-CS-2006-063 pdf Software product release planning through optimization and what-if analysis
Marjan van den Akker, Sjaak Brinkemper, Guido Diepen, Johan Versendaal
UU-CS-2006-062 pdf Programmeerplagiaatdetectie met Marble
Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2006-061 pdf A Landscape of Agent Systems in the Real World
Virginia Dignum, Frank Dignum
UU-CS-2006-060 pdf Towards formal semantics for reorganization
Virginia Dignum, Frank Dignum
UU-CS-2006-059 pdf Integrated Requirement Selection and Scheduling for the Release Planning of a Software Product
C. Li, J.M. van den Akker, S. Brinkkemper, and G. Diepen
UU-CS-2006-058 pdf Complexity Results for Enhanced Qualitative Probabilistic Networks
Johan Kwisthout and Gerard Tel
UU-CS-2006-057 not
Incremental method evolution in requirements management: A case study at Baan 1994-2006
Inge van de Weerd, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Johan Versendaal
UU-CS-2006-056 pdf Multi-dimensional Bayesian Network Classifiers
Linda C. van der Gaag and Peter R. de Waal
UU-CS-2006-055 pdf Strategies for solving constraints in program analysis
Jurriaan Hage and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2006-054 pdf Heuristics for type error discovery and recovery (revised revised)
Jurriaan Hage and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2006-053 pdf FAT-miner: Mining Frequent Attribute Trees
Jeroen De Knijf
UU-CS-2006-052 ps.gz
Open Problems in Parameterized and Exact Computation - IWPEC 2006
Hans L. Bodlaender, Leizhen Cai, Jianer Chen, Michael R. Fellows, Jan Arne Telle, Dániel Marx
UU-CS-2006-051 pdf Exploiting Type Annotations
Atze Dijkstra and Doaitse S. Swierstra
UU-CS-2006-050 pdf Compression Picks the Significant Item Sets
Matthijs van Leeuwen, Jilles Vreeken and Arno Siebes
UU-CS-2006-049 pdf The Generic Haskell user's guide, Version 1.60 - Diamond release
Andres Löh, Johan Jeuring, and Alexey Rodriguez (editors) et al.
UU-CS-2006-048 pdf Frequent Patterns that Compress
Ronnie Bathoorn, Arne Koopman, and Arno Siebes
UU-CS-2006-047 pdf Mining for Helium
Jurriaan Hage and Peter van Keeken
UU-CS-2006-046 ps.gz
Two polynomial algorithms for relabeling non-monotone data
Ad Feelders, Marina Velikova, Hennie Daniels
UU-CS-2006-045 pdf Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Software Product Management (Pre-publication)
Johan Versendaal, Christof Ebert, Sjaak Brinkkemper (editors)
UU-CS-2006-044 pdf A Case Study of a product software vendor's Customer Configuration Updating Process: GX Creative Online Development
Slinger Jansen, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Jurriaan Souer
UU-CS-2006-043 pdf Testing properties of generic functions
Patrik Jansson, Johan Jeuring, and students of the Utrecht University Generic Programming class
UU-CS-2006-042 ps.gz
A Cubic Kernel for Feedback Vertex Set
Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2006-041 ps.gz
Treewidth: Characterizations, Applications, and Computations
Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2006-040 pdf An interactive tool for manipulating logical formulae
Josje Lodder, Johan Jeuring, and Harrie Passier
UU-CS-2006-039 pdf Generating generic functions
Johan Jeuring, Alexey Rodriguez, and Gideon Smeding
UU-CS-2006-038 pdf Convergence in Markovian Models with Implications for Efficiency of Inference
Theodore Charitos, Peter R. de Waal, Linda C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-2006-037 ps.gz
On the Representation of Disk Graphs
Erik Jan van Leeuwen and J. van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2006-036 ps.gz
Pushing using Compliance
Dennis Nieuwenhuisen, A. Frank van der Stappen, and Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2006-035 ps.gz
An Effective Framework for Path Planning amidst Movable Obstacles
Dennis Nieuwenhuisen, A. Frank van der Stappen, and Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2006-034 pdf Enhanced Qualitative Probabilistic Networks for Resolving Trade-offs
Silja Renooij and Linda C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-2006-033 pdf Repairing Conceptual Mismatches in Dialogue: a Computational Approach
Robbert-Jan Beun and Rogier M. van Eijk
UU-CS-2006-032 ps.gz
On exact algorithms for treewidth
Hans L. Bodlaender, Fedor V. Fomin, Arie M. C. A. Koster, Dieter Kratsch, Dimitrios M. Thilikos
UU-CS-2006-031 ps.gz
Region-restricted clustering for geographic data mining
Joachim Gudmundsson, Marc van Kreveld, Giri Narasimhan
UU-CS-2006-030 pdf SHREC2006: 3D Shape Retrieval Contest
Remco C. Veltkamp, Remco Ruijsenaars, Michela Spagnuolo, Roelof van Zwol, Frank ter Haar
UU-CS-2006-029 ps.gz
On Realistic Terrains
Esther Moet, Marc van Kreveld, and A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2006-028 pdf Towards a characterization of bipartite switching classes by means of forbidden subgraphs
Jurriaan Hage and Tero Harju
UU-CS-2006-027 pdf Using Closed Sets of Rules for the Entailment of Literals
Martin Caminada
UU-CS-2006-026 pdf Typed Contracts for Functional Programming
Ralf Hinze, Johan Jeuring, and Andres Löh
UU-CS-2006-025 pdf Customizing an XML-Haskell data binding with type isomorphism inference in Generic Haskell
Frank Atanassow and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2006-024 pdf Generic Programming for Software Evolution
Johan Jeuring and Rinus Plasmeijer
UU-CS-2006-023 pdf On the Issue of Reinstatement in Argumentation
Martin Caminada
UU-CS-2006-022 pdf Comparing approaches to generic programming in Haskell
Ralf Hinze, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh
UU-CS-2006-021 pdf Feedback in an interactive equation solver
Harrie Passier and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2006-020 pdf Generic Views on Data Types
Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh and Alexey Rodriguez
UU-CS-2006-019 pdf Largest and Smallest Convex Hulls for Imprecise Points
Maarten Löffler en Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2006-018 ps.gz
Lazy Autoconfiguration in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Dynamic Sets of Mobile Agents
Jan van Leeuwen and Jiri Wiederman
UU-CS-2006-017 pdf Geheimschrift op de TI-83+
Gerard Tel
UU-CS-2006-016 pdf Netherware: analysis, results, and success factors of the designed curriculum unit
Hanne ten Berge, Stephan Ramaekers, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Albert Pilot
UU-CS-2006-015 ps.gz
An exact algorithm for graph coloring with polynomial memory
Hans L. Bodlaender and Dieter Kratsch
UU-CS-2006-014 pdf A Reference Framework for Software Product Management
Inge van de Weerd, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Richard Nieuwenhuis, Johan Versendaal and Lex Bijlsma
UU-CS-2006-013 ps.gz
Weighted Treewidth: Algorithmic Techniques and Results
Emgad Bachoore and Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2006-012 ps.gz
A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Exact, Upper, and Lower Bounds on Treewidth
Emgad Bachoore and Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2006-011 ps.gz
Scale-Dependent Definitions of Gradient and Aspect and their Computation
Iris Reinbacher, Marc van Kreveld, Tim Adelaar and Marc Benkert
UU-CS-2006-010 ps.gz
Convex recoloring of leaf-colored trees
Emgad H. Bachoore and Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2006-009 pdf MetaBorg in Action: Examples of Domain-specific Language Embedding and Assimilation using Stratego/XT
Martin Bravenboer, René de Groot, Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2006-008 pdf A Product Software Knowledge Infrastructure for Situational Capability Maturation: Vision and Case Studies in Product Management
Inge van de Weerd, Johan Versendaal and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2006-007 pdf Heuristics for type error discovery and recovery (revised)
Jurriaan Hage, Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2006-006 ps.gz
Efficient Exact Algorithms on Planar Graphs: Exploiting Sphere Cut Decompositions
Frederic Dorn, Eelko Penninkx, Hans L. Bodlaender, Fedor V. Fomin
UU-CS-2006-005 ps.gz Descisiveness in Loopy Propagation
Janneke H. Bolt, Linda C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-2006-004 pdf An Inquiry Tool for Stakeholder Concerns of Architectural Viewpoints: a Case Study at a large Financial Service Provider
Henk Koning, Rik Box, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2006-003 pdf A Lightweight Method for the Modeling of Enterprise Architectures: Introduction and Emperical Validation
Henk Koning, Rik Bos, Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2006-002 pdf Alignment matters - Improving business functions using the Procurement Alignment Framework
Ronald Batenburg and Johan Versendaal
UU-CS-2006-001 ps.gz
Interval Routing and Minor-Monotone Graph Parameters
Erwin M. Bakker, Hans L. Bodlaender, Richard B. Tan, and Jan van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2005-060 pdf Type Inference for Generic Haskell
Alexey Rodriguez, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh
UU-CS-2005-059 pdf Het IT-methodenlandschap in Nederland anno 2005
Via selectie, implementatie en toepassing naar succes?

Rob Neering Msc., Dr. Ronald Batenburg, Drs. Erik Bunk, Dr. Frank Harmsen, Prof. dr. Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2005-058 pdf Learning Bayesian Network Parameters Under Order Constraints
A. Feelders, L.C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-2005-057 pdf Stable independence in perfect maps
P.R. de Waal and L.C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-2005-056 pdf Stable Independence and Complexity of Representation
P.R. de Waal and L.C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-2005-055 pdf The Helium Logging Facility
Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2005-054 ps.gz
Minimizing total weighted tardiness on a single machine with release dates and equal-length jobs
G. Diepen, J.M. van den Akker and J.A. Hoogeveen
UU-CS-2005-053 pdf Proceedings of the Sixth Stratego Users Day
Karl Trygve Kallenberg and Eelco Visser (editor)
UU-CS-2005-052 pdf Stratego/XT 0.16. Components for Transformation Systems
Martin Bravenboer, Karl Trygve Kallenberg, Rob Vermaas, Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2005-051 ps.gz
Treewidth Lower Bounds with Brambles
Hans L. Bodlaender, Alexander Grigoriev, and Arie M. C. A. Koster
UU-CS-2005-050 pdf Situational Requirements Engineering for the Development of Content Management System-based Web Applications
Jurriaan Souer, Inge van de Weerd, Johan Versendaal, and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2005-049 ps.gz
Visibility Maps of Segments and Triangles in 3D
Esther Moet, Christian Knauer, and Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2005-048 pdf Learning to Play Board Games using Temporal Difference Methods
Marco Wiering, Jan Peter Patist, Henk Mannen
UU-CS-2005-047 pdf Alignment, Merging and Hole Filling Experiments with 3D Range Scans
F. B. ter Haar and R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2005-046 pdf Theorem Prover Supported Logics for Small Imperative Languages
I.S.W.B. Prasetya, A. Azurat, T.E.J. Vos, A. van Leeuwen, H. Suhartanto
UU-CS-2005-045 pdf On the Issue of Reinstatement in Argumentation
Martin Caminada
UU-CS-2005-044 ps.gz
Efficient Detection of Motion Patterns in Spatio-Temporal Data Sets
Joachim Gudmundsson, Marc van Kreveld, Bettina Speckmann
UU-CS-2005-043 pdf WEM: A design method for CMS-based web implementations
Inge van de Weerd
UU-CS-2005-042 ps.gz
Generalizing Monotonicity: On Recognizing Special Classes of Polygons and Polyhedra
Prosenjit Bose and Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2005-041 pdf Definition and Validation of the Key Process Areas of Release, Delivery and Deployment of Product Software Vendors: turning the ugly duckling into a swan
Slinger Jansen and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2005-040 ps.gz
The Visibility-Voronoi Complex and Its Applications
Ron Wein, Jur P. van den Berg, Dan Halperin
UU-CS-2005-039 pdf Service Configuration Management
Eelco Dolstra, Martin Bravenboer, Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2005-038 pdf A Collection of XML documents and Query Tasks
Joris Graaumans
UU-CS-2005-037 pdf Realizing partitions respecting full and partial order information
Erik Demaine, Jeff Erickson, Danny Krizanc, Henk Meijer, Pat Morin, Mark Overmars, Sue Whitesides
UU-CS-2005-036 pdf Web-based Delineation of Imprecise Regions
Avi Arampatzis, Marc van Kreveld, Iris Reinbacher, Christopher B. Jones, Subodh Vaid, Paul Clough, Hideo Joho, and Mark Sanderson
UU-CS-2005-035 pdf Generalized Type-Based Disambiguation of Meta Programs with Concrete Object Syntax
Martin Bravenboer, Rob Vermaas, Jurgen Vinju, Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2005-034 pdf Transformations for Abstractions
Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2005-033 pdf Ruler: Programming Type Rules
Atze Dijkstra and S. Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2005-032 pdf Making Implicit Parameters Explicit
Atze Dijkstra and S. Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2005-031 pdf Adaptive Code Reuse by Aspects, Cloning and Renaming
Anya Helene Bagge, Martin Bravenboer, Karl Trygve Kalleberg, Koen Muilwijk, Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2005-030 pdf Combining Aspect-Oriented and Strategic Programming
Karl Trygve Kalleberg, Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2005-029 pdf Heuristics for type error discovery and recovery
Jurriaan Hage and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2005-028 ps.gz
Region Intervisibility in Terrains
Esther Moet, Marc van Kreveld en René van Oostrum
UU-CS-2005-027 pdf Parallel machine scheduling through column generation: minimax objective functions, release dates, deadlines and/or generalized precedence constraints
J. M. van den Akker, J. A. Hoogeveen, J. W. van Kempen
UU-CS-2005-026 pdf Delineating Boundaries for Imprecise Regions
Iris Reinbacher, Marc Benkert, Marc van Kreveld, Joseph Mitchell, Jack Snoeyink, and Alexander Wolff
UU-CS-2005-025 pdf Preserving order in non-order preserving parsers
Rui Guerra, Arthur I. Baars, S. Doaitse Swierstra, and João Saraiva
UU-CS-2005-024 ps.gz
On Improving the Clearance for Robots in High-Dimensional Configuration Spaces
Roland Geraerts
UU-CS-2005-023 pdf Collapse in formal argumentation systems
Martin Caminada
UU-CS-2005-022 pdf A Survey of Strategies in Rule-Based Program Transformation Systems
E. Visser
UU-CS-2005-021 ps.gz
Coherence and Flexibility in Dialogue Games for Argumentation
Henry Prakken
UU-CS-2005-020 pdf Generating Realistic Terrains with Higher-Order Delauney Triangulations
Thierry de Kok, Marc van Kreveld, Maarten Löffler
UU-CS-2005-019 pdf Content Authoring in an XML-based and Author Friendly Environment
Roelof van Zwol, Astrid Callista
UU-CS-2005-018 ps.gz
Discovering Treewidth
Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2005-017 pdf Multiple polyline to polygon matching
M. Tanase, R. C. Veltkamp, Herman Haverkort
UU-CS-2005-016 pdf Ordering Type Constraints: A Structured Approach
Jurriaan Hage and Bastiaan Heeren
UU-CS-2005-015 pdf Task and Social Coordination in Agent Organizations
Virginia Dignum and Frank Dignum
UU-CS-2005-014 pdf Generic Knowledge Structures for Probabilistic-Network Engineering
Eveline M. Helsper and Linda C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-2005-013 pdf Dynamic logic for plan revision in intelligent agents
M. Birna van Riemsdijk, Frank S. de Boer, and John-Jules Meyer
UU-CS-2005-012 pdf Generic Views on Data Types
Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring and Andres L\"oh
UU-CS-2005-011 ps.gz
Online Topological Ordering
Irit Katriel and Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2005-010 ps.gz Proving Norm Compliancy of Protocols in Electronic Institutions
Huib Aldewereld, Frank Dignum, John-Jules Meyer, and Javier Vázquez-Salceda
UU-CS-2005-009 pdf The Maturity of Product Lifecycle Management in Dutch Organizations. A Strategic Perspective
Ronald Batenburg, Remko Helms, Johan Versendaal
UU-CS-2005-008 pdf Inferring Type Isomorphisms Generically - With an application to an XML Schema-Haskell data binding
Frank Atanassow and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2005-007 pdf The Embedding Problem for Switching Classes
Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, Jurriaan Hage, Tero Harju, Grzegorz Rozenberg
UU-CS-2005-006 pdf Composing Source-to-Source Data-Flow Transformations with Rewriting Strategies and Dependent Dynamic Rewrite Rules
K. Olmos and E. Visser
UU-CS-2005-005 pdf Program Transformation with Scoped Dynamic Rewrite Rules
M. Bravenboer, A. van Dam, K. Olmos, and E. Visser
UU-CS-2005-004 pdf Generic Haskell User's Guide -- Version 1.42 (Coral)
Andres Loeh, Johan Jeuring (editors); Dave Clarke, Ralf Hinze, Alexey Rodriguez, Jan de Wit
UU-CS-2005-003 pdf Approximation Algorithms for the Earth Mover's Distance Under Transformations Using Reference Points
Oliver Klein, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2005-002 pdf Web Cube: a Programming Model for Reliable Web Applications
I.S.W.B. Prasetya, T.E.J. Vos, S.D. Swierstra, B. Widjaja
UU-CS-2005-001 pdf Busines Alignment in the Procurement Domain
Johan Versendaal, Mark Beukers, Ronald Batenburg
UU-CS-2004-068 ps.gz
Automatic Construction of High Quality Roadmaps for Path Planning
D. Nieuwenhuisen, A. Kamphuis, M. Mooijekind, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-2004-067 ps.gz
Minimizing the number of late jobs in case of stochastic processing times with minimum success probabilities
Marjan van den Akker and Han Hoogeveen
UU-CS-2004-066 ps.gz
Approximation Algorithms for Unit Disk Graphs
Erik Jan van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2004-065 pdf Knowledge Entry Maps: structuring of method knowledge in the IT industry
Remko Helms, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Job van Oosterum, Frank de Nijs
UU-CS-2004-064 ps.gz
Useful Cycles in Probabilistic Roadmap Graphs
Dennis Nieuwenhuisen and Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2004-063 ps.gz
Flexible Release Composition using Integer Linear Programming
Marjan van den Akker, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Guido Diepen, Johan Versendaal
UU-CS-2004-062 ps.gz
Finding Paths for Coherent Groups using Clearance
Arno Kamphuis en Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2004-061 ps.gz
Approximate Unions of Lines and Minkowski Sums
Marc van Kreveld and A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2004-060 pdf A Ground Truth For Half A Million Musical Incipits
Rainer Typke, Marc den Hoed, Justin de Nooijer, Frans Wiering, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2004-059 pdf Explicit implicit parameters
Atze Dijkstra and S. Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2004-058 ps.gz
Algorithms for graphs embeddable with few crossings per edge
Alexander Grigoriev and Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2004-057 pdf Learning Object-Oriented Design by Creating Games
Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2004-056 pdf Game Design in Education
Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2004-055 ps.gz
An Intersection-Sensitive Algorithm for Snap Routing
Mark de Berg, Dan Halperin, Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2004-054 pdf Building Verification Condition Generators by Compositional Extensions
I. S. W. B. Prasetya, A. Azurat, and T.E.J. Vos
UU-CS-2004-053 ps.gz
On the Maximum Cardinality Search Lower Bound for Treewidth
Hans L. Bodlaender and Arie M. C. A. Koster
UU-CS-2004-052 pdf The lazy virtual machine specification
Daan Leijen
UU-CS-2004-051 pdf First-class labels for extensible rows
Daan Leijen
UU-CS-2004-050 ps.gz
Degree-Based Treewidth Lower Bounds
Arie M. C. A. Koster, Thomas Wolle, and Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2004-049 pdf Bringing IDEAs into Practice: Optimization in a Minimally Invasive Vascular Intervention Simulation System
Peter A.N. Bosman and Tanja Alderliesten
UU-CS-2004-048 pdf Learning Probabilistic Tree Grammars for Genetic Programming
Peter A.N. Bosman and Edwin D. de Jong
UU-CS-2004-047 pdf Grammar Transformations in an EDA for Genetic Programming
Peter A.N. Bosman and Edwin D. de Jong
UU-CS-2004-046 pdf Build-level Component-Based Software Engineering
Merijn de Jonge
UU-CS-2004-045 pdf Nix: A Safe and Policy-Free System for Software Deployment
Eelco Dolstra, Merijn de Jonge and Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2004-044 pdf Imposing a Memory Management Discipline on Software Deployment
Eelco Dolstra, Eelco Visser and Merijn de Jonge
UU-CS-2004-043 ps.gz
Area-Preserving Approximations of Polygonal Paths
Prosenjit Bose, Sergio Cabello, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson, Marc van Kreveld, and Bettina Speckmann
UU-CS-2004-042 ps.gz
A Note on Contraction Degeneracy
Thomas Wolle, Arie M. C. A. Koster, Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2004-040 ps.gz
On Rectangular Cartograms
Marc van Kreveld, Bettina Speckmann
UU-CS-2004-039 pdf A first attempt at type class directives
Bastiaan Heeren en Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2004-038 pdf Normative Agents in Health Care: Uses and Challenges
Javier Vazquez-Salceda
UU-CS-2004-037 pdf Typing Haskell with an Attribute Grammar (Part I)
Atze Dijkstra, Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2004-036 ps.gz
New Upper Bound Heuristics for Treewidth
Emgad H. Bachoore and Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2004-035 pdf Knowledge Entry Maps: ontology to structure method knowledge in the IT industry
Remko Helms, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Frank de Nijs, Job van Oosterum
UU-CS-2004-034 ps.gz
Contraction and Treewidth Lower Bounds
Hans L. Bodlaender, Arie M. C. A. Koster, Thomas Wolle
UU-CS-2004-033 pdf Automatic Generation of Camera Motion to Track a Moving Guide
Onno Goemans and Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2004-032 ps.gz
Set Induced Relations and Relational Semantics
Paul Harrenstein
UU-CS-2004-031 ps.gz
Contraction Degeneracy on Cographs
Hans L. Bodlaender and Thomas Wolle
UU-CS-2004-030 ps.gz
Space-efficient construction variants of dynamic programming
Hans L. Bodlaender and Jan Arne Telle
UU-CS-2004-029 pdf Intelligent Traffic Light Control
Marco Wiering, Jelle van Veenen, Jilles Vreeken, Arne Koopman
UU-CS-2004-028 ps.gz
A Note on Edge Contraction
Thomas Wolle and Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2004-027 ps.gz
Distributed Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval
Marc van Kreveld, Iris Reinbacher, Avi Arampatzis, Roelof van Zwol
UU-CS-2004-026 pdf A Comparison of Text and Shape Matching for Retrieval of Online 3D Models
Patrick Min
UU-CS-2004-025a pdf Linear, Online, Functional Pretty Printing (corrected and extended version)
S. Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2004-024 pdf Decoupling Source Trees into Build-level Components
Merijn de Jonge
UU-CS-2004-023 pdf Embedding in Switching Classes with Skew Gains
Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, Jurriaan Hage, Tero Harju, and Grzegorz Rosenberg
UU-CS-2004-022 pdf The Priority R-Tree: a practically efficient and worst-case-optimal R-tree
Lars Arge, Mark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort, Ke Yi
UU-CS-2004-021 pdf ICT-Kanskaart Vergrijzing: Innovatieve ICT-Kansen op het Terrein van de Vergrijzingsproblematiek
Ronald Batenburg, Elly Breedveld, Jolijn van Haaf, Kitty Pardoel, Johan Versendaal
UU-CS-2004-020 ps.gz
Roadmap-based Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments
Jur P. van den Berg and Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2004-019 ps.gz
An Agent-Mediated Approach to the Support of Knowledge Sharing in Organizations
V. Dignum, F. Dignum, J.J. Meyer
UU-CS-2004-018 ps.gz
Lineages of Automata
Peter Verbaan, Jan van Leeuwen, Jiri Wiedermann
UU-CS-2004-017 pdf An Overview of Agents in Knowledge Management
Virginia Dignum
UU-CS-2004-016 pdf Abstract and Concrete Norms in Institutions
Davide Grossi and Frank Dignum
UU-CS-2004-015 pdf Organizing Multi-Agent Systems
Javier Vázquez-Salceda, Virginia Dignum, Frank Dignum
UU-CS-2004-014 ps.gz
Maximizing the Area of Overlap of two Unions of Disks under Rigid Motion
Mark de Berg, Sergio Cabello, Panos Giannopoulos, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2004-013 ps.gz
On Computing All Immobilizing Grasps of a Simple Polygon with Few Contacts
Jae-Sook Cheong, Herman J. Haverkort, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2004-012 pdf Retrofitting the AutoBayes Program Synthesis System with Concrete Syntax
Bernd Fischer and Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2004-011 pdf Program Transformation with Stratego/XT. Rules, Strategies, Tools, and Systems in Stratego/XT 0.9
Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2004-010 ps.gz
Equitable colorings of bounded treewidth graphs
Hans L. Bodlaender, Fedor V. Fomin
UU-CS-2004-009 ps.gz
Significant-Presence Range Queries in Categorical Data
Mark de Berg and Herman J. Haverkort
UU-CS-2004-008 ps.gz
Optimal Spanners for Axis-Aligned Rectangles
Tetsuo Asano, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Hazel Everett, Herman J. Haverkort, Naoki Katoh and Alexander Wolff
UU-CS-2004-007 ps.gz
Constrained Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations
Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2004-006 ps.gz
Introducing Situational Signs in Qualitative Probabilistic Networks
Janneke H. Bolt, Linda C. van der Gaag, Silja Renooij
UU-CS-2004-005 pdf Ontological Feedback in Multiagent Systems
Robbert-Jan Beun, Rogier M. van Eijk, and Huub Prüst
UU-CS-2004-004 pdf Immobilizing Hinged Polygons
Jae-Sook Cheong, A. Frank van der Stappen, Ken Goldberg, Mark H. Overmars, Elon Rimon
UU-CS-2004-003 pdf Optimal communication vocubularies in the presence of heterogeneous ontologies
Jurriaan van Diggelen, Robbert Jan Beun, Frank Dignum, Rogier M. van Eijk, John-Jules Meyer
UU-CS-2004-002 pdf Semantics of Plan Revision in Intelligent Agents
M. Birna van Riemsdijk, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Frank S. de Boer
UU-CS-2004-001 ps.gz
A Note on the Complexity of Network Reliability Problems
Hans L. Bodlaender and Thomas Wolle
UU-CS-2003-055 pdf Feedback in Human Computer Interaction: Resolving Ontological discrepancies
Robbert-Jan Beun and Rogier M. van Eijk
UU-CS-2003-054 pdf Putting Engineering into the Enterprise System
Remko Helms
UU-CS-2003-053 ps.gz
The elicitation of test-selection strategies: a case study in oncology
Danielle Sent, Linda C. van der Gaag, Cilia L.M. Witteman, Berthe M.P. Aleman, and Babs G. Taal
UU-CS-2003-052 pdf Timeline Variability: The Variability of Binding Time of Variation Points
E. Dolstra, G. Florijn, and E. Visser
UU-CS-2003-051 pdf Capturing Timeline Variability with Transparent Configuration Environments
E. Dolstra, G. Florijn, M. de Jonge, and E. Visser
UU-CS-2003-050 pdf Strategies for Fusing Logic and Control via Local, Application-Specific Transformations
P. Johann and E. Visser
UU-CS-2003-049 pdf Turning dynamic typing into static typing by program specialization
K. Olmos and E. Visser
UU-CS-2003-048 pdf Program Transformation Mechanics. A Classification of Mechanisms for Program Transformation with a Survey of Existing Transformation Systems
Jonne van Wijngaarden and Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2003-047 ps.gz Evolutionary Markov chain Monte Carlo
Madalina M. Drugan, Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2003-046 ps.gz
Convergence Time Analysis for the Multi-objective Counting Ones Problem
Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2003-045 pdf Turntaking: a case for agent-based programming
Joris Hulstijn and Gerard A. W. Vreeswijk
UU-CS-2003-044 ps.gz
Guarding Art Galleries by Guarding Witnesses
Kyung-Yong Chwa, Byung-Cheol Jo, Christian Knauer, Esther Moet, René van Oostrum, and Chan-Su Shin
UU-CS-2003-043 pdf A UNITY-based Framework towards Component Based Systems
I.S.W.B. Prasetya, T.E.J. Vos, A. Azurat, and S.D. Swierstra
UU-CS-2003-042 ps.gz
Ontologies for Probabilistic Networks
Eveline M. Helsper and Linda C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-2003-041 ps.gz
Sampling Techniques for Probabilistic Roadmap Planners
Roland Geraerts, Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2003-040 ps.gz
Approximation Algorithms for Spreading Points
Sergio Cabello
UU-CS-2003-039 ps.gz
Clearance Based Path Optimization for Motion Planning
Roland Geraerts, Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2003-038 ps.gz
On Algorithms for (P5,Gem)-Free Graphs
Hans L. Bodlaender, Andreas Brandstädt, Dieter Kratsch, Michaël Rao, Jeremy Spinrad
UU-CS-2003-037 ps.gz
Using workspace information as a guide to non-uniform sampling in probabilistic roadmap planners
Jur van den Berg, Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2003-036 ps.gz
Motion Planning for Coherent Groups of Entities
Arno Kamphuis, Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2003-035 ps.gz
Computing Maximally Separated Sets in the Plane and Independent Sets in the Intersection Graph of Unit Disks
Pankaj K. Agarwal, Mark Overmars, and Micha Sharir
UU-CS-2003-034 pdf A simple scheme to structure and process the information of parties in online forms of alternative dispute resolution
Gerard Vreeswijk
UU-CS-2003-033 ps.gz
Rectilinear Graphs and Angular Resolution
Hans L. Bodlaender and Gerard Tel
UU-CS-2003-032 ps.gz
A Rule of Adaptation for OO
Cees Pierik and Frank S. de Boer
UU-CS-2003-031 ps.gz
Planar embeddability of the vertices of a graph using a fixed point set is NP-hard
Sergii Cabello
UU-CS-2003-030 pdf Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership in Object-oriented Programming (IWACO)
Dave Clark (editor)
UU-CS-2003-029 pdf On the Education of GIS Algorithm Design
Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2003-028 pdf Improvement Framework for Buyer-Owned Trading Exchanges: Procurement at Komatsu America Corp. - Peoria Manufacturing Operations
Johan Versendaal and Sjaak Brinkkemper
UU-CS-2003-027 ps.gz
Safe Separators for Treewidth
Hans L. Bodlaender and Arie M. C. A. Koster
UU-CS-2003-026 ps.gz
A Framework for Network Reliability Problems on Graphs of Bounded Treewidth
Thomas Wolle
UU-CS-2003-025 ps.gz The Area of Overlap of two Unions of Convex Objects under Translations
Mark de Berg, Panos Giannopoulos, Christian Knauer, René van Oostrum, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2003-024 ps.gz
Using Transportation Distances for Measuring Melodic Similarity
Rainer Typke, Panos Giannopoulos, Remco C. Veltkamp, Frans Wiering, René van Oostrum
UU-CS-2003-023 ps.gz
Scripting XML with Generic Haskell
Frank Atanassow, Dave Clarke, Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2003-022 pdf Dependency-style Generic Haskell
Andres Lö, Dave Clarke, and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2003-021 pdf Post-Processing for MCMC
Edwin de Jong, Marco Wiering, and Madalina Drugan
UU-CS-2003-020 pdf Good NEWS: Partitioning a Simple Polygon by Compass Direction
Marc van Kreveld, Iris Reinbacher
UU-CS-2003-019 pdf Interactive needle insertions in 3D nonlinear material
Han-Wen Nienhuys, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2003-018 pdf Maintaining mesh connectivity using a simplex-based data structure
Han-Wen Nienhuys, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2003-017 pdf Collaborative Frame Selection: Exact and Distributed Algorithms for a Networked Robotic Camera with Discrete Zoom Levels
Dezhen Song, A. Frank van der Stappen, Ken Goldberg
UU-CS-2003-016 pdf Generic Haskell: Applications
Ralf Hinze and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2003-015 pdf Generic Haskell: Practice and Theory
Ralf Hinze and Johan Jeuring
UU-CS-2003-014 pdf Automated segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysms in multi-spectral MR images
Marleen de Bruijne, Bram van Ginneken, Wilbert Bartels, Maarten J. van der Laan, Jan D. Blankensteijn, Wiro J. Niessen, Max A. Viergever
UU-CS-2003-013 pdf Active shape model segmentation using a non-linear appearance model: application to 3D AAA segmentation
Marleen de Bruijne, Bram van Ginneken, Wiro J. Niessen, Max A. Viergever
UU-CS-2003-012 pdf Three-dimensional point distribution models for tubular objects
Marleen de Bruijne, Bram van Ginneken, Max A. Viergever, Wiro J. Niessen
UU-CS-2003-011 pdf Interactive segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysms in CTA images
Marleen de Bruijne, Bram van Ginneken, Max A. Viergever, Wiro J. Niessen
UU-CS-2003-010 ps.gz
A Syntax-Directed Hoare Logic for Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
Cees Pierik, Frank S. de Boer
UU-CS-2003-009 ps.gz
Modular Variable-length Representations from Pareto-Coevolution
Edwin D. de Jong
UU-CS-2003-008 pdf Spiking neural networks, an introduction
Jilles Vreeken
UU-CS-2003-007 pdf Dynamic neural networks, comparing spiking circuits and LSTM
Arne Koopman, Matthijs van Leeuwen, Jilles Vreeken
UU-CS-2003-006 pdf Facility Location and the Geometric Minimum-Diameter Spanning Tree
Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Sang-Min Park, Chan-Su Shin, and Alexander Wolff
UU-CS-2003-005 ps.gz
On the Implementation of Polygonal Approximation Algorithms
Ovidiu Grigore, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2003-004 pdf Motion Planning for Camera Movements in Virtual Environments
Dennis Nieuwenhuisen, Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2003-003 ps.gz
Approximation algorithms for aligning points
Sergio Cabello, Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2003-002 ps.gz
Towards an environment for the verification of annotated object-oriented programs
Frank S. de Boer, Cees Pierik
UU-CS-2003-001 ps.gz
Pre-processing rules for triangulation of probabilistic networks
Hans L. Bodlaender, Arie M. C. A. Koster, and Frank van den Eijkhof
UU-CS-2002-056 ps.gz
Adaptive mutation rate control schemes in genetic algorithms
Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2002-055 ps.gz
Predictive measures for problem representation and genetic operator design
Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2002-054 ps.gz
Random Keys on ICE: Marginal Product Factorized Probability Distributions in Permutation Optimization
Peter A. N. Bosman, Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2002-053 ps.gz
Permutation Optimization by Iterated Estimation of Random Keys Marginal Product Factorizations
Peter A. N. Bosman and Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2002-052 ps.gz
A Thorough Documentation of Obtained Results on Real-Valued Continious and Combinatorial Multi-Objective Optimization Problems Using Diversity Preserving Mixture-Based Iterated Density Estimation Evolutionary Algorithms
Peter A. N. Bosman, Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2002-051 ps.gz
Safe reduction rules for weighted treewidth
Frank van den Eijkhof, Hans L. Bodlaender, and Arie M.C.A. Koster
UU-CS-2002-050 ps.gz
Parametric Search Made Practical
René van Oostrum and Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2002-049 pdf Mutual Information Aspects of Scale Space Images
Arjan Kuijper
UU-CS-2002-048 ps.gz
External Uniqueness is Unique Enough
Dave Clarke, Tobias Wrigstad
UU-CS-2002-047 pdf The Generic Haskell User's Guide. Version 1.23 - Beryl release
David Clarke, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh
UU-CS-2002-046 pdf Proceedings of the 12th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning
Marco Wiering (editor)
UU-CS-2002-045 pdf XML query requirements
Joris Graaumans
UU-CS-2002-044 ps.gz
A Delaunay approach to interactive cutting in triangulated surfaces
Han-Wen Nienhuys, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2002-043 ps.gz
Spatial Information Retrieval and Geographical Ontologies. An Overview of the SPIRIT Project
Christopher B. Jones, R. Purves, A. Ruas, M. Sanderson, M. Sester, M. van Kreveld, R. Weibel
UU-CS-2002-042 ps.gz
Strategies for Source-to-Source Constant Propagation
Karina Olmos and Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2002-041 ps.gz
A Comparative Study of Probabilistic Roadmap Planners
Roland Geraerts, Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2002-040 ps.gz
Schematization of Networks
Sergio Cabello, Mark de Berg, Marc van Kreveld
UU-CS-2002-039 ps.gz
Efficient algorithms for maximum regression depth
Marc van Kreveld, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Peter Rousseeuw, Micha Sharir, Jack Snoeyink, Bettina Speckman
UU-CS-2002-038 ps.gz
On Simplifying Dot Maps
Mark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, Otfried Cheong, Pat Morin
UU-CS-2002-037 ps.gz
Balanced partition of minimum spanning trees
Mattias Andersson, Joachim Gudmundsson, Christos Levcopoulos, Giri Narasimhan
UU-CS-2002-036 ps.gz
TSP with Neighborhoods of Varying Size
Mark de Berg, Joachim Gudmondsson, Matthew J. Katz, Christos Levcopoulos, Mark H. Overmars, A. Frank van der Stappen
UU-CS-2002-035 ps.gz
Parametric Type Inferencing for Helium
Bastiaan Heeren and Jurriaan Hage
UU-CS-2002-034 ps.gz
The One-Round Voronoi Game
Otfried Cheong, Sariel Har-Peled, Nathan Linial, Jiri Matousek
UU-CS-2002-033 ps.gz
Computing Signed Permutations of Polygons
Greg Aloupis, Prosenjit Bose, Erik D. Demaine, Stefan Langerman, Henk Meijer, Mark Overmars, Godfried T. Toussaint
UU-CS-2002-032 ps.gz
Derivation of algorithms for cutwidth and related graph layout problems
Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Dimitrios M. Thilikos
UU-CS-2002-031 ps.gz
Generalizing Hindley-Milner Type Inference Algorithms
Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage, Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2002-030 ps.gz
Combinators for layered software architectures
Martijn M. Schrage, Johan Jeuring, S. Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-2002-029 ps.gz
Model-based reinforcement learning in dynamic environments
Marco A. Wiering
UU-CS-2002-028 pdf Meta-programming with concrete object syntax
E. Visser
UU-CS-2002-027 pdf Box-Trees for Collision Checking in Industrial Installations
Herman J. Haverkort, Mark de Berg
UU-CS-2002-026 ps.gz
Radio labeling with pre-assigned frequencies
Hans L. Bodlaender, Hajo J. Broersma, Fedor V. Fomin, Artem V. Pyatkin, Gerhard J. Woeginer
UU-CS-2002-025 pdf !UNITY: A Theory of General UNITY
I.S.W.B. Prasetya, T.E.J. Vos, A. Azurat, S.D. Swierstra
UU-CS-2002-024 pdf Context-specific Sign-propagation in Qualitative Probabilistic Networks
Silja Renooij, Linda C. van der Gaag, Simon Parsons
UU-CS-2002-023 pdf Generic Programming for XML Tools
Johan Jeuring, Paul Hagg
UU-CS-2002-022 pdf Building interpreters with rewriting strategies
E. Dolstra, E. Visser
UU-CS-2002-021 pdf Rewriting Strategies for Instruction Selection
Martin Bravenboer, Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2002-020 ps.gz
Preprocessing Chains for Fast Dihedral Rotations Is Hard or Even Impossible
Michael Soss, Jeff Erickson, Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2002-019 ps.gz
Polyhedral model retrieval using weighted point sets
Johan W.H. Tangelder, Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2002-018 ps.gz
Logical Filtering in Scale Space
Arjan Kuijper, Luc Florack
UU-CS-2002-017 ps.gz
Euler graphs, triangle-free graphs and bipartite graphs in switching classes
Jurriaan Hage, Tero Harju, and Emo Welzl
UU-CS-2002-016 ps.gz
Hierarchical Decompositions and Circular Ray Shooting in Simple Polygons
Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong, Hazel Everett, René van Oostrum
UU-CS-2002-015 ps.gz
On the design and analysis of competent GAs
Steven van Dijk, Dirk Thierens, Mark de Berg
UU-CS-2002-014 ps.gz
A pseudo-metric for weighted point sets
Panos Giannopoulos and Remco C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2002-013 ps.gz
Computing farthest neighbors on a convex polytope
Otfried Cheong, Chan-Su Shin, Antoine Vigneron
UU-CS-2002-012 ps.gz
Spanning trees crossing few barriers
Tetsuo Asano, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Leonidas J. Guibas, Jack Snoeyink, Hisao Tamaki
UU-CS-2002-011 ps.gz
Type-indexed data types
Ralf Hinze, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh
UU-CS-2002-010 ps.gz
Scale-invariant segmentation of dynamic contrast-enhanced perfusion MR-images with inherent scale selection
J.P. Jansen, M. Egmont-Petersen, E.A. Hendriks, M.J.T. Reinders, R.J. van der Geest, P.C.W. Hogendoorn, J.H.C. Reiber
UU-CS-2002-009 ps.gz
Improving type-error messages in functional languages
Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, Doaitse Swierstra, Pablo Azero Alcocer
UU-CS-2002-008 ps.gz
A preliminary report on xMECH
A. Azurat and I.S.W.B. Prasetya
UU-CS-2002-007 ps.gz
A Survey on Embedding Programming Logics in a Theorem Prover
A. Azurat and I.S.W.B. Prasetya
UU-CS-2002-006 ps.gz
Computing Tolerance Parameters for Fixturing and Feeding
JingLiang Chen, Ken Goldberg, Mark H. Overmars, Dan Halperin, Karl F. Böhringer, Yan Zhuang
UU-CS-2002-005 ps.gz
Towards an inclusion driven learning of Bayesian Networks
Robert Castelo, Tomas Kocka
UU-CS-2002-004 ps.gz
Recent developments in motion planning
Mark H. Overmars
UU-CS-2002-003 ps.gz
Hierarchical mixtures of naive Bayes classifiers
Marco A. Wiering
UU-CS-2002-002 ps.gz
The emergent computational potential of evolving artificial living systems
J. Wiedermann, J. van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2002-001 ps.gz
Tree decompositions with small cost
Hans L. Bodlaender, Fedor V. Fomin
UU-CS-2001-62 pdf Preliminary proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Workshop (HW'2001)
Ralf Hinze (editor)
UU-CS-2001-61 pdf Active shape models exploiting slice-to-slice correlation in segmentation of 3D CTA AAA images
Marleen de Bruijne, Bram van Ginneken, Wiro J. Niessen, J. B. Antoine Maintz, Max A. Viergever
UU-CS-2001-60 pdf Semi-automatic aortic endograft location for post-operative evaluation of endovascular aneurysm treatment
Marleen de Bruijne, Wiro J. Niessen, J. B. Antoine Maintz, Max A. Viergever
UU-CS-2001-59 ps.gz
Multi-objective mixture based iterated density estimation evolutionary algorithms
Dirk Thierens and Peter A. N. Bosman
UU-CS-2001-58 ps.gz
Learning Bayesian network classifiers for credit scoring using Markov Chain Monte Carlo search
B. Baesens, M. Egmont-Petersen, R. Castelo, J. Vanthienen
UU-CS-2001-57 ps.gz
Accurate object localization in gray level images using the center of gravity measure; accuracy versus precision
H. C. van Assen, M. Egmont-Petersen, J. H. C. Reiber
UU-CS-2001-56 pdf Facility location on terrains
Boris Aronov, Marc van Kreveld, René van Oostrum, Kasturi Varadarajan
UU-CS-2001-55 pdf The relevance of non-generic events in scale space models
Arjan Kuijper and Luc Florack
UU-CS-2001-54 ps.gz
Proceedings of the Second Stratego Users Day
Eelco Visser (editor)
UU-CS-2001-53 pdf Exploiting gradient information in continuous iterated density estimation evolutionary algorithms
Peter A. N. Bosman and Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2001-52 pdf New IDEAs and more ICE by learning and using unconditional permutation factorizations
Peter A. N. Bosman and Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2001-51 pdf Advancing continuous IDEAs with mixed distributions and factorization selection metrics
Peter A. N. Bosman and Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2001-50 pdf Crossing the road to efficient IDEAs for permutation problems
Peter A. N. Bosman and Dirk Thierens
UU-CS-2001-49 ps.gz
Treewidth: Computational Experiments
Arie M.C.A. Koster, Hans L. Bodlaender, Stan P. M. van Hoesel
UU-CS-2001-48 pdf Casting a polyhedron with directional uncertainty
Hee-kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, Rene van Oostrum
UU-CS-2001-47 pdf Voronoi diagrams on the sphere
Hyeon-Suk Na, Chung-Nim Lee, Otfried Cheong
UU-CS-2001-46 pdf Building bridges between convex regions
Hee-Kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, Chan-Su Shin
UU-CS-2001-45 pdf Competitive facility location along a highway
Hee-Kap Ahn, Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong, Mordecai Golin, Rene van Oostrum
UU-CS-2001-44 pdf A simple and efficient algorithm for high-quality line labeling
Alexander Wolff, Lars Knipping, Marc van Kreveld, Tycho Strijk, Pankaj K. Agarwal
UU-CS-2001-43 pdf Towards an evaluation of quality for names placement methods
Steven van Dijk, Marc van Kreveld, Tycho Strijk, Alexander Wolff
UU-CS-2001-42 pdf Guiding visitors: separating navigation from computation
Martin Bravenboer, Eelco Visser
UU-CS-2001-41 ps.gz
Program refinement in UNITY
T.E.J. Vos and S.D. Swierstra
UU-CS-2001-40 pdf Proving distributed hylomorphisms
T.E.J. Vos, S.D. Swierstra
UU-CS-2001-39 pdf Disambiguation filters for scannerless generalized LR parsers
M.G.J. van den Brand, J. Scheerder, J.J. Vinju, E. Visser
UU-CS-2001-38 pdf First-class rules and generic traversal
E. Dolstra, E. Visser
UU-CS-2001-37 pdf It's all in the game
Mark Overmars
UU-CS-2001-36 pdf Gaussian sampling for probabilistic roadmap planners
V. Boor, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-2001-35 pdf Parsec: Direct style monadic parser combinators for the real world
D. J. P. Leijen, H. J. M. Meijer
UU-CS-2001-34 pdf Polytypic data conversion programs
P. Jansson, J. T. Jeuring
UU-CS-2001-33 pdf Functional Pearl. Weaving a Web
R. Hinze, J. T. Jeuring
UU-CS-2001-32 ps.gz
CodeBoost. A framework for transforming C++ programs
O. S. Bagge, M. Haveraaen, E. Visser
UU-CS-2001-31 pdf A survey of rewriting strategies in program transformation systems
E. Visser
UU-CS-2001-30 pdf Fusing logic and control with local transformations: an example optimization
P. Johann, E. Visser
UU-CS-2001-29 pdf Scoped dynamic rewrite rules
E. Visser
UU-CS-2001-28 pdf Stratego: A language for program transformation based on rewriting strategies. System description of Stratego 0.5
E. Visser
UU-CS-2001-27 pdf Enumerating submultisets of multisets
J. Hage
UU-CS-2001-26 pdf The Generic Haskell User's Guide
D. Clarke, R. T. W. Hinze, J. T. Jeuring, A. Löh, J. de Wit
UU-CS-2001-25 pdf On the creations of critical points in scale space with applications to medical image analysis
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-2001-24 pdf The application of catastrophe theory to medical image analysis
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-2001-23 pdf The application of catastrophe theory to image analysis
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-2001-22 ps.gz
Computing the treewidth and the minimum fill-in with the modular decomposition
H. L. Bodlaender, U. Rotics
UU-CS-2001-21 pdf On R-trees with low query complexity
M. T. de Berg, J. G. Gudmundsson, M. Hammar, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-2001-20 pdf Translating a Regular Grid over a Point Set
P. Bose, M. van Kreveld, A. Maheshwari, P. Morin, J. Morisson
UU-CS-2001-19 pdf Scale Space Hierarchy
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack, M. A. Viergever
UU-CS-2001-18 pdf Lazy Functional Parser Combinators in Java
Atze Dijkstra, Doaitse S. Swierstra
UU-CS-2001-17 pdf Hierarchical pre-segmentation without prior knowledge
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-2001-16 pdf Supporting cuts and finite element deformation in interactive surgery simulation
H. W. Nienhuys, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-2001-15 ps.gz
Relaxed Update and Partition Network Games
H. L. Bodlaender, M. J. Dinneen, B. Khoussainov
UU-CS-2001-14 pdf A Survey on Multidimensional Access Methods
H. K. Ahn, N. Mamoulis, H. M. Wong
UU-CS-2001-13 pdf Flipping Your Lid
H. K. Ahn, P. Bose, J. Czyzowicz, N. Hanusse, E. Kranakis, P. Morin
UU-CS-2001-12 pdf Enumeration of P4-free Chordal Graphs
J. R. Castelo, N. Wormald
UU-CS-2001-11 pdf Geometry and Part Feeding
A. F. van der Stappen, R-P. M. Berretty, K. Goldberg, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-2001-10 pdf Box-Trees and R-Trees with Near-Optimal Query Time
P. K. Agarwal, M. T. de Berg, J. G. Gudmundsson, M. Hammar, H. J. Haverkort
UU-CS-2001-09 pdf A Simple Implementation Technique for Priority Search Queues
R. T. W. Hinze
UU-CS-2001-08 ps.gz
A generic NP-hardness proof for a variant of Graph Coloring
H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2001-07 pdf Finding sets of points without empty convex 6-gons
M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-2001-06 pdf Motion Planning in Environments with Dangerzones
D. Sent, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-2001-05 pdf Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations
J. G. Gudmundsson, M. Hammar, M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-2001-04 ps.gz
A polynomial algorithm for the cutwidth of bounded degree graphs with small treewidth
D. M. Thilikos, M. J. Serna, H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2001-03 pdf Shape matching: Similarity Measures and Algorithms
R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2001-02 ps.gz
A computational model of interaction in embedded systems
J. van Leeuwen, J. Wiedermann
UU-CS-2001-01 ps.gz
Probabilities for a probabilistic network: A case-study in Oesophageal Carcinoma
L. C. van der Gaag, S. Renooij, C. L. M. Witteman, B. M. P. Aleman, B. G. Taal
UU-CS-2000-45 ps.gz
Mixed IDEAs
P. A. N. Bosman, D. Thierens
UU-CS-2000-44 ps.gz
A characterization of moral transitive directed acyclic graph Markov models as trees and its properties
J. R. Castelo, A. P. J. M. Siebes
UU-CS-2000-43 ps.gz
Warm fusion in Stratego - A case study in the generation of program transformation systems
P. Johann, E. Visser
UU-CS-2000-42 ps.gz
Kayles and nimbers
H. L. Bodlaender, D. Kratsch
UU-CS-2000-41 ps.gz
Models and motion planning
M. T. de Berg, M. J. Katz, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-2000-40 ps.gz
Guarding scenes against invasive hypercubes
M. T. de Berg, H. David, M. J. Katz, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-2000-39 ps.gz
Trap design for vibratory bowl feeders
R-P. M. Berretty, K. Goldberg, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-2000-38 ps.gz
Constructive linear time algorithms for branchwidth
D. M. Thilikos, H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2000-37 ps.gz
Shape similarity measures, properties, and constructions
R. C. Veltkamp, M. Hagedoorn
UU-CS-2000-36 ps.gz
Negative log-likelihood and statistical hypothesis testing as the basis of model selection in IDEAs
P. A. N. Bosman, D. Thierens
UU-CS-2000-35 ps.gz
The merchant subtour problem
A. M. Verweij, K. I. Aardal
UU-CS-2000-34 ps.gz
Content-based image retrieval systems: A survey
R. C. Veltkamp, M. Tanase
UU-CS-2000-33 ps.gz
The Turing machine paradigm in contemporary computing
J. van Leeuwen, J. Wiedermann
UU-CS-2000-32 ps.gz
Using genetic algorithms for solving hard problems in GIS
S. van Dijk, D. Thierens, M. T. de Berg
UU-CS-2000-31 ps.gz
Flipturning polygons
O. Aichholzer, C. Cortes, E. D. Demaine, V. Dujmovic, J. Erickson, H. Meijer, M. H. Overmars, B. Palop, S. Ramaswami, G. T. Toussaint
UU-CS-2000-30 ps.gz
Reconfiguring convex polygons
O. Aichholzer, E. D. Demaine, J. Erickson, F. Hurtado, M. H. Overmars, M. Soss, G. T. Toussaint
UU-CS-2000-29 ps.gz
Finding a Delta-regular supergraph of minimum order
H. L. Bodlaender, R. B. Tan, J. van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2000-28 ps.gz
Fixed parameter algorithms for planar dominating set
J. Alber, H. L. Bodlaender, H. Fernau, R. Niedermeier
UU-CS-2000-27 ps.gz
Necessary edges in k-chordalizations of graphs
H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2000-26 ps.gz
Expanding from discrete to continuous estimation of distribution algorithms: The IDEA
P. A. N. Bosman, D. Thierens
UU-CS-2000-25 ps.gz
Approximations for Lambda-coloring of graphs
H. L. Bodlaender, T. Kloks, R. B. Tan, J. van Leeuwen
UU-CS-2000-24 ps.gz
A constructive linear time algorithm for small cutwidth
D. M. Thilikos, M. J. Serna, H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-2000-23 ps.gz
Approximation of pathwidth of outerplanar graphs
H. L. Bodlaender, F. V. Fomin
UU-CS-2000-22 ps.gz
Algorithms for maximum independent set applied to map labelling
T. W. Strijk, A. M. Verweij, K. I. Aardal
UU-CS-2000-21 ps.gz
Orienting polyhedral parts by pushing
R-P. M. Berretty, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-2000-20 ps.gz
Building probabilistic networks: Where do the numbers come from? - a guide to the literature
M. J. Druzdzel, L. C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-2000-19 ps.gz
Proceedings Workshop on Generic Programming (WGP2000)
J. T. Jeuring
UU-CS-2000-18 ps.gz
Pivotal pruning of trade-offs in QPNs
S. Renooij, L. C. van der Gaag, S. Parsons, S. Green
UU-CS-2000-17 ps.gz
Exploiting non-monotonic influences in qualitative belief networks
S. Renooij, L. C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-2000-16 ps.gz
Evaluation of a probabilistic model for staging of oesophageal carcinoma
L. C. van der Gaag, S. Renooij, B. M. P. Aleman, B. G. Taal
UU-CS-2000-15 ps.gz
Continuous iterated density estimation evolutionary algorithms within the IDEA framework
P. A. N. Bosman, D. Thierens
UU-CS-2000-14 ps.gz
Resolution and binary decision diagrams cannot simulate each other polynomially
J. F. Groote, H. Zantema
UU-CS-2000-13 ps.gz
An embedding of ConGolog in 3APL
K. V. Hindriks, Y. Lesperance, H. Levesque
UU-CS-2000-12 ps.gz
A probabilistic and decision-theoretic approach to the management of infectious disease at the ICU
P. J. F. Lucas, N. de Bruijn, K. Schurink, A. Hoepelman
UU-CS-2000-11 ps.gz
IDEAs based on the normal kernels probability density function
P. A. N. Bosman, D. Thierens
UU-CS-2000-10 ps.gz
Sequential program composition in Unity
T.E.J. Vos, S. D. Swierstra
UU-CS-2000-09 ps.gz
Defining a non-concrete recursive type in HOL which includes sets
T.E.J. Vos, S. D. Swierstra
UU-CS-2000-08 ps.gz
Practical extensions of point labeling in the slider model
T. W. Strijk, M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-2000-07 ps.gz
Formal design of self-stabilizing programs: Theory and examples
S. W. B. Prasetya, S. D. Swierstra
UU-CS-2000-06 ps.gz
Binary decision diagrams by shared rewriting
J. van de Pol, H. Zantema
UU-CS-2000-05 ps.gz
On equicut graphs
M. Deza, D. Pasechnik
UU-CS-2000-04 ps.gz
Termination of Term Rewriting
H. Zantema
UU-CS-2000-03 ps.gz
Geometric Modelling with a-Complexes
B. H. M. Gerritsen, K. van der Werff, R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-2000-02 ps.gz
Factorizing fault tolerance
S. W. B. Prasetya, S. D. Swierstra
UU-CS-2000-01 ps.gz
Component-wise formal approach to design distributed systems
S. W. B. Prasetya, S. D. Swierstra, B. Widjaja
UU-CS-1999-49 ps.gz
A case study of a multiobjective elitist recombinative genetic algorithm with coevolutionary sharing
M. Neef, D. Thierens, H. Arciszweski
UU-CS-1999-48 ps.gz
On the scalability of simple genetic algorithms
D. Thierens
UU-CS-1999-47 ps.gz
Estimating the significant non-linearities in the genome problem-coding
D. Thierens
UU-CS-1999-46 ps.gz
An algorithmic framework for density estimation based evolutionary algorithms
P. A. N. Bosman, D. Thierens
UU-CS-1999-45 ps.gz
Focused quantification of a belief network using sensitivity analysis
N. B. Peek, V. M. H. Coupe, J. Ottenkamp
UU-CS-1999-44 ps.gz
Using sensitivity analysis for efficient quantification of a belief network
V. M. H. Coupe, N. B. Peek, J. Ottenkamp, J. D. F. Habbema
UU-CS-1999-43 ps.gz
A specialized POMDP form and algorithm for clinical patient management
N. B. Peek
UU-CS-1999-42 ps.gz
Explicit temporal models for decision-theoretic planning of clinical management
N. B. Peek
UU-CS-1999-41 ps.gz
Non-standard approaches to integer programming
K. I. Aardal, R. Weismantel, L. A. Wolsey
UU-CS-1999-40 ps.gz
Lower bounds for kinetic planar subdivisions
P. K. Agarwal, J. Basch, M. T. de Berg, L. J. Guibas, J. Hershberger
UU-CS-1999-39 ps.gz
On the fatness of Minkowski sums
M. T. de Berg, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-1999-38 ps.gz
Logic engineering in medicine
P. J. F. Lucas
UU-CS-1999-37 ps.gz
Lattice basis reduction and integer programming
K. I. Aardal
UU-CS-1999-36 ps.gz
Algorithms for the radio link frequency assignment problem
K. I. Aardal, C. A. J. Hurkens, J. K. Lenstra, S. Tiourine
UU-CS-1999-35 ps.gz
A geometric model of retinocortical mechanisms
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1999-34 ps.gz
Certainty-factor-like structures in Bayesian belief networks
P. J. F. Lucas
UU-CS-1999-32 ps.gz
Sensitivity analysis for threshold decision making with Bayesian belief networks
L. C. van der Gaag, V. M. H. Coupe
UU-CS-1999-31 ps.gz
Sizes of decision tables and decision trees
H. Zantema, H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-1999-30 ps.gz
An operational semantics for the single agent core of AGENT0
K. V. Hindriks, F. S. de Boer, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1999-29 ps.gz
Properties of sensitivity analysis of Bayesian belief networks
V. M. H. Coupe, L. C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-1999-28 ps.gz
Proceedings of the 1999 Haskell Workshop
H. J. M. Meijer
UU-CS-1999-27 ps.gz
State-of-the-art in shape matching
R. C. Veltkamp, M. Hagedoorn
UU-CS-1999-26 ps.gz
SKIT, An open architecture for courseware authoring
Atze Dijkstra, Martijn Schrage, Doaitse Swierstra
UU-CS-1999-25 ps.gz
Belief updates in multiple agent systems
J-W. Roorda
UU-CS-1999-24 ps.gz
Labeling points with circles
T. W. Strijk, A. Wolff
UU-CS-1999-23 ps.gz
Enhancing QPNs for trade-off resolution
S. Renooij, L. C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-1999-22 ps.gz
The termination hierarchy for term rewriting
H. Zantema
UU-CS-1999-21 ps.gz
New visibility partitions with applications in affine pattern matching
M. Hagedoorn, M. H. Overmars, R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-1999-20 ps.gz
EA Visualizer Tutorial
P. A. N. Bosman
UU-CS-1999-19 ps.gz
Talking probabilities: communicating probabilistic information with words and numbers
S. Renooij, C. L. M. Witteman
UU-CS-1999-18 ps.gz
Efficient evaluation of triangular B-splines
M. Franssen, R. C. Veltkamp, W. Wesselink
UU-CS-1999-17 ps.gz
Open multi-agent systems: Agent communication and integration
R. M. van Eijk, F. S. de Boer, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1999-16 ps.gz
Market split and basis reduction: Towards a solution of the Cornuejols-Dawande Instances
K. I. Aardal, R. E. Bixby, C. A. J. Hurkens, A. K. Lenstra, J. W. Smeltink
UU-CS-1999-15 ps.gz
How to elicit many probabilities
L. C. van der Gaag, S. Renooij, C. L. M. Witteman, B. M. P. Aleman, B. G. Taal
UU-CS-1999-14 ps.gz
Computing immobilizing grasps of polygonal parts
A. F. van der Stappen, C. Wentink, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1999-13 ps.gz
Sensitivity analysis: an aid for belief-network quantification
V. M. H. Coupe, L. C. van der Gaag, J. D. F. Habbema
UU-CS-1999-12 ps.gz
Calculations on critical points under Gaussian blurring
A. Kuijper, L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1999-11 ps.gz
On the modelling of evolutionary algorithms
P. A. N. Bosman, D. Thierens
UU-CS-1999-10 ps.gz
Linkage information processing in distribution estimation algorithms
P. A. N. Bosman, D. Thierens
UU-CS-1999-09 ps.gz
Semantics of communicating agents based on deduction and abduction
K. V. Hindriks, F. S. de Boer, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1999-08 ps.gz
Operational semantics for agent communication languages
R. M. van Eijk, F. S. de Boer, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1999-07 ps.gz
Visual representations embodying spacetime structure
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1999-06 ps.gz
Improving antibiotic therapy of ventilator associated pneumonia using a probabilistic approach
N. de Bruijn, P. J. F. Lucas, K. Schurink, A. Hoepelman
UU-CS-1999-05 ps.gz
An intelligent system for pacemaker reprogramming
P. J. F. Lucas, A. Tholen, G. van Oort
UU-CS-1999-04 ps.gz
A diagnostic advice system based on pathophysiological models of diseases
W. J. ter Burg, P. J. F. Lucas, E. ter Braak
UU-CS-1999-03 ps.gz
Metric pattern spaces
M. Hagedoorn, R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-1999-02 ps.gz
Finding small equivalent decision trees is hard
H. Zantema, H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-1999-01 ps.gz
Efficient image retrieval through vantage objects
J. M. Vleugels, R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-1998-49 ps.gz
Domino convergence, drift, and the temporal-salience structure of problems
D. Thierens, D. E. Goldberg, A. G. Pereira
UU-CS-1998-48 ps.gz
Selection schemes, elitist recombination, and selection intensity
D. Thierens
UU-CS-1998-47 ps.gz
Dimensional analysis of Allele-Wise mixing revisited
D. Thierens
UU-CS-1998-46 ps.gz
Non-redundant genetic coding of neural networks
D. Thierens
UU-CS-1998-45 ps.gz
A 3-approximation algorithm for the k-level uncapacitated facility location problem
K. I. Aardal, F. A. Chudak, D. B. Shmoys
UU-CS-1998-44 ps.gz
Spatio-frequency analysis of scale-space filtering
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1998-43 ps.gz
Cryptografie: van DES tot Chipknip
G. Tel
UU-CS-1998-42 ps.gz
Time and bit optimal broadcasting on anonymous unoriented hypercubes
S. Dobrev, P. Ruzicka, G. Tel
UU-CS-1998-41 ps.gz
Robust genetic algorithms for high quality map labeling
S. van Dijk, D. Thierens, M. T. de Berg
UU-CS-1998-40 ps.gz
Point labeling with sliding labels
M. van Kreveld, T. W. Strijk, A. Wolff
UU-CS-1998-39 ps.gz
Applications of the generic programming paradigm in the design of CGAL
H. Broennimann, L. Kettner, S. Schirra, R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-1998-38 ps.gz
Prognostic methods in medicine
P. J. F. Lucas, A. Abu-Hanna
UU-CS-1998-37 ps.gz
Non-linear scale-spaces isomorphic to the linear case
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1998-36 ps.gz
Solving a system of diophantine equations with lower and upper bounds on the variables
K. I. Aardal, C. A. J. Hurkens, A. K. Lenstra
UU-CS-1998-35 ps.gz
Generic geometric programming in the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-1998-34 ps.gz
On the behaviour of critical points under Gaussian blurring
L. M. J. Florack, A. Kuijper
UU-CS-1998-33 ps.gz
Computer-based decision support in the management of primary gastric non-Hodgkin lymphoma
P. J. F. Lucas, H. Boot, B. G. Taal
UU-CS-1998-32 pdf De evaluatie van kennissytemen.
P.J.F. Lucas
UU-CS-1998-31 ps.gz
The topological structure of scale-space images
L. M. J. Florack, A. Kuijper
UU-CS-1998-30 ps.gz
Motion planning for multiple robots
B. Aronov, M. T. de Berg, A. F. van der Stappen, P. Svestka, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1998-29 ps.gz
Labeling a rectilinear map more efficiently
T. W. Strijk, M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-1998-28 ps.gz
Finding the wood by the trees
M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-1998-27 ps.gz
Duality principles in image processing and analysis
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1998-26 ps.gz
The complexity of scheduling typed task systems with and without communication delays
J. Verriet
UU-CS-1998-25 ps.gz
Contour trees and small seed sets for isosurface traversal
C. Bajaj, M. van Kreveld, R. W. van Oostrum, V. Pascucci, D. R. Schikore
UU-CS-1998-24 ps.gz
Scheduling outtrees of height one in the LogP model
J. Verriet
UU-CS-1998-23 pdf Registration of 3D Medical Images using Simple Morphlogical Tools
J.B.A. Maintz and P.A. van den Elsen and M.A. Viergever
UU-CS-1998-22 pdf An Overview of Medical Image Registration Methods
J.B.A. Maintz and M.A. Viergever
UU-CS-1998-21 pdf A Multiscale Approach to Mutual Information Matching
J.P.W. Pluim and J.B.A. Maintz and M.A. Viergever
UU-CS-1998-20 pdf A Survey of Medical Image Registration
J.B.A. Maintz and M.A. Viergever
UU-CS-1998-19 pdf Comparison and Evaluation of Retrospective Intermodality Brain Image Registration Techniques
J. West et al.
UU-CS-1998-18 ps.gz
General multimodal elastic registration based on mutual information
J. B. A. Maintz, E. H. W. Meijering, M. A. Viergever
UU-CS-1998-17 ps.gz
Distributed control for AI
G. Tel
UU-CS-1998-16 ps.gz
Separating an object from its cast
H. K. Ahn, M. T. de Berg, P. Bose, S-W. Cheng, D. Halperin, J. Matousek, O. Schwarzkopf
UU-CS-1998-15 ps.gz
A note on domino treewidth
H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-1998-14 ps.gz
Decision trees: equivalence and propositional operations
H. Zantema
UU-CS-1998-13 ps.gz
Realistic input models for geometric algorithms
M. T. de Berg, M. J. Katz, A. F. van der Stappen, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1998-12 ps.gz
Linear size binary space partitions for uncluttered scenes
M. T. de Berg
UU-CS-1998-11 ps.gz
Reaching a polygon with directional uncertainty
O. Cheong, R. W. van Oostrum
UU-CS-1998-10 ps.gz
Practicable sensitivity analysis of Bayesian belief networks
V. M. H. Coupe, L. C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-1998-09 ps.gz
Motion extraction - An approach based on duality and Gauge theory
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1998-08 ps.gz
Formalising abilities and opportunities of agents
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1998-07 ps.gz
A formal embedding of AgentSpeak(L) in 3APL
K. V. Hindriks, F. S. de Boer, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1998-06 ps.gz
Algorithms for fence design
R-P. M. Berretty, K. Goldberg, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-1998-05 ps.gz
Computing small search numbers in linear time
H. L. Bodlaender, D. M. Thilikos
UU-CS-1998-04 ps.gz
Label placement by maximum independent set in rectangles
P. K. Agarwal, M. van Kreveld, S. Suri
UU-CS-1998-03 ps.gz
Decision making in qualitative influence diagrams
S. Renooij, L. C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-1998-02 ps.gz
Predictive probabilistic models for treatment planning in paediatric cardiology
N. B. Peek
UU-CS-1998-01 ps.gz
Trade-offs in decision-theoretic planning
N. B. Peek, P. J. F. Lucas
UU-CS-1997-42 ps.gz
Comparing loop cutsets and clique trees in probabilistic inference
L. C. van der Gaag, H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-1997-41 ps.gz
Computing fence designs for orienting parts
R-P. M. Berretty, K. Goldberg, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-1997-40 ps.gz
An algorithm for solving a diophantine equation with lower and upper bounds on the variables
K. I. Aardal, A. K. Lenstra, C. A. J. Hurkens
UU-CS-1997-39 ps.gz
Approximation algorithms for facility location problems
D. B. Shmoys, E. Tardos, K. I. Aardal
UU-CS-1997-38 ps.gz
On an integer multicommodity flow problem from the airplane industry
A. M. Verweij, K. I. Aardal, G. Kant
UU-CS-1997-37 ps.gz
Graphs with branchwidth at most three
H. L. Bodlaender, D. M. Thilikos
UU-CS-1997-36 ps.gz
On applying separator decompositions to path problems and network flow
M. J. Jansen
UU-CS-1997-35 ps.gz
Algorithms and obstructions for linear-width and related search parameters
D. M. Thilikos
UU-CS-1997-34 ps.gz
Recovery of nonmonotonic theories
C. Witteveen, W. van der Hoek
UU-CS-1997-33 ps.gz
Reliable and efficient pattern matching using an affine invariant metric
M. Hagedoorn, R. C. Veltkamp
UU-CS-1997-32 ps.gz
Algorithms for triangulated terrains
M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-1997-31 ps.gz
Treewidth: Algorithmic results and techniques
H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-1997-30 ps.gz
Strictification of computations on trees
J. Saraiva, S. D. Swierstra, M. F. Kuiper
UU-CS-1997-29 ps.gz
Visual exploration of uncertainty in remote-sensing classification
F. J. M. van der Wel, L. C. van der Gaag, B. G. H. Gorte
UU-CS-1997-28 ps.gz
A way to account for models in image analysis illustrated by motion extraction
L. M. J. Florack, W. Niessen
UU-CS-1997-27 ps.gz
Measurement duality
L. M. J. Florack
UU-CS-1997-26 ps.gz
A priori scale in classical scalar and density fields
L. M. J. Florack, J. Koenderink
UU-CS-1997-25 ps.gz
Pseudo-linear scale-space theory Towards the integration of linear and morphologic scale-space paradigms
L. M. J. Florack, R. Maas
UU-CS-1997-24 ps.gz
Reduction algorithms for graphs of small treewidth
Hans L. Bodlaender, Babette de Fluiter
UU-CS-1997-23 ps.gz
Parallel algorithms for treewidth two
Babette de Fluiter, Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-1997-22 ps.gz
Visualization of TINs
M. T. de Berg
UU-CS-1997-21 ps.gz
Parallel algorithms for series parallel graphs
Hans L. Bodlaender, Babette de Fluiter
UU-CS-1997-20 ps.gz
Dynamic motion planning in low obstacle density environments
R-P. M. Berretty, M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-1997-19 ps.gz
Motion planning in environments with low obstacle density
A. F. van der Stappen, M. H. Overmars, M. T. de Berg, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1997-18 ps.gz
Scheduling tree-structured programs in the LogP model
J. Verriet
UU-CS-1997-17 ps.gz
Informational independence: Models and normal forms
L. C. van der Gaag, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1997-16 ps.gz
A language for Modular Information-passing Agents
R. M. van Eijk, F. S. de Boer, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1997-15 ps.gz
Computing a single cell in the overlay of two simple polygons
M. T. de Berg, O. Devillers, K. T. G. Dobrindt, O. Schwarzkopf
UU-CS-1997-14 ps.gz
Group knowledge isn't always distributed (neither is it always implicit)
W. van der Hoek, B. van Linder, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1997-13 ps.gz
Recursively defined (quasi) orders on terms
M. C. F. Ferreira
UU-CS-1997-12 ps.gz
A decade of combinatorial optimization
K. I. Aardal, S. van Hoesel, J. K. Lenstra, L. Stougie
UU-CS-1997-11 ps.gz
Constraints on objects, conceptual model and implementation
R. H. M. C. Kelleners, R. C. Veltkamp, E. H. Blake
UU-CS-1997-10 ps.gz
Symbolic diagnosis and its formalisation
P. J. F. Lucas
UU-CS-1997-09 ps.gz
The intrinsic structure of optic flow incorporating measurement duality
L. M. J. Florack, W. Niessen, M. Nielsen
UU-CS-1997-08 ps.gz
Termination of context-sensitive rewriting
H. Zantema
UU-CS-1997-07 ps.gz
Proving innermost normalisation automatically
T. Arts, J. Giesl
UU-CS-1997-06 ps.gz
An integrated modal approach to rational agents
W. van der Hoek, B. van Linder, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1997-05 ps.gz
Isomorphism for graphs of bounded distance width
Koichi Yamazaki, Hans L. Bodlaender, Babette de Fluiter, Dimitrios M. Thilikos
UU-CS-1997-04 ps.gz
Intervalizing sandwich graphs
Babette de Fluiter, Hans L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-1997-03 ps.gz
Formalizing motivational attitudes of agents using the KARO framework
B. van Linder, J-J. Ch. Meyer, W. van der Hoek
UU-CS-1997-02 ps.gz
Developing a decision-theoretic network for a congenital heart disease
N. B. Peek, J. Ottenkamp
UU-CS-1997-01 ps.gz
The complexity of scheduling graphs of bounded width subject to non-zero communication delays
J. Verriet
UU-CS-1996-55 pdf The Role of Deontic Logic in the Specification of Information Languages
J.-J. Ch. Meyer and R.J. Wieringa and F.P.M. Dignum
UU-CS-1996-54 ps.gz
Computing constrained minimum-width annuli of point sets
M. T. de Berg, P. Bose, D. Bremmer, S. Ramaswami, G. Wilfong
UU-CS-1996-53 ps.gz
Reformulation of capacitated facility location problems: How redundant information can help
K. I. Aardal
UU-CS-1996-52 pdf A Complete Epistemic Logic for Multiple Agents: Combining Distributed and Common Knowledge
W. van der Hoek and J.J.-Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1996-51 ps.gz
Strictification of lazy functions
J. Saraiva, S. D. Swierstra, M. F. Kuiper, M. Pennings
UU-CS-1996-50 ps.gz
Effective function cache management for incremental attribute evaluation
J. Saraiva, M. F. Kuiper, S. D. Swierstra
UU-CS-1996-49 ps.gz
Geometrix eccentricity and the complexity of manipulation plans
A. F. van der Stappen, K. Y. Goldberg, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-48 pdf Utiliteitsmeting ten behoeve van Geautomatiseerde Behandelingskeuze voor Oesofagus Carcinoom
M.W.M. Jaspers and L.C. van der Gaag and A.J. Derksen and B.G. Taal and B.M.P. Aleman
UU-CS-1996-47 ps.gz
The dynamics of probabilistic structural relevance
L. C. van der Gaag, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1996-46 ps.gz
Knowledge acquisition for decision-theoretic expert systems
P. J. F. Lucas
UU-CS-1996-45 ps.gz
Relative undecidability in term rewriting
A. Geser, A. Middeldorp, E. Ohlebusch, H. Zantema
UU-CS-1996-44 ps.gz
Automatically proving termination where simplification orderings fail
T. Arts, J. Giesl
UU-CS-1996-43 ps.gz
Coordinated path planning for multiple robots
P. Svestka, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-42 ps.gz
A theory of diagnosis as hypothesis refinement
P. J. F. Lucas
UU-CS-1996-41 ps.gz
On Interval Routing Schemes and Treewidth
H. L. Bodlaender, J. van Leeuwen, R. B. Tan, D. M. Thilikos
UU-CS-1996-40 ps.gz
Variational modeling of triangular Bezier surfaces
R. C. Veltkamp, W. Wesselink
UU-CS-1996-39 ps.gz
Multiple destination bin packing
A. M. Verweij
UU-CS-1996-38 ps.gz
Algorithms for fixture design
C. Wentink, A. F. van der Stappen, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-37 ps.gz
Formal methods and mechanical verification applied to the development of a convergent distributed sorting program
T.E.J. Vos, S. D. Swierstra, S. W. B. Prasetya
UU-CS-1996-36 ps.gz
Interactive geometric constraint satisfaction
R. C. Veltkamp, F. Arbab
UU-CS-1996-35 ps.gz
On piercing sets of objects
M. J. Katz, F. Nielsen
UU-CS-1996-34 ps.gz
Optimal line bipartitions of point sets
O. Devillers, M. J. Katz
UU-CS-1996-33 pdf Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polygons Under Translations
M. de Berg and O. Devillers and M. van Kreveld and O. Schwarzkopf and M. Teillaud
UU-CS-1996-32 pdf Preferential Action Semantics (Preliminary Report)
J.-J. Ch. Meyer and P. Doherty
UU-CS-1996-31 ps.gz
Decision-analytic interpretation of remotely sensed data
B. G. H. Gorte, L. C. van der Gaag, F. J. M. van der Wal
UU-CS-1996-30 ps.gz
Fast partitioning l-apex graphs with applications to approximating maximum induced-subgraph problems
D. M. Thilikos, H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-1996-29 ps.gz
It is hard to know when greedy is good for finding independent sets
Hans L. Bodlaender, Dimitrios M. Thilikos, Koichi Yamazaki
UU-CS-1996-28 ps.gz
On evidence absorption for belief networks
L. C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-1996-27 ps.gz
Polyhedral combinatorics: An annotated bibliography
K. I. Aardal, R. Weismantel
UU-CS-1996-26 ps.gz
Range searching in low-density environments
O. Schwarzkopf, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1996-25 ps.gz
Computing the angularity tolerance
M. T. de Berg, H. Meijer, M. H. Overmars, G. Wilfong
UU-CS-1996-24 pdf Freeform Shape Machining Using Minkowski Operations
J.W.H. Tangelder and J.S.M. Vergeest and M.H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-23 pdf Computation of Voxel Maps Containing Tool Access Directions for Machining Free-form Shapes
J.W.H. Tangelder and J.S.M. Vergeest and M.H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-22 ps.gz
Variations on sweep algorithms: efficient computation of extended viewsheds and class intervals
M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-1996-21 ps.gz
Characterizing normal forms for informational independence
L. C. van der Gaag, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1996-20 ps.gz
On probabilistic completeness and expected complexity for probabilistic path planning
P. Svestka
UU-CS-1996-19 pdf A Knowledge-Based Compositional Proof System for Parallel Processes
M. van Hulst and J.-J.Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1996-18 ps.gz
Modelling interactions for diagnosis
P. J. F. Lucas
UU-CS-1996-17 ps.gz
Simple traversal of a subdivision without extra storage
M. T. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, R. W. van Oostrum, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-16 ps.gz
Interleaved contractions
W. van der Hoek, M. de Rijke
UU-CS-1996-15 ps.gz
Transforming termination by self-labelling
A. Middeldorp, H. Ohsaki, H. Zantema
UU-CS-1996-14 ps.gz
Bayesian belief networks: Odds and ends
L. C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-1996-13 ps.gz
Parallel algorithms for series parallel graphs
Hans L. Bodlaender, Babette de Fluiter
UU-CS-1996-12 ps.gz
Scheduling interval orders with release dates and deadlines
J. Verriet
UU-CS-1996-11 ps.gz
Immobilizing polygons against a wall
M. H. Overmars, A. S. Rao, O. Schwarzkopf, C. Wentink
UU-CS-1996-10 ps.gz
Robot motion planning in unknown environments using Neural Networks
A. J. Knobbe, J. N. Kok, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-09 ps.gz
Exact motion planning for tractor-trailer robots
P. Svestka, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1996-08 ps.gz
Multi-level path planning for nonholonomic robots using semi-holonomic subsystems
S. Sekhavat, P. Svestka, J-P. Laumond, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1996-07 ps.gz
Termination of constructor systems
T. Arts, J. Giesl
UU-CS-1996-06 pdf A Compositional Proof System for Asynchronously Communicating Processes
F.S. de Boer and M. van Hulst
UU-CS-1996-05 pdf A Proof Theory of Asynchronously Communicating Sequential Processes
F.S. de Boer and N. Francez and M. van Hulst and F.A. Stomp
UU-CS-1996-04 ps.gz
Information retrieval and simulation theory
T. W. C. Huibers, M. Lalmas, C. J. van Rijsbergen
UU-CS-1996-03 ps.gz
Non-looping rewriting
H. Zantema, A. Geser
UU-CS-1996-02 ps.gz
A partial k-arboretum of graphs with bounded treewidth
H. L. Bodlaender
UU-CS-1996-01 ps.gz
Formalizing UNITY with HOL
S. W. B. Prasetya
UU-CS-1995-42 ps.gz
Polyhedral techniques in combinatorial optimization II: Computations
K. I. Aardal, S. van Hoesel
UU-CS-1995-41 ps.gz
On the two-level uncapacitated facility location problem
K. I. Aardal, M. Labbe, J. Leung, M. Queyranne
UU-CS-1995-40 ps.gz
A dynamic logic of iterated belief change
B. van Linder
UU-CS-1995-39 pdf Semantic Based Theory Revision in Nonmonotonic Logic
C. Witteveen and W. van der Hoek
UU-CS-1995-38 pdf Possible World Semantics for Analogous Reasoning
J.-J.Ch. Meyer and J.C. van Leeuwen
UU-CS-1995-37 ps.gz
Reduction algorithms for graphs with small treewidth
Hans L. Bodlaender, Babette de Fluiter
UU-CS-1995-36 ps.gz
The hardness of problems on thin colored graphs
H. L. Bodlaender, M. R. Fellows, M. T. Hallett, H. T. Wareham, T. J. Warnow
UU-CS-1995-35 ps.gz
Capacitated facility location: separation algorithms and computational experience
K. I. Aardal
UU-CS-1995-34 ps.gz
Treewidth and minimum fill-in on d-trapezoid graphs
H. L. Bodlaender, T. Kloks, D. Kratsch, H. Mueller
UU-CS-1995-33 ps.gz
Motion planning in environments with low obstacle density
A. F. van der Stappen, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1995-32 ps.gz
A technique for automatically proving termination of constructor systems
T. Arts
UU-CS-1995-31 ps.gz
Scheduling UET, UCT dags with release dates and deadlines
J. Verriet
UU-CS-1995-30 pdf An Integrated framework for ought-to-be and ought-to-do constraints
P. d'Altan and J.-J.Ch. Meyer and R.J. Wieringa
UU-CS-1995-29 ps.gz
Polyhredral techniques in combinatorial optimization I: Theory
K. I. Aardal, S. van Hoesel
UU-CS-1995-28 ps.gz
The union of moving polygonal pseudodiscs - combinatorial bounds and applications
M. T. de Berg, H. Everett, L. J. Guibas
UU-CS-1995-27 pdf On Triangulating Planar Graphs under the Four-Connectivity Constraint
T. Biedl and G. Kant and M. Kaufmann
UU-CS-1995-26 ps.gz
A new approach to subdivision simplification
M. T. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, S. Schirra
UU-CS-1995-25 ps.gz
Parallel algorithms with optimal speedup for bounded treewidth
H. L. Bodlaender, T. Hagerup
UU-CS-1995-24 pdf On Belief Networks and Diagnosis
M.L. Wessels
UU-CS-1995-23 pdf Elicitation of Probabilities for Belief Networks: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Information
M.J. Druzdzel and L.C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-1995-22 ps.gz
Probabilistic path planning
P. Svestka, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1995-21 pdf Trends and Developments in Computational Geometry
M. de Berg
UU-CS-1995-20 ps.gz
On intervalizing k-colored graphs for DNA physical mapping
Hans L. Bodlaender, Babette de Fluiter
UU-CS-1995-19 pdf Modal Logics for Representing Incoherent Knowledge
J.J.Ch. Meyer and W. van der Hoek
UU-CS-1995-18 pdf A Modal Contrastive Logic: The Logic of `But' (revised version of UU-CS-1994-07)
J.J.Ch. Meyer and W. van der Hoek
UU-CS-1995-17 ps.gz
Termination of constructor systems using semantic unification
T. Arts, H. Zantema
UU-CS-1995-16 pdf The Complexity of Interval Routing on Random Graphs
M. Flammini and J. van Leeuwen and A. Marchetti-Spaccamela
UU-CS-1995-15 ps.gz
Intervalizing k-colored graphs
Hans L. Bodlaender, Babette de Fluiter
UU-CS-1995-14 ps.gz
Approximating generalized Voronoi diagrams in any dimension
J. M. Vleugels, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1995-13 pdf Guessing Games, Binomial Sum Trees and Distributed Computations in Synchronous Networks
J. van Leeuwen and N. Santoro and J. Urrutia and S. Zaks
UU-CS-1995-12 ps.gz
On levels of detail in terrains
M. T. de Berg, K. T. G. Dobrindt
UU-CS-1995-11 ps.gz
A Case-Based Filter for Diagnostic Belief Networks
N. B. Peek, L. C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-1995-10 ps.gz
A Complete Equational Axiomatization for BPA-delta-epsilon with Prefix Iteration
W. J. Fokkink, H. Zantema
UU-CS-1995-09 ps.gz
How nonmonotonic is aboutness?
P. D. Bruza, T. W. C. Huibers
UU-CS-1995-08 ps.gz
Seeing is believing - And so are hearing and jumping
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1995-07 ps.gz
Formal design of self-stabilizing programs
S. W. B. Prasetya, S. D. Swierstra
UU-CS-1995-06 ps.gz
Constructing levels in arrangements and higher order Voronoi diagrams
P. K. Agarwal, M. T. de Berg, J. Matousek, O. Schwarzkopf
UU-CS-1995-05 pdf Compact Routing Methods: A Survey
J. van Leeuwen and R.B. Tan
UU-CS-1995-04 ps.gz
A better heuristic for ortogobal graph drawings
T. Biedl, G. Kant
UU-CS-1995-03 ps.gz
Rankings of graphs
H. L. Bodlaender, J. S. Deogun, K. Jansen, T. Kloks, D. Kratsch, H. Mueller, Zs. Tuza
UU-CS-1995-02 ps.gz
Treewidth and small separators for graphs with small chordality
H. L. Bodlaender, D. M. Thilikos
UU-CS-1995-01 ps.gz
The parameterized complexity of sequence alignment and consensus
H. L. Bodlaender, R. G. Downey, M. R. Fellows, H. T. Wareham
UU-CS-1994-56 pdf Revision by Communication: Program by Consulting Weaker Semantics
C. Witteveen and W. van der Hoek
UU-CS-1994-55 ps.gz
Total termination of term rewriting is undecidable
H. Zantema
UU-CS-1994-54 pdf Temporalizing Epistemic Default Logic
W. van der Hoek and J.-J. Ch. Meyer and J. Treur
UU-CS-1994-53 ps.gz
Actions that Make you Change your Mind --- Belief Revision in an Agent-Oriented Setting
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1994-52 ps.gz
Evolutionary Computation for the Job-shop Scheduling Problem
C. Soares
UU-CS-1994-51 pdf New Results on Binary Space Partitions in the Plane
M. de Berg and M. de Groot and M. Overmars
UU-CS-1994-50 pdf Modelling Office Processes with Functional Parsers
G. Florijn
UU-CS-1994-49 ps.gz
Complete algorithms for feeding polyhedral parts using pivot grasps
A. S. Rao, D. Kriegman, K. Y. Goldberg
UU-CS-1994-48 ps.gz
The dynamics of default reasoning
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1994-47 ps.gz
Dummy elimination: making termination easier
M. C. F. Ferreira, H. Zantema
UU-CS-1994-46 ps.gz
Well-foundedness of term orderings
M. C. F. Ferreira, H. Zantema
UU-CS-1994-45 ps.gz
A proof system for asynchronously communicating deterministic processes
F. S. de Boer, M. van Hulst
UU-CS-1994-44 ps.gz
A complete characterization of termination of 0^p 1^q -> 1^r 0^s
H. Zantema, A. Geser
UU-CS-1994-43 ps.gz
Rewrite systems for integer arithmetic
H. R. Walters, H. Zantema
UU-CS-1994-42 ps.gz
Evidence absorption -- Experiments on different classes of randomly generated belief networks
L. C. van der Gaag
UU-CS-1994-41 ps.gz
Folding rulers inside triangles
M. van Kreveld, J. Snoeyink, S. Whitesides
UU-CS-1994-40 ps.gz
The overlay of lower envelopes and its applications
P. K. Agarwal, O. Schwarzkopf, M. Sharir
UU-CS-1994-39 ps.gz
Computing many faces in arrangements of lines and segments
P. K. Agarwal, J. Matousek, O. Schwarzkopf
UU-CS-1994-38 pdf The Paradoxes of Deontic Logic Revisited: A Computer Science Perspective (Or: Should computer scientists be bothered by the concerns of philosophers?)
J.-J. Ch. Meyer and F.P.M. Dignum and R.J. Wieringa
UU-CS-1994-37 ps.gz
Een theorie voor het bestuderen van information retrieval modellen (in Dutch)
T. W. C. Huibers, B. van Linder, P. D. Bruza
UU-CS-1994-36 ps.gz
Spheres, molecules, and hidden surface removal
D. Halperin, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1994-35 pdf Properties of Measures for Bayesian Belief Network Learning
R.R. Bouckaert
UU-CS-1994-34 ps.gz
Computing half-plane and strip discrepancy of planar point sets
M. T. de Berg
UU-CS-1994-33 ps.gz
Motion planning for car-like robots using a probabilistic learning approach
P. Svestka, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1994-32 ps.gz
Probabilistic roadmaps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces
L. Kavraki, P. Svestka, J-C. Latombe, M. H. Overmars
UU-CS-1994-31 ps.gz
Hunting Voronoi vertices
V. Ferrucci, M. H. Overmars, A. S. Rao, J. M. Vleugels
UU-CS-1994-30 ps.gz
Range searching and point location among fat objects
M. H. Overmars, A. F. van der Stappen
UU-CS-1994-29 ps.gz
Vertical decompositions for triangles in 3-space
M. T. de Berg, L. J. Guibas, D. Halperin
UU-CS-1994-28 ps.gz
Syntactical analysis of total termination
M. C. F. Ferreira, H. Zantema
UU-CS-1994-27 ps.gz
Probabilistic network construction using the minimum description length principle
R. R. Bouckaert
UU-CS-1994-26 ps.gz
Determining the castability of simple polyhedra
P. Bose, D. Bremmer, M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-1994-25 ps.gz
Feasibility of design in stereolithography
B. Asberg, G. Blanco, P. Bose, J. Garcia-Lopez, M. H. Overmars, G. T. Toussaint, G. Wilfong, B. Zhu
UU-CS-1994-24 ps.gz
Friction and part curvature in parallel-jaw grasping
A. S. Rao, K. Y. Goldberg
UU-CS-1994-23 ps.gz
Efficient multiple-disorder diagnosis by strategy focusing
L. C. van der Gaag, M. L. Wessels
UU-CS-1994-22 ps.gz
IDAGs: a perfect map for any distribution
R. R. Bouckaert
UU-CS-1994-21 ps.gz
Efficient methods for isoline extraction from a digital elevation model based on triangulated irregular networks
M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-1994-20 ps.gz
Termination of logic programs via labelled term rewrite systems
T. Arts, H. Zantema
UU-CS-1994-19 pdf Mechanization of Substitution Rule and Compostionality of UNITY in HOL
I.S.W.B. Prasetya
UU-CS-1994-18 pdf Computing Grasp Functions
A.S. Rao and K.Y. Goldberg
UU-CS-1994-17 ps.gz
The floodlight problem
F. Bose, L. J. Guibas, A. Lubiw, M. H. Overmars, D. Souvaine, J. Urrutia
UU-CS-1994-16 ps.gz
A stratified simulation scheme for inference in Bayesian belief networks
R. R. Bouckaert
UU-CS-1994-15 ps.gz
Situations, a General Framework for Studying Information Retrieval
T. W. C. Huibers, P. D. Bruza
UU-CS-1994-14 ps.gz
W[2]-hardness of Precedence Constrained K-processor Scheduling
H. L. Bodlaender, M. R. Fellows
UU-CS-1994-13 pdf Reason Maintenance for Production Systems
L.C. van der Gaag and C. de Koning
UU-CS-1994-12 ps.gz
On lazy randomized incremental construction
M. T. de Berg, K. T. G. Dobrindt, O. Schwarzkopf
UU-CS-1994-11 ps.gz
Domino treewidth
H. L. Bodlaender, J. Engelfriet
UU-CS-1994-10 ps.gz
Connected component and simple polygon intersection searching
P. K. Agarwal, M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-1994-09 ps.gz
Reaching a goal with directional uncertainty
M. T. de Berg, L. J. Guibas, D. Halperin, M. H. Overmars, O. Schwarzkopf, M. Sharir, M. Teillaud
UU-CS-1994-08 ps.gz
Tests as epistemic updates - pursuit of knowledge
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, J-J. Ch. Meyer
UU-CS-1994-07 pdf A Modal Contrastive Logic: The Logic of `But`
J.J.-Ch. Meyer and W. van der Hoek
UU-CS-1994-06 pdf Hazard Algebra for Asynchronous Circuits
E. Meijer
UU-CS-1994-05 pdf More Advice on Proving a Compiler Correct: Improve a Correct Compiler
E. Meijer
UU-CS-1994-04 pdf Back to Basics: Deriving Presentations Changers Without Relations
G. Hutton and E. Meijer
UU-CS-1994-03 ps.gz
A probablisitic learning approach to motion planning
M. H. Overmars, P. Svestka
UU-CS-1994-02 ps.gz
Trekking in the Alps without freezing or getting tired
M. T. de Berg, M. van Kreveld
UU-CS-1994-01 ps.gz
Bottom-up grammar analysis - A functional formulation
J. T. Jeuring, S. D. Swierstra
RUU-CS-93-46 ps.gz
Multi-traversal tree-decoration in a functional setting: monads versus bindings
M. Pennings
RUU-CS-93-45 ps.gz
Convex grid drawings of 3-connected planar graphs
M. Chrobak, G. Kant
RUU-CS-93-44 pdf Graded Modal and Epistemic Logic
J.-J. Ch. Meyer and W. van der Hoek
RUU-CS-93-43 ps.gz
Manipulating algebraic parts in the plane
A. S. Rao, K. Y. Goldberg
RUU-CS-93-42 ps.gz
Efficient context-sensitive plausible inference for information disclosure
P. D. Bruza, L. C. van der Gaag
RUU-CS-93-41 ps.gz
Simple termination revisited
A. Middeldorp, H. Zantema
RUU-CS-93-40 ps.gz
Basic process algebra with iteration: completeness of its equational axioms
W. J. Fokkink, H. Zantema
RUU-CS-93-39 ps.gz
Linear election for oriented hypercubes
G. Tel
RUU-CS-93-38 ps.gz
Motion planning using a colored Kohonen network
J. M. Vleugels, J. N. Kok, M. H. Overmars
RUU-CS-93-37 pdf Advanced Distributed Algorithms
T. Herman and G. Tel
RUU-CS-93-36 pdf On Fat Partioning, Fat Covering and the Union Size of Polygons
M. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-93-35 pdf Evidence Absorption for Belief Networks
L. v.d. Gaag
RUU-CS-93-34 ps.gz
Teaching computational geometry
M. H. Overmars
RUU-CS-93-33 pdf Area Requirement of Visibility Representations of Trees
G. Kant, G. Liotta, R. Tamassia, and I.G. Tollis
RUU-CS-93-32 pdf Honesty in Partial Logic
W. van der Hoek, J. Jaspars and E. Thijsse
RUU-CS-93-31 ps.gz
Selective evidence gathering for diagnostic belief networks
L. C. van der Gaag, M. L. Wessels
RUU-CS-93-30 ps.gz
Unravelling nondeterminism: On having the ability to choose
W. van der Hoek, B. van Linder, J-J. Ch. Meyer
RUU-CS-93-29 pdf The Secrets of Causality
F. Rietman
RUU-CS-93-28 pdf Efficient Bounded Timestamping Using traceable Use Abstraction - Is Writer's Guessing Better Than Reader's Telling?
S. Haldar
RUU-CS-93-27 ps.gz
Efficient and constructive algorithms for the pathwidth and treewidth of graphs
H. L. Bodlaender, T. Kloks
RUU-CS-93-26 ps.gz
A more compact visibility representation
G. Kant
RUU-CS-93-25 pdf Rectilinear Decompositions with Low Stabbing Number
M. de Berg and M. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-93-24 ps.gz
Termination of term rewriting by semantic labelling
H. Zantema
RUU-CS-93-23 pdf Perfect Binary Space Partitions
M. de Berg, M. de Groot and M. Overmars
RUU-CS-93-22 pdf Dynamic Microsets for RAMs
J.A. La Poutré
RUU-CS-93-21 ps.gz
Placing registration marks
A. S. Rao, K. Y. Goldberg
RUU-CS-93-20 ps.gz
Piecewise linear paths among convex obstacles
M. T. de Berg, J. Matousek, O. Schwarzkopf
RUU-CS-93-19 pdf An `All Pairs Shortest Paths' Distributed Algorithm Using $2n^{2}$ Messages
S. Haldar
RUU-CS-93-18 ps.gz
A probabilistic approach to motion planning for car-like robots
P. Svestka
RUU-CS-93-17 ps.gz
Shape from diameter: positive results
A. S. Rao, K. Y. Goldberg
RUU-CS-93-16 ps.gz
Shape from diameter: negative results
A. S. Rao, K. Y. Goldberg
RUU-CS-93-15 ps.gz
On a class of O(n2) problems in computational geometry
A. Gajentaan, M. H. Overmars
RUU-CS-93-14 pdf Heapsort with n log(n+1)+n-2 log(n+1)-2 Key Comparisons Using |_ n/2 _| Additional Bits
S. Haldar
RUU-CS-93-13 pdf Lp Optimal d Dimensional Triangualtions for Piecewise Linear Interpolation: A New Result on data Dependent Triangulations
Elefterios A. Melissaratos
RUU-CS-93-12 pdf Treewidth of Circle Graphs
T. Kloks
RUU-CS-93-11 pdf Minimum Fill-in for Chordal Bipartite Graphs
T. Kloks
RUU-CS-93-10 ps.gz
Detecting the erosion of hierarchic information structures
P. D. Bruza, T. W. C. Huibers, J. van der Linden, T. van Opstal
RUU-CS-93-09 pdf Isomorphisms between Predicate and State Transformers
Marcello Bonsangue and Joost N. Kok
RUU-CS-93-08 pdf Mapping objects to files: a UNIX file system interface to an object management system
Gert Florijn and Leo Soepenberg and Atze Dijkstra
RUU-CS-93-07 ps.gz
On the relation between Unity properties and sequences of states
R. T. Udink, J. N. Kok
RUU-CS-93-06 pdf A Multiscale Approach to Image Segmentation Using Kohonen Networks
S. Haring and M.A. Viergever and J.N. Kok
RUU-CS-93-05 pdf Generalized Hidden Surface Removal
Mark de Berg
RUU-CS-93-04 pdf A linear time algorithm to schedule trees with communication delays optimally on two machines
Marinus Veldhorst
RUU-CS-93-03 pdf Algebraic Domains, Chain Completion and the Plotkin Powerdomain Construction
Peter Knijnenburg
RUU-CS-93-02 pdf A Note on the Smyth Powerdomain Construction
Peter Knijnenburg
RUU-CS-93-01 pdf Self-stabilizing l-Exclusion Algorithms
M. Flatebo and A.K. Datta and A.A. Schoonen
RUU-CS-92-47 pdf Pearl's belief propagation; the proofs
L.C. van der Gaag
RUU-CS-92-46 pdf A lateral inhibition neural network that emulates a winner-takes-all algorithm
B. Krekelberg and J.N. Kok
RUU-CS-92-45 pdf A deterministic algorithm for the three-dimensional diameter problem
J. Matouv{s}ek and O. Schwarzkopf
RUU-CS-92-44 pdf On blocks; locality and asynchronous communication (extended abstract)
F.S. de Boer and J.N. Kok and C. Palamidessi and J.J.M.M. Rutten
RUU-CS-92-43 pdf Derivation lengths in terms rewriting from interpretations in the naturals
V.C.S. Meeussen and H. Zantema
RUU-CS-92-42 pdf Total termination of term rewriting
M.C.F. Ferreira and H. Zantema
RUU-CS-92-41 ps.gz
Two algorithms for finding rectangular duals of planar graphs
G. Kant
RUU-CS-92-40 pdf Semantics, orderings and recursion in the weakest precondition calculus
M. Bonsangue and J.N. Kok
RUU-CS-92-39 pdf Optimal size finite element meshes without obtuse and small angles
E.A. Melissaratos
RUU-CS-92-38 pdf Termination of term rewriting by semantic labelling
H. Zantema
RUU-CS-92-37 pdf The exact fitting problem in higher dimensions
J.-M. Robert and L.J. Guibas and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-92-36 ps.gz
Bayesian belief networks and conditional independencies
R. R. Bouckaert
RUU-CS-92-35 pdf Only few graphs have bounded treewidth
T. Kloks and H. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-92-34 ps.gz
Conditional dependence in probablistic networks
R. R. Bouckaert
RUU-CS-92-33 ps.gz
Drawing planar graphs using the lmc-ordering
G. Kant
RUU-CS-92-32 pdf A random approach to motion planning
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-92-31 pdf The complexity of the free space for motion planning amidst fat obstacles
A.F. van der Stappen
RUU-CS-92-30 pdf Treewidth and pathwidth of permutation graphs
H.L. Bodlaender and A.J.J. Kloks and D. Kratsch
RUU-CS-92-29 pdf Approximating treewidth and pathwidth of some classes of perfect graphs
A.J.J. Kloks and H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-92-28 pdf Treewidth of chordal bipartite graphs
A.J.J. Kloks and D. Kratsch
RUU-CS-92-27 ps.gz
A linear time algorithm for finding tree-decompositions of small treewidth
H. L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-92-26 pdf Cuttings and Applications
M.T. de Berg and O. Schwarzkopf
RUU-CS-92-25 pdf Towards the formal design of self-stabilizing distributed algorithms
P.J.A. Lentfert and S.D. Swierstra
RUU-CS-92-24 pdf Sparse arrangements and the number of views of polyhedral scenes
M. de Berg and D. Halperin and M. Overmars and M. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-92-23 pdf Congruences and quotients in categories of algebras
N. Verwer
RUU-CS-92-22 pdf Current trends in the semantics of dataflow
J.N. Kok
RUU-CS-92-21 pdf Index expression belief networks for information disclosure
P.D. Bruza and L.C. van der Gaag
RUU-CS-92-20 ps.gz
The LazyRMS: Avoiding work in the ATMS
G. Kelleher, L. C. van der Gaag
RUU-CS-92-19 pdf On parallel data structuring; A parallel priority queue
S.T. Fischer and M. Veldhorst
RUU-CS-92-18 pdf Speeding up parallelism detection for attribute grammars
M.F. Kuiper
RUU-CS-92-17 pdf The power of parallel projection
M. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-92-16 pdf Virtual data structures
D. Swierstra and O. de Moor
RUU-CS-92-15 pdf Implicit point location in arrangements of line segments, with an application to motion planning
P.K. Agarwal and M. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-92-14 pdf Termination of term rewriting by interpretation
H. Zantema
RUU-CS-92-13 pdf On the Treewidth and Pathwidth of Permutation Graphs
T. Kloks and H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-92-12 ps.gz
A tourist guide through Treewidth
H. L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-92-11 pdf Using cached functions and constructors for incremental attribute evaluation
M. Pennings and D. Swierstra and H. Vogt
RUU-CS-92-10 pdf Abstracts of the Workshop on Computational Geometry (CG '92)
RUU-CS-92-09 pdf Testing superperfection of $k-$trees
T. Kloks and H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-92-08 pdf Two strikes against perfect phylogeny
H.L. Bodlaender and M.R. Fellows and T.J. Warnow
RUU-CS-92-07 pdf Triangslating planar graphs while minimizing the maximum degree
G. Kant and H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-92-06 pdf Hexagonal grid drawings
G. Kant
RUU-CS-92-05 pdf The complexity of the free space for a robot moving amidst fat obstacles
M.H. Overmars and A.F. van der Stappen and D. Halperin
RUU-CS-92-04 pdf Redesigning the window protocol; the block acknowledgement revisited
A.A. Schoone
RUU-CS-92-03 ps.gz
An O(n2) maximal planarization algorithm based on PQ-trees
G. Kant
RUU-CS-92-02 pdf An order-theoretic model for the algebra of communicating processes
P.M.W. Knijnenburg
RUU-CS-92-01 pdf On efficiently characterizing solutions of linear Diophantine equations and its application to data dependence analysis
C. Eisenbeis and O. Temam and H. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-91-49 ps.gz
Kayles on special classes of graphs - An application of Sprague-Grundy theory
H. L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-91-48 pdf Randomized multi-packet routing on meshes
Michael Kaufmann, Jop F. Sibeyn
RUU-CS-91-47 pdf Linear planar augmentation algorithms for outerplanar graphs
Goos Kant
RUU-CS-91-46 pdf A paradigm for asynchronous communication and its application to concurrent constraint programming
F. S. de Boer, J. N. Kok, C. Palamidessi, J. J. M. M. Rutten
RUU-CS-91-45 pdf Towards a complete hierarchy of compositional dataflow models
B. Jonsson, J. N. Kok
RUU-CS-91-44 pdf Restrictions of graph partition problems. Part I.
H.L. Bodlaender and K. Jansen
RUU-CS-91-43 pdf A protocol scheme for a class of minimum delay routing algorithms
P.J.M. van Haaften
RUU-CS-91-42 pdf Classifying termination of term rewriting
H. Zantema
RUU-CS-91-41 pdf Computing and verifying depth orders
M.T. de Berg and M.H. Overmars and O. Schwarzkopf
RUU-CS-91-40 pdf Point location in fat subdivisions
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-91-39 ps.gz
On the complexity of the maximum cut problem
H. L. Bodlaender, K. Jansen
RUU-CS-91-38 pdf A bibliography on network flow problems
M. Veldhorst
RUU-CS-91-37 pdf The sum of weighted balls
J.F. Sibeijn
RUU-CS-91-36 pdf MCSPARSE A parallel sparse unsymmetric linear system solver
K.A. Gallivan and B.A. Marsolf and H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-91-35 pdf Complexity aspects of 2-dimensional data compression
H.L. Bodlaender and T. Gonzalez and T. Kloks
RUU-CS-91-34 pdf Superposition refinement of parallel algorithms
R.J.R. Back and K. Sere
RUU-CS-91-33 pdf UNIX System Security. Recente ervaringen en aanbevelingen.
E.H. Kremer
RUU-CS-91-32 ps.gz
Global virtual time approximation with distributed termination detection algorithms
F. Mattern, H. Mehl, A. A. Schoone, G. Tel
RUU-CS-91-31 pdf Efficient hidden surface removal for objects with small union size
M.J. Katz and M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-91-30 pdf Translating Queries for Sets of polygons
M.T. de Berg and H. Everett and H. Wagner
RUU-CS-91-29 pdf Two- and three-dimensional point location in Rectangular subdivisions
M.T. de Berg and M. van Kreveld and J. Snoeyink
RUU-CS-91-28 pdf Efficient ray shooting and hidden surface removal
M.T. de Berg and D. Halperin and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-91-27 pdf Minimum-link c-oriented path queries
J. Adegeest and M.H. Overmars and J. Snoeyink
RUU-CS-91-26 pdf Cautious backtracking and well-founded semantics in truth maintenance systems
C.M. Jonker
RUU-CS-91-25 pdf Planar graph augmentation problems
G. Kant and H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-91-24 pdf Embedding as a tool for language comparison, On the CSP hierarchy
F.S. de Boer and C. Palamidessi
RUU-CS-91-23 pdf The optimal placement of replicated items in distributed databases on tree-like networks
E.M. Bakker and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-91-22 pdf Some domination problems on trees and on general grahps
E.M. Bakker and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-91-21 pdf Uniform d-emulations of rings, with an application to distributed virtual ring contruction
E.M. Bakker and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-91-20 pdf Shortest path queries in rectilinear words
M.T. de Berg and M. van Kreveld and B.J. Nilsson and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-91-19 pdf Symmetric orderings for unsymmetric sparse matrices
H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-91-18 pdf Termination of term rewriting, from many-sorted to one-sorted
H. Zantema
RUU-CS-91-17 pdf Stepwise refinement of reactive processor farms
K. Sere
RUU-CS-91-16 pdf Evaluation of the Cedar memory system, configuration 16 x 16
K. Gallivan and W. Jalby and H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-91-15 pdf Preliminary basic performance analysis of the Cedar multiprocessor memory system
H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-91-14 pdf Higher order attribute grammars, Lecture notes of the International Summer School on Attribute Grammars, applications and systems
S.D. Swierstra and H.H. Vogt
RUU-CS-91-13 pdf A simple linear time algorithm for triangulating three-colored graphs
H.L. Bodlaender and A.J.. Kloks
RUU-CS-91-12 pdf Intersection queries in curved objects
P.A. Agarwal and M. van Kreveld and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-91-11 pdf Mechanising proofs of program transformaton rules
K. Sere and J. von Wright
RUU-CS-91-10 pdf A fully abstract model for Concurrent Constraint Programming
F.S. de Boer and C. Palamidessi
RUU-CS-91-09 pdf Point location in zones of k-flats in arrangements
M.T. de Berg and M. van Kreveld and J. Snoeyink
RUU-CS-91-08 ps.gz
Network Orientation
G. Tel
RUU-CS-91-07 pdf Linear interval routing schemes
E.M. Bakker and J. van Leeuwen and R.B. Tan
RUU-CS-91-06 pdf Dynamic output-sensitive hidden surface removal for c-Oriented polyhedra
M. de Berg
RUU-CS-91-05 pdf Union-copy structures and dynamic segment trees
M. van Kreveld and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-91-04 pdf The linear decomposition of lambda 2-models
R. Hoofman
RUU-CS-91-03 pdf The complexity of coloring games on perfect graphs
H.L. Bodlaender and D. Kratsch
RUU-CS-91-02 pdf Synchronous link-level protocols
RUU-CS-91-01 pdf Approximating treewidth, pathwidth, and minimum elimination tree height
H.L. Bodlaender and J.R. Gilbert and H. Hafsteinsson and T. Kloks
RUU-CS-90-43 pdf From game trees to game graphs
W.T.M. Kars
RUU-CS-90-42 pdf A pragmatical view on the certainty factor model
L.C. van der Gaag
RUU-CS-90-41 pdf A note on semi-adjunctions
R. Hoofman
RUU-CS-90-40 pdf The failure of failures towards a paradigm for asynchronous communication
F.S. de Boer and J.N. Kok and C. Palamidessi and J.J.M.M. Rutten
RUU-CS-90-39 pdf On logic programming and the refinement calculus semantics based program transformations
J.N. Kok
RUU-CS-90-38 pdf Categorical semantics as a basis for program transformation
N. Verwer
RUU-CS-90-37 pdf Computing minimum length paths of a given homotopy class
J. Hershberger and J. Snoeyink
RUU-CS-90-36 pdf On the efficient incremental evaluation of higher order attribute grammars
H. Vogt and D. Swierstra and M. Kuiper
RUU-CS-90-35 pdf Perfect Colorings
E.M. Bakker and J. van Leeuwen and R.B. Tan
RUU-CS-90-34 pdf Linear logic, domain theory and semi-functors
R. Hoofman
RUU-CS-90-33 pdf Hidden surface removel for $c$-oriented polyhedra
M. de Berg and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-90-32 pdf Covering a set of points with fixed size hypersquares and related problems
T.F. Gonzalez
RUU-CS-90-31 pdf The on-line d-dimensional dictionary problem
T.F. Gonzalez
RUU-CS-90-30 pdf Distributed incremental maximum finding in hierarchically divided graphs
P.J.A. Lentfert and S.D. Swierstra and A.H. Uittenbogaard
RUU-CS-90-29 pdf On disjoint cycles in graphs
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-90-28 pdf Longest segment problems
H. Zantema
RUU-CS-90-27 pdf Maintaining 2- and 3-connected components in graphs, Part II: 2- and 3-edge-connected components and 2-vertex-connected components
J.A. La Poutré
RUU-CS-90-26 pdf Maintaining 2- and 3-connected components in graphs, Part I: 2- and 3-edge-connected components
J.A. La Poutré and J. van Leeuwen and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-90-25 pdf Continuous information systems
R. Hoofman
RUU-CS-90-24 ps.gz
The derivation of distributed termination detection algorithms from garbage collection schemes
G. Tel, F. Mattern
RUU-CS-90-23 pdf Rapid development of a program transformation system with attribute grammars and dynamic transformations
H. Vogt and A. van den Berg and A. Freije
RUU-CS-90-22 pdf On probability intervals and their updating
L.C. van der Gaag
RUU-CS-90-21 pdf Hidden surface removal for axis-parallel polyhedra (extended abstract)
M. de Berg and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-90-20 pdf Finding shortest paths in the presence of orthogonal obstacles using a combined L1 and link metric
M. de Berg and M. van Kreveld and B.J. Nilsson and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-90-19 pdf Matrix techniques for faster routing of affine permutations on a mesh interconnection network
J.F. Sibeyn
RUU-CS-90-18 pdf Minimum hop route maintenance in static and dynamic networks
A.A. Schoone
RUU-CS-90-17 pdf A pseudo-polylog average time parallel maxflow algorithm
J.F. Sibeyn
RUU-CS-90-16 pdf The file distribution problem for processor networks
G. Kant and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-90-15 pdf Strong colorings of graphs
G. Kant and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-90-14 pdf A lower bound for full polymorphic type inference: Girard-Reynolds Typability is DEXPTIME-hard
F. Henglein
RUU-CS-90-13 pdf Intersection queries in sets of disks
M. van Kreveld and M. Overmars and P. Agarwal
RUU-CS-90-12 pdf Higher order attribute grammars: a merge between functional and object oriented programming
S.D. Swierstra and H.H. Vogt
RUU-CS-90-11 pdf Fast algorithms for the Tron game on trees
H. Bodlaender and T. Kloks
RUU-CS-90-10 pdf Prefix routing schemes in dynamic networks
E.M. Bakker and J. van Leeuwen and R.B. Tan
RUU-CS-90-09 pdf Merging visibility maps
M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-90-08 pdf Tools for the rectilinear steiner tree problem
C.M. Jonker and V.C.J. Disselkoen
RUU-CS-90-07 pdf The pathwidth and treewidth of cographs
H.L. Bodlaender and R.H. Möhring
RUU-CS-90-06 pdf Deriving programming laws categorically
N. Verwer
RUU-CS-90-05 pdf Homomorphisms, factorisation and promotion
N. Verwer
RUU-CS-90-04 pdf Paramorphisms
L. Meertens
RUU-CS-90-03 pdf Algorithms from theorems
J. Jeuring
RUU-CS-90-02 pdf From posets to coherence spaces
R. Hoofman
RUU-CS-90-01 pdf Properties of models which are complete for Hoare logic
R. Hoofman
RUU-CS-89-34 pdf Correctness of the two-phase commit protocol
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-89-33 pdf Fast left-linear semi-unification
F. Henglein
RUU-CS-89-32 pdf An improved technique for output-sensitive hidden surface removal
M. Sharir and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-31 pdf Translating polygons with applications to hidden surface removal
M. de Berg
RUU-CS-89-30 pdf Finding complete bipartite subgraphs in bipartite graphs
M. de Berg and M.H. Overmars and M. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-89-29 pdf Complexity of path-forming games
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-89-28 pdf New upperbounds in Klee's measure problem
M.H. Overmars and C.K. Yap
RUU-CS-89-27 pdf On the complexity of some coloring games
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-89-26 pdf A simple output-sensitive algorithm for hidden surface removal
M. Sharir and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-25 pdf Dynamic partition trees
H. Schipper and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-24 pdf An input-size/output-size trade-off in the time-complexity of rectilinear hidden surface removal
M.T. Goodrich and M.J. Atallah and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-23 pdf The one-dimensional skewing problem
G. Tel and J. van Leeuwen and H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-89-22 ps.gz
Trade-offs in non-reversing diameter
H. L. Bodlaender, G. Tel, N. Santoro
RUU-CS-89-21 pdf Lowerbounds for the UNION-FIND and the SPLIT-FIND problem on pointer machines
J.A. La Poutré
RUU-CS-89-20 not
A fast and optimal algorithm for the SPLIT-FIND problem on pointer machines (vervallen)
J.A. La Poutré
RUU-CS-89-19 pdf New techniques for the UNION-FIND problem
J.A. La Poutré
RUU-CS-89-18 pdf Ranking intervals under visibility constraints
H. Edelsbrunner and M.H. Overmars and E. Welzl
RUU-CS-89-17 pdf Storing line segments in partition trees
M.H. Overmars and H. Schipper and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-89-16 pdf Concatenable structures for decomposable problems
M.J. van Kreveld and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-15 pdf Minimizing sums of addition chains
H. Zantema
RUU-CS-89-14 pdf The systematic construction of a one-combinator basis
J. Fokker
RUU-CS-89-13 pdf On rectilinear link distance
M. de Berg
RUU-CS-89-12 pdf Counting and reporting intersections in arrangements
L.J. Guibas and M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-89-11 pdf Ray shooting, implicit point location, and related queries in arrangements of segments
L. Guibas and M. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-89-10 pdf Finding squares and rectangles in sets of points
M.J. van Kreveld and M.T. de Berg
RUU-CS-89-09 pdf Constructing a calculus of programs
L. Meertens
RUU-CS-89-08 pdf Computational geometry and its application to computer graphics
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-89-07 pdf Finding minimum area k-gons
M. Overmars and G. Rote and G. Woeginger
RUU-CS-89-06 pdf Structured NC
B. Scholten and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-89-05 pdf Distributed hierarchical routing
P.J.A. Lentfert and A.H. Uittenbogaard and S.D. Swierstra
RUU-CS-89-04 pdf Higher order attribute grammars
H.H. Vogt and S.D. Swierstra and M.F. Kuiper
RUU-CS-89-03 pdf On models for Propositional Dynamic Logic
P.M.W. Knijnenburg and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-89-02 pdf Bit-optimal election in synchronous rings
H.L. Bodlaender and G. Tel
RUU-CS-89-01 pdf On linear time minor tests and depth first search
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-88-40 pdf Transformation of a termination detection algorithm and its assertional correctness proof
A.A. Schoone and G. Tel
RUU-CS-88-39 pdf Some observations for the pigeon hole principle
F.J. Brandenburg and J. van Leeuwen and R.B. Tan
RUU-CS-88-38 pdf Efficient motion planning for an L-shaped object
D. Halperin and M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-88-37 pdf Intelligent Tutoring Systems (in Dutch)
P. Bergervoet
RUU-CS-88-36 pdf Concatenable segment trees
M.J. van Kreveld and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-35 pdf A general approach to dominance in the plane
M.T. de Berg and S. Carlsson and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-34 pdf On axiomatizations for propositional logics of programs
P.M.W. Knijnenburg
RUU-CS-88-33 pdf The distributed bit complexity of the ring; from the anonymous to the non-anonymous case
H.L. Bodlaender and S. Moran and M.K. Warmuth
RUU-CS-88-32 pdf Majority voting; characterization and algorithms
H. Zantema
RUU-CS-88-31 pdf Distributed computing on transitive networks; the torus
P.W. Beame and H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-88-30 pdf Data conversions in abstract data types
N. Verwer
RUU-CS-88-29 pdf Improved self-reduction algorithms for graphs with bounded treewidth
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-88-28 pdf Divided k-d trees
M.J. van Kreveld and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-27 pdf Maintaining multiple representations of dynamic data structures
M.H.M. Smid and M.H. Overmars and L. Torenvliet and P. van Emde Boas
RUU-CS-88-26 pdf Intersecting line segments, ray shooting, and other applications of geometric partitioning techniques
L. Guibas and M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir
RUU-CS-88-25 pdf ACHROMATIC NUMBER is NP-complete for cographs and interval graphs
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-88-24 pdf Binary structures in program transformations
H. Zantema
RUU-CS-88-23 ps.gz
Optimal Synchronization of ABD Networks
G. Tel, E. Korach, S. Zaks
RUU-CS-88-22 pdf New upper bounds in Klees measure problem (extended abstract)
M.H. Overmars and C.K. Yap
RUU-CS-88-21 pdf Connectability problems
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-20 pdf Bit-serial systolic squaring algorithms
M.R. Kramer
RUU-CS-88-19 pdf Parallel aspects of numerical weather prediction on a grid of transputers
H. Middelkoop and D. Streefland
RUU-CS-88-18 pdf New lower bound techniques for distributed leader finding and other problems on rings of processors
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-88-17 pdf An optimal pointer machine algorithm for finding nearest common ancestors
J. van Leeuwen and A.K. Tsakalides
RUU-CS-88-16 ps.gz
Total algorithms
G. Tel
RUU-CS-88-15 pdf On randomizing decision problems; a survey of the theory of randomized NP
P.M.W. Knijnenburg
RUU-CS-88-14 pdf Planar graphs with bounded treewidth
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-88-13 pdf Assertional verification of a majority consensus algorithm for concurrency control in multiple copy databases
N.J. Drost and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-88-12 pdf Sets without empty convex 6-gons
M.H. Overmars and B. Scholten and I. Vincent
RUU-CS-88-11 pdf Searching for empty convex polygons
D.P. Dobkin and H. Edelsbrunner and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-10 pdf Dominance in the presence of obstacles
M.T. de Berg and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-88-09 pdf The client/server model in distributed computing
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-88-08 pdf Authorization and transaction management in distributed database systems
G.M.J. Pluimakers
RUU-CS-88-07 pdf New methods for computing visibility graphs (extended abstract)
M.H. Overmars and E. Welzl
RUU-CS-88-06 pdf Assertional verification of a termination detection algorithm
A.A. Schoone and G. Tel
RUU-CS-88-05 pdf Assertional verification of a reset algorithm
N.J. Drost and A.A. Schoone
RUU-CS-88-04 pdf NC-algorithms for graphs of small treewidth
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-88-03 pdf A unifying approach to the denotational semantics of Communicating Sequential Processes
M.J. Walsteijn
RUU-CS-88-02 pdf Protocols for local area networks; a survey
N.J. Drost
RUU-CS-88-01 pdf Data structures in a real-time environment
P. Lentfert and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-26 pdf The role of divide in divide-and-rule algorithms
O. de Moor
RUU-CS-87-25 pdf Maintenance of transitive closures and transitive reductions of graphs
J.A. La Poutré and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-87-24 pdf Elimination of variables from functional programs
O. de Moor
RUU-CS-87-23 pdf Powerdomains
R. Hoofman
RUU-CS-87-22 pdf Dynamic programming on graphs with bounded treewidth
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-87-21 pdf Maintaining range trees in secondary memory Part II; lower bounds
M.H.M. Smid and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-20 pdf Maintaining range trees in secondary memory Part I; Partitions
M.H. Overmars and M.H.M. Smid and M.T. de Berg and M.J. van Kreveld
RUU-CS-87-19 pdf Een datastructuur met zoektijd O(logn) en constante update-tijd
J.H. van der Erf
RUU-CS-87-18 pdf Linked allocation for parallel data structures
M. Veldhorst
RUU-CS-87-17 pdf Polynomial algorithms for chromatic index and graph isomorphism on partial k-trees
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-87-16 pdf Two models for the reconstruction problem for dynamic data structures
M.H.M. Smid and L. Torenvliet and P. van Emde Boas and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-15 pdf Assertional verification of a timer-based protocol
G. Tel
RUU-CS-87-14 pdf Verification of connection-management protocols
A.A. Schoone
RUU-CS-87-13 pdf A better lowerbound for distributed leader finding in bidirectional asynchronous rings of processors
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-87-12 pdf The maximum cut and minimum cut into bounded sets problems on cographs
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-87-11 pdf A new lowerbound technique for distributed extrema finding on rings of processors
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-87-10 not
2nd International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (draft papers)
E. Gafni and M. Raynal and N. Santoro and J. van Leeuwen and S. Zaks (no longer available, revised version to appear in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
RUU-CS-87-09 pdf Construction of sparse visibility graphs
M.H. Overmars and E. Welzl
RUU-CS-87-08 pdf A balanced search tree with 0(1) worst-case update time
C. Levcopoulos and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-07 pdf Enumeration in graphs
G.J. Bezem and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-87-06 pdf Directed network protocols (revised edition)
G. Tel
RUU-CS-87-05 pdf Geometric data structures for computer graphics; an overview
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-04 pdf Computational geometry on a grid; an overview
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-03 pdf Partitioning range trees
M.H. Overmars and M.H.M. Smid
RUU-CS-87-02 pdf Efficient data structures for range searching on a grid
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-87-01 pdf Interval heaps
J. van Leeuwen and D. Wood
RUU-CS-86-22 pdf Classes of graphs with bounded tree-width
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-86-21 pdf The reconstruction of dynamic data structures
M.H.M. Smid and L. Torenvliet and P. van Emde Boas and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-86-20 pdf On rectangular visibility
M.H. Overmars and D. Wood
RUU-CS-86-19 pdf Normalized divide and conquer ; a scaling technique for solving multi-dimensional problems
R.G. Karlsson and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-86-18 pdf Scanline algorithms on a grid
R.G. Karlsson and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-86-17 pdf Graph algorithms (95 p.)
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-86-16 ps.gz
Using attribute grammars to derive efficient functional programs
M. F. Kuiper, S. D. Swierstra
RUU-CS-86-15 pdf How to prove the first and second incompleteness theorem using concatenation
A. Visser and O. de Moor and M.J. Walsteijn
RUU-CS-86-14 pdf Attribute grammars in Prolog
M.J. Walsteijn and M.F. Kuiper
RUU-CS-86-13 pdf A dataflow graph code generator
R. Nieuwenhout
RUU-CS-86-12 pdf Distributed infimum approximation
G. Tel
RUU-CS-86-11 pdf The derivation of graph marking algorithms from distributed termination detection protocols
G.Tel and R.B. Tan and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-86-10 not
Compactly representable skewing schemes for trees
H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-86-09 not
General skewing schemes for trees
H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-86-08 not
The one-dimensional skewing problem
G.Tel and J. van Leeuwen and H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-86-07 pdf Very thin VLSI-layouts of complete binary trees
J. van Leeuwen and R.B. Tan
RUU-CS-86-06 pdf Distribution of records on a ring of processors
H.L. Bodlaender and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-86-05 pdf Reconstructing visible regions from visible segments
Wm. R. Franklin and V. Akman
RUU-CS-86-04 pdf Adaptive grid for polyhedral visibility in object space; an implementation
Wm. R. Franklin and V. Akman
RUU-CS-86-03 pdf Octree data structures and creation by stacking
Wm. R. Franklin and V. Akman
RUU-CS-86-02 pdf General symmetric distributed termination detection
R.B. Tan and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-86-01 pdf Simulation of parallel algorithms on a distributed network
A.A. Schoone and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-85-29 pdf Storing trees into parallel memories (extended abstract)
H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-85-28 pdf A simple and efficient halved line algorithm for hidden line elimination
Wm.R.Franklin and V. Akman
RUU-CS-85-27 pdf Parallel dynamic programming algorithms
RUU-CS-85-26 pdf Diameter increase caused by edge deletion
A.Schoone and H.L.Bodlaender and J.van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-85-25 pdf Deadlock-free packet switching networks with variable packet size
RUU-CS-85-24 pdf Hierarchical memory systems in multiprocessors and multi-periodic skewing schemes
G.Tel and H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-85-23 pdf An improved upperbound for distributed election in bidirectional rings of processors
J. van Leeuwen and R.B. Tan
RUU-CS-85-22 pdf Some lowerbound results for decentralized extrema-finding in rings of processors
RUU-CS-85-21 pdf General methods for adding range restrictions to decomposable searching problems
H.W.Scholten and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-85-20 pdf Emulations of processor networks with buses
RUU-CS-85-19 pdf A LAN with real-time facilities based on OSI concepts
A.J. de Raaf and A.Dijkstra and S.D. Swierstra
RUU-CS-85-18 pdf Finding grid embeddings with bounded maximum edge length is NP-complete
RUU-CS-85-17 pdf Range searching on a grid
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-85-16 pdf Interval routing
J. van Leeuwen and R.B. Tan
RUU-CS-85-15 pdf New upperbounds for decentralized extremafinding in a ring of processors
H.L.Bodlaender and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-85-14 pdf The complexity of finding uniform emulations on fixed graphs
RUU-CS-85-13 pdf Geometric data structures for computer graphics
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-85-12 pdf Verification of balanced link-level protocols
A.A. Schoone and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-85-11 pdf The classification of coverings of processor networks
RUU-CS-85-10 pdf On Approximation algorithms for determining minimum cost emulations
RUU-CS-85-09 pdf Authentication (abstract in het engels als -85-9a)
G.M.J. Pluimakers and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-85-08 pdf The inverted file tree machine!: efficient multi-key retrieval for VLSI
H.P. Kriegel and R.Mannss and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-85-07 pdf Fast simulation of Turing machines by random access machines
J. Katajainen and J. van Leeuwen and M. Penttonen
RUU-CS-85-06 pdf The complexity of cutting paper
M.H. Overmars and E. Welzl
RUU-CS-85-05 pdf The complexity of finding uniform emulations on paths and ring networks
RUU-CS-85-04 pdf On the complexity of finding uniform emulations
H.L.Bodlaender and J.van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-85-03 pdf Program derivation through transformations; the evolution of list-copying algorithms
N.W.P. van Diepen and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-85-02 pdf The quest for compositionality - a survey of assertion - based proof systems for concurrent programs. Part 1 ; concurrency based on shared variables
W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-85-01 not
$ast$ Pascal; compact reference guide to the programming language
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-84-14 pdf A note on Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting on an MIMD computer
M. Veldhorst
RUU-CS-84-13 pdf Array Processing Machines
J. van Leeuwen and J. Wiedermann
RUU-CS-84-12 pdf The $mu$-calculus as an assertion language for fairness arguments
F.A. Stomp and W.P. de Roever and R.T. Gerth
RUU-CS-84-11 pdf Parallel Turing Machines
RUU-CS-84-10 pdf Zooming by repeated range detection
H. Edelsbrunner and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-84-09 pdf Uniform emulations of two different types of shuffle-exchange networks
H.L. Bodlaender
RUU-CS-84-08 not
$ast$ Data structures (190 p., in Dutch)
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-84-07 pdf Parallel memories, periodic skewing schemes, and the theory of finite abelian groups
J.Tappe and J. van Leeuwen and H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-84-06 pdf Compositional semantics for real-time distributed computing
R.K. Shyamasundar and W.P. de Roever and R. Gerth and R. Koymans and S. Arun-Kumar
RUU-CS-84-05 pdf Uniform emulations of the shuffle-exchange network
H.L. Bodlaender and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-84-04 pdf Simulation of large networks on smaller networks
H.L. Bodlaender and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-84-03 pdf A direct routing algorithm for the bit-reversal permutation on a shuffle-exchange network
I.J.M. Birkhoff
RUU-CS-84-02 pdf The minimum bisection width of (three-dimensional) blocks
H.L. Bodlaender and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-84-01 pdf The structure of periodic storage schemes for parallel memories
H.A.G. Wijshoff and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-83-18 not
Operating Systems (231 p. in Dutch)
H.P. Penning and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-83-17 pdf Transition logic
R. Gerth
RUU-CS-83-16 pdf Routing with compact routing tables
J. van Leeuwen and R.B. Tan
RUU-CS-83-15 pdf A proof system for partial correctness of dynamic networks of processes
J. Zwiers and A. de Bruin and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-83-14 not
The technological image of ``1984'' (in Dutch)
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-83-13 pdf Parallel computers and algorithms
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-83-12 pdf The locus approach
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-83-11 pdf Data mappings in large parallel computers
J. van Leeuwen and H.A.G. Wijshoff
RUU-CS-83-10 pdf A linearity condition for periodic skewing schemes
H.A.G. Wijshoff and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-83-09 pdf Real time programming and asynchronous message passing
R. Koymans and J. Vytopil and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-83-08 pdf Batched dynamic solutions to decomposable searching problems
H. Edelsbrunner and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-83-07 pdf On linear skewing schemes and d ordered vectors
H.A.G. Wijshoff and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-83-06 pdf Range searching in a set of line segments
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-83-05 pdf A case study in proofs about realtime programming and asynchronous message passing (A formal system for a telecommunication language)
R. Koymans and J. Vytopil and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-83-04 pdf Periodic storage schemes with a minimum number of memory banks
H.A.G. Wijshoff and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-83-03 pdf Interaction with personal information systems (in Dutch)
P. van Oostrum
RUU-CS-83-02 pdf A proof system for concurrent ADA programs
R.T. Gerth and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-83-01 pdf Compositions of double diagonal and cross Latin squares
H.L. Bodlaender and H.A.G. Wijshoff and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-82-15 pdf PRAXIS handleiding voor praktikumstaf en PRAXIS-beheerder (in Dutch)
H.P. Penning and L. Wolters
RUU-CS-82-14 pdf PRAXIS gebruikershandleiding (in Dutch)
H.P. Penning and L. Wolters
RUU-CS-82-13 pdf The denotational semantics of dynamic networks of processes
A.P.W. Bohm and A. de Bruin
RUU-CS-82-12 pdf Rendezvous with ADA - a Proof Theoretical View
A. Pnueli and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-82-11 pdf Periodic versus arbitrary tessellations of the plane using polyominos of single type
H.A.G. Wijshoff and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-82-10 pdf A study in distributed systems and Dutch patriotism
R.T. Gerth and W.P. de Roever and M. Roncken
RUU-CS-82-09 pdf Systolic computation and VLSI
M.R. Kramer and J. van Leeuwen.
RUU-CS-82-08 pdf Distributed computing
J. van Leeuwen.
RUU-CS-82-07 pdf The complexity of VLSI-circuits for arbitrary Boolean functions (to appear)
M.R. Kramer and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-82-06 pdf The NP-completeness of finding minimum area Layouts for VLSI-circuits (to appear)
M.R. Kramer and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-82-05 pdf A sound and complete Hoare axiomatization of the ADA-rendezvous (extended abstract.)
R. Gerth
RUU-CS-82-04 pdf Wire routing in NP-complete
M.R. Kramer and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-82-03 pdf FANLAN GUID (in Dutch) FANLAN inc.
S.G. van der Meulen et al
RUU-CS-82-02 pdf Introduction to Computer Architecture (in Dutch)
S.G. van der Meulen
RUU-CS-82-01 not
Fundamental Algorithms (in Dutch)
J, van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-81-18 pdf Graphics and computational geometry
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-81-17 pdf A proof system for a subset of the concurrency section of ADA
R.T. Gerth
RUU-CS-81-16 pdf The bounded aspect ratio problem for VLSI
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-81-15 pdf On the equivalence of some rectangle problems
H. Edelsbrunner and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-14 pdf Organisatie van bedrijfssystemen voor computer netwerken
I.J.M. Birkhoff and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-81-13 not
VLSI layouts of perfect binary trees (to appear)
J. van Leeuwen and M.H. Overmars and D. Wood
RUU-CS-81-12 not
A proof system for Brinch Hansen's distributed processes (extended abstract)
M. Roncken and R. Gerth and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-81-11 not
A formalism for reasoning about fair termination
W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-81-10 pdf Transforming semi-dynamic data structures into dynamic structures
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-09 pdf Searching in the past II- general transformations
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-08 pdf The art of dynamizing
J. van Leeuwen and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-07 pdf Searching in the past I
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-06 pdf A basis for dataflow computing
A.P.W. Bohm and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-81-05 pdf A proof system for Brinch Hansen's distributed processes
M. Roncken and N. van Diepen and M. Kramer and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-81-04 pdf Stratified balanced search trees
J. van Leeuwen and M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-81-03 pdf Maintenance of configurations in the plane (revised edition)
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-81-02 pdf A proof rule for fair termination of quarded commands
O. Grumberg and N. Francez and J.A. Makowsky and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-81-01 pdf On the equivalence of rectangle containment, rectangle enclosure and ECDF-searching
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-80-12 pdf Efficient recognition of rational relations
J. van Leeuwen and M. Nivat
RUU-CS-80-11 pdf Untangling a traveling salesman tour in the plane
J. van Leeuwen and A.A. Schoone
RUU-CS-80-10 pdf Worst case optimal insertion and deletion methods for decomposable searching problems
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-80-09 pdf Dynamization of order decomposable set problems
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-80-08 pdf Computers en (on)doenlijke problemen
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-80-07 pdf General methods for the all elements and all pairs problem
M.H. Overmars
RUU-CS-80-06 pdf Dynamization of decomposable searching problems yielding good worst case bounds
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-80-05 pdf Notes on maintenance of configurations in the plane
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-80-04 pdf A proof system for communicating sequential processes -final edition
K.R. Apt and N. Francez and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-80-03 pdf Triangulating a starshaped polygon
A.A. Schoone and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-80-02 pdf Dynamic multi-dimensional data structures based on quad- and k-d trees
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-80-01 pdf Some principles for dynamizing decomposable searching problems
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-11 pdf Software support for an intelligent terminal
W. Boerhout and A.P.W. Bohm and R. Gerth
RUU-CS-79-10 pdf Two general methods for dynamizing decomposable searching problems
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-09 pdf Maintenance of configurations in the plane
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-08 pdf A proof system for communicating sequential processes
K.R. Apt and N. Francez and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-79-07 not
Further comments on Bykat's convex hull algorithm
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-06 pdf The measure problem for rectangular ranges in d-space
J. van Leeuwen and D. Wood
RUU-CS-79-05 pdf Dynamization of decomposable searching problems
J. van Leeuwen and D. Wood
RUU-CS-79-04 pdf The complexity of basic complex operations
H. Alt and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-03 pdf Rapid subtree indentification revisited
M.H. Overmars and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-02 not
Computers en informatie-verwerking
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-79-01 pdf On program efficiency and algebraic complexity - (or- how to compute the Schur transform of a complex polynomial)
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-78-07 pdf The evolution of list-copying algorithms and the need for structured program verification
S. Lee and W.P. de Roever and S.L. Gerhart
RUU-CS-78-06 pdf An essay on trees and iteration
W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-78-05 pdf The composition of fast priority queues
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-78-04 pdf Move-rules and trade-offs in the pebble game
P. Emde Boas and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-78-03 pdf Linear time generation of a new fixed-length data-compression code
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-78-02 pdf Compromising statistical data-base with a few known elements in a combinatorial model
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-78-01 pdf A useful lemma for context-free programmed grammers
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-78-00 pdf Semantics of nondeterminism, concurrency and communication
N. Francez and C.A.R. Hoare and D.J. Lehmann and W.P. de Roever
RUU-CS-77-04 not
Inleiding tot database systems
J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-77-03 pdf Alternative path compression techniques
J. van Leeuwen and Th.P. van der Weide
RUU-CS-77-02 pdf Stack machines and classes of nonnested macro-languages
J. Engelfriet and E.Meineche Schmidt and J. van Leeuwen
RUU-CS-77-01 not
Datastructuren voor lineaire ruimten ``Torrix''
S.G. van der Meulen and M. Veldhorst

BibTeX entries

author = {Leeuwen, Jan~van and Wiedermann, Jiri},
year = 2019,
title = {Understanding Computation: A General Theory of Computational Processes},
number = {UU-CS-2019-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Renes, Cassandra and Spruit, Marco},
year = 2019,
title = {What do you mean? The CIRCA-DIPS method for root cause analysis of data interoperability problems within aviation information systems},
number = {UU-CS-2019-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haan, Eline~de and Spruit, Marco and Zoet, Martijn},
year = 2019,
title = {Fundamental Constructs for Derivation Business Rules},
number = {UU-CS-2019-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Janssen, Joey and Spruit, Marco},
year = 2019,
title = {M-RAM: a Mobile Risk Assessment Method for Enterprise Mobile Security},
number = {UU-CS-2019-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Molenaar, Sabine and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Menkveld, Abel and Smudde, Thijs and Blessinga, Remmelt and Dalpiaz, Fabiano},
year = 2019,
title = {On the Nature of Links between Requirements and Architectures: Case Studies on User Story Utilization in Agile Development},
number = {UU-CS-2019-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Beun, Robbert~Jan},
year = 2019,
title = {Van zelfhulpboek tot interactieve app: Analyse van het boek ‘Geweldloze communicatie’},
number = {UU-CS-2019-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Beun, Robbert~Jan},
year = 2019,
title = {12-weken programma ‘Slapen’},
number = {UU-CS-2019-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Beun, Robbert~Jan},
year = 2019,
title = {Van zelfhulpboek tot interactieve app: Analyse van het boek ‘Compassie in je leven’},
number = {UU-CS-2019-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Huisman, Marieke and Swierstra, Wouter and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2019,
title = {A Research Agenda for Formal Methods in the Netherlands},
number = {UU-CS-2019-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Spruit, Marco and Lingen, Sonny~van and Ozkan, Bilge~Yigit},
year = 2019,
title = {The CYSFAM Questionnaire: Assessing CYberSecurity Focus Area Maturity},
number = {UU-CS-2019-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lefebvre, Armel and Berendsen, Jorrit and Spruit, Marco},
year = 2019,
title = {Evaluation of classification models for retrieving experimental sections from full-text publications},
number = {UU-CS-2019-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Spruit, Marco and Linden, Vincent~van~der},
year = 2019,
title = {BIDQI: The Business Impacts of Data Quality Interdependencies Model},
number = {UU-CS-2019-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Polyvyanyy, Jan~Martijn~~van~der~Werf~&~Artem},
year = 2018,
title = {Some Reachability Results on Combining Petri Nets with Data Models},
number = {UU-CS-2018-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Werf, Jan~Martijn~van~der and Polyvyanyy, Artem and Overbeek, Sietse and Brouwers, Rick},
year = 2018,
title = {On a Synergy Between Data and Processes},
number = {UU-CS-2018-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoogeveen, Han and Tomczyk, Jakub and Zanden, Tom~van~der},
year = 2018,
title = {Flower power: Finding optimal plant cutting strategies through a combination of optimization and data mining},
number = {UU-CS-2018-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Reijnen, Crystal and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Overbeek, Sietse},
year = 2018,
title = {The OMC Approach: Towards a method for digital business strategy formulation},
number = {UU-CS-2018-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Twist, Rene~van and Akker, Marjan~van~den and Hoogeveen, Han},
year = 2018,
title = {Synchronizing transportation of people with reduced mobility through airport terminals},
number = {UU-CS-2018-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jong, Pim~de and Steenbergen, Marlies~van and Werf, Jan~Martijn~van~der and Bex, Floris},
year = 2017,
title = {Reasoning on Architecture Design},
number = {UU-CS-2017-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Koops, Hendrik~Vincent and Haas, Bas~de and Burgoyne, John~Ashley and Bransen, Jeroen and Volk, Anja},
year = 2017,
title = {Harmonic Subjectivity in Popular Music},
number = {UU-CS-2017-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dalen, Samantha~van and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Werf, Jan~Martijn~van~der},
year = 2017,
title = {All-inclusive Software Architecture Video Wall - building a Prototype},
number = {UU-CS-2017-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arends, Hugo and Heeren, Bastiaan and Keuning, Hieke and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2017,
title = {An intelligent tutor to learn the evaluation of microcontroller I/O programming expressions},
number = {UU-CS-2017-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Es, Nienke~van and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2017,
title = {Designing and comparing two Scratch-based teaching approaches for students aged 10-12 years — extended version},
number = {UU-CS-2017-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Groenouwe, Chide and Meyer, John-Jules},
year = 2017,
title = {Visually Embodying Well-Typedness of Algebraic Data Structures through Maramafication},
number = {UU-CS-2017-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Naus, Nico and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2017,
title = {Building a generic feedback system for rule-based problems},
number = {UU-CS-2017-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lala, Raja and Jeuring, Johan and Overbeek., Timo},
year = 2017,
title = {Analysing and adapting communication scenarios in virtual learning environments for one-to-one communication skills training},
number = {UU-CS-2017-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Milovanovic, Ivica and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2017,
title = {Cognitive Modelling with Term Rewriting},
number = {UU-CS-2017-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kloks, Ton and Tan, Richard~B. and Leeuwen, Jan~van},
year = 2017,
title = {Tracking Maximum Ascending Subsequences in Sequences of Partially Ordered Data},
number = {UU-CS-2017-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Feijter, Rico~de and Vliet, Rob~van and Jagroep, Erik and Overbeek, Sietse and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2017,
title = {Towards the adoption of DevOps in sotfware product organizations: A maturity model approach},
number = {UU-CS-2017-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overbeek, Timo and Jeuring, Johan and Lala, Raja},
year = 2017,
title = {Using scenario smells to analyse scripted communication scenarios in virtual learning environments},
number = {UU-CS-2017-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2017,
title = {An extensible domain-specific language for describing problem-solving procedures},
number = {UU-CS-2017-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Keuning, Hieke and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2017,
title = {Code quality Issues in Student Programs},
number = {UU-CS-2017-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lala, Raja and Jeuring, Johan and Dortmont, Jordy~van and Geest, Marcell~van},
year = 2017,
title = {Scenarios in virtual learning environments for one-to-one communication skills training},
number = {UU-CS-2017-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meulendijk, Michiel and Spruit, Marco and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2017,
title = {Risk Mediation in Association Rules: Application Examples},
number = {UU-CS-2017-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Saeidi, Amir and Hage, Jurriaan and Khadka, Ravi and Jansen, Slinger},
year = 2017,
title = {A Generic Framework for Model-Driven Analysis of Heterogeneous Legacy Software Systems},
number = {UU-CS-2017-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Miraldo, Victor~Cacciari and Swierstra, Wouter},
year = 2017,
title = {Structure-aware Version Control: A generic approach using Agda},
number = {UU-CS-2017-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Koops, Hendrik~Vincent and Garg, Kashish and Kim, Munsung~(Bill) and Li, Jonathan and Volk, Anja and Franchetti, Franz},
year = 2017,
title = {Prediction of Quadcopter State through Multi-Microphone Side-Channel Fusion},
number = {UU-CS-2017-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Swierstra, Doaitse and Viera, Marcos and Dijkstra, Atze},
year = 2016,
title = {A Lazy Language Needs a Lazy Type System: Introducing Polymorphic Contexts},
number = {UU-CS-2016-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Mena, Alejandro~Serrano and Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2016,
title = {Context-Dependent Type Error Diagnosis for Functional Languages},
number = {UU-CS-2016-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Mena, Alejandro~Serrano and Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2016,
title = {From Attribute Grammars to Constraint Handling Rules},
number = {UU-CS-2016-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lodder, Josje and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2016,
title = {Generating hints and feedback for Hilbert-style axiomatic proofs},
number = {UU-CS-2016-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Beun, Robbert~Jan and Fitrianie, Siska and Griffioen-Both, Fiemke and Spruit, Sandor and Horsch, Corine and Lancee, Jaap and Brinkman, Willem-Paul},
year = 2016,
title = {Talk and Tools: The Best of Both Worlds in Mobile User Interfaces of E-coaching},
number = {UU-CS-2016-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Jan~van and Wiedermann, Jiri},
year = 2016,
title = {Question Answering and Cognitive Automata with Background Intelligence},
number = {UU-CS-2016-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hovestad, Bas and Bex, Floris},
year = 2016,
title = {Making sense of risks: A hybrid argumentative-narrative approach to risk assessment},
number = {UU-CS-2016-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Corbalan, Gemma and Montfort, Joek~van and Es, Nienke~van and Leeuwestein, Hanneke},
year = 2016,
title = {Vorm en effect van Programmeeronderwijs in het primair onderwijs},
number = {UU-CS-2016-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Jan~van},
year = 2016,
title = {On the Subsequence Theorem of Erdős and Szekeres},
number = {UU-CS-2016-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Milovanovic, Ivica and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2016,
title = {The Automatic Generation of Knowledge Spaces From Problem Solving Strategies},
number = {UU-CS-2016-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lala, Raja and Jeuring, Johan and Dortmont, Jordy~van},
year = 2016,
title = {An implementation architecture for scenario-based simulations},
number = {UU-CS-2016-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Keuning, Hieke and Jeuring, Johan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2016,
title = {Towards a Systematic Review of Automated Feedback Generation for Programming Exercises – Extended Version},
number = {UU-CS-2016-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lodder, Josje and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2015,
title = {A domain reasoner for propositional logic},
number = {UU-CS-2015-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pruijt, Leo and Köppe, Christian and Werf, Jan~Martijn~van~der and Brinkkemper., Sjaak},
year = 2015,
title = {Accuracy Test of Software Architecture Compliance Checking Tools – Test Instruction},
number = {UU-CS-2015-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerdes, Alex and Heeren, Bastiaan and Binsbergen, Johan~Jeuring~andThomas~van},
year = 2015,
title = {Ask-Elle: an adaptable programming tutor for Haskell giving automated feedback},
number = {UU-CS-2015-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stüvel, Sybren and Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia and Thalmann, Daniel and Stappen, Frank~van~der and Egges, Arjan},
year = 2015,
title = {Torso Crowds},
number = {UU-CS-2015-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Smale, Stephanie~de and Overmans, Tom and Jeuring, Johan and Grint, Liesbeth~van~de},
year = 2015,
title = {The Effect of Simulations and Games on Learning Objectives in Tertiary Education: A Systematic Review},
number = {UU-CS-2015-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans and Boros, Endre and Heggernes, Pinar and Kratsch, Dieter},
year = 2015,
title = {Open Problems of the Lorentz Workshop, "Enumeration Algorithms using Structure"},
number = {UU-CS-2015-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2015,
title = {Proceedings TFPIE 2015: the Fourth International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in Education},
number = {UU-CS-2015-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Alkemade, Thijs and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2015,
title = {Type Class Instances for Type-Level Lambdas in Haskell},
number = {UU-CS-2015-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Niekerk, Marcel~van~Kooten and Akker, Marjan~van~den and Hoogeveen, Han},
year = 2015,
title = {Scheduling Electric Vehicles},
number = {UU-CS-2015-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leather, Sean and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres and Schuur, Bram},
year = 2015,
title = {Type-Changing Rewriting and Semantics-Preserving Transformation},
number = {UU-CS-2015-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Buis, Jakob and SlingerJansen},
year = 2015,
title = {Identifying Companies in Open Source Software Ecosystems},
number = {UU-CS-2015-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tönissen, Denise and Akker, Marjan~van~den and Hoogeveen, Han},
year = 2015,
title = {Column generation strategies and decomposition approaches to the size robust multiple knapsack problem},
number = {UU-CS-2015-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Grosfeld, Frans and Heeren, Bastiaan and Hulsbergen, Michiel and IJntema, Richta and Jonker, Vincent and Mastenbroek, Nicole and Smagt, Maarten~van~der and Wijmans, Frank and Wolters, Majanne and Zeijts, Henk~van},
year = 2015,
title = {Demo: Communicate! — a serious game for communication skills},
number = {UU-CS-2015-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Spauwen, Ruvar and Werf, Jan~Martijn~van~der and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Jagroep, Erik and Blom, Leen},
year = 2015,
title = {Quality Metrics for Sustainability - The operational Energy Use of Application Software},
number = {UU-CS-2015-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lodder, Josje and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2015,
title = {A pilot study of the use of LogEx, lessons learned},
number = {UU-CS-2015-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stüvel, Sybren and Goeij, Thijs~de and Stappen, Frank~van~der and Egges, Arjan},
year = 2015,
title = {An analysis of manoeuvring in dense crowds},
number = {UU-CS-2015-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Goethem, Arthur~van and Jaklin, Norman and IV, Atlas~Cook and Geraerts, Roland},
year = 2015,
title = {On Streams and Incentives: A Synthesis of Individual and Collective Crowd Motion},
number = {UU-CS-2015-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Snijders, Remco and Atilla,  Özüm and Dalpiaz, Fabiano and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2015,
title = {Crowd-centric requirements engineering: A method based on crowdsourcing and gamification},
number = {UU-CS-2015-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Timmer, Sjoerd and Meyer, John-Jules and Prakken, Henry and Renooij, Silja and Verheij, Bart},
year = 2015,
title = {A Structure-guided Approach to Capturing Bayesian Reasoning about Legal Evidence in Argumentation},
number = {UU-CS-2015-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Krak, Thomas and Feelders, Ad},
year = 2015,
title = {Exceptional Model Mining with Tree-Constrained Gradient Ascent},
number = {UU-CS-2015-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Jan~van},
year = 2015,
title = {A Note on Recursively Enumerable Classes of Partial Recursive Functions},
number = {UU-CS-2015-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Akker, Marjan~van~den and Bouman, Paul and Hoogeveen, Han and Tonissen, Denise},
year = 2014,
title = {Decomposition approaches for recoverable robust optimization problems},
number = {UU-CS-2014-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2014,
title = {Effectieve computerapplicaties: vergelijk de didactiek, niet het domein},
number = {UU-CS-2014-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Keuning, Hieke and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2014,
title = {Strategy-based feedback in a programming tutor},
number = {UU-CS-2014-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Binsbergen, Thomas~van and Gerdes, Alex and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2014,
title = {Model solutions and properties for diagnosing student programs in Ask-Elle},
number = {UU-CS-2014-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bolt, Janneke and Renooij, Silja},
year = 2014,
title = {Sensitivity of Multi-dimensional Bayesian Classifiers},
number = {UU-CS-2014-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, Tim~de and Spruit, Marco},
year = 2014,
title = {The business intelligence as a service capability maturity model},
number = {UU-CS-2014-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Spruit, Marco and Pietzka, Katharina},
year = 2014,
title = {The MD3M Questionnaire: Assessing Master Data Management Maturity},
number = {UU-CS-2014-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Olmer, Tim and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2014,
title = {Evaluating Haskell expressions in a tutoring environment},
number = {UU-CS-2014-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tan, Richard~B. and Leeuwen, Erik~Jan~van and Leeuwen, Jan~van},
year = 2014,
title = {Shortcutting Directed and Undirected Networks with a Degree Constraint},
number = {UU-CS-2014-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2014,
title = {DOMain Specific Type Error Diagnosis (DOMSTED)},
number = {UU-CS-2014-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreuzer, Robert and Feelders, Jurriaan~Hage~en~Ad},
year = 2014,
title = {A Quantitative Comparison of Semantic Web Page Segmentation Approaches},
number = {UU-CS-2014-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fritz, Levin and Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2014,
title = {Cost versus Precision for Approximate Typing for Python},
number = {UU-CS-2014-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Panahi, Fatemeh and Stappen, Frank~van~der},
year = 2014,
title = {Bounding the Locus of the Center of Mass for a Part with Shape Variation},
number = {UU-CS-2014-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aljanaki, Anna and Wiering, Frans and Veltkamp, Remco},
year = 2014,
title = {Collecting annotations for induced musical emotion via online game with a purpose Emotify},
number = {UU-CS-2014-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Jan~van and Wiedermann, Jiri},
year = 2014,
title = {Separating the Classes of Recursively Enumerable Languages Based on Machine Size},
number = {UU-CS-2014-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bransen, Jeroen and Dijkstra, Atze and Swierstra, Doaitse},
year = 2014,
title = {Exploiting Attribute Grammars to Achieve Automatic Tupling},
number = {UU-CS-2014-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nguyen, Cu and Tonella, Paolo and Vos, Tanja and Condori, Nelly and Mendelson, Bilha and Citron, Daniel and Shehory, Onn},
year = 2014,
title = {Test Prioritization based on Change Sensitivity: an Industrial Case Study},
number = {UU-CS-2014-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bauersfeld, Sebastian and Rojas, Antonio~de and Vos, Tanja~},
year = 2014,
title = {Evaluating Rogue User Testing in Industry: an Experience Report},
number = {UU-CS-2014-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bauersfeld, Sebastian and Condori-Fernandez, Nelly and Vos, Tanja~ and Brosse, Etienne and Bagnato, Alessandra},
year = 2014,
title = {Evaluating Rogue User  an Industrial Case Study at Softeam},
number = {UU-CS-2014-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Brosse, Etienne and Bagnato, Alessandra and Vos, Tanja and Condori, Nelly},
year = 2014,
title = {Evaluating the FITTEST Automated Testing Tools in SOFTEAM: an Industrial Case Study},
number = {UU-CS-2014-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Condori-Fernández, Nelly and Vos, Tanja and Kruse, Peter and Brosse, Etienne and Bagnato, Alessandra},
year = 2014,
title = {Analyzing the Applicability of a Combinatorial Testing Tool in an Industrial Environment},
number = {UU-CS-2014-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Panahi, Fatemeh and Stappen, Frank~van~der},
year = 2014,
title = {Orienting a Part with Shape Variation},
number = {UU-CS-2014-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Reijmer, Tjalling and Spruit, Marco},
year = 2014,
title = {Cybersecurity in the news: A grounded theory approach to better understand its emerging prominence},
number = {UU-CS-2014-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2014,
title = {Feedback services for stepwise exercises},
number = {UU-CS-2014-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Batlajery, Belfrit and Khadka, Ravi and Saeidi, Amir and Jansen, Slinger and Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2014,
title = {Industrial Perception of Legacy Software System and their Modernization},
number = {UU-CS-2014-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Jan~van and Wiedermann, Jiri},
year = 2014,
title = {Turing Machines with One-sided Advice and the Acceptance of the co-RE Languages},
number = {UU-CS-2014-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bertens, Roel and Siebes, Arno},
year = 2014,
title = {Characterising Seismic Data},
number = {UU-CS-2014-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Soons, Pieter and Feelders, Ad},
year = 2014,
title = {Exploiting Monotonicity Constraints in Active Learning for Ordinal Classification},
number = {UU-CS-2014-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fotaki, Georgia and Spruit, Marco and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Meijer, Dlon},
year = 2013,
title = {Exploring Big Data opportunities for Online Customer Segmentation},
number = {UU-CS-2013-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Epure, Elena and Hug, Charlotte and Deneckère, Rébecca and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2013,
title = {Intention-mining: A solution to process participant support in process aware information systems},
number = {UU-CS-2013-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vaessen, Bram and Prins, Frans and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2013,
title = {University Students' Achievement Goals and Help-Seeking Strategies in an Intelligent Tutoring System},
number = {UU-CS-2013-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Rooij, Rick~van and Pronost, Nicolas},
year = 2013,
title = {The 5/10 method: a method for designing educational games},
number = {UU-CS-2013-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leather, Sean and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres and Schuur, Bram},
year = 2013,
title = {Type-Changing Rewriting and Semantics-Preserving Transformation},
number = {UU-CS-2013-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2013,
title = {Finding palindromes: variants and algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-2013-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pors, Michiel and Blom, Leen and Kabbedijk, Jaap and Jansen, Slinger},
year = 2013,
title = {Sharing is Caring - A Decision Support Model for Multi-Tenant Architectures},
number = {UU-CS-2013-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bezirgiannis, Nikolaos and Jeuring, Johan and Leather, Sean},
year = 2013,
title = {Usage of Generic Programming on Hackage — Experience report —},
number = {UU-CS-2013-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2013,
title = {Haskell in the Large},
number = {UU-CS-2013-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Andre, Eric ́s and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2013,
title = {Towards automatic generationof domain-specific mathematical input support},
number = {UU-CS-2013-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Eekelen, Joeri~van and Leather, Sean and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2013,
title = {Type-changing program transformations with pattern matching},
number = {UU-CS-2013-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Panahi, Fatemeh and Adler, Aviv and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der and Goldberg, Ken},
year = 2013,
title = {An Efficient Proximity Probing Algorithm for Metrology},
number = {UU-CS-2013-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gayo, Jose~Emilio~Labra and Jeuring, Johan and Rodríguez, Jose~María~Álvarez},
year = 2013,
title = {Inductive triple graphs: a purely functional approach to represent RDF},
number = {UU-CS-2013-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2013,
title = {The history of finding palindromes},
number = {UU-CS-2013-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Veltkamp, Thijs~van~Lankveld~en~Remco},
year = 2013,
title = {Watertight Scenes from Urban LiDAR and Planar Surfaces},
number = {UU-CS-2013-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zalm, Anna~van~der and Spruit, Sandor and Beun, Robbert-Jan},
year = 2013,
title = {A data architecture for research in mobile health},
number = {UU-CS-2013-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Swierstra, Doaitse and Dijkstra, Atze},
year = 2013,
title = {Parse Your Options},
number = {UU-CS-2013-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Eijk, Rogier~van},
year = 2013,
title = {A formal model of coaching progressive relaxation},
number = {UU-CS-2013-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hastjarjanto, Tom and Jeuring, Johan and Leather, Sean},
year = 2013,
title = {A DSL for describing the artificial intelligence in real-time video games},
number = {UU-CS-2013-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prakken, Henry and Wyner, Adam and Bench-Capon, Trevor and Atkinson, Katie},
year = 2013,
title = {A formalisation of argument schemes for case-based reasoning in ASPIC+},
number = {UU-CS-2013-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Spruit, Marco and Wester, Wouter},
year = 2013,
title = {RFID Security and Privacy: Threats and Countermeasures},
number = {UU-CS-2013-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haas, Bas~de and Burgoyne, John~Ashley},
year = 2012,
title = {Parsing the Billboard Chord Transcriptions},
number = {UU-CS-2012-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Baars, Thijs and Bemd, Lucas~van~den and Theuns, Michail and Akker, Robin~van~den and Schönbeck, Machiel and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2012,
title = {Cyber Security in Smart Grid Substations},
number = {UU-CS-2012-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Viera, Marcos and Swierstra, S.Doaitse},
year = 2012,
title = {Compositional Compiler Construction: Oberon0},
number = {UU-CS-2012-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {López, Marcelo~Rodríguez and Volk, Anja},
year = 2012,
title = {Melodic Segmentation: A Survey},
number = {UU-CS-2012-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, Wishnu and Elyasov, Alexander and Middelkoop, Arie and Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2012,
title = {FITTEST Log Format (version 1.1)},
number = {UU-CS-2012-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Elyasov, Alexander and Prasetya, Wishnu and Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2012,
title = {Log-Based Reduction by Rewriting},
number = {UU-CS-2012-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, Wishnu and Hage, Jurriaan and Elyasov, Alexander},
year = 2012,
title = {Using Sub-cases to Improve Log-based Oracles Inference},
number = {UU-CS-2012-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2012,
title = {Feedback Genereren in Leeromgevingen voor Algebra},
number = {UU-CS-2012-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Gerdes, Alex and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2012,
title = {Ask-Elle: A Haskell tutor -- Demonstration --},
number = {UU-CS-2012-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Keuchel, Steven and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2012,
title = {Generic conversions of abstract syntax rep- resentations},
number = {UU-CS-2012-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Jansson, Patrik and Amaral, Cláudio},
year = 2012,
title = {Testing Type Class Laws},
number = {UU-CS-2012-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerdes, Alex and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2012,
title = {Teachers and students in charge- Using annotated model solutions in a functional programming tutor-},
number = {UU-CS-2012-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Khadka, Ravi and Saeide, Amir and Idu, Andrei and Hage, Jurriaan and Jansen, Slinger},
year = 2012,
title = {Legacy to SOA Evolution:Evaluation Results},
number = {UU-CS-2012-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Gerdes, Alex and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2012,
title = {A Programming tutor for Haskell},
number = {UU-CS-2012-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leather, Sean and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres and Schuur, Bram},
year = 2012,
title = {Type-and-Transform Systems},
number = {UU-CS-2012-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Roijers, Diederik~M. and Jeuring, Johan and Feelders, Ad},
year = 2012,
title = {Probability estimation and a competence model for rule based e-tutoring systems},
number = {UU-CS-2012-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerdes, Alex and Jeuring, Johan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2012,
title = {An Interactive Functional Programming Tutor},
number = {UU-CS-2012-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {L.Bodlaender, Hans and Kratsch, Dieter and T.Timmer, Sjoerd},
year = 2012,
title = {Exact algorithms for Kayles},
number = {UU-CS-2012-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Swierstra, Wouter and Swierstra, Doaitse and Stutterheim, Jurriën},
year = 2011,
title = {Logisch en Functioneel Programmeren voor Wiskunde D},
number = {UU-CS-2011-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Viera, Marcos and Swierstra, Doaitse},
year = 2011,
title = {Grammar Fragments Fly First-Class},
number = {UU-CS-2011-032},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Koldenhof, Ernst and Jeuring, Johan and Ruth, Sandra},
year = 2011,
title = {Rendement van objectgeoriënteerd programmeren - een pilot-experiment met de BlueJ methode},
number = {UU-CS-2011-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lodder, Josje and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2011,
title = {Math-Bridge, een internationale wiskundebrug tussen VO en HO, ook voor informaticastudenten},
number = {UU-CS-2011-030},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Viera, Marcos and Swierstra, Doaitse and Middelkoop, Arie},
year = 2011,
title = {UUAG Meets AspectAG- How to make Attribute Grammars First-Class},
number = {UU-CS-2011-029},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Viera, Marcos and Swierstra, Doaitse},
year = 2011,
title = {Semantic Macros- Attribute Grammar Combinators},
number = {UU-CS-2011-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aa, N.P.~van~der and Luo, X. and Giezeman, G.J. and Tan, R.T. and Veltkamp, R.C.},
year = 2011,
title = {Utrecht Multi-Person Motion (MPM) Benchmark},
number = {UU-CS-2011-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Beun, Robbert-Jan},
year = 2011,
title = {Persuasive Tools for Exercise Adherence in Mobile Insomnia Therapy},
number = {UU-CS-2011-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Renooij, Silja},
year = 2011,
title = {Efficient sensitivity analysis in hidden Markov models},
number = {UU-CS-2011-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thomas, Antonis},
year = 2011,
title = {Games on Graphs - The Complexity of Pure Nash Equilibria},
number = {UU-CS-2011-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haas, W.~Bas~de and Magalhães, José~Pedro and Wiering, Frans and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2011,
title = {HarmTrace: Automatic functional harmonic analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2011-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jagroep, Erik and Weerd, Inge~van~de and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Dobbe, Ton},
year = 2011,
title = {Software Product Portfolio Management - Towards improvement of current practice},
number = {UU-CS-2011-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Magalhães, José~Pedro and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2011,
title = {Generic Programming for Indexed Datatypes},
number = {UU-CS-2011-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Yakushev, Alexey~Rodriguez and Jeuring, Johan and Jansson, Patrik and Gerdes, Alex and Kiselyov, Oleg and Oliveira, Bruno~C.D.S.},
year = 2011,
title = {Comparing Datatype Generic Libraries in Haskell},
number = {UU-CS-2011-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Passier, Harrie and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2011,
title = {Modeling XML Content Explained},
number = {UU-CS-2011-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Xing, X.C. and Versendaal, J. and Akker, J.M.~van~den and Bevere, B.~De},
year = 2011,
title = {Maturity of Operational Procurement in the Construction Industry},
number = {UU-CS-2011-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Lankveld, Thijs~van and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2011,
title = {On the shape of a set of points and lines in the plane},
number = {UU-CS-2011-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2011,
title = {Interleaving strategies},
number = {UU-CS-2011-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haas, W.~Bas~de and Wiering, Frans and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2011,
title = {A Geometrical Distance Measure for Determining the Similarity of Musical Harmony},
number = {UU-CS-2011-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aa, Nico~P.~van~der and Grootendorst, Dennis~S. and Böggemann, Bob~F. and Tan, Robby~T.},
year = 2011,
title = {Comments on 'Consistent Depth Maps Recovery from a Video Sequence'},
number = {UU-CS-2011-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bouman, P.C. and Akker, J.M.~van~den and Hoogeveen, J.A.},
year = 2011,
title = {Recoverable robustness by column generation},
number = {UU-CS-2011-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Buchin, Kevin and Buchin, Maike and Kreveld, Marc~van and Luo, Jun},
year = 2011,
title = {Finding Long and Similar Parts of Trajectories},
number = {UU-CS-2011-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Akker, Marjan~van~den and Beelen, Theo and Bisseling, Rob~H. and Auer, Bas~Fagginger and Heymann, Frederik~von and Muller, Tobias and Rommes, Joost},
year = 2011,
title = {Routing for analog chip designs at NXP Semiconductors},
number = {UU-CS-2011-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Luo, Xinghan and Tan, Robby~T. and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2011,
title = {Multi-person Tracking Based on Vertical Reference Lines and Dynamic Visibility Analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2011-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Alves, Tiago and Hage, Jurriaan and Rademaker, Peter},
year = 2011,
title = {A Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies},
number = {UU-CS-2011-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Reijnders, Gijs and Khadka, Ravi and Jansen, Slinger and Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2011,
title = {Developing a legacy to SOA Migration Method},
number = {UU-CS-2011-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Magalhães, José~Pedro and Haas, W.~Bas~de},
year = 2011,
title = {Experience Report: Functional Modelling of Musical Harmony},
number = {UU-CS-2011-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haanappel, S. and Drost, R. and Harmsen, F. and Brinkkemper, S. and Versendaal, J.M.},
year = 2011,
title = {A framework for IT performance management - Enabling organizational growth with IT performance management},
number = {UU-CS-2011-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, I.~S.~W.~B. and Amorim, J. and Vos, T.~E.~J. and Baars, A.},
year = 2011,
title = {CTy: a Haskell DSL for Specifying and Generating Combinatoric Test-cases},
number = {UU-CS-2011-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lankveld, Thijs~van and Kreveld, Marc~van and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2011,
title = {Identifying rectangles in laser range data for urban scene reconstruction},
number = {UU-CS-2011-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Kratsch, Dieter},
year = 2011,
title = {Exact Algorithms for Kayles},
number = {UU-CS-2011-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Broersen, Jan},
year = 2011,
title = {Modeling Attempt and Action Failure in Probabilistic stit Logic},
number = {UU-CS-2011-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Janek, Martin and Khadka, Ravi and Jansen, Slinger},
year = 2011,
title = {The MT940 Project Requirement Document},
number = {UU-CS-2011-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerdes, Alex and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2010,
title = {Properties of exercise strategies},
number = {UU-CS-2010-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Kozawa, Kyohei and Matsushima, Takayoshi and Otachi, Yota},
year = 2010,
title = {Spanning tree congestion of k-outerplanar graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2010-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Erik~Jan~van and Leeuwen, Jan~van},
year = 2010,
title = {Convex Polygon Intersection Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2010-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Infrastructure, Improving~Software~Product~anagement~Processes:~a~detailed~view~ofthe~Product~Software~Knowledge},
year = 2010,
title = {Kevin Vlaanderen, Inge van de Weerd, Sjaak Brinkkemper},
number = {UU-CS-2010-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Rooij, Johan~M.~M.~van},
year = 2010,
title = {Exact algorithms for Intervalizing Colored Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2010-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Biehler, Rolf and Fischer, Pascal~R. and Hochmuth, Reinhard and Jeuring, Johan and Wassong, Thomas},
year = 2010,
title = {How to support students learning in mathematical bridging-courses using an ITS? Remedial scenarios in the European project Math-Bridge},
number = {UU-CS-2010-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Koster, Arie~M.~C.~A.},
year = 2010,
title = {Treewidth Computations II. Lower Bounds},
number = {UU-CS-2010-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sacu, Catalina and Spruit, Marco and Habers, Frank},
year = 2010,
title = {Data Warehouse (DW) Maturity Assessment Questionnaire},
number = {UU-CS-2010-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan (editor)},
year = 2010,
title = {Preproceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL 2010)},
number = {UU-CS-2010-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Akker, Marjan~van~den and Geraerts, Roland and Hoogeveen, Han and Prins, Corien},
year = 2010,
title = {Path Planning for Groups using Column Generation},
number = {UU-CS-2010-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Akker, Marjan~van~den and Bloemhof, Gabriel and Bosman, Joost and Crommelin, Daan and Frank, Jason and Yang, Guangyan},
year = 2010,
title = {Optimal distributed power generation under network load constraints},
number = {UU-CS-2010-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Magalhães, José~Pedro and Dijkstra, Atze and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres},
year = 2010,
title = {A generic deriving mechanism for Haskell},
number = {UU-CS-2010-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Steenbergen, Martijn~van and Magalhães, José~Pedro and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2010,
title = {Generic selections of subexpressions},
number = {UU-CS-2010-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Rademaker, Peter and Vugt, Nikè~van},
year = 2010,
title = {A comparison of plagiarism detection tools},
number = {UU-CS-2010-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boucharas, Vasilis and Steenbergen, Marlies~van and Jansen, Slinger and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2010,
title = {The Contribution of Enterprise Architecture to the Achievement of Organizational Goals: Establishing the Enterprise Architecture Benefits Framework},
number = {UU-CS-2010-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bekkers, Willem and Weerd, Inge~van~de},
year = 2010,
title = {SPM Maturity Matrix},
number = {UU-CS-2010-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {F.I.Pieters, Barbara},
year = 2010,
title = {Subgroup Discovery on Numeric and Ordinal Targets, with an Application to Biological Data Aggregation},
number = {UU-CS-2010-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2010,
title = {Adapting Mathematical Domain Reasoners},
number = {UU-CS-2010-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sacu, Catalina and Spruit, Marco},
year = 2010,
title = {BIDM: The Business Intelligence Development Model},
number = {UU-CS-2010-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Feelders, Ad},
year = 2010,
title = {A Decomposition of the Isotonic Regression},
number = {UU-CS-2010-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Noort, Thomas~van and Yakushev, Alexey~Rodriguez and Holdermans, Stefan and Jeuring, Johan and Heeren, Bastiaan and Magalhães, José~Pedro},
year = 2010,
title = {A Lightweight Approach to Datatype-generic Rewriting},
number = {UU-CS-2010-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Otachi, Yota and Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Leeuwen, Erik~Jan~van},
year = 2010,
title = {Complexity Results for the Spanning Tree Congestion Problem},
number = {UU-CS-2010-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rooij, Johan~M.~M.~van and Niekerk, Marcel~E.~van~Kooten and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2010,
title = {Partitioning Sparse Graphs Into Triangles: Relations to exact satisfiability and very fast exponential time algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-2010-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Manteli, Christina and Weerd, Inge~van~de and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2010,
title = {An empirical research to the relationships between software product management and software project management},
number = {UU-CS-2010-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Artz, Peter and Weerd, Inge~van~de and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2010,
title = {Productization: The process of transforming from customer-specific software development to product software development},
number = {UU-CS-2010-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kammer, M.L. and Hoogeveen, J.M.~van~den~Akker~en~J.A.},
year = 2010,
title = {Identifying and exploiting commonalities for the job-shop scheduling problem},
number = {UU-CS-2010-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heitslager, Ilja and Helms, Remko and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2010,
title = {Studying Multi-sourced IT Service Chain Arrangements - The Case of Mission Critical Outsourcing},
number = {UU-CS-2010-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Buchin, Kevin and Kreveld, Marc~van and Meijer, Henk and Speckmann, Bettina and Verbeek, Kevin},
year = 2009,
title = {On Planar Supports for Hypergraphs},
number = {UU-CS-2009-035},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Erik~Jan~van and Leeuwen, Jan~van},
year = 2009,
title = {Structure of Polynomial-Time Approximation},
number = {UU-CS-2009-034},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Geenen, Petra~L. and Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der and Loeffen, W.L.A. and Elbers, A.R.W.},
year = 2009,
title = {Constructing naive Bayesian classifiers for veterinary medicine: a case study in the clinical diagnosis of classical swine fever},
number = {UU-CS-2009-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der and Tabachneck-Schijf, Hermi},
year = 2009,
title = {Library-style ontologies to support varying model views},
number = {UU-CS-2009-032},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerdes, Alex and Jeuring, Johan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2009,
title = {Using Strategies for Assessment of Programming Exercises},
number = {UU-CS-2009-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2009,
title = {An Interactive Exercise Player for Math-Bridge},
number = {UU-CS-2009-030},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Swierstra, S.Doaitse},
year = 2009,
title = {Construct Your Own Favorite Programming Language},
number = {UU-CS-2009-029},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kristjánsson, Baldur and Schuur, Henk~van~der},
year = 2009,
title = {A Survey of Tools for Software Operation Knowledge Acquisition},
number = {UU-CS-2009-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jansen, Bart},
year = 2009,
title = {Kernelization for Maximum Leaf Spanning Tree with Positive Vertex Weights},
number = {UU-CS-2009-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Diepen, Guido and B.Pieters and Akker, Marjan~van~den and Hoogeveen., Han~A.},
year = 2009,
title = {Robust planning of airport platform buses},
number = {UU-CS-2009-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rooij, Johan~M.~M.~van and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2009,
title = {Design by Measure and Conquer: Exact algorithms for dominating set},
number = {UU-CS-2009-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leather, Sean and Löh, Andres and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2009,
title = {Pull-Ups, Push-Downs, and Passing It Around - Exercises in Functional Incrementalization.},
number = {UU-CS-2009-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fomin, Fedor~V. and Koster, Arie~M.~C.~A. and Kratsch, Dieter and Thilikos, Dimitrios~M.},
year = 2009,
title = {A Note on Exact Algorithms for Vertex Ordering Problems on Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2009-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Magalhães, José~Pedro and Holdermans, Stefan and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres},
year = 2009,
title = {Optimizing Generics Is Easy!},
number = {UU-CS-2009-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Grahlmann, Knut~R. and Hilhorst, Cokky and Amerongen, Sander~van and Helms, Remko and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2009,
title = {Categorizing impacts of implementing Enterprise Content Management Systems},
number = {UU-CS-2009-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kroon, Matthijs~van~der and Ramirez, Ignacio~Lereu and Levin, Ana~M. and Pastor, Oscar and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2009,
title = {Mutational data loading routines for human genome databases: the BRCA1 case},
number = {UU-CS-2009-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prakken, Henry},
year = 2009,
title = {An abstract framework for argumentation with structured arguments},
number = {UU-CS-2009-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kwisthout, Johan and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2009,
title = {Conditional Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Probabilistic Inference},
number = {UU-CS-2009-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Alexey~Rodriguez~Yakushev~,Johan},
year = 2009,
title = {Enumerating Well-Typed Terms Generically},
number = {UU-CS-2009-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Magalhães, José~Pedro and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2009,
title = {Generic Programming for Domain Reasoners},
number = {UU-CS-2009-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Weerd, Inge~van~de and Bekkers, Willem and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2009,
title = {Developing a Maturity Matrix for Software Product Management},
number = {UU-CS-2009-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Broersen, Jan and Mastop, Rosja and Meyer, John-Jules and Turrini, Paolo},
year = 2009,
title = {A Modal Representation of Strategic Reasoning},
number = {UU-CS-2009-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Löffler, Maarten and Phillips, Jeff},
year = 2009,
title = {Shape Fitting on Point Sets with Probability Distributions},
number = {UU-CS-2009-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fomin, Fedor~V. and Lokshtanov, Daniel and Penninkx, Eelko and Saurabh, Saket and Thilikos, Dimitrios~M.},
year = 2009,
title = {(Meta) Kernelization},
number = {UU-CS-2009-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2009,
title = {Canonical Forms in Interactive Exercise Assistants.},
number = {UU-CS-2009-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aronov, Boris and Kreveld, Marc~van and Löffler, Maarten and Silveira., Rodrigo~I.},
year = 2009,
title = {Peeling Meshed Potatoes},
number = {UU-CS-2009-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boustani, Nabil~el and Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2009,
title = {Corrective Hints for Type Incorrect Generic Java Programs},
number = {UU-CS-2009-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Abdullah, Azizi and Veltkamp, Remco and Wiering, Marco},
year = 2009,
title = {Fixed Partitioning and Salient Point with MPEG-7 Cluster Correlograms for Image Categorization},
number = {UU-CS-2009-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Löffler, Maarten and Mitchell, Joseph},
year = 2009,
title = {Preprocessing Imprecise Points and Splitting Triangulations},
number = {UU-CS-2009-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haanappel, Suzanne and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2009,
title = {Wetenschap is voor iedereen},
number = {UU-CS-2009-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vlaanderen, Kevin and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Cheng, Tjan-Hien and Jansen, Slinger},
year = 2009,
title = {Case Study Report: Agile Product Management at Planon},
number = {UU-CS-2009-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Camphuijsen, Patrick and Hage, Jurriaan and Holdermans, Stefan},
year = 2009,
title = {Soft Typing PHP},
number = {UU-CS-2009-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan and Gerdes, Alex},
year = 2009,
title = {Strategies for Exercises},
number = {UU-CS-2009-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Terpstra, Arnout and Velzen, Cliffred~van and Beun, Robbert-Jan and Eijk, Rogier~M.van},
year = 2009,
title = {Transcriptierapport Helpdeskgesprekken},
number = {UU-CS-2009-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Meertens, Lambert},
year = 2009,
title = {Geniaal programmeren - Generic programming at Utrecht},
number = {UU-CS-2009-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Waal, Peter~de},
year = 2008,
title = {Marginals of DAG-Isomorphic Independence Models},
number = {UU-CS-2008-050},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerdes, Alex and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2008,
title = {Constructing Strategies for Programming},
number = {UU-CS-2008-049},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Foorthuis, Ralph and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2008,
title = {Best practices voor projecten onder enterprise architectuur},
number = {UU-CS-2008-048},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Foorthuis, Ralph and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2008,
title = {Best Practices for Business and Systems Analysis in Projects Conforming to Enterprise Architecture},
number = {UU-CS-2008-047},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Foorthuis, Ralph and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2008,
title = {A Framework for Local Project Architecture in the Context of Enterprise Architecture},
number = {UU-CS-2008-046},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schrage, Martijn~M. and Swierstra, S.~Doaitse},
year = 2008,
title = {Haskell as an Architecture Description Language},
number = {UU-CS-2008-045},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Swierstra, Doaitse},
year = 2008,
title = {Combinator Parsing: A Short Tutorial},
number = {UU-CS-2008-044},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rooij, Johan~M.M.~van and Nederlof, Jesper and Dijk, Thomas~C.~van},
year = 2008,
title = {Inclusion/Exclusion Meets Measure and Conquer: Exact algorithms for counting dominating sets.},
number = {UU-CS-2008-043},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Heggernes, Pinar and Villanger, Yngve},
year = 2008,
title = {Faster parameterized algorithms for Minimum Fill-In},
number = {UU-CS-2008-042},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Diepen, Guido and Akker, Marjan~van~den and Hoogeveen, Han},
year = 2008,
title = {Integrated gate and bus assignment at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol},
number = {UU-CS-2008-041},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, Silja~Renooij~en~Linda~van~der},
year = 2008,
title = {Evidence and Scenario Sensitivities in Naive Bayesian Classifiers},
number = {UU-CS-2008-040},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prüst, Huub and Beun, Robbert-Jan and Eijk, Rogier~van},
year = 2008,
title = {On alignment of eye behaviour in human-agent interaction},
number = {UU-CS-2008-039},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boustani, Nabil~el and Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2008,
title = {Improving Type Error Messages for Generic Java},
number = {UU-CS-2008-038},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, Wishnu and Vos, Tanja},
year = 2008,
title = {Patterns for In-code Algebraic Testing},
number = {UU-CS-2008-037},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gray, Chris and Löffler, Maarten and Silveira, Rodrigo~I.},
year = 2008,
title = {Smoothing imprecise 1.5D terrains},
number = {UU-CS-2008-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Akker, Marjan~van~den and Baarsma, Hilbrandt and Hurink, Johann and Modelski, Maciej and Paulus, Jacob~Jan and Reijnen, Ingrid and Roozemond, Dan and Schreuder, Jan},
year = 2008,
title = {Shunting passenger trains: getting ready for departure},
number = {UU-CS-2008-035},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {J.Vreeken and A.Siebes},
year = 2008,
title = {Krimp Minimisation for Missing Data Estimation},
number = {UU-CS-2008-034},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fellows, Michael~R. and Heggernes, Pinar and Mancini, Federico and Papadopoulos, Charis and Rosamond, Frances},
year = 2008,
title = {Clustering with partial information},
number = {UU-CS-2008-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {L.Bodlaender, Hans and M.C.A.Koster, Arie},
year = 2008,
title = {Treewidth Computations I Upper Bounds},
number = {UU-CS-2008-032},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prakken, Henri},
year = 2008,
title = {A formal model of adjudication dialogues},
number = {UU-CS-2008-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Thomassé, Stéphan and Yeo, Anders},
year = 2008,
title = {Analysis of Data Reduction: Transformations give evidence for non-existence of polynomial kernels},
number = {UU-CS-2008-030},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Buchin, Kevin and Buchin, Maike and Gudmundsson, Joachim and Löffler, Maarten and Luo, Jun},
year = 2008,
title = {Detecting Commuting Patterns by Clustering Subtrajectories},
number = {UU-CS-2008-029},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Löffler, Maarten and Mumford, Elena},
year = 2008,
title = {Connected Rectilinear Graphs on Point Sets},
number = {UU-CS-2008-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijkstra, Atze and Middelkoop, Arie and Swierstra, S.~Doaitse},
year = 2008,
title = {Efficient Functional Unification and Substitution},
number = {UU-CS-2008-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kranenburg, Peter~van},
year = 2008,
title = {On Measuring Musical Style - The Case of Some Disputed Organ Fugues in the J. S. Bach (BWV)Catalogue  },
number = {UU-CS-2008-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Leather, Sean and Magalhães, José~Pedro and Rodriguez~Yakushev, Alexey},
year = 2008,
title = {Libraries for Generic Programming in Haskell},
number = {UU-CS-2008-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Braak, Susan~W.~van~den and Oostendorp, Herre~van and Prakken, Henry and Vreeswijk, Gerard~A.~W.},
year = 2008,
title = {Representing causal knowledge in sense-making software for crime analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2008-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Foorthuis, Ralph and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2008,
title = {A Process Model for Project Members Conforming to Enterprise Architecture},
number = {UU-CS-2008-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dastani, Mehdi and Mol, Christian~P. and Steunebrink, Bas~R.},
year = 2008,
title = {Modularity in Agent Programming Languages: An Illustration in Extended 2APL},
number = {UU-CS-2008-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Baars, Arthur and Swierstra, Doaitse},
year = 2008,
title = {Typed Transformations of Typed Abstract Syntax},
number = {UU-CS-2008-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Noort, Thomas~van and Rodriguez, Alexey and Holdermans, Stefan and Jeuring, Johan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2008,
title = {A Lightweight Approach to Datatype-Generic Rewriting},
number = {UU-CS-2008-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rodriguez, Alexey and Holdermans, Stefan and Löh, Andres and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2008,
title = {Generic programming with fixed points for mutually recursive datatypes},
number = {UU-CS-2008-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerdes, Alex and Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan and Stuurman, Sylvia},
year = 2008,
title = {Feedback Services for Exercise Assistants},
number = {UU-CS-2008-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Demaine, Erik~D. and Fellows, Michael~R. and Guo, Jiong and Hermelin, Danny and Lokshtanov, Daniel and Müller, Moritz and Raman, Venkatesh and Rooij, Johan~van and Rosamond, Frances~A.},
year = 2008,
title = {Open Problems in Parameterized and Exact Computation - IWPEC 2008},
number = {UU-CS-2008-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bekkers, Willem and Weerd, Inge~van~de and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Mahieu, Alain},
year = 2008,
title = {The Relevance of Situational Factors in Software Product Management},
number = {UU-CS-2008-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der and Renooij, Silja and Feelders, Ad and Groote, Arend~de and Eijkemans, Marinus~J.C. and Broekmans, Frank~J. and Fauser, Bart~C.J.M.},
year = 2008,
title = {Aligning Bayesian Network Classifiers With MedicaL Contexts},
number = {UU-CS-2008-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der and Tabachneck-Schijf, Hermina~J.M. and Geenen, Petra~L.},
year = 2008,
title = {Verifying Monotonicity of Bayesian Networks with Domain Experts},
number = {UU-CS-2008-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Volk, Anja and Kranenburg, Peter~van and Garbers, Joerg and Wiering, Frans and Veltkamp, Remco~C. and Grijp, Louis},
year = 2008,
title = {The Study of Melodic Similarity using Manual Annotation and Melody Feature Sets},
number = {UU-CS-2008-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2008,
title = {Recognizing Strategies},
number = {UU-CS-2008-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Löh, Andres and Jeuring, Johan and Noort, Thomas~van and Rodriguez, Alexey and Clarke, Dave and Hinze, Ralf and Wit, Jan~de},
year = 2008,
title = {The Generic Haskell user's guide, Version 1.80 - Emerald release},
number = {UU-CS-2008-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rodriguez~Yakushev, Alexey and Jeuring, Johan and Jansson, Patrik and Gerdes, Alex and Kiselyov, Oleg and Oliviera, Bruno~C.~d.~S.},
year = 2008,
title = {Comparing Libraries for Generic Programming in Haskell},
number = {UU-CS-2008-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jager, Cor-Jan and Vos, Stefan and Borgers, Michiel and Harmsen, Frank and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Wijngaert, Lidwien~van~de},
year = 2008,
title = {Controlling risk prior to offshore application development - Investigation and mitigation of collaboration and application risk},
number = {UU-CS-2008-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cabello, Sergio and Haverkort, Herman and Kreveld, Marc~van and Speckmann, Bettina},
year = 2008,
title = {Algorithmic Aspects of Proportional Symbol Maps},
number = {UU-CS-2008-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Silveira, Rodrigo~I. and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2008,
title = {Towards a Definition of Higher Order Constrained Delaunay Triangulations},
number = {UU-CS-2008-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Volk, Anja},
year = 2008,
title = {The Generation of Metric Hierarchies using Inner Metric Analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2008-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Tan, Richard~B. and Dijk, Thomas~C.~van and Leeuwen, Jan~van},
year = 2008,
title = {Integer Maximum Flow in Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Constraint},
number = {UU-CS-2008-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jonker, Geert and Dignum, Frank and Meyer, John-Jules},
year = 2008,
title = {Currency Systems for Efficient and Equitable Exchange Among Selfish Agents in the Air Traffic Management Domain},
number = {UU-CS-2008-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heuvel, A.P.R.~van~den and Akker, J.M.~van~den and Niekerk, M.E.~van~Kooten},
year = 2008,
title = {Integrating Timetabling and Vehicle Scheduling in Public Bus Transportation},
number = {UU-CS-2008-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, Reinier~H.~van~Leuken~en~Remco~C.},
year = 2008,
title = {Selecting vantage objects for similarity indexing},
number = {UU-CS-2008-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan and Leeuwen, Arthur~van and Gerdes, Alex},
year = 2008,
title = {Specifying Strategies for Exercises},
number = {UU-CS-2008-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Giacomo, Emilio~Di and Didimo, Walter and Kreveld, Marc~van and Liotta, Giuseppe and Speckmann, Bettina},
year = 2007,
title = {Matched Drawings of Planar Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2007-054},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Harju, Tero},
year = 2007,
title = {On Involutive Anti-Automorphisms of Finite Abelian Groups},
number = {UU-CS-2007-053},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Moet, Esther},
year = 2007,
title = {Experimental Verification of a Realistic Input Model for Polyhedral Terrains},
number = {UU-CS-2007-052},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rooij, Johan~M.~M.~van and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2007,
title = {Exact Algorithms for Edge Domination},
number = {UU-CS-2007-051},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kwisthout, Johan and Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Tel, Gerard},
year = 2007,
title = {Complexity Results for Local Monotonicity in Probabilistic Networks},
number = {UU-CS-2007-050},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fokker, Jeroen and Swierstra, S.~Doaitse},
year = 2007,
title = {Abstract Interpretation of Functional Programs using an Attribute Grammar System},
number = {UU-CS-2007-049},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prakken, Henry},
year = 2007,
title = {Formalising ordinary legal disputes: a case study},
number = {UU-CS-2007-048},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haar, F.B.~ter and Veltkamp, R.C.},
year = 2007,
title = {A 3D Face Matching Framework},
number = {UU-CS-2007-047},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Downey, Rodney~G. and R, Michael and Fellows and Hermelin, Danny},
year = 2007,
title = {On Problems Without Polynomial Kernels},
number = {UU-CS-2007-046},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Speckmann, Bettina},
year = 2007,
title = {On the Number of Empty Pseudo-Triangles in Point Sets},
number = {UU-CS-2007-045},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Borgelt, Magdalene~G. and Kreveld, Marc~van and Löffler, Maarten and Luo, Jun and Merrick, Damian and Silveira, Rodrigo~I. and Vahedi, Mostafa},
year = 2007,
title = {Planar Bichromatic Minimum Spanning Trees},
number = {UU-CS-2007-044},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Borgelt, Magdalene~G. and Kreveld, Marc~van and Luo, Jun},
year = 2007,
title = {Geodesic Disks and Clustering in a Simple Polygon},
number = {UU-CS-2007-043},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Eppstein, D. and Kreveld, M.~van and Mumford, E. and Speckmann, B.},
year = 2007,
title = {Edges and Switches, Tunnels and Bridges},
number = {UU-CS-2007-042},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aydinli, Ömer~Faruk and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Ravesteyn, Pascal},
year = 2007,
title = {Business Process Improvement in Organizational Design of E-Government Services},
number = {UU-CS-2007-041},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kwisthout, Johan},
year = 2007,
title = {The Computational Complexity of Monotonicity in Probabilistic Networks},
number = {UU-CS-2007-040},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kwisthout, Johan and Vogt, Paul and Haselager, Pim and Dijkstra, Ton},
year = 2007,
title = {Joint Attention and Language Evolution},
number = {UU-CS-2007-039},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Löffler, Maarten},
year = 2007,
title = {Approximating Largest Convex Hulls for Imprecise Points},
number = {UU-CS-2007-038},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, I.S.W.B. and Vos, T.E.J. and Baars, A.},
year = 2007,
title = {Trace-based Reflexive Testing of OO Programs},
number = {UU-CS-2007-037},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2007,
title = {Feedback in exercise assistants},
number = {UU-CS-2007-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fellows, Michael~R. and Langston, Michael~A. and Ragan, Mark~A. and Rosamond, Frances~A. and Weyer, Mark},
year = 2007,
title = {Quadratic Kernelization of Convex Recoloring of Trees},
number = {UU-CS-2007-035},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Silveira, Rodrigo~I. and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2007,
title = {Optimal Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations of Polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2007-034},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vahedi, Mostafa and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2007,
title = {Caging polygons with two and three fingers},
number = {UU-CS-2007-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Silveira, Rodrigo~I. and Oostrum, René~van},
year = 2007,
title = {Flooding countries and destroying dams},
number = {UU-CS-2007-032},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Feremans, Corinne and Grigoriev, Alexander and Penninkx, Eelko and Sitters, René and Wolle, Thomas},
year = 2007,
title = {On the minimum corridor connection problem and other generalized geometric problems},
number = {UU-CS-2007-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Philippi, Hans},
year = 2007,
title = {Emulating BLAST using database technology},
number = {UU-CS-2007-030},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dolstra, Eelco and Hage, Jur and Heeren, Bastiaan and Holdermans, Stefan and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres and Middelkoop, Arie and Rodriguez, Alexey and Schie, John~van and Löh, Clara},
year = 2007,
title = {Morph Endo! Report on the Tenth Interstellar Contest on Fuun Programming},
number = {UU-CS-2007-029},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Goemans, Onno~C. and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2007,
title = {On the Design of Traps for Feeding 3D Parts on Vibratory Tracks},
number = {UU-CS-2007-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dolstra, Eelco and Hage, Jur and Heeren, Bastiaan and Holdermans, Stefan and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres and Middelkoop, Arie and Rodriguez, Alexey and Schie, John~van and Löh, Clara},
year = 2007,
title = {Morph Endo! Task Description of the Tenth Interstellar Contest on Fuun Programming},
number = {UU-CS-2007-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ralyté, Jolita and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Henderson-Sellers, Brian},
year = 2007,
title = {Poster Proceedings of the IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Situational Method Engineering: Fundamentals and Experiences (ME07)},
number = {UU-CS-2007-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Löffler, Maarten and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2007,
title = {Largest Bounding Box, Smallest Diameter, and Related Problems on Imprecise Points},
number = {UU-CS-2007-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Jan~van and Tanca, Letizia},
year = 2007,
title = {Student Enrollment and Image of the Informatics Discipline},
number = {UU-CS-2007-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Keeken, Peter~van},
year = 2007,
title = {The Neon DSEL for Mining Helium Programs},
number = {UU-CS-2007-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Brinkkemper, Sj.},
year = 2007,
title = {SAIM - A situational method  for application integration },
number = {UU-CS-2007-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fabriek, Matthias and Brand, Mischa~van~den and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Harmsen, Frank and Helms, Remko},
year = 2007,
title = {Improving offshore communication by choosing the right coordination strategy},
number = {UU-CS-2007-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vreeken and J. and Leeuwen, Van and M. and Siebes and A.},
year = 2007,
title = {Privacy Preservation through Data Generation},
number = {UU-CS-2007-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Grigoriev, Alexander and Grigorieva, Nadejda~V. and Hendriks, Albert},
year = 2007,
title = {The Valve Location Problem in Simple Network Topologies},
number = {UU-CS-2007-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Diepen, G. and Akker, J.M.~van~den and Smeltink, J.A.~Hoogeveen~en~J.W.},
year = 2007,
title = {Using column generation for gate planning at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol},
number = {UU-CS-2007-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Passier, Harrie and Stuurman, Sylvia},
year = 2007,
title = {A Generic Framework for Developing Exercise Assistants},
number = {UU-CS-2007-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kranenburg, Peter~van and Garbers, Jörg and Volk, Anja and Wiering, Frans and Grijp, Louis and Veltkamp, Remco},
year = 2007,
title = {Towards Integration of Music Information Retrieval and Folk Song Research},
number = {UU-CS-2007-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, Remco~C. and Haar, Frank~B.~ter},
year = 2007,
title = {SHREC2007: 3D Shape Retrieval Contest},
number = {UU-CS-2007-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vreeken, J. and Leeuwen, M.~van and Siebes, A.},
year = 2007,
title = {Characterising the Difference},
number = {UU-CS-2007-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Charitos, Theodore and Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der and Visscher, Stefan and Schurink, Karin~A.M. and Lucas, Peter~J.F.},
year = 2007,
title = {A Dynamic Bayesian Network for Diagnosing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in ICU Patients},
number = {UU-CS-2007-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Keeken, Peter~van},
year = 2007,
title = {Mining Helium programs with Neon},
number = {UU-CS-2007-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Löffler, Maarten and Silveira, Rodrigo~I.},
year = 2007,
title = {Optimization for First Order Delaunay Triangulations},
number = {UU-CS-2007-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Caminada, Martin},
year = 2007,
title = {An Algorithm for Computing Semi-Stable Semantics},
number = {UU-CS-2007-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Alt, Helmut and Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Kreveld, Marc~van and Rote, Günter and Tel, Gerard},
year = 2007,
title = {Wooden Geometric Puzzles: Design and Hardness Proofs},
number = {UU-CS-2007-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stuurman, Sylvia and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2007,
title = {Turning an interactive tool implemented in Haskell into a web application -- An experience report},
number = {UU-CS-2007-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Pasman, Wouter},
year = 2007,
title = {Strategy Feedback in an E-learning Tool for Mathematical Exercises},
number = {UU-CS-2007-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Steunebrink, Bas~R. and Dastani, Mehdi and Meyer, John-Jules~Ch.},
year = 2007,
title = {Emotions as Heuristics for Rational Agents},
number = {UU-CS-2007-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Akker, J.M.~van~den and Diepen, G. and Hoogeveen, J.A.},
year = 2007,
title = {A Column Generation Based Destructive Lower Bound for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems},
number = {UU-CS-2007-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Caminada, Martin and Ben-Naim, Jonathan},
year = 2007,
title = {Postulates for Paraconsistent Reasoning and Fault Tolerant Logic Programming},
number = {UU-CS-2007-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Löffler, Maarten},
year = 2007,
title = {Existence of Simple Tours of Imprecise Points},
number = {UU-CS-2007-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoogeveen, Han and Penninkx, Eelko},
year = 2007,
title = {Finding Near-Optimal Rosters Using Column Generation},
number = {UU-CS-2007-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijgers, Roel and Hoogeveen, Han},
year = 2007,
title = {A column generation approach for examination timetabling},
number = {UU-CS-2007-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Li, Chen and Akker, Marjan~van~den and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2006,
title = {An Integer Linear Programming Approach to Product Software Release Planning & Scheduling},
number = {UU-CS-2006-065},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Garbers, Jö and Kranenburg, Peter~van and Volk, Anja and Wiering, Frans and Grijp, Louis~Peter and Veltkamp, Remco~C. and Bruin, Martine~de},
year = 2006,
title = {The WITCHCRAFFT Baseline Measurement and Pilot Project},
number = {UU-CS-2006-064},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Akker, Marjan~van~den and Brinkemper, Sjaak and Diepen, Guido and Versendaal, Johan},
year = 2006,
title = {Software product release planning through optimization and what-if analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2006-063},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2006,
title = {Programmeerplagiaatdetectie met Marble},
number = {UU-CS-2006-062},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dignum, Virginia and Dignum, Frank},
year = 2006,
title = {A Landscape of Agent Systems in the Real World},
number = {UU-CS-2006-061},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dignum, Virginia and Dignum, Frank},
year = 2006,
title = {Towards formal semantics for reorganization},
number = {UU-CS-2006-060},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Li, C. and Akker, J.M.~van~den and Brinkkemper, S. and Diepen, G.},
year = 2006,
title = {Integrated Requirement Selection and Scheduling for the Release Planning of a Software Product},
number = {UU-CS-2006-059},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kwisthout, Johan and Tel, Gerard},
year = 2006,
title = {Complexity Results for Enhanced Qualitative Probabilistic Networks},
number = {UU-CS-2006-058},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Weerd, Inge~van~de and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Versendaal, Johan},
year = 2006,
title = {Incremental method evolution in requirements management: A case study at Baan 1994-2006},
number = {UU-CS-2006-057},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der and Waal, Peter~R.~de},
year = 2006,
title = {Multi-dimensional Bayesian Network Classifiers},
number = {UU-CS-2006-056},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2006,
title = {Strategies for solving constraints in program analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2006-055},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2006,
title = {Heuristics for type error discovery and recovery (revised revised)},
number = {UU-CS-2006-054},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Knijf, Jeroen~De},
year = 2006,
title = {FAT-miner: Mining Frequent Attribute Trees},
number = {UU-CS-2006-053},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Cai, Leizhen and Chen, Jianer and Fellows, Michael~R. and Telle, Jan~Arne and Marx, Dániel},
year = 2006,
title = {Open Problems in Parameterized and Exact Computation - IWPEC 2006},
number = {UU-CS-2006-052},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijkstra, Atze and Swierstra, Doaitse~S.},
year = 2006,
title = {Exploiting Type Annotations},
number = {UU-CS-2006-051},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Matthijs~van and Vreeken, Jilles and Siebes, Arno},
year = 2006,
title = {Compression Picks the Significant Item Sets},
number = {UU-CS-2006-050},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Löh, Andres and Jeuring, Johan and Rodriguez, Alexey (editors)~et~al.},
year = 2006,
title = {The Generic Haskell user's guide, Version 1.60 - Diamond release},
number = {UU-CS-2006-049},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bathoorn, Ronnie and Koopman, Arne and Siebes, Arno},
year = 2006,
title = {Frequent Patterns that Compress},
number = {UU-CS-2006-048},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Keeken, Peter~van},
year = 2006,
title = {Mining for Helium},
number = {UU-CS-2006-047},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Feelders, Ad and Velikova, Marina and Daniels, Hennie},
year = 2006,
title = {Two polynomial algorithms for relabeling non-monotone data},
number = {UU-CS-2006-046},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Versendaal, Johan and Ebert, Christof and Brinkkemper, Sjaak (editors)},
year = 2006,
title = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Software Product Management (Pre-publication)},
number = {UU-CS-2006-045},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jansen, Slinger and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Souer, Jurriaan},
year = 2006,
title = {A Case Study of a product software vendor's Customer Configuration Updating Process: GX Creative Online Development},
number = {UU-CS-2006-044},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jansson, Patrik and Jeuring, Johan and Programming, students~of~the~Utrecht~University~Generic class},
year = 2006,
title = {Testing properties of generic functions},
number = {UU-CS-2006-043},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2006,
title = {A Cubic Kernel for Feedback Vertex Set},
number = {UU-CS-2006-042},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2006,
title = {Treewidth: Characterizations, Applications, and Computations},
number = {UU-CS-2006-041},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lodder, Josje and Jeuring, Johan and Passier, Harrie},
year = 2006,
title = {An interactive tool for manipulating logical formulae},
number = {UU-CS-2006-040},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Rodriguez, Alexey and Smeding, Gideon},
year = 2006,
title = {Generating generic functions},
number = {UU-CS-2006-039},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Charitos, Theodore and Waal, Peter~R.~de and Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der},
year = 2006,
title = {Convergence in Markovian Models with Implications for Efficiency of Inference},
number = {UU-CS-2006-038},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Erik~Jan~van and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 2006,
title = {On the Representation of Disk Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2006-037},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhuisen, Dennis and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2006,
title = {Pushing using Compliance},
number = {UU-CS-2006-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhuisen, Dennis and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2006,
title = {An Effective Framework for Path Planning amidst Movable Obstacles},
number = {UU-CS-2006-035},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Renooij, Silja and Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der},
year = 2006,
title = {Enhanced Qualitative Probabilistic Networks for Resolving Trade-offs},
number = {UU-CS-2006-034},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Beun, Robbert-Jan and Eijk, Rogier~M.~van},
year = 2006,
title = {Repairing Conceptual Mismatches in Dialogue: a Computational Approach},
number = {UU-CS-2006-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fomin, Fedor~V. and Koster, Arie~M.~C.~A. and Kratsch, Dieter and Thilikos, Dimitrios~M.},
year = 2006,
title = {On exact algorithms for treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-2006-032},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gudmundsson, Joachim and Kreveld, Marc~van and Narasimhan, Giri},
year = 2006,
title = {Region-restricted clustering for geographic data mining},
number = {UU-CS-2006-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, Remco~C. and Ruijsenaars, Remco and Spagnuolo, Michela and Zwol, Roelof~van and Haar, Frank~ter},
year = 2006,
title = {SHREC2006: 3D Shape Retrieval Contest},
number = {UU-CS-2006-030},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Moet, Esther and Kreveld, Marc~van and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2006,
title = {On Realistic Terrains},
number = {UU-CS-2006-029},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Harju, Tero},
year = 2006,
title = {Towards a characterization of bipartite switching classes by means of forbidden subgraphs},
number = {UU-CS-2006-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Caminada, Martin},
year = 2006,
title = {Using Closed Sets of Rules for the Entailment of Literals},
number = {UU-CS-2006-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hinze, Ralf and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres},
year = 2006,
title = {Typed Contracts for Functional Programming},
number = {UU-CS-2006-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Atanassow, Frank and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2006,
title = {Customizing an XML-Haskell data binding with type isomorphism inference in Generic Haskell},
number = {UU-CS-2006-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Plasmeijer, Rinus},
year = 2006,
title = {Generic Programming for Software Evolution},
number = {UU-CS-2006-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Caminada, Martin},
year = 2006,
title = {On the Issue of Reinstatement in Argumentation},
number = {UU-CS-2006-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hinze, Ralf and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres},
year = 2006,
title = {Comparing approaches to generic programming in Haskell },
number = {UU-CS-2006-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Passier, Harrie and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2006,
title = {Feedback in an interactive equation solver},
number = {UU-CS-2006-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Holdermans, Stefan and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres and Rodriguez, Alexey},
year = 2006,
title = {Generic Views on Data Types},
number = {UU-CS-2006-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Maarten~Löffler~en~Marc~van},
year = 2006,
title = {Largest and Smallest Convex Hulls for Imprecise Points},
number = {UU-CS-2006-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Jan~van and Wiederman, Jiri},
year = 2006,
title = {Lazy Autoconfiguration in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Dynamic Sets of Mobile Agents},
number = {UU-CS-2006-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, Gerard},
year = 2006,
title = {Geheimschrift op de TI-83+},
number = {UU-CS-2006-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berge, Hanne~ten and Ramaekers, Stephan and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Pilot, Albert},
year = 2006,
title = {Netherware: analysis, results, and success factors of the designed curriculum unit},
number = {UU-CS-2006-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Kratsch, Dieter},
year = 2006,
title = {An exact algorithm for graph coloring with polynomial memory},
number = {UU-CS-2006-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Weerd, Inge~van~de and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Nieuwenhuis, Richard and Versendaal, Johan and Bijlsma, Lex},
year = 2006,
title = {A Reference Framework for Software Product Management},
number = {UU-CS-2006-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bachoore, Emgad and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2006,
title = {Weighted Treewidth: Algorithmic Techniques and Results},
number = {UU-CS-2006-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bachoore, Emgad and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2006,
title = {A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Exact, Upper, and Lower Bounds on Treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-2006-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Reinbacher, Iris and Kreveld, Marc~van and Adelaar, Tim and Benkert, Marc},
year = 2006,
title = {Scale-Dependent Definitions of Gradient and Aspect and their Computation},
number = {UU-CS-2006-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bachoore, Emgad~H. and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2006,
title = {Convex recoloring of leaf-colored trees},
number = {UU-CS-2006-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bravenboer, Martin and Groot, René~de and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2006,
title = {MetaBorg in Action: Examples of Domain-specific Language Embedding and Assimilation using Stratego/XT},
number = {UU-CS-2006-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Weerd, Inge~van~de and Versendaal, Johan and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2006,
title = {A Product Software Knowledge Infrastructure for Situational Capability Maturation: Vision and Case Studies in Product Management},
number = {UU-CS-2006-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2006,
title = {Heuristics for type error discovery and recovery (revised)},
number = {UU-CS-2006-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dorn, Frederic and Penninkx, Eelko and Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fomin, Fedor~V.},
year = 2006,
title = {Efficient Exact Algorithms on Planar Graphs: Exploiting Sphere Cut Decompositions},
number = {UU-CS-2006-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bolt, Janneke~H. and Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der},
year = 2006,
title = {Descisiveness in Loopy Propagation},
number = {UU-CS-2006-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Koning, Henk and Box, Rik and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2006,
title = {An Inquiry Tool for Stakeholder Concerns of Architectural Viewpoints: a Case Study at a large Financial Service Provider},
number = {UU-CS-2006-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Koning, Henk and Bos, Rik and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2006,
title = {A Lightweight Method for the Modeling of Enterprise Architectures: Introduction and Emperical Validation},
number = {UU-CS-2006-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Batenburg, Ronald and Versendaal, Johan},
year = 2006,
title = {Alignment matters - Improving business functions using the Procurement Alignment Framework},
number = {UU-CS-2006-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bakker, Erwin~M. and Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Tan, Richard~B. and Leeuwen, Jan~van},
year = 2006,
title = {Interval Routing and Minor-Monotone Graph Parameters},
number = {UU-CS-2006-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rodriguez, Alexey and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres},
year = 2005,
title = {Type Inference for Generic Haskell},
number = {UU-CS-2005-060},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Msc., Rob~Neering and Batenburg, Dr.~Ronald and Bunk, Drs.~Erik and Harmsen, Dr.~Frank and Brinkkemper, Prof.~dr.~Sjaak},
year = 2005,
title = {Het IT-methodenlandschap in Nederland anno 2005
Via selectie, implementatie en toepassing naar succes?}, number = {UU-CS-2005-059}, institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, urlpdf = {{}}, pubcat = {techreport} }
author = {Feelders, A. and Gaag, L.C.~van~der},
year = 2005,
title = {Learning Bayesian Network Parameters Under Order Constraints},
number = {UU-CS-2005-058},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Waal, P.R.~de and Gaag, L.C.~van~der},
year = 2005,
title = {Stable independence in perfect maps},
number = {UU-CS-2005-057},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Waal, P.R.~de and Gaag, L.C.~van~der},
year = 2005,
title = {Stable Independence and Complexity of Representation},
number = {UU-CS-2005-056},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2005,
title = {The Helium Logging Facility},
number = {UU-CS-2005-055},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Diepen, G. and Akker, J.M.~van~den and Hoogeveen, J.A.},
year = 2005,
title = {Minimizing total weighted tardiness on a single machine with release dates and equal-length jobs},
number = {UU-CS-2005-054},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kallenberg, Karl~Trygve and Visser, Eelco (editor)},
year = 2005,
title = {Proceedings of the Sixth Stratego Users Day},
number = {UU-CS-2005-053},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bravenboer, Martin and Kallenberg, Karl~Trygve and Vermaas, Rob and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2005,
title = {Stratego/XT 0.16. Components for Transformation Systems},
number = {UU-CS-2005-052},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Grigoriev, Alexander and Koster, Arie~M.~C.~A.},
year = 2005,
title = {Treewidth Lower Bounds with Brambles},
number = {UU-CS-2005-051},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Souer, Jurriaan and Weerd, Inge~van~de and Versendaal, Johan and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2005,
title = {Situational Requirements Engineering for the Development of Content Management System-based Web Applications},
number = {UU-CS-2005-050},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Moet, Esther and Knauer, Christian and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2005,
title = {Visibility Maps of Segments and Triangles in 3D},
number = {UU-CS-2005-049},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wiering, Marco and Patist, Jan~Peter and Mannen, Henk},
year = 2005,
title = {Learning to Play Board Games using Temporal Difference Methods},
number = {UU-CS-2005-048},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haar, F.~B.~ter and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 2005,
title = {Alignment, Merging and Hole Filling Experiments with 3D Range Scans},
number = {UU-CS-2005-047},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, I.S.W.B. and Azurat, A. and Vos, T.E.J. and Leeuwen, A.~van and Suhartanto, H.},
year = 2005,
title = {Theorem Prover Supported Logics for Small Imperative Languages},
number = {UU-CS-2005-046},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Caminada, Martin},
year = 2005,
title = {On the Issue of Reinstatement in Argumentation},
number = {UU-CS-2005-045},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gudmundsson, Joachim and Kreveld, Marc~van and Speckmann, Bettina},
year = 2005,
title = {Efficient Detection of Motion Patterns in Spatio-Temporal Data Sets},
number = {UU-CS-2005-044},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Weerd, Inge~van~de},
year = 2005,
title = {WEM: A design method for CMS-based web implementations},
number = {UU-CS-2005-043},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bose, Prosenjit and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2005,
title = {Generalizing Monotonicity: On Recognizing Special Classes of Polygons and Polyhedra},
number = {UU-CS-2005-042},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jansen, Slinger and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2005,
title = {Definition and Validation of the Key Process Areas of Release, Delivery and Deployment of Product Software Vendors: turning the ugly duckling into a swan},
number = {UU-CS-2005-041},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wein, Ron and Berg, Jur~P.~van~den and Halperin, Dan},
year = 2005,
title = {The Visibility-Voronoi Complex and Its Applications},
number = {UU-CS-2005-040},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dolstra, Eelco and Bravenboer, Martin and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2005,
title = {Service Configuration Management},
number = {UU-CS-2005-039},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Graaumans, Joris},
year = 2005,
title = {A Collection of XML documents and Query Tasks},
number = {UU-CS-2005-038},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Demaine, Erik and Erickson, Jeff and Krizanc, Danny and Meijer, Henk and Morin, Pat and Overmars, Mark and Whitesides, Sue},
year = 2005,
title = {Realizing partitions respecting full and partial order information},
number = {UU-CS-2005-037},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arampatzis, Avi and Kreveld, Marc~van and Reinbacher, Iris and Jones, Christopher~B. and Vaid, Subodh and Clough, Paul and Joho, Hideo and Sanderson, Mark},
year = 2005,
title = {Web-based Delineation of Imprecise Regions},
number = {UU-CS-2005-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bravenboer, Martin and Vermaas, Rob and Vinju, Jurgen and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2005,
title = {Generalized Type-Based Disambiguation of Meta Programs with Concrete Object Syntax},
number = {UU-CS-2005-035},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Visser, Eelco},
year = 2005,
title = {Transformations for Abstractions},
number = {UU-CS-2005-034},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijkstra, Atze and Swierstra, S.~Doaitse},
year = 2005,
title = {Ruler: Programming Type Rules},
number = {UU-CS-2005-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijkstra, Atze and Swierstra, S.~Doaitse},
year = 2005,
title = {Making Implicit Parameters Explicit},
number = {UU-CS-2005-032},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bagge, Anya~Helene and Bravenboer, Martin and Kalleberg, Karl~Trygve and Muilwijk, Koen and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2005,
title = {Adaptive Code Reuse by Aspects, Cloning and Renaming},
number = {UU-CS-2005-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kalleberg, Karl~Trygve and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2005,
title = {Combining Aspect-Oriented and Strategic Programming},
number = {UU-CS-2005-030},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2005,
title = {Heuristics for type error discovery and recovery},
number = {UU-CS-2005-029},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Moet, Esther and Oostrum, Marc~van~Kreveld~en~René~van},
year = 2005,
title = {Region Intervisibility in Terrains},
number = {UU-CS-2005-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Akker, J.~M.~van~den and Hoogeveen, J.~A. and Kempen, J.~W.~van},
year = 2005,
title = {Parallel machine scheduling through column generation: minimax objective functions, release dates, deadlines and/or generalized precedence constraints},
number = {UU-CS-2005-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Reinbacher, Iris and Benkert, Marc and Kreveld, Marc~van and Mitchell, Joseph and Snoeyink, Jack and Wolff, Alexander},
year = 2005,
title = {Delineating Boundaries for Imprecise Regions},
number = {UU-CS-2005-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Guerra, Rui and Baars, Arthur~I. and Swierstra, S.~Doaitse and Saraiva, João},
year = 2005,
title = {Preserving order in non-order preserving parsers},
number = {UU-CS-2005-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Geraerts, Roland},
year = 2005,
title = {On Improving the Clearance for Robots in High-Dimensional Configuration Spaces},
number = {UU-CS-2005-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Caminada, Martin},
year = 2005,
title = {Collapse in formal argumentation systems},
number = {UU-CS-2005-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Visser, E.},
year = 2005,
title = {A Survey of Strategies in Rule-Based Program Transformation Systems},
number = {UU-CS-2005-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prakken, Henry},
year = 2005,
title = {Coherence and Flexibility in Dialogue Games for Argumentation},
number = {UU-CS-2005-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kok, Thierry~de and Kreveld, Marc~van and Löffler, Maarten},
year = 2005,
title = {Generating Realistic Terrains with Higher-Order Delauney Triangulations},
number = {UU-CS-2005-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zwol, Roelof~van and Callista, Astrid},
year = 2005,
title = {Content Authoring in an XML-based and Author Friendly Environment},
number = {UU-CS-2005-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2005,
title = {Discovering Treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-2005-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tanase, M. and Veltkamp, R.~C. and Haverkort, Herman},
year = 2005,
title = {Multiple polyline to polygon matching},
number = {UU-CS-2005-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Heeren, Bastiaan},
year = 2005,
title = {Ordering Type Constraints: A Structured Approach},
number = {UU-CS-2005-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dignum, Virginia and Dignum, Frank},
year = 2005,
title = {Task and Social Coordination in Agent Organizations},
number = {UU-CS-2005-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Helsper, Eveline~M. and Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der},
year = 2005,
title = {Generic Knowledge Structures for Probabilistic-Network Engineering},
number = {UU-CS-2005-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Riemsdijk, M.~Birna~van and Boer, Frank~S.~de and Meyer, John-Jules},
year = 2005,
title = {Dynamic logic for plan revision in intelligent agents},
number = {UU-CS-2005-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Holdermans, Stefan and Jeuring, Johan and L\"oh, Andres},
year = 2005,
title = {Generic Views on Data Types},
number = {UU-CS-2005-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Katriel, Irit and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2005,
title = {Online Topological Ordering},
number = {UU-CS-2005-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aldewereld, Huib and Dignum, Frank and Meyer, John-Jules and Vázquez-Salceda, Javier},
year = 2005,
title = {Proving Norm Compliancy of Protocols in Electronic Institutions},
number = {UU-CS-2005-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Batenburg, Ronald and Helms, Remko and Versendaal, Johan},
year = 2005,
title = {The Maturity of Product Lifecycle Management in Dutch Organizations. A Strategic Perspective},
number = {UU-CS-2005-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Atanassow, Frank and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2005,
title = {Inferring Type Isomorphisms Generically - With an application to an XML Schema-Haskell data binding},
number = {UU-CS-2005-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej and Hage, Jurriaan and Harju, Tero and Rozenberg, Grzegorz},
year = 2005,
title = {The Embedding Problem for Switching Classes},
number = {UU-CS-2005-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Olmos, K. and Visser, E.},
year = 2005,
title = {Composing Source-to-Source Data-Flow Transformations with Rewriting Strategies and Dependent Dynamic Rewrite Rules},
number = {UU-CS-2005-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bravenboer, M. and Dam, A.~van and Olmos, K. and Visser, E.},
year = 2005,
title = {Program Transformation with Scoped Dynamic Rewrite Rules},
number = {UU-CS-2005-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Loeh, Andres and Clarke, Johan~Jeuring~(editors);~Dave and Hinze, Ralf and Rodriguez, Alexey and Wit, Jan~de},
year = 2005,
title = {Generic Haskell User's Guide -- Version 1.42 (Coral)},
number = {UU-CS-2005-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Klein, Oliver and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2005,
title = {Approximation Algorithms for the Earth Mover's Distance Under Transformations Using Reference Points},
number = {UU-CS-2005-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, I.S.W.B. and Vos, T.E.J. and Swierstra, S.D. and Widjaja, B.},
year = 2005,
title = {Web Cube: a Programming Model for Reliable Web Applications},
number = {UU-CS-2005-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Versendaal, Johan and Beukers, Mark and Batenburg, Ronald},
year = 2005,
title = {Busines Alignment in the Procurement Domain},
number = {UU-CS-2005-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhuisen, D. and Kamphuis, A. and Mooijekind, M. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 2004,
title = {Automatic Construction of High Quality Roadmaps for Path Planning},
number = {UU-CS-2004-068},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Akker, Marjan~van~den and Hoogeveen, Han},
year = 2004,
title = {Minimizing the number of late jobs in case of stochastic processing times with minimum success probabilities},
number = {UU-CS-2004-067},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, Erik~Jan~van},
year = 2004,
title = {Approximation Algorithms for Unit Disk Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2004-066},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Helms, Remko and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Oosterum, Job~van and Nijs, Frank~de},
year = 2004,
title = {Knowledge Entry Maps: structuring of method knowledge in the IT industry},
number = {UU-CS-2004-065},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhuisen, Dennis and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2004,
title = {Useful Cycles in Probabilistic Roadmap Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2004-064},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Akker, Marjan~van~den and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Diepen, Guido and Versendaal, Johan},
year = 2004,
title = {Flexible Release Composition using Integer Linear Programming},
number = {UU-CS-2004-063},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, Arno~Kamphuis~en~Mark~H.},
year = 2004,
title = {Finding Paths for Coherent Groups using Clearance},
number = {UU-CS-2004-062},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2004,
title = {Approximate Unions of Lines and Minkowski Sums},
number = {UU-CS-2004-061},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Typke, Rainer and Hoed, Marc~den and Nooijer, Justin~de and Wiering, Frans and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2004,
title = {A Ground Truth For Half A Million Musical Incipits},
number = {UU-CS-2004-060},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijkstra, Atze and Swierstra, S.~Doaitse},
year = 2004,
title = {Explicit implicit parameters},
number = {UU-CS-2004-059},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Grigoriev, Alexander and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2004,
title = {Algorithms for graphs embeddable with few crossings per edge},
number = {UU-CS-2004-058},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, Mark},
year = 2004,
title = {Learning Object-Oriented Design by Creating Games},
number = {UU-CS-2004-057},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, Mark},
year = 2004,
title = {Game Design in Education},
number = {UU-CS-2004-056},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Halperin, Dan and Overmars, Mark},
year = 2004,
title = {An Intersection-Sensitive Algorithm for Snap Routing},
number = {UU-CS-2004-055},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, I.~S.~W.~B. and Azurat, A. and Vos, T.E.J.},
year = 2004,
title = {Building Verification Condition Generators by Compositional Extensions},
number = {UU-CS-2004-054},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Koster, Arie~M.~C.~A.},
year = 2004,
title = {On the Maximum Cardinality Search Lower Bound for Treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-2004-053},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leijen, Daan},
year = 2004,
title = {The lazy virtual machine specification},
number = {UU-CS-2004-052},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leijen, Daan},
year = 2004,
title = {First-class labels for extensible rows},
number = {UU-CS-2004-051},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Koster, Arie~M.~C.~A. and Wolle, Thomas and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2004,
title = {Degree-Based Treewidth Lower Bounds},
number = {UU-CS-2004-050},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, Peter~A.N. and Alderliesten, Tanja},
year = 2004,
title = {Bringing IDEAs into Practice: Optimization in a Minimally Invasive Vascular Intervention Simulation System},
number = {UU-CS-2004-049},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, Peter~A.N. and Jong, Edwin~D.~de},
year = 2004,
title = {Learning Probabilistic Tree Grammars for Genetic Programming},
number = {UU-CS-2004-048},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, Peter~A.N. and Jong, Edwin~D.~de},
year = 2004,
title = {Grammar Transformations in an EDA for Genetic Programming},
number = {UU-CS-2004-047},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jonge, Merijn~de},
year = 2004,
title = {Build-level Component-Based Software Engineering},
number = {UU-CS-2004-046},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dolstra, Eelco and Jonge, Merijn~de and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2004,
title = {Nix: A Safe and Policy-Free System for Software Deployment},
number = {UU-CS-2004-045},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dolstra, Eelco and Visser, Eelco and Jonge, Merijn~de},
year = 2004,
title = {Imposing a Memory Management Discipline on Software Deployment},
number = {UU-CS-2004-044},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bose, Prosenjit and Cabello, Sergio and Cheong, Otfried and Gudmundsson, Joachim and Kreveld, Marc~van and Speckmann, Bettina},
year = 2004,
title = {Area-Preserving Approximations of Polygonal Paths},
number = {UU-CS-2004-043},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wolle, Thomas and Koster, Arie~M.~C.~A. and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2004,
title = {A Note on Contraction Degeneracy},
number = {UU-CS-2004-042},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Speckmann, Bettina},
year = 2004,
title = {On Rectangular Cartograms},
number = {UU-CS-2004-040},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Bastiaan~Heeren~en~Jurriaan},
year = 2004,
title = {A first attempt at type class directives},
number = {UU-CS-2004-039},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vazquez-Salceda, Javier},
year = 2004,
title = {Normative Agents in Health Care: Uses and Challenges},
number = {UU-CS-2004-038},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijkstra, Atze and Swierstra, Doaitse},
year = 2004,
title = {Typing Haskell with an Attribute Grammar (Part I)},
number = {UU-CS-2004-037},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bachoore, Emgad~H. and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2004,
title = {New Upper Bound Heuristics for Treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-2004-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Helms, Remko and Brinkkemper, Sjaak and Nijs, Frank~de and Oosterum, Job~van},
year = 2004,
title = {Knowledge Entry Maps: ontology to structure method knowledge in the IT industry},
number = {UU-CS-2004-035},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Koster, Arie~M.~C.~A. and Wolle, Thomas},
year = 2004,
title = {Contraction and Treewidth Lower Bounds},
number = {UU-CS-2004-034},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Goemans, Onno and Overmars, Mark},
year = 2004,
title = {Automatic Generation of Camera Motion to Track a Moving Guide},
number = {UU-CS-2004-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Harrenstein, Paul},
year = 2004,
title = {Set Induced Relations and Relational Semantics},
number = {UU-CS-2004-032},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Wolle, Thomas},
year = 2004,
title = {Contraction Degeneracy on Cographs},
number = {UU-CS-2004-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Telle, Jan~Arne},
year = 2004,
title = {Space-efficient construction variants of dynamic programming},
number = {UU-CS-2004-030},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wiering, Marco and Veenen, Jelle~van and Vreeken, Jilles and Koopman, Arne},
year = 2004,
title = {Intelligent Traffic Light Control},
number = {UU-CS-2004-029},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wolle, Thomas and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 2004,
title = {A Note on Edge Contraction},
number = {UU-CS-2004-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Reinbacher, Iris and Arampatzis, Avi and Zwol, Roelof~van},
year = 2004,
title = {Distributed Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval},
number = {UU-CS-2004-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Min, Patrick},
year = 2004,
title = {A Comparison of Text and Shape Matching for Retrieval of Online 3D Models},
number = {UU-CS-2004-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Swierstra, S.~Doaitse},
year = 2004,
title = {Linear, Online, Functional Pretty Printing (corrected and extended version)},
number = {UU-CS-2004-025a},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jonge, Merijn~de},
year = 2004,
title = {Decoupling Source Trees into Build-level Components},
number = {UU-CS-2004-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej and Hage, Jurriaan and Harju, Tero and Rosenberg, Grzegorz},
year = 2004,
title = {Embedding in Switching Classes with Skew Gains},
number = {UU-CS-2004-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arge, Lars and Berg, Mark~de and Haverkort, Herman~J. and Yi, Ke},
year = 2004,
title = {The Priority R-Tree: a practically efficient and worst-case-optimal R-tree},
number = {UU-CS-2004-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Batenburg, Ronald and Breedveld, Elly and Haaf, Jolijn~van and Pardoel, Kitty and Versendaal, Johan},
year = 2004,
title = {ICT-Kanskaart Vergrijzing: Innovatieve ICT-Kansen op het Terrein van de Vergrijzingsproblematiek},
number = {UU-CS-2004-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Jur~P.~van~den and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2004,
title = {Roadmap-based Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments},
number = {UU-CS-2004-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dignum, V. and Dignum, F. and Meyer, J.J.},
year = 2004,
title = {An Agent-Mediated Approach to the Support of Knowledge Sharing in Organizations},
number = {UU-CS-2004-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verbaan, Peter and Leeuwen, Jan~van and Wiedermann, Jiri},
year = 2004,
title = {Lineages of Automata},
number = {UU-CS-2004-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dignum, Virginia},
year = 2004,
title = {An Overview of Agents in Knowledge Management},
number = {UU-CS-2004-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Grossi, Davide and Dignum, Frank},
year = 2004,
title = {Abstract and Concrete Norms in Institutions},
number = {UU-CS-2004-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vázquez-Salceda, Javier and Dignum, Virginia and Dignum, Frank},
year = 2004,
title = {Organizing Multi-Agent Systems},
number = {UU-CS-2004-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Cabello, Sergio and Giannopoulos, Panos and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2004,
title = {Maximizing the Area of Overlap of two Unions of Disks under Rigid Motion},
number = {UU-CS-2004-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheong, Jae-Sook and Haverkort, Herman~J. and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2004,
title = {On Computing All Immobilizing Grasps of a Simple Polygon with Few Contacts},
number = {UU-CS-2004-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fischer, Bernd and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2004,
title = {Retrofitting the AutoBayes Program Synthesis System with Concrete Syntax},
number = {UU-CS-2004-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Visser, Eelco},
year = 2004,
title = {Program Transformation with Stratego/XT. Rules, Strategies, Tools, and Systems in Stratego/XT 0.9 },
number = {UU-CS-2004-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fomin, Fedor~V.},
year = 2004,
title = {Equitable colorings of bounded treewidth graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2004-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Haverkort, Herman~J.},
year = 2004,
title = {Significant-Presence Range Queries in Categorical Data},
number = {UU-CS-2004-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Asano, Tetsuo and Berg, Mark~de and Cheong, Otfried and Haverkort, Hazel~Everett,
Herman~J. and Katoh, Naoki and Wolff, Alexander},
year = 2004,
title = {Optimal Spanners for Axis-Aligned Rectangles},
number = {UU-CS-2004-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gudmundsson, Joachim and Haverkort, Herman~J. and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2004,
title = {Constrained Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations},
number = {UU-CS-2004-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bolt, Janneke~H. and Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der and Renooij, Silja},
year = 2004,
title = {Introducing Situational Signs in Qualitative Probabilistic Networks},
number = {UU-CS-2004-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Beun, Robbert-Jan and Eijk, Rogier~M.~van and Prüst, Huub},
year = 2004,
title = {Ontological Feedback in Multiagent Systems},
number = {UU-CS-2004-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheong, Jae-Sook and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der and Goldberg, Ken and Overmars, Mark~H. and Rimon, Elon},
year = 2004,
title = {Immobilizing Hinged Polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2004-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Diggelen, Jurriaan~van and Beun, Robbert~Jan and Dignum, Frank and Eijk, Rogier~M.~van and Meyer, John-Jules},
year = 2004,
title = {Optimal communication vocubularies in the presence of heterogeneous ontologies},
number = {UU-CS-2004-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Riemsdijk, M.~Birna~van and Meyer, John-Jules~Ch. and Boer, Frank~S.~de},
year = 2004,
title = {Semantics of Plan Revision in Intelligent Agents},
number = {UU-CS-2004-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Wolle, Thomas},
year = 2004,
title = {A Note on the Complexity of Network Reliability Problems},
number = {UU-CS-2004-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Beun, Robbert-Jan and Eijk, Rogier~M.~van},
year = 2003,
title = {Feedback in Human Computer Interaction: Resolving Ontological discrepancies},
number = {UU-CS-2003-055},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Helms, Remko},
year = 2003,
title = {Putting Engineering into the Enterprise System},
number = {UU-CS-2003-054},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sent, Danielle and Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der and Witteman, Cilia~L.M. and Aleman, Berthe~M.P. and Taal, Babs~G.},
year = 2003,
title = {The elicitation of test-selection strategies: a case study in oncology},
number = {UU-CS-2003-053},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dolstra, E. and Florijn, G. and Visser, E.},
year = 2003,
title = {Timeline Variability: The Variability of Binding Time of Variation Points},
number = {UU-CS-2003-052},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dolstra, E. and Florijn, G. and Jonge, M.~de and Visser, E.},
year = 2003,
title = {Capturing Timeline Variability with Transparent Configuration Environments},
number = {UU-CS-2003-051},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Johann, P. and Visser, E.},
year = 2003,
title = { Strategies for Fusing Logic and Control via Local, Application-Specific Transformations },
number = {UU-CS-2003-050},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Olmos, K. and Visser, E.},
year = 2003,
title = {Turning dynamic typing into static typing by program specialization},
number = {UU-CS-2003-049},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijngaarden, Jonne~van and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2003,
title = {Program Transformation Mechanics. A Classification of Mechanisms for Program Transformation with a Survey of Existing Transformation Systems},
number = {UU-CS-2003-048},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Drugan, Madalina~M. and Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2003,
title = {Evolutionary Markov chain Monte Carlo
number = {UU-CS-2003-047},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2003,
title = {Convergence Time Analysis for the Multi-objective Counting Ones Problem},
number = {UU-CS-2003-046},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hulstijn, Joris and Vreeswijk, Gerard~A.~W.},
year = 2003,
title = {Turntaking: a case for agent-based programming},
number = {UU-CS-2003-045},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Chwa, Kyung-Yong and Jo, Byung-Cheol and Knauer, Christian and Moet, Esther and Oostrum, René~van and Shin, Chan-Su},
year = 2003,
title = {Guarding Art Galleries by Guarding Witnesses},
number = {UU-CS-2003-044},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, I.S.W.B. and Vos, T.E.J. and Azurat, A. and Swierstra, S.D.},
year = 2003,
title = {A UNITY-based Framework towards Component Based Systems},
number = {UU-CS-2003-043},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Helsper, Eveline~M. and Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der},
year = 2003,
title = {Ontologies for Probabilistic Networks},
number = {UU-CS-2003-042},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Geraerts, Roland and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2003,
title = {Sampling Techniques for Probabilistic Roadmap Planners},
number = {UU-CS-2003-041},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cabello, Sergio},
year = 2003,
title = {Approximation Algorithms for Spreading Points},
number = {UU-CS-2003-040},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Geraerts, Roland and Overmars, Mark},
year = 2003,
title = {Clearance Based Path Optimization for Motion Planning},
number = {UU-CS-2003-039},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Brandstädt, Andreas and Kratsch, Dieter and Rao, Michaël and Spinrad, Jeremy},
year = 2003,
title = {On Algorithms for (P5,Gem)-Free Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2003-038},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Jur~van~den and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2003,
title = {Using workspace information as a guide to non-uniform sampling in probabilistic roadmap planners},
number = {UU-CS-2003-037},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kamphuis, Arno and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2003,
title = {Motion Planning for Coherent Groups of Entities},
number = {UU-CS-2003-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, Pankaj~K. and Overmars, Mark and Sharir, Micha},
year = 2003,
title = {Computing Maximally Separated Sets in the Plane and Independent Sets in the Intersection Graph of Unit Disks},
number = {UU-CS-2003-035},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vreeswijk, Gerard},
year = 2003,
title = {A simple scheme to structure and process the information of parties in online forms of alternative dispute resolution},
number = {UU-CS-2003-034},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Tel, Gerard},
year = 2003,
title = {Rectilinear Graphs and Angular Resolution},
number = {UU-CS-2003-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pierik, Cees and Boer, Frank~S.~de},
year = 2003,
title = {A Rule of Adaptation for OO},
number = {UU-CS-2003-032},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cabello, Sergii},
year = 2003,
title = {Planar embeddability of the vertices of a graph using a fixed point set is NP-hard},
number = {UU-CS-2003-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Clark, Dave (editor)},
year = 2003,
title = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership in Object-oriented Programming (IWACO)},
number = {UU-CS-2003-030},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2003,
title = {On the Education of GIS Algorithm Design},
number = {UU-CS-2003-029},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Versendaal, Johan and Brinkkemper, Sjaak},
year = 2003,
title = {Improvement Framework for Buyer-Owned Trading Exchanges: Procurement at Komatsu America Corp. - Peoria Manufacturing Operations},
number = {UU-CS-2003-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Koster, Arie~M.~C.~A.},
year = 2003,
title = {Safe Separators for Treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-2003-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wolle, Thomas},
year = 2003,
title = {A Framework for Network Reliability Problems on Graphs of Bounded Treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-2003-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Giannopoulos, Panos and Knauer, Christian and Oostrum, René~van and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2003,
title = {The Area of Overlap of two Unions of Convex Objects under Translations},
number = {UU-CS-2003-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Typke, Rainer and Giannopoulos, Panos and Veltkamp, Remco~C. and Wiering, Frans and Oostrum, René~van},
year = 2003,
title = {Using Transportation Distances for Measuring Melodic Similarity},
number = {UU-CS-2003-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Atanassow, Frank and Clarke, Dave and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2003,
title = {Scripting XML with Generic Haskell},
number = {UU-CS-2003-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lö, Andres and Clarke, Dave and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2003,
title = {Dependency-style Generic Haskell},
number = {UU-CS-2003-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jong, Edwin~de and Wiering, Marco and Drugan, Madalina},
year = 2003,
title = {Post-Processing for MCMC},
number = {UU-CS-2003-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Reinbacher, Iris},
year = 2003,
title = {Good NEWS: Partitioning a Simple Polygon by Compass Direction},
number = {UU-CS-2003-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nienhuys, Han-Wen and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2003,
title = {Interactive needle insertions in 3D nonlinear material},
number = {UU-CS-2003-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nienhuys, Han-Wen and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2003,
title = {Maintaining mesh connectivity using a simplex-based data structure},
number = {UU-CS-2003-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Song, Dezhen and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der and Goldberg, Ken},
year = 2003,
title = {Collaborative Frame Selection: Exact and Distributed Algorithms for a Networked Robotic Camera with Discrete Zoom Levels},
number = {UU-CS-2003-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hinze, Ralf and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2003,
title = {Generic Haskell: Applications},
number = {UU-CS-2003-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hinze, Ralf and Jeuring, Johan},
year = 2003,
title = {Generic Haskell: Practice and Theory},
number = {UU-CS-2003-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Ginneken, Bram~van and Bartels, Wilbert and Laan, Maarten~J.~van~der and Blankensteijn, Jan~D. and Niessen, Wiro~J. and Viergever, Max~A.},
year = 2003,
title = {Automated segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysms in multi-spectral MR images},
number = {UU-CS-2003-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Ginneken, Bram~van and Niessen, Wiro~J. and Viergever, Max~A.},
year = 2003,
title = {Active shape model segmentation using a non-linear appearance model: application to 3D AAA segmentation},
number = {UU-CS-2003-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Ginneken, Bram~van and Viergever, Max~A. and Niessen, Wiro~J.},
year = 2003,
title = {Three-dimensional point distribution models for tubular objects},
number = {UU-CS-2003-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Ginneken, Bram~van and Viergever, Max~A. and Niessen, Wiro~J.},
year = 2003,
title = {Interactive segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysms in CTA images},
number = {UU-CS-2003-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pierik, Cees and Boer, Frank~S.~de},
year = 2003,
title = {A Syntax-Directed Hoare Logic for Object-Oriented Programming Concepts},
number = {UU-CS-2003-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jong, Edwin~D.~de},
year = 2003,
title = {Modular Variable-length Representations from Pareto-Coevolution},
number = {UU-CS-2003-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vreeken, Jilles},
year = 2003,
title = {Spiking neural networks, an introduction},
number = {UU-CS-2003-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Koopman, Arne and Leeuwen, Matthijs~van and Vreeken, Jilles},
year = 2003,
title = {Dynamic neural networks, comparing spiking circuits and LSTM},
number = {UU-CS-2003-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gudmundsson, Joachim and Haverkort, Herman~J. and Park, Sang-Min and Shin, Chan-Su and Wolff, Alexander},
year = 2003,
title = {Facility Location and the Geometric Minimum-Diameter Spanning Tree},
number = {UU-CS-2003-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Grigore, Ovidiu and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2003,
title = {On the Implementation of Polygonal Approximation Algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-2003-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhuisen, Dennis and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2003,
title = {Motion Planning for Camera Movements in Virtual Environments},
number = {UU-CS-2003-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cabello, Sergio and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2003,
title = {Approximation algorithms for aligning points},
number = {UU-CS-2003-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, Frank~S.~de and Pierik, Cees},
year = 2003,
title = {Towards an environment for the verification of annotated object-oriented programs},
number = {UU-CS-2003-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Koster, Arie~M.~C.~A. and Eijkhof, Frank~van~den},
year = 2003,
title = {Pre-processing rules for triangulation of probabilistic networks},
number = {UU-CS-2003-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2002,
title = {Adaptive mutation rate control schemes in genetic algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-2002-056},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2002,
title = {Predictive measures for problem representation and genetic operator design},
number = {UU-CS-2002-055},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, Peter~A.~N. and Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2002,
title = {Random Keys on ICE: Marginal Product Factorized Probability Distributions in Permutation Optimization},
number = {UU-CS-2002-054},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, Peter~A.~N. and Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2002,
title = {Permutation Optimization by Iterated Estimation of Random Keys Marginal Product Factorizations},
number = {UU-CS-2002-053},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, Peter~A.~N. and Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2002,
title = {A Thorough Documentation of Obtained Results on Real-Valued Continious and Combinatorial Multi-Objective Optimization Problems Using Diversity Preserving Mixture-Based Iterated Density Estimation Evolutionary Algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-2002-052},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Eijkhof, Frank~van~den and Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Koster, Arie~M.C.A.},
year = 2002,
title = {Safe reduction rules for weighted treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-2002-051},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Oostrum, René~van and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2002,
title = {Parametric Search Made Practical},
number = {UU-CS-2002-050},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, Arjan},
year = 2002,
title = {Mutual Information Aspects of Scale Space Images},
number = {UU-CS-2002-049},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Clarke, Dave and Wrigstad, Tobias},
year = 2002,
title = {External Uniqueness is Unique Enough},
number = {UU-CS-2002-048},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Clarke, David and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres},
year = 2002,
title = {The Generic Haskell User's Guide. Version 1.23 - Beryl release},
number = {UU-CS-2002-047},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wiering, Marco (editor)},
year = 2002,
title = {Proceedings of the 12th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning},
number = {UU-CS-2002-046},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Graaumans, Joris},
year = 2002,
title = {XML query requirements},
number = {UU-CS-2002-045},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nienhuys, Han-Wen and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2002,
title = {A Delaunay approach to interactive cutting in triangulated surfaces},
number = {UU-CS-2002-044},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jones, Christopher~B. and Purves, R. and Ruas, A. and Sanderson, M. and Sester, M. and Kreveld, M.~van and Weibel, R.},
year = 2002,
title = {Spatial Information Retrieval and Geographical Ontologies. An Overview of the SPIRIT Project},
number = {UU-CS-2002-043},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Olmos, Karina and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2002,
title = {Strategies for Source-to-Source Constant Propagation},
number = {UU-CS-2002-042},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Geraerts, Roland and Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2002,
title = {A Comparative Study of Probabilistic Roadmap Planners},
number = {UU-CS-2002-041},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cabello, Sergio and Berg, Mark~de and Kreveld, Marc~van},
year = 2002,
title = {Schematization of Networks},
number = {UU-CS-2002-040},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, Marc~van and Mitchell, Joseph~S.~B. and Rousseeuw, Peter and Sharir, Micha and Snoeyink, Jack and Speckman, Bettina},
year = 2002,
title = {Efficient algorithms for maximum regression depth},
number = {UU-CS-2002-039},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Bose, Prosenjit and Cheong, Otfried and Morin, Pat},
year = 2002,
title = {On Simplifying Dot Maps},
number = {UU-CS-2002-038},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Andersson, Mattias and Gudmundsson, Joachim and Levcopoulos, Christos and Narasimhan, Giri},
year = 2002,
title = {Balanced partition of minimum spanning trees},
number = {UU-CS-2002-037},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de and Gudmondsson, Joachim and Katz, Matthew~J. and Levcopoulos, Christos and Overmars, Mark~H. and Stappen, A.~Frank~van~der},
year = 2002,
title = {TSP with Neighborhoods of Varying Size},
number = {UU-CS-2002-036},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Hage, Jurriaan},
year = 2002,
title = {Parametric Type Inferencing for Helium},
number = {UU-CS-2002-035},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheong, Otfried and Har-Peled, Sariel and Linial, Nathan and Matousek, Jiri},
year = 2002,
title = {The One-Round Voronoi Game},
number = {UU-CS-2002-034},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aloupis, Greg and Bose, Prosenjit and Demaine, Erik~D. and Langerman, Stefan and Meijer, Henk and Overmars, Mark and Toussaint, Godfried~T.},
year = 2002,
title = {Computing Signed Permutations of Polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2002-033},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fellows, Michael~R. and Thilikos, Dimitrios~M.},
year = 2002,
title = {Derivation of algorithms for cutwidth and related graph layout problems},
number = {UU-CS-2002-032},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Hage, Jurriaan and Swierstra, Doaitse},
year = 2002,
title = {Generalizing Hindley-Milner Type Inference Algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-2002-031},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schrage, Martijn~M. and Jeuring, Johan and Swierstra, S.~Doaitse},
year = 2002,
title = {Combinators for layered software architectures},
number = {UU-CS-2002-030},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wiering, Marco~A.},
year = 2002,
title = {Model-based reinforcement learning in dynamic environments},
number = {UU-CS-2002-029},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Visser, E.},
year = 2002,
title = {Meta-programming with concrete object syntax},
number = {UU-CS-2002-028},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haverkort, Herman~J. and Berg, Mark~de},
year = 2002,
title = {Box-Trees for Collision Checking in Industrial Installations},
number = {UU-CS-2002-027},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Broersma, Hajo~J. and Fomin, Fedor~V. and Pyatkin, Artem~V. and Woeginer, Gerhard~J.},
year = 2002,
title = {Radio labeling with pre-assigned frequencies},
number = {UU-CS-2002-026},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, I.S.W.B. and Vos, T.E.J. and Azurat, A. and Swierstra, S.D.},
year = 2002,
title = {!UNITY: A Theory of General UNITY},
number = {UU-CS-2002-025},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Renooij, Silja and Gaag, Linda~C.~van~der and Parsons, Simon},
year = 2002,
title = {Context-specific Sign-propagation in Qualitative Probabilistic Networks},
number = {UU-CS-2002-024},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, Johan and Hagg, Paul},
year = 2002,
title = {Generic Programming for XML Tools},
number = {UU-CS-2002-023},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dolstra, E. and Visser, E.},
year = 2002,
title = {Building interpreters with rewriting strategies},
number = {UU-CS-2002-022},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bravenboer, Martin and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2002,
title = {Rewriting Strategies for Instruction Selection},
number = {UU-CS-2002-021},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Soss, Michael and Erickson, Jeff and Overmars, Mark},
year = 2002,
title = {Preprocessing Chains for Fast Dihedral Rotations Is Hard or Even Impossible},
number = {UU-CS-2002-020},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tangelder, Johan~W.H. and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2002,
title = {Polyhedral model retrieval using weighted point sets},
number = {UU-CS-2002-019},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, Arjan and Florack, Luc},
year = 2002,
title = {Logical Filtering in Scale Space},
number = {UU-CS-2002-018},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, Jurriaan and Harju, Tero and Welzl, Emo},
year = 2002,
title = {Euler graphs, triangle-free graphs and bipartite graphs in switching classes},
number = {UU-CS-2002-017},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheng, Siu-Wing and Cheong, Otfried and Everett, Hazel and Oostrum, René~van},
year = 2002,
title = {Hierarchical Decompositions and Circular Ray Shooting in Simple Polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2002-016},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijk, Steven~van and Thierens, Dirk and Berg, Mark~de},
year = 2002,
title = {On the design and analysis of competent GAs},
number = {UU-CS-2002-015},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Giannopoulos, Panos and Veltkamp, Remco~C.},
year = 2002,
title = {A pseudo-metric for weighted point sets},
number = {UU-CS-2002-014},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheong, Otfried and Shin, Chan-Su and Vigneron, Antoine},
year = 2002,
title = {Computing farthest neighbors on a convex polytope},
number = {UU-CS-2002-013},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Asano, Tetsuo and Berg, Mark~de and Cheong, Otfried and Guibas, Leonidas~J. and Snoeyink, Jack and Tamaki, Hisao},
year = 2002,
title = {Spanning trees crossing few barriers},
number = {UU-CS-2002-012},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hinze, Ralf and Jeuring, Johan and Löh, Andres},
year = 2002,
title = {Type-indexed data types},
number = {UU-CS-2002-011},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jansen, J.P. and Egmont-Petersen, M. and Hendriks, E.A. and Reinders, M.J.T. and Geest, R.J.~van~der and Hogendoorn, P.C.W. and Reiber, J.H.C.},
year = 2002,
title = {Scale-invariant segmentation of dynamic contrast-enhanced perfusion MR-images with inherent scale selection},
number = {UU-CS-2002-010},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Heeren, Bastiaan and Jeuring, Johan and Swierstra, Doaitse and Azero~Alcocer, Pablo},
year = 2002,
title = {Improving type-error messages in functional languages},
number = {UU-CS-2002-009},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Azurat, A. and Prasetya, I.S.W.B.},
year = 2002,
title = {A preliminary report on xMECH},
number = {UU-CS-2002-008},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Azurat, A. and Prasetya, I.S.W.B.},
year = 2002,
title = {A Survey on Embedding Programming Logics in a Theorem Prover},
number = {UU-CS-2002-007},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Chen, JingLiang and Goldberg, Ken and Overmars, Mark~H. and Halperin, Dan and Böhringer, Karl~F. and Zhuang, Yan},
year = 2002,
title = {Computing Tolerance Parameters for Fixturing and Feeding},
number = {UU-CS-2002-006},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Castelo, Robert and Kocka, Tomas},
year = 2002,
title = {Towards an inclusion driven learning of Bayesian Networks},
number = {UU-CS-2002-005},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, Mark~H.},
year = 2002,
title = {Recent developments in motion planning},
number = {UU-CS-2002-004},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wiering, Marco~A.},
year = 2002,
title = {Hierarchical mixtures of naive Bayes classifiers},
number = {UU-CS-2002-003},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wiedermann, J. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 2002,
title = {The emergent computational potential of evolving artificial living systems},
number = {UU-CS-2002-002},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fomin, Fedor~V.},
year = 2002,
title = {Tree decompositions with small cost},
number = {UU-CS-2002-001},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hinze, Ralf (editor)},
year = 2001,
title = {Preliminary proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Workshop (HW'2001)},
number = {UU-CS-2001-62},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Ginneken, Bram~van and Niessen, Wiro~J. and Maintz, J.~B.~Antoine and Viergever, Max~A.},
year = 2001,
title = {Active shape models exploiting slice-to-slice correlation in segmentation of 3D CTA AAA images},
number = {UU-CS-2001-61},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijne, Marleen~de and Niessen, Wiro~J. and Maintz, J.~B.~Antoine and Viergever, Max~A.},
year = 2001,
title = {Semi-automatic aortic endograft location for post-operative evaluation of endovascular aneurysm treatment},
number = {UU-CS-2001-60},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thierens, Dirk and Bosman, Peter~A.~N.},
year = 2001,
title = {Multi-objective mixture based iterated density estimation evolutionary algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-2001-59},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Baesens, B. and Egmont-Petersen, M. and Castelo, R. and Vanthienen, J.},
year = 2001,
title = {Learning Bayesian network classifiers for credit scoring using Markov Chain Monte Carlo search},
number = {UU-CS-2001-58},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Assen, H.~C.~van and Egmont-Petersen, M. and Reiber, J.~H.~C.},
year = 2001,
title = {Accurate object localization in gray level images using the center of gravity measure; accuracy versus precision},
number = {UU-CS-2001-57},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aronov, Boris and Kreveld, Marc~van and Oostrum, René~van and Varadarajan, Kasturi},
year = 2001,
title = {Facility location on terrains},
number = {UU-CS-2001-56},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, Arjan and Florack, Luc},
year = 2001,
title = {The relevance of non-generic events in scale space models},
number = {UU-CS-2001-55},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Visser, Eelco (editor)},
year = 2001,
title = {Proceedings of the Second Stratego Users Day},
number = {UU-CS-2001-54},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, Peter~A.~N. and Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2001,
title = {Exploiting gradient information in continuous iterated density estimation evolutionary algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-2001-53},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, Peter~A.~N. and Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2001,
title = {New IDEAs and more ICE by learning and using unconditional permutation factorizations},
number = {UU-CS-2001-52},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, Peter~A.~N. and Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2001,
title = {Advancing continuous IDEAs with mixed distributions and factorization selection metrics},
number = {UU-CS-2001-51},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, Peter~A.~N. and Thierens, Dirk},
year = 2001,
title = {Crossing the road to efficient IDEAs for permutation problems},
number = {UU-CS-2001-50},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Koster, Arie~M.C.A. and Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Hoesel, Stan~P.~M.~van},
year = 2001,
title = {Treewidth: Computational Experiments},
number = {UU-CS-2001-49},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, Hee-kap and Cheong, Otfried and Oostrum, Rene~van},
year = 2001,
title = {Casting a polyhedron with directional uncertainty},
number = {UU-CS-2001-48},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Na, Hyeon-Suk and Lee, Chung-Nim and Cheong, Otfried},
year = 2001,
title = {Voronoi diagrams on the sphere},
number = {UU-CS-2001-47},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, Hee-Kap and Cheong, Otfried and Shin, Chan-Su},
year = 2001,
title = {Building bridges between convex regions},
number = {UU-CS-2001-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, Hee-Kap and Cheng, Siu-Wing and Cheong, Otfried and Golin, Mordecai and Oostrum, Rene~van},
year = 2001,
title = {Competitive facility location along a highway},
number = {UU-CS-2001-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wolff, Alexander and Knipping, Lars and Kreveld, Marc~van and Strijk, Tycho and Agarwal, Pankaj~K.},
year = 2001,
title = {A simple and efficient algorithm for high-quality line labeling},
number = {UU-CS-2001-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijk, Steven~van and Kreveld, Marc~van and Strijk, Tycho and Wolff, Alexander},
year = 2001,
title = {Towards an evaluation of quality for names placement methods},
number = {UU-CS-2001-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bravenboer, Martin and Visser, Eelco},
year = 2001,
title = {Guiding visitors: separating navigation from computation},
number = {UU-CS-2001-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vos, T.E.J. and Swierstra, S.D.},
year = 2001,
title = {Program refinement in UNITY},
number = {UU-CS-2001-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vos, T.E.J. and Swierstra, S.D.},
year = 2001,
title = {Proving distributed hylomorphisms},
number = {UU-CS-2001-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Brand, M.G.J.~van~den and Scheerder, J. and Vinju, J.J. and Visser, E.},
year = 2001,
title = {Disambiguation filters for scannerless generalized LR parsers},
number = {UU-CS-2001-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dolstra, E. and Visser, E.},
year = 2001,
title = {First-class rules and generic traversal},
number = {UU-CS-2001-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, Mark},
year = 2001,
title = {It's all in the game},
number = {UU-CS-2001-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boor, V. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 2001,
title = {Gaussian sampling for probabilistic roadmap planners},
number = {UU-CS-2001-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leijen, D.~J.~P. and Meijer, H.~J.~M.},
year = 2001,
title = {Parsec: Direct style monadic parser combinators for the real world},
number = {UU-CS-2001-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jansson, P. and Jeuring, J.~T.},
year = 2001,
title = {Polytypic data conversion programs},
number = {UU-CS-2001-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hinze, R. and Jeuring, J.~T.},
year = 2001,
title = {Functional Pearl. Weaving a Web},
number = {UU-CS-2001-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bagge, O.~S. and Haveraaen, M. and Visser, E.},
year = 2001,
title = {CodeBoost. A framework for transforming C++ programs},
number = {UU-CS-2001-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Visser, E.},
year = 2001,
title = {A survey of rewriting strategies in program transformation systems},
number = {UU-CS-2001-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Johann, P. and Visser, E.},
year = 2001,
title = {Fusing logic and control with local transformations: an example optimization},
number = {UU-CS-2001-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Visser, E.},
year = 2001,
title = {Scoped dynamic rewrite rules},
number = {UU-CS-2001-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Visser, E.},
year = 2001,
title = {Stratego: A language for program transformation based on rewriting strategies. System description of Stratego 0.5},
number = {UU-CS-2001-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hage, J.},
year = 2001,
title = {Enumerating submultisets of multisets},
number = {UU-CS-2001-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Clarke, D. and Hinze, R.~T.~W. and Jeuring, J.~T. and Löh, A. and Wit, J.~de},
year = 2001,
title = {The Generic Haskell User's Guide},
number = {UU-CS-2001-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 2001,
title = {On the creations of critical points in scale space with applications to medical image analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2001-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 2001,
title = {The application of catastrophe theory to medical image analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2001-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 2001,
title = {The application of catastrophe theory to image analysis},
number = {UU-CS-2001-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Rotics, U.},
year = 2001,
title = {Computing the treewidth and the minimum fill-in with the modular decomposition},
number = {UU-CS-2001-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Gudmundsson, J.~G. and Hammar, M. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 2001,
title = {On R-trees with low query complexity},
number = {UU-CS-2001-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bose, P. and Kreveld, M.~van and Maheshwari, A. and Morin, P. and Morisson, J.},
year = 2001,
title = {Translating a Regular Grid over a Point Set},
number = {UU-CS-2001-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J. and Viergever, M.~A.},
year = 2001,
title = {Scale Space Hierarchy},
number = {UU-CS-2001-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijkstra, Atze and Swierstra, Doaitse~S.},
year = 2001,
title = {Lazy Functional Parser Combinators in Java},
number = {UU-CS-2001-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 2001,
title = {Hierarchical pre-segmentation without prior knowledge},
number = {UU-CS-2001-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nienhuys, H.~W. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 2001,
title = {Supporting cuts and finite element deformation in interactive surgery simulation},
number = {UU-CS-2001-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Dinneen, M.~J. and Khoussainov, B.},
year = 2001,
title = {Relaxed Update and Partition Network Games},
number = {UU-CS-2001-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, H.~K. and Mamoulis, N. and Wong, H.~M.},
year = 2001,
title = {A Survey on Multidimensional Access Methods},
number = {UU-CS-2001-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, H.~K. and Bose, P. and Czyzowicz, J. and Hanusse, N. and Kranakis, E. and Morin, P.},
year = 2001,
title = {Flipping Your Lid},
number = {UU-CS-2001-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Castelo, J.~R. and Wormald, N.},
year = 2001,
title = {Enumeration of P4-free Chordal Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2001-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Berretty, R-P.~M. and Goldberg, K. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 2001,
title = {Geometry and Part Feeding},
number = {UU-CS-2001-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Gudmundsson, J.~G. and Hammar, M. and Haverkort, H.~J.},
year = 2001,
title = {Box-Trees and R-Trees with Near-Optimal Query Time},
number = {UU-CS-2001-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hinze, R.~T.~W.},
year = 2001,
title = {A Simple Implementation Technique for Priority Search Queues},
number = {UU-CS-2001-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 2001,
title = {A generic NP-hardness proof for a variant of Graph Coloring},
number = {UU-CS-2001-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 2001,
title = {Finding sets of points without empty convex 6-gons},
number = {UU-CS-2001-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sent, D. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 2001,
title = {Motion Planning in Environments with Dangerzones},
number = {UU-CS-2001-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gudmundsson, J.~G. and Hammar, M. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 2001,
title = {Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations},
number = {UU-CS-2001-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thilikos, D.~M. and Serna, M.~J. and Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 2001,
title = {A polynomial algorithm for the cutwidth of bounded degree graphs with small treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-2001-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 2001,
title = {Shape matching: Similarity Measures and Algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-2001-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Wiedermann, J.},
year = 2001,
title = {A computational model of interaction in embedded systems},
number = {UU-CS-2001-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Renooij, S. and Witteman, C.~L.~M. and Aleman, B.~M.~P. and Taal, B.~G.},
year = 2001,
title = {Probabilities for a probabilistic network: A case-study in Oesophageal Carcinoma},
number = {UU-CS-2001-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, P.~A.~N. and Thierens, D.},
year = 2000,
title = {Mixed IDEAs},
number = {UU-CS-2000-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Castelo, J.~R. and Siebes, A.~P.~J.~M.},
year = 2000,
title = {A characterization of moral transitive directed acyclic graph Markov models as trees and its properties},
number = {UU-CS-2000-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Johann, P. and Visser, E.},
year = 2000,
title = {Warm fusion in Stratego - A case study in the generation of program transformation systems},
number = {UU-CS-2000-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Kratsch, D.},
year = 2000,
title = {Kayles and nimbers},
number = {UU-CS-2000-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Katz, M.~J. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 2000,
title = {Models and motion planning},
number = {UU-CS-2000-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and David, H. and Katz, M.~J. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 2000,
title = {Guarding scenes against invasive hypercubes},
number = {UU-CS-2000-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berretty, R-P.~M. and Goldberg, K. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 2000,
title = {Trap design for vibratory bowl feeders},
number = {UU-CS-2000-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thilikos, D.~M. and Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 2000,
title = {Constructive linear time algorithms for branchwidth},
number = {UU-CS-2000-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C. and Hagedoorn, M.},
year = 2000,
title = {Shape similarity measures, properties, and constructions},
number = {UU-CS-2000-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, P.~A.~N. and Thierens, D.},
year = 2000,
title = {Negative log-likelihood and statistical hypothesis testing as the basis of model selection in IDEAs},
number = {UU-CS-2000-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verweij, A.~M. and Aardal, K.~I.},
year = 2000,
title = {The merchant subtour problem},
number = {UU-CS-2000-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C. and Tanase, M.},
year = 2000,
title = {Content-based image retrieval systems: A survey},
number = {UU-CS-2000-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Wiedermann, J.},
year = 2000,
title = {The Turing machine paradigm in contemporary computing},
number = {UU-CS-2000-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijk, S.~van and Thierens, D. and Berg, M.~T.~de},
year = 2000,
title = {Using genetic algorithms for solving hard problems in GIS},
number = {UU-CS-2000-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aichholzer, O. and Cortes, C. and Demaine, E.~D. and Dujmovic, V. and Erickson, J. and Meijer, H. and Overmars, M.~H. and Palop, B. and Ramaswami, S. and Toussaint, G.~T.},
year = 2000,
title = {Flipturning polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2000-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aichholzer, O. and Demaine, E.~D. and Erickson, J. and Hurtado, F. and Overmars, M.~H. and Soss, M. and Toussaint, G.~T.},
year = 2000,
title = {Reconfiguring convex polygons},
number = {UU-CS-2000-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Tan, R.~B. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 2000,
title = {Finding a Delta-regular supergraph of minimum order},
number = {UU-CS-2000-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Alber, J. and Bodlaender, H.~L. and Fernau, H. and Niedermeier, R.},
year = 2000,
title = {Fixed parameter algorithms for planar dominating set},
number = {UU-CS-2000-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 2000,
title = {Necessary edges in k-chordalizations of graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2000-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, P.~A.~N. and Thierens, D.},
year = 2000,
title = {Expanding from discrete to continuous estimation of distribution algorithms: The IDEA},
number = {UU-CS-2000-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Kloks, T. and Tan, R.~B. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 2000,
title = {Approximations for Lambda-coloring of graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2000-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thilikos, D.~M. and Serna, M.~J. and Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 2000,
title = {A constructive linear time algorithm for small cutwidth},
number = {UU-CS-2000-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Fomin, F.~V.},
year = 2000,
title = {Approximation of pathwidth of outerplanar graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2000-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Strijk, T.~W. and Verweij, A.~M. and Aardal, K.~I.},
year = 2000,
title = {Algorithms for maximum independent set applied to map labelling},
number = {UU-CS-2000-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berretty, R-P.~M. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 2000,
title = {Orienting polyhedral parts by pushing},
number = {UU-CS-2000-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Druzdzel, M.~J. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 2000,
title = {Building probabilistic networks: Where do the numbers come from? - a guide to the literature},
number = {UU-CS-2000-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, J.~T.},
year = 2000,
title = {Proceedings Workshop on Generic Programming (WGP2000)},
number = {UU-CS-2000-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Renooij, S. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Parsons, S. and Green, S.},
year = 2000,
title = {Pivotal pruning of trade-offs in QPNs},
number = {UU-CS-2000-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Renooij, S. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 2000,
title = {Exploiting non-monotonic influences in qualitative belief networks},
number = {UU-CS-2000-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Renooij, S. and Aleman, B.~M.~P. and Taal, B.~G.},
year = 2000,
title = {Evaluation of a probabilistic model for staging of oesophageal carcinoma},
number = {UU-CS-2000-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, P.~A.~N. and Thierens, D.},
year = 2000,
title = {Continuous iterated density estimation evolutionary algorithms within the IDEA framework},
number = {UU-CS-2000-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Groote, J.~F. and Zantema, H.},
year = 2000,
title = {Resolution and binary decision diagrams cannot simulate each other polynomially},
number = {UU-CS-2000-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hindriks, K.~V. and Lesperance, Y. and Levesque, H.},
year = 2000,
title = {An embedding of ConGolog in 3APL},
number = {UU-CS-2000-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.~J.~F. and Bruijn, N.~de and Schurink, K. and Hoepelman, A.},
year = 2000,
title = {A probabilistic and decision-theoretic approach to the management of infectious disease at the ICU},
number = {UU-CS-2000-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, P.~A.~N. and Thierens, D.},
year = 2000,
title = {IDEAs based on the normal kernels probability density function},
number = {UU-CS-2000-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vos, T.E.J. and Swierstra, S.~D.},
year = 2000,
title = {Sequential program composition in Unity},
number = {UU-CS-2000-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vos, T.E.J. and Swierstra, S.~D.},
year = 2000,
title = {Defining a non-concrete recursive type in HOL which includes sets},
number = {UU-CS-2000-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Strijk, T.~W. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 2000,
title = {Practical extensions of point labeling in the slider model},
number = {UU-CS-2000-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, S.~W.~B. and Swierstra, S.~D.},
year = 2000,
title = {Formal design of self-stabilizing programs: Theory and examples},
number = {UU-CS-2000-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pol, J.~van~de and Zantema, H.},
year = 2000,
title = {Binary decision diagrams by shared rewriting},
number = {UU-CS-2000-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Deza, M. and Pasechnik, D.},
year = 2000,
title = {On equicut graphs},
number = {UU-CS-2000-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 2000,
title = {Termination of Term Rewriting},
number = {UU-CS-2000-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerritsen, B.~H.~M. and Werff, K.~van~der and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 2000,
title = {Geometric Modelling with a-Complexes},
number = {UU-CS-2000-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, S.~W.~B. and Swierstra, S.~D.},
year = 2000,
title = {Factorizing fault tolerance},
number = {UU-CS-2000-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, S.~W.~B. and Swierstra, S.~D. and Widjaja, B.},
year = 2000,
title = {Component-wise formal approach to design distributed systems},
number = {UU-CS-2000-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Neef, M. and Thierens, D. and Arciszweski, H.},
year = 1999,
title = {A case study of a multiobjective elitist recombinative genetic algorithm with coevolutionary sharing},
number = {UU-CS-1999-49},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thierens, D.},
year = 1999,
title = {On the scalability of simple genetic algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-1999-48},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thierens, D.},
year = 1999,
title = {Estimating the significant non-linearities in the genome problem-coding},
number = {UU-CS-1999-47},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, P.~A.~N. and Thierens, D.},
year = 1999,
title = {An algorithmic framework for density estimation based evolutionary algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-1999-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Peek, N.~B. and Coupe, V.~M.~H. and Ottenkamp, J.},
year = 1999,
title = {Focused quantification of a belief network using sensitivity analysis},
number = {UU-CS-1999-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Coupe, V.~M.~H. and Peek, N.~B. and Ottenkamp, J. and Habbema, J.~D.~F.},
year = 1999,
title = {Using sensitivity analysis for efficient quantification of a belief network},
number = {UU-CS-1999-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Peek, N.~B.},
year = 1999,
title = {A specialized POMDP form and algorithm for clinical patient management},
number = {UU-CS-1999-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Peek, N.~B.},
year = 1999,
title = {Explicit temporal models for decision-theoretic planning of clinical management},
number = {UU-CS-1999-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Weismantel, R. and Wolsey, L.~A.},
year = 1999,
title = {Non-standard approaches to integer programming},
number = {UU-CS-1999-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Basch, J. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Guibas, L.~J. and Hershberger, J.},
year = 1999,
title = {Lower bounds for kinetic planar subdivisions},
number = {UU-CS-1999-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 1999,
title = {On the fatness of Minkowski sums},
number = {UU-CS-1999-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.~J.~F.},
year = 1999,
title = {Logic engineering in medicine},
number = {UU-CS-1999-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I.},
year = 1999,
title = {Lattice basis reduction and integer programming},
number = {UU-CS-1999-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Hurkens, C.~A.~J. and Lenstra, J.~K. and Tiourine, S.},
year = 1999,
title = {Algorithms for the radio link frequency assignment problem},
number = {UU-CS-1999-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1999,
title = {A geometric model of retinocortical mechanisms},
number = {UU-CS-1999-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.~J.~F.},
year = 1999,
title = {Certainty-factor-like structures in Bayesian belief networks},
number = {UU-CS-1999-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Coupe, V.~M.~H.},
year = 1999,
title = {Sensitivity analysis for threshold decision making with Bayesian belief networks},
number = {UU-CS-1999-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H. and Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 1999,
title = {Sizes of decision tables and decision trees},
number = {UU-CS-1999-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hindriks, K.~V. and Boer, F.~S.~de and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1999,
title = {An operational semantics for the single agent core of AGENT0},
number = {UU-CS-1999-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Coupe, V.~M.~H. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 1999,
title = {Properties of sensitivity analysis of Bayesian belief networks},
number = {UU-CS-1999-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meijer, H.~J.~M.},
year = 1999,
title = {Proceedings of the 1999 Haskell Workshop},
number = {UU-CS-1999-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C. and Hagedoorn, M.},
year = 1999,
title = {State-of-the-art in shape matching},
number = {UU-CS-1999-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijkstra, Atze and Schrage, Martijn and Swierstra, Doaitse},
year = 1999,
title = {SKIT, An open architecture for courseware authoring},
number = {UU-CS-1999-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Roorda, J-W.},
year = 1999,
title = {Belief updates in multiple agent systems},
number = {UU-CS-1999-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Strijk, T.~W. and Wolff, A.},
year = 1999,
title = {Labeling points with circles},
number = {UU-CS-1999-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Renooij, S. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 1999,
title = {Enhancing QPNs for trade-off resolution},
number = {UU-CS-1999-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1999,
title = {The termination hierarchy for term rewriting},
number = {UU-CS-1999-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hagedoorn, M. and Overmars, M.~H. and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 1999,
title = {New visibility partitions with applications in affine pattern matching},
number = {UU-CS-1999-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, P.~A.~N.},
year = 1999,
title = {EA Visualizer Tutorial},
number = {UU-CS-1999-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Renooij, S. and Witteman, C.~L.~M.},
year = 1999,
title = {Talking probabilities: communicating probabilistic information with words and numbers},
number = {UU-CS-1999-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Franssen, M. and Veltkamp, R.~C. and Wesselink, W.},
year = 1999,
title = {Efficient evaluation of triangular B-splines},
number = {UU-CS-1999-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Eijk, R.~M.~van and Boer, F.~S.~de and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1999,
title = {Open multi-agent systems: Agent communication and integration},
number = {UU-CS-1999-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Bixby, R.~E. and Hurkens, C.~A.~J. and Lenstra, A.~K. and Smeltink, J.~W.},
year = 1999,
title = {Market split and basis reduction: Towards a solution of the Cornuejols-Dawande Instances},
number = {UU-CS-1999-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Renooij, S. and Witteman, C.~L.~M. and Aleman, B.~M.~P. and Taal, B.~G.},
year = 1999,
title = {How to elicit many probabilities},
number = {UU-CS-1999-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Wentink, C. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1999,
title = {Computing immobilizing grasps of polygonal parts},
number = {UU-CS-1999-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Coupe, V.~M.~H. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Habbema, J.~D.~F.},
year = 1999,
title = {Sensitivity analysis: an aid for belief-network quantification},
number = {UU-CS-1999-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuijper, A. and Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1999,
title = {Calculations on critical points under Gaussian blurring},
number = {UU-CS-1999-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, P.~A.~N. and Thierens, D.},
year = 1999,
title = {On the modelling of evolutionary algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-1999-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bosman, P.~A.~N. and Thierens, D.},
year = 1999,
title = {Linkage information processing in distribution estimation algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-1999-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hindriks, K.~V. and Boer, F.~S.~de and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1999,
title = {Semantics of communicating agents based on deduction and abduction},
number = {UU-CS-1999-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Eijk, R.~M.~van and Boer, F.~S.~de and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1999,
title = {Operational semantics for agent communication languages},
number = {UU-CS-1999-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1999,
title = {Visual representations embodying spacetime structure},
number = {UU-CS-1999-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruijn, N.~de and Lucas, P.~J.~F. and Schurink, K. and Hoepelman, A.},
year = 1999,
title = {Improving antibiotic therapy of ventilator associated pneumonia using a probabilistic approach},
number = {UU-CS-1999-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.~J.~F. and Tholen, A. and Oort, G.~van},
year = 1999,
title = {An intelligent system for pacemaker reprogramming},
number = {UU-CS-1999-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Burg, W.~J.~ter and Lucas, P.~J.~F. and Braak, E.~ter},
year = 1999,
title = {A diagnostic advice system based on pathophysiological models of diseases},
number = {UU-CS-1999-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hagedoorn, M. and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 1999,
title = {Metric pattern spaces},
number = {UU-CS-1999-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H. and Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 1999,
title = {Finding small equivalent decision trees is hard},
number = {UU-CS-1999-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vleugels, J.~M. and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 1999,
title = {Efficient image retrieval through vantage objects},
number = {UU-CS-1999-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thierens, D. and Goldberg, D.~E. and Pereira, A.~G.},
year = 1998,
title = {Domino convergence, drift, and the temporal-salience structure of problems},
number = {UU-CS-1998-49},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thierens, D.},
year = 1998,
title = {Selection schemes, elitist recombination, and selection intensity},
number = {UU-CS-1998-48},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thierens, D.},
year = 1998,
title = {Dimensional analysis of Allele-Wise mixing revisited},
number = {UU-CS-1998-47},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thierens, D.},
year = 1998,
title = {Non-redundant genetic coding of neural networks},
number = {UU-CS-1998-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Chudak, F.~A. and Shmoys, D.~B.},
year = 1998,
title = {A 3-approximation algorithm for the k-level uncapacitated facility location problem},
number = {UU-CS-1998-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1998,
title = {Spatio-frequency analysis of scale-space filtering},
number = {UU-CS-1998-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G.},
year = 1998,
title = {Cryptografie: van DES tot Chipknip},
number = {UU-CS-1998-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dobrev, S. and Ruzicka, P. and Tel, G.},
year = 1998,
title = {Time and bit optimal broadcasting on anonymous unoriented hypercubes},
number = {UU-CS-1998-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dijk, S.~van and Thierens, D. and Berg, M.~T.~de},
year = 1998,
title = {Robust genetic algorithms for high quality map labeling},
number = {UU-CS-1998-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van and Strijk, T.~W. and Wolff, A.},
year = 1998,
title = {Point labeling with sliding labels},
number = {UU-CS-1998-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Broennimann, H. and Kettner, L. and Schirra, S. and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 1998,
title = {Applications of the generic programming paradigm in the design of CGAL},
number = {UU-CS-1998-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.~J.~F. and Abu-Hanna, A.},
year = 1998,
title = {Prognostic methods in medicine},
number = {UU-CS-1998-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1998,
title = {Non-linear scale-spaces isomorphic to the linear case},
number = {UU-CS-1998-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Hurkens, C.~A.~J. and Lenstra, A.~K.},
year = 1998,
title = {Solving a system of diophantine equations with lower and upper bounds on the variables},
number = {UU-CS-1998-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 1998,
title = {Generic geometric programming in the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library},
number = {UU-CS-1998-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Kuijper, A.},
year = 1998,
title = {On the behaviour of critical points under Gaussian blurring},
number = {UU-CS-1998-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.~J.~F. and Boot, H. and Taal, B.~G.},
year = 1998,
title = {Computer-based decision support in the management of primary gastric non-Hodgkin lymphoma},
number = {UU-CS-1998-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.J.F.},
year = 1998,
title = {De evaluatie van kennissytemen.},
number = {UU-CS-1998-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Kuijper, A.},
year = 1998,
title = {The topological structure of scale-space images},
number = {UU-CS-1998-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aronov, B. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Svestka, P. and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1998,
title = {Motion planning for multiple robots},
number = {UU-CS-1998-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Strijk, T.~W. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1998,
title = {Labeling a rectilinear map more efficiently},
number = {UU-CS-1998-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1998,
title = {Finding the wood by the trees},
number = {UU-CS-1998-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1998,
title = {Duality principles in image processing and analysis},
number = {UU-CS-1998-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verriet, J.},
year = 1998,
title = {The complexity of scheduling typed task systems with and without communication delays},
number = {UU-CS-1998-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bajaj, C. and Kreveld, M.~van and Oostrum, R.~W.~van and Pascucci, V. and Schikore, D.~R.},
year = 1998,
title = {Contour trees and small seed sets for isosurface traversal},
number = {UU-CS-1998-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verriet, J.},
year = 1998,
title = {Scheduling outtrees of height one in the LogP model},
number = {UU-CS-1998-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Maintz, J.B.A. and Elsen, P.A.~van~den and Viergever, M.A.},
year = 1998,
title = {Registration of 3D Medical Images using Simple Morphlogical Tools},
number = {UU-CS-1998-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Maintz, J.B.A. and Viergever, M.A.},
year = 1998,
title = {An Overview of Medical Image Registration Methods},
number = {UU-CS-1998-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pluim, J.P.W. and Maintz, J.B.A. and Viergever, M.A.},
year = 1998,
title = {A Multiscale Approach to Mutual Information Matching},
number = {UU-CS-1998-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Maintz, J.B.A. and Viergever, M.A.},
year = 1998,
title = {A Survey of Medical Image Registration},
number = {UU-CS-1998-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {West, J. et~al.},
year = 1998,
title = {Comparison and Evaluation of Retrospective Intermodality Brain Image Registration Techniques},
number = {UU-CS-1998-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Maintz, J.~B.~A. and Meijering, E.~H.~W. and Viergever, M.~A.},
year = 1998,
title = {General multimodal elastic registration based on mutual information},
number = {UU-CS-1998-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G.},
year = 1998,
title = {Distributed control for AI},
number = {UU-CS-1998-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ahn, H.~K. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Bose, P. and Cheng, S-W. and Halperin, D. and Matousek, J. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1998,
title = {Separating an object from its cast},
number = {UU-CS-1998-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 1998,
title = {A note on domino treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-1998-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1998,
title = {Decision trees: equivalence and propositional operations},
number = {UU-CS-1998-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Katz, M.~J. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1998,
title = {Realistic input models for geometric algorithms},
number = {UU-CS-1998-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de},
year = 1998,
title = {Linear size binary space partitions for uncluttered scenes},
number = {UU-CS-1998-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Cheong, O. and Oostrum, R.~W.~van},
year = 1998,
title = {Reaching a polygon with directional uncertainty},
number = {UU-CS-1998-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Coupe, V.~M.~H. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 1998,
title = {Practicable sensitivity analysis of Bayesian belief networks},
number = {UU-CS-1998-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1998,
title = {Motion extraction - An approach based on duality and Gauge theory},
number = {UU-CS-1998-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Linder, B.~van and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1998,
title = {Formalising abilities and opportunities of agents},
number = {UU-CS-1998-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hindriks, K.~V. and Boer, F.~S.~de and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1998,
title = {A formal embedding of AgentSpeak(L) in 3APL},
number = {UU-CS-1998-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berretty, R-P.~M. and Goldberg, K. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 1998,
title = {Algorithms for fence design},
number = {UU-CS-1998-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Thilikos, D.~M.},
year = 1998,
title = {Computing small search numbers in linear time},
number = {UU-CS-1998-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Kreveld, M.~van and Suri, S.},
year = 1998,
title = {Label placement by maximum independent set in rectangles},
number = {UU-CS-1998-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Renooij, S. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 1998,
title = {Decision making in qualitative influence diagrams},
number = {UU-CS-1998-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Peek, N.~B.},
year = 1998,
title = {Predictive probabilistic models for treatment planning in paediatric cardiology},
number = {UU-CS-1998-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Peek, N.~B. and Lucas, P.~J.~F.},
year = 1998,
title = {Trade-offs in decision-theoretic planning},
number = {UU-CS-1998-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 1997,
title = {Comparing loop cutsets and clique trees in probabilistic inference},
number = {UU-CS-1997-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berretty, R-P.~M. and Goldberg, K. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 1997,
title = {Computing fence designs for orienting parts},
number = {UU-CS-1997-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Lenstra, A.~K. and Hurkens, C.~A.~J.},
year = 1997,
title = {An algorithm for solving a diophantine equation with lower and upper bounds on the variables},
number = {UU-CS-1997-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Shmoys, D.~B. and Tardos, E. and Aardal, K.~I.},
year = 1997,
title = {Approximation algorithms for facility location problems},
number = {UU-CS-1997-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verweij, A.~M. and Aardal, K.~I. and Kant, G.},
year = 1997,
title = {On an integer multicommodity flow problem from the airplane industry},
number = {UU-CS-1997-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Thilikos, D.~M.},
year = 1997,
title = {Graphs with branchwidth at most three},
number = {UU-CS-1997-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jansen, M.~J.},
year = 1997,
title = {On applying separator decompositions to path problems and network flow},
number = {UU-CS-1997-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thilikos, D.~M.},
year = 1997,
title = {Algorithms and obstructions for linear-width and related search parameters},
number = {UU-CS-1997-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Witteveen, C. and Hoek, W.~van~der},
year = 1997,
title = {Recovery of nonmonotonic theories},
number = {UU-CS-1997-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hagedoorn, M. and Veltkamp, R.~C.},
year = 1997,
title = {Reliable and efficient pattern matching using an affine invariant metric},
number = {UU-CS-1997-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1997,
title = {Algorithms for triangulated terrains},
number = {UU-CS-1997-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 1997,
title = {Treewidth: Algorithmic results and techniques},
number = {UU-CS-1997-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Saraiva, J. and Swierstra, S.~D. and Kuiper, M.~F.},
year = 1997,
title = {Strictification of computations on trees},
number = {UU-CS-1997-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wel, F.~J.~M.~van~der and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Gorte, B.~G.~H.},
year = 1997,
title = {Visual exploration of uncertainty in remote-sensing classification},
number = {UU-CS-1997-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Niessen, W.},
year = 1997,
title = {A way to account for models in image analysis illustrated by motion extraction},
number = {UU-CS-1997-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J.},
year = 1997,
title = {Measurement duality},
number = {UU-CS-1997-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Koenderink, J.},
year = 1997,
title = {A priori scale in classical scalar and density fields},
number = {UU-CS-1997-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Maas, R.},
year = 1997,
title = {Pseudo-linear scale-space theory Towards the integration of linear and morphologic scale-space paradigms},
number = {UU-CS-1997-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fluiter, Babette~de},
year = 1997,
title = {Reduction algorithms for graphs of small treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-1997-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fluiter, Babette~de and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 1997,
title = {Parallel algorithms for treewidth two},
number = {UU-CS-1997-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de},
year = 1997,
title = {Visualization of TINs},
number = {UU-CS-1997-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fluiter, Babette~de},
year = 1997,
title = {Parallel algorithms for series parallel graphs},
number = {UU-CS-1997-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berretty, R-P.~M. and Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 1997,
title = {Dynamic motion planning in low obstacle density environments},
number = {UU-CS-1997-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Overmars, M.~H. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1997,
title = {Motion planning in environments with low obstacle density},
number = {UU-CS-1997-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verriet, J.},
year = 1997,
title = {Scheduling tree-structured programs in the LogP model},
number = {UU-CS-1997-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1997,
title = {Informational independence: Models and normal forms},
number = {UU-CS-1997-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Eijk, R.~M.~van and Boer, F.~S.~de and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1997,
title = {A language for Modular Information-passing Agents},
number = {UU-CS-1997-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Devillers, O. and Dobrindt, K.~T.~G. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1997,
title = {Computing a single cell in the overlay of two simple polygons},
number = {UU-CS-1997-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoek, W.~van~der and Linder, B.~van and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1997,
title = {Group knowledge isn't always distributed (neither is it always implicit)},
number = {UU-CS-1997-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ferreira, M.~C.~F.},
year = 1997,
title = {Recursively defined (quasi) orders on terms},
number = {UU-CS-1997-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Hoesel, S.~van and Lenstra, J.~K. and Stougie, L.},
year = 1997,
title = {A decade of combinatorial optimization},
number = {UU-CS-1997-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kelleners, R.~H.~M.~C. and Veltkamp, R.~C. and Blake, E.~H.},
year = 1997,
title = {Constraints on objects, conceptual model and implementation},
number = {UU-CS-1997-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.~J.~F.},
year = 1997,
title = {Symbolic diagnosis and its formalisation},
number = {UU-CS-1997-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florack, L.~M.~J. and Niessen, W. and Nielsen, M.},
year = 1997,
title = {The intrinsic structure of optic flow incorporating measurement duality},
number = {UU-CS-1997-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1997,
title = {Termination of context-sensitive rewriting},
number = {UU-CS-1997-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arts, T. and Giesl, J.},
year = 1997,
title = {Proving innermost normalisation automatically},
number = {UU-CS-1997-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoek, W.~van~der and Linder, B.~van and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1997,
title = {An integrated modal approach to rational agents},
number = {UU-CS-1997-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Yamazaki, Koichi and Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fluiter, Babette~de and Thilikos, Dimitrios~M.},
year = 1997,
title = {Isomorphism for graphs of bounded distance width},
number = {UU-CS-1997-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fluiter, Babette~de and Bodlaender, Hans~L.},
year = 1997,
title = {Intervalizing sandwich graphs},
number = {UU-CS-1997-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Linder, B.~van and Meyer, J-J.~Ch. and Hoek, W.~van~der},
year = 1997,
title = {Formalizing motivational attitudes of agents using the KARO framework},
number = {UU-CS-1997-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Peek, N.~B. and Ottenkamp, J.},
year = 1997,
title = {Developing a decision-theoretic network for a congenital heart disease},
number = {UU-CS-1997-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verriet, J.},
year = 1997,
title = {The complexity of scheduling graphs of bounded width subject to non-zero communication delays},
number = {UU-CS-1997-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meyer, J.-J.~Ch. and Wieringa, R.J. and Dignum, F.P.M.},
year = 1996,
title = {The Role of Deontic Logic in the Specification of Information Languages},
number = {UU-CS-1996-55},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Bose, P. and Bremmer, D. and Ramaswami, S. and Wilfong, G.},
year = 1996,
title = {Computing constrained minimum-width annuli of point sets},
number = {UU-CS-1996-54},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I.},
year = 1996,
title = {Reformulation of capacitated facility location problems: How redundant information can help},
number = {UU-CS-1996-53},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J.J.-Ch.},
year = 1996,
title = {A Complete Epistemic Logic for Multiple Agents: Combining Distributed and Common Knowledge},
number = {UU-CS-1996-52},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Saraiva, J. and Swierstra, S.~D. and Kuiper, M.~F. and Pennings, M.},
year = 1996,
title = {Strictification of lazy functions},
number = {UU-CS-1996-51},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Saraiva, J. and Kuiper, M.~F. and Swierstra, S.~D.},
year = 1996,
title = {Effective function cache management for incremental attribute evaluation},
number = {UU-CS-1996-50},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Goldberg, K.~Y. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Geometrix eccentricity and the complexity of manipulation plans},
number = {UU-CS-1996-49},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jaspers, M.W.M. and Gaag, L.C.~van~der and Derksen, A.J. and Taal, B.G. and Aleman, B.M.P.},
year = 1996,
title = {Utiliteitsmeting ten behoeve van Geautomatiseerde Behandelingskeuze voor Oesofagus Carcinoom},
number = {UU-CS-1996-48},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1996,
title = {The dynamics of probabilistic structural relevance},
number = {UU-CS-1996-47},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.~J.~F.},
year = 1996,
title = {Knowledge acquisition for decision-theoretic expert systems},
number = {UU-CS-1996-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Geser, A. and Middeldorp, A. and Ohlebusch, E. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Relative undecidability in term rewriting},
number = {UU-CS-1996-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arts, T. and Giesl, J.},
year = 1996,
title = {Automatically proving termination where simplification orderings fail},
number = {UU-CS-1996-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Coordinated path planning for multiple robots},
number = {UU-CS-1996-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.~J.~F.},
year = 1996,
title = {A theory of diagnosis as hypothesis refinement},
number = {UU-CS-1996-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Leeuwen, J.~van and Tan, R.~B. and Thilikos, D.~M.},
year = 1996,
title = {On Interval Routing Schemes and Treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-1996-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C. and Wesselink, W.},
year = 1996,
title = {Variational modeling of triangular Bezier surfaces},
number = {UU-CS-1996-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verweij, A.~M.},
year = 1996,
title = {Multiple destination bin packing},
number = {UU-CS-1996-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wentink, C. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Algorithms for fixture design},
number = {UU-CS-1996-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vos, T.E.J. and Swierstra, S.~D. and Prasetya, S.~W.~B.},
year = 1996,
title = {Formal methods and mechanical verification applied to the development of a convergent distributed sorting program},
number = {UU-CS-1996-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veltkamp, R.~C. and Arbab, F.},
year = 1996,
title = {Interactive geometric constraint satisfaction},
number = {UU-CS-1996-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Katz, M.~J. and Nielsen, F.},
year = 1996,
title = {On piercing sets of objects},
number = {UU-CS-1996-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Devillers, O. and Katz, M.~J.},
year = 1996,
title = {Optimal line bipartitions of point sets},
number = {UU-CS-1996-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Devillers, O. and Kreveld, M.~van and Schwarzkopf, O. and Teillaud, M.},
year = 1996,
title = {Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polygons Under Translations},
number = {UU-CS-1996-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meyer, J.-J.~Ch. and Doherty, P.},
year = 1996,
title = {Preferential Action Semantics (Preliminary Report)},
number = {UU-CS-1996-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gorte, B.~G.~H. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Wal, F.~J.~M.~van~der},
year = 1996,
title = {Decision-analytic interpretation of remotely sensed data},
number = {UU-CS-1996-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Thilikos, D.~M. and Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 1996,
title = {Fast partitioning l-apex graphs with applications to approximating maximum induced-subgraph problems},
number = {UU-CS-1996-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Thilikos, Dimitrios~M. and Yamazaki, Koichi},
year = 1996,
title = {It is hard to know when greedy is good for finding independent sets},
number = {UU-CS-1996-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 1996,
title = {On evidence absorption for belief networks},
number = {UU-CS-1996-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Weismantel, R.},
year = 1996,
title = {Polyhedral combinatorics: An annotated bibliography},
number = {UU-CS-1996-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schwarzkopf, O. and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1996,
title = {Range searching in low-density environments},
number = {UU-CS-1996-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Meijer, H. and Overmars, M.~H. and Wilfong, G.},
year = 1996,
title = {Computing the angularity tolerance},
number = {UU-CS-1996-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tangelder, J.W.H. and Vergeest, J.S.M. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Freeform Shape Machining Using Minkowski Operations},
number = {UU-CS-1996-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tangelder, J.W.H. and Vergeest, J.S.M. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Computation of Voxel Maps Containing Tool Access Directions for Machining Free-form Shapes},
number = {UU-CS-1996-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1996,
title = {Variations on sweep algorithms: efficient computation of extended viewsheds and class intervals},
number = {UU-CS-1996-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1996,
title = {Characterizing normal forms for informational independence},
number = {UU-CS-1996-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P.},
year = 1996,
title = {On probabilistic completeness and expected complexity for probabilistic path planning},
number = {UU-CS-1996-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hulst, M.~van and Meyer, J.-J.Ch.},
year = 1996,
title = {A Knowledge-Based Compositional Proof System for Parallel Processes},
number = {UU-CS-1996-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lucas, P.~J.~F.},
year = 1996,
title = {Modelling interactions for diagnosis},
number = {UU-CS-1996-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Oostrum, R.~W.~van and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Simple traversal of a subdivision without extra storage},
number = {UU-CS-1996-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoek, W.~van~der and Rijke, M.~de},
year = 1996,
title = {Interleaved contractions},
number = {UU-CS-1996-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Middeldorp, A. and Ohsaki, H. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Transforming termination by self-labelling},
number = {UU-CS-1996-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 1996,
title = {Bayesian belief networks: Odds and ends},
number = {UU-CS-1996-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fluiter, Babette~de},
year = 1996,
title = {Parallel algorithms for series parallel graphs},
number = {UU-CS-1996-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verriet, J.},
year = 1996,
title = {Scheduling interval orders with release dates and deadlines},
number = {UU-CS-1996-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.~H. and Rao, A.~S. and Schwarzkopf, O. and Wentink, C.},
year = 1996,
title = {Immobilizing polygons against a wall},
number = {UU-CS-1996-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Knobbe, A.~J. and Kok, J.~N. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Robot motion planning in unknown environments using Neural Networks},
number = {UU-CS-1996-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P. and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1996,
title = {Exact motion planning for tractor-trailer robots},
number = {UU-CS-1996-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sekhavat, S. and Svestka, P. and Laumond, J-P. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1996,
title = {Multi-level path planning for nonholonomic robots using semi-holonomic subsystems},
number = {UU-CS-1996-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arts, T. and Giesl, J.},
year = 1996,
title = {Termination of constructor systems},
number = {UU-CS-1996-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.S.~de and Hulst, M.~van},
year = 1996,
title = {A Compositional Proof System for Asynchronously Communicating Processes},
number = {UU-CS-1996-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.S.~de and Francez, N. and Hulst, M.~van and Stomp, F.A.},
year = 1996,
title = {A Proof Theory of Asynchronously Communicating Sequential Processes},
number = {UU-CS-1996-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Huibers, T.~W.~C. and Lalmas, M. and Rijsbergen, C.~J.~van},
year = 1996,
title = {Information retrieval and simulation theory},
number = {UU-CS-1996-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H. and Geser, A.},
year = 1996,
title = {Non-looping rewriting},
number = {UU-CS-1996-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 1996,
title = {A partial k-arboretum of graphs with bounded treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-1996-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, S.~W.~B.},
year = 1996,
title = {Formalizing UNITY with HOL},
number = {UU-CS-1996-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Hoesel, S.~van},
year = 1995,
title = {Polyhedral techniques in combinatorial optimization II: Computations},
number = {UU-CS-1995-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Labbe, M. and Leung, J. and Queyranne, M.},
year = 1995,
title = {On the two-level uncapacitated facility location problem},
number = {UU-CS-1995-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Linder, B.~van},
year = 1995,
title = {A dynamic logic of iterated belief change},
number = {UU-CS-1995-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Witteveen, C. and Hoek, W.~van~der},
year = 1995,
title = {Semantic Based Theory Revision in Nonmonotonic Logic},
number = {UU-CS-1995-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meyer, J.-J.Ch. and Leeuwen, J.C.~van},
year = 1995,
title = {Possible World Semantics for Analogous Reasoning},
number = {UU-CS-1995-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fluiter, Babette~de},
year = 1995,
title = {Reduction algorithms for graphs with small treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-1995-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Fellows, M.~R. and Hallett, M.~T. and Wareham, H.~T. and Warnow, T.~J.},
year = 1995,
title = {The hardness of problems on thin colored graphs},
number = {UU-CS-1995-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I.},
year = 1995,
title = {Capacitated facility location: separation algorithms and computational experience},
number = {UU-CS-1995-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Kloks, T. and Kratsch, D. and Mueller, H.},
year = 1995,
title = {Treewidth and minimum fill-in on d-trapezoid graphs},
number = {UU-CS-1995-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.~F.~van~der and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1995,
title = {Motion planning in environments with low obstacle density},
number = {UU-CS-1995-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arts, T.},
year = 1995,
title = {A technique for automatically proving termination of constructor systems},
number = {UU-CS-1995-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verriet, J.},
year = 1995,
title = {Scheduling UET, UCT dags with release dates and deadlines},
number = {UU-CS-1995-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {P.,  d'Altan and Meyer, J.-J.Ch. and Wieringa, R.J.},
year = 1995,
title = {An Integrated framework for ought-to-be and ought-to-do constraints},
number = {UU-CS-1995-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Aardal, K.~I. and Hoesel, S.~van},
year = 1995,
title = {Polyhredral techniques in combinatorial optimization I: Theory},
number = {UU-CS-1995-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Everett, H. and Guibas, L.~J.},
year = 1995,
title = {The union of moving polygonal pseudodiscs - combinatorial bounds and applications},
number = {UU-CS-1995-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Biedl, T. and Kant, G. and Kaufmann, M.},
year = 1995,
title = {On Triangulating Planar Graphs under the Four-Connectivity Constraint},
number = {UU-CS-1995-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Schirra, S.},
year = 1995,
title = {A new approach to subdivision simplification},
number = {UU-CS-1995-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Hagerup, T.},
year = 1995,
title = {Parallel algorithms with optimal speedup for bounded treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-1995-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wessels, M.L.},
year = 1995,
title = {On Belief Networks and Diagnosis},
number = {UU-CS-1995-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Druzdzel, M.J. and Gaag, L.C.~van~der},
year = 1995,
title = {Elicitation of Probabilities for Belief Networks: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Information},
number = {UU-CS-1995-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1995,
title = {Probabilistic path planning},
number = {UU-CS-1995-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de},
year = 1995,
title = {Trends and Developments in Computational Geometry},
number = {UU-CS-1995-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fluiter, Babette~de},
year = 1995,
title = {On intervalizing k-colored graphs for DNA physical mapping},
number = {UU-CS-1995-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meyer, J.J.Ch. and Hoek, W.~van~der},
year = 1995,
title = {Modal Logics for Representing Incoherent Knowledge},
number = {UU-CS-1995-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meyer, J.J.Ch. and Hoek, W.~van~der},
year = 1995,
title = {A Modal Contrastive Logic: The Logic of `But' (revised version of UU-CS-1994-07)},
number = {UU-CS-1995-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arts, T. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1995,
title = {Termination of constructor systems using semantic unification},
number = {UU-CS-1995-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Flammini, M. and Leeuwen, J.~van and Marchetti-Spaccamela, A.},
year = 1995,
title = {The Complexity of Interval Routing on Random Graphs},
number = {UU-CS-1995-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, Hans~L. and Fluiter, Babette~de},
year = 1995,
title = {Intervalizing k-colored graphs},
number = {UU-CS-1995-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vleugels, J.~M. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1995,
title = {Approximating generalized Voronoi diagrams in any dimension},
number = {UU-CS-1995-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Santoro, N. and Urrutia, J. and Zaks, S.},
year = 1995,
title = {Guessing Games, Binomial Sum Trees and Distributed Computations in Synchronous Networks},
number = {UU-CS-1995-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Dobrindt, K.~T.~G.},
year = 1995,
title = {On levels of detail in terrains},
number = {UU-CS-1995-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Peek, N.~B. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 1995,
title = {A Case-Based Filter for Diagnostic Belief Networks},
number = {UU-CS-1995-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fokkink, W.~J. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1995,
title = {A Complete Equational Axiomatization for BPA-delta-epsilon with Prefix Iteration},
number = {UU-CS-1995-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruza, P.~D. and Huibers, T.~W.~C.},
year = 1995,
title = {How nonmonotonic is aboutness?},
number = {UU-CS-1995-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Linder, B.~van and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1995,
title = {Seeing is believing - And so are hearing and jumping},
number = {UU-CS-1995-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, S.~W.~B. and Swierstra, S.~D.},
year = 1995,
title = {Formal design of self-stabilizing programs},
number = {UU-CS-1995-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Berg, M.~T.~de and Matousek, J. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1995,
title = {Constructing levels in arrangements and higher order Voronoi diagrams},
number = {UU-CS-1995-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Tan, R.B.},
year = 1995,
title = {Compact Routing Methods: A Survey},
number = {UU-CS-1995-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Biedl, T. and Kant, G.},
year = 1995,
title = {A better heuristic for ortogobal graph drawings},
number = {UU-CS-1995-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Deogun, J.~S. and Jansen, K. and Kloks, T. and Kratsch, D. and Mueller, H. and Tuza, Zs.},
year = 1995,
title = {Rankings of graphs},
number = {UU-CS-1995-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Thilikos, D.~M.},
year = 1995,
title = {Treewidth and small separators for graphs with small chordality},
number = {UU-CS-1995-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Downey, R.~G. and Fellows, M.~R. and Wareham, H.~T.},
year = 1995,
title = {The parameterized complexity of sequence alignment and consensus},
number = {UU-CS-1995-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Witteveen, C. and Hoek, W.~van~der},
year = 1994,
title = {Revision by Communication: Program by Consulting Weaker Semantics},
number = {UU-CS-1994-56},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Total termination of term rewriting is undecidable},
number = {UU-CS-1994-55},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J.-J.~Ch. and Treur, J.},
year = 1994,
title = {Temporalizing Epistemic Default Logic},
number = {UU-CS-1994-54},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Linder, B.~van and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1994,
title = {Actions that Make you Change your Mind --- Belief Revision in an Agent-Oriented Setting},
number = {UU-CS-1994-53},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Soares, C.},
year = 1994,
title = {Evolutionary Computation for the Job-shop Scheduling Problem},
number = {UU-CS-1994-52},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Groot, M.~de and Overmars, M.},
year = 1994,
title = {New Results on Binary Space Partitions in the Plane},
number = {UU-CS-1994-51},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florijn, G.},
year = 1994,
title = {Modelling Office Processes with Functional Parsers},
number = {UU-CS-1994-50},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Kriegman, D. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1994,
title = {Complete algorithms for feeding polyhedral parts using pivot grasps},
number = {UU-CS-1994-49},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Linder, B.~van and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1994,
title = {The dynamics of default reasoning},
number = {UU-CS-1994-48},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ferreira, M.~C.~F. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Dummy elimination: making termination easier},
number = {UU-CS-1994-47},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ferreira, M.~C.~F. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Well-foundedness of term orderings},
number = {UU-CS-1994-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.~S.~de and Hulst, M.~van},
year = 1994,
title = {A proof system for asynchronously communicating deterministic processes},
number = {UU-CS-1994-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H. and Geser, A.},
year = 1994,
title = {A complete characterization of termination of 0^p 1^q -> 1^r 0^s},
number = {UU-CS-1994-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Walters, H.~R. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Rewrite systems for integer arithmetic},
number = {UU-CS-1994-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 1994,
title = {Evidence absorption -- Experiments on different classes of randomly generated belief networks},
number = {UU-CS-1994-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van and Snoeyink, J. and Whitesides, S.},
year = 1994,
title = {Folding rulers inside triangles},
number = {UU-CS-1994-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Schwarzkopf, O. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1994,
title = {The overlay of lower envelopes and its applications},
number = {UU-CS-1994-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Matousek, J. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1994,
title = {Computing many faces in arrangements of lines and segments},
number = {UU-CS-1994-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meyer, J.-J.~Ch. and Dignum, F.P.M. and Wieringa, R.J.},
year = 1994,
title = {The Paradoxes of Deontic Logic Revisited: A Computer Science Perspective (Or: Should computer scientists be bothered by the concerns of philosophers?)},
number = {UU-CS-1994-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Huibers, T.~W.~C. and Linder, B.~van and Bruza, P.~D.},
year = 1994,
title = {Een theorie voor het bestuderen van information retrieval modellen            (in Dutch)},
number = {UU-CS-1994-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Halperin, D. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Spheres, molecules, and hidden surface removal},
number = {UU-CS-1994-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bouckaert, R.R.},
year = 1994,
title = {Properties of Measures for Bayesian Belief Network Learning},
number = {UU-CS-1994-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de},
year = 1994,
title = {Computing half-plane and strip discrepancy of planar point sets},
number = {UU-CS-1994-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Motion planning for car-like robots using a probabilistic learning approach},
number = {UU-CS-1994-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kavraki, L. and Svestka, P. and Latombe, J-C. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Probabilistic roadmaps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces},
number = {UU-CS-1994-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ferrucci, V. and Overmars, M.~H. and Rao, A.~S. and Vleugels, J.~M.},
year = 1994,
title = {Hunting Voronoi vertices},
number = {UU-CS-1994-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.~H. and Stappen, A.~F.~van~der},
year = 1994,
title = {Range searching and point location among fat objects},
number = {UU-CS-1994-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Guibas, L.~J. and Halperin, D.},
year = 1994,
title = {Vertical decompositions for triangles in 3-space},
number = {UU-CS-1994-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ferreira, M.~C.~F. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Syntactical analysis of total termination},
number = {UU-CS-1994-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bouckaert, R.~R.},
year = 1994,
title = {Probabilistic network construction using the minimum description length principle},
number = {UU-CS-1994-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bose, P. and Bremmer, D. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1994,
title = {Determining the castability of simple polyhedra},
number = {UU-CS-1994-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Asberg, B. and Blanco, G. and Bose, P. and Garcia-Lopez, J. and Overmars, M.~H. and Toussaint, G.~T. and Wilfong, G. and Zhu, B.},
year = 1994,
title = {Feasibility of design in stereolithography},
number = {UU-CS-1994-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1994,
title = {Friction and part curvature in parallel-jaw grasping},
number = {UU-CS-1994-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Wessels, M.~L.},
year = 1994,
title = {Efficient multiple-disorder diagnosis by strategy focusing},
number = {UU-CS-1994-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bouckaert, R.~R.},
year = 1994,
title = {IDAGs: a perfect map for any distribution},
number = {UU-CS-1994-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1994,
title = {Efficient methods for isoline extraction from a digital elevation model based on triangulated irregular networks},
number = {UU-CS-1994-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Arts, T. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1994,
title = {Termination of logic programs via labelled term rewrite systems},
number = {UU-CS-1994-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Prasetya, I.S.W.B.},
year = 1994,
title = {Mechanization of Substitution Rule and Compostionality of UNITY in HOL},
number = {UU-CS-1994-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.S. and Goldberg, K.Y.},
year = 1994,
title = {Computing Grasp Functions},
number = {UU-CS-1994-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bose, F. and Guibas, L.~J. and Lubiw, A. and Overmars, M.~H. and Souvaine, D. and Urrutia, J.},
year = 1994,
title = {The floodlight problem},
number = {UU-CS-1994-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bouckaert, R.~R.},
year = 1994,
title = {A stratified simulation scheme for inference in Bayesian belief networks},
number = {UU-CS-1994-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Huibers, T.~W.~C. and Bruza, P.~D.},
year = 1994,
title = {Situations, a General Framework for Studying Information Retrieval},
number = {UU-CS-1994-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Fellows, M.~R.},
year = 1994,
title = {W[2]-hardness of Precedence Constrained K-processor Scheduling},
number = {UU-CS-1994-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.C.~van~der and Koning, C.~de},
year = 1994,
title = {Reason Maintenance for Production Systems},
number = {UU-CS-1994-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Dobrindt, K.~T.~G. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1994,
title = {On lazy randomized incremental construction},
number = {UU-CS-1994-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Engelfriet, J.},
year = 1994,
title = {Domino treewidth},
number = {UU-CS-1994-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.~K. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1994,
title = {Connected component and simple polygon intersection searching},
number = {UU-CS-1994-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Guibas, L.~J. and Halperin, D. and Overmars, M.~H. and Schwarzkopf, O. and Sharir, M. and Teillaud, M.},
year = 1994,
title = {Reaching a goal with directional uncertainty},
number = {UU-CS-1994-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Linder, B.~van and Hoek, W.~van~der and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1994,
title = {Tests as epistemic updates - pursuit of knowledge},
number = {UU-CS-1994-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meyer, J.J.-Ch. and Hoek, W.~van~der},
year = 1994,
title = {A Modal Contrastive Logic: The Logic of `But`},
number = {UU-CS-1994-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meijer, E.},
year = 1994,
title = {Hazard Algebra for Asynchronous Circuits},
number = {UU-CS-1994-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meijer, E.},
year = 1994,
title = {More Advice on Proving a Compiler Correct: Improve a Correct Compiler},
number = {UU-CS-1994-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hutton, G. and Meijer, E.},
year = 1994,
title = {Back to Basics: Deriving Presentations Changers Without Relations},
number = {UU-CS-1994-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.~H. and Svestka, P.},
year = 1994,
title = {A probablisitic learning approach to motion planning},
number = {UU-CS-1994-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1994,
title = {Trekking in the Alps without freezing or getting tired},
number = {UU-CS-1994-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, J.~T. and Swierstra, S.~D.},
year = 1994,
title = {Bottom-up grammar analysis - A functional formulation},
number = {UU-CS-1994-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pennings, M.},
year = 1993,
title = {Multi-traversal tree-decoration in a functional setting: monads versus bindings},
number = {RUU-CS-93-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Chrobak, M. and Kant, G.},
year = 1993,
title = {Convex grid drawings of 3-connected planar graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-93-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meyer, J.-J.~Ch. and Hoek, W.~van~der},
year = 1993,
title = {Graded Modal and Epistemic Logic},
number = {RUU-CS-93-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1993,
title = {Manipulating algebraic parts in the plane},
number = {RUU-CS-93-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruza, P.~D. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 1993,
title = {Efficient context-sensitive plausible inference for information disclosure},
number = {RUU-CS-93-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Middeldorp, A. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1993,
title = {Simple termination revisited},
number = {RUU-CS-93-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fokkink, W.~J. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1993,
title = {Basic process algebra with iteration: completeness of its equational axioms},
number = {RUU-CS-93-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G.},
year = 1993,
title = {Linear election for oriented hypercubes},
number = {RUU-CS-93-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vleugels, J.~M. and Kok, J.~N. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1993,
title = {Motion planning using a colored Kohonen network},
number = {RUU-CS-93-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Herman, T. and Tel, G.},
year = 1993,
title = {Advanced Distributed Algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-93-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1993,
title = {On Fat Partioning, Fat Covering and the Union Size of Polygons},
number = {RUU-CS-93-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~v.d.},
year = 1993,
title = {Evidence Absorption for Belief Networks},
number = {RUU-CS-93-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1993,
title = {Teaching computational geometry},
number = {RUU-CS-93-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, G. and Liotta, G. and Tamassia, R. and Tollis, I.G.},
year = 1993,
title = {Area Requirement of Visibility Representations of Trees},
number = {RUU-CS-93-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoek, W.~van~der and Jaspars, J. and Thijsse, E.},
year = 1993,
title = {Honesty in Partial Logic},
number = {RUU-CS-93-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.~C.~van~der and Wessels, M.~L.},
year = 1993,
title = {Selective evidence gathering for diagnostic belief networks},
number = {RUU-CS-93-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoek, W.~van~der and Linder, B.~van and Meyer, J-J.~Ch.},
year = 1993,
title = {Unravelling nondeterminism: On having the ability to choose},
number = {RUU-CS-93-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rietman, F.},
year = 1993,
title = {The Secrets of Causality},
number = {RUU-CS-93-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haldar, S.},
year = 1993,
title = {Efficient Bounded Timestamping Using traceable Use Abstraction - Is Writer's Guessing Better Than Reader's Telling?},
number = {RUU-CS-93-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Kloks, T.},
year = 1993,
title = {Efficient and constructive algorithms for the pathwidth and treewidth of graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-93-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, G.},
year = 1993,
title = {A more compact visibility representation},
number = {RUU-CS-93-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1993,
title = {Rectilinear Decompositions with Low Stabbing Number},
number = {RUU-CS-93-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1993,
title = {Termination of term rewriting by semantic labelling},
number = {RUU-CS-93-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Groot, M.~de and Overmars, M.},
year = 1993,
title = {Perfect Binary Space Partitions},
number = {RUU-CS-93-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Poutré, J.A.~La},
year = 1993,
title = {Dynamic Microsets for RAMs},
number = {RUU-CS-93-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1993,
title = {Placing registration marks},
number = {RUU-CS-93-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~T.~de and Matousek, J. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1993,
title = {Piecewise linear paths among convex obstacles},
number = {RUU-CS-93-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haldar, S.},
year = 1993,
title = {An `All Pairs Shortest Paths' Distributed Algorithm Using $2n^{2}$ Messages},
number = {RUU-CS-93-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Svestka, P.},
year = 1993,
title = {A probabilistic approach to motion planning for car-like robots},
number = {RUU-CS-93-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1993,
title = {Shape from diameter: positive results},
number = {RUU-CS-93-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Rao, A.~S. and Goldberg, K.~Y.},
year = 1993,
title = {Shape from diameter: negative results},
number = {RUU-CS-93-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gajentaan, A. and Overmars, M.~H.},
year = 1993,
title = {On a class of O(n2) problems in computational geometry},
number = {RUU-CS-93-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haldar, S.},
year = 1993,
title = {Heapsort with n log(n+1)+n-2 log(n+1)-2 Key Comparisons Using |_ n/2 _| Additional Bits},
number = {RUU-CS-93-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Melissaratos, Elefterios~A.},
year = 1993,
title = {Lp Optimal d Dimensional Triangualtions for Piecewise Linear Interpolation: A New Result on data Dependent Triangulations},
number = {RUU-CS-93-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kloks, T.},
year = 1993,
title = {Treewidth of Circle Graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-93-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kloks, T.},
year = 1993,
title = {Minimum Fill-in for Chordal Bipartite Graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-93-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruza, P.~D. and Huibers, T.~W.~C. and Linden, J.~van~der and Opstal, T.~van},
year = 1993,
title = {Detecting the erosion of hierarchic information structures},
number = {RUU-CS-93-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bonsangue, Marcello and Kok, Joost~N.},
year = 1993,
title = {Isomorphisms between Predicate and State Transformers},
number = {RUU-CS-93-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Florijn, Gert and Soepenberg, Leo and Dijkstra, Atze},
year = 1993,
title = {Mapping objects to files: a UNIX file system interface to an object management system},
number = {RUU-CS-93-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Udink, R.~T. and Kok, J.~N.},
year = 1993,
title = {On the relation between Unity properties and sequences of states},
number = {RUU-CS-93-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haring, S. and Viergever, M.A. and Kok, J.N.},
year = 1993,
title = {A Multiscale Approach to Image Segmentation Using Kohonen Networks},
number = {RUU-CS-93-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, Mark~de},
year = 1993,
title = {Generalized Hidden Surface Removal},
number = {RUU-CS-93-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veldhorst, Marinus},
year = 1993,
title = {A linear time algorithm to schedule trees with communication delays optimally on two machines},
number = {RUU-CS-93-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Knijnenburg, Peter},
year = 1993,
title = {Algebraic Domains, Chain Completion and the Plotkin Powerdomain Construction},
number = {RUU-CS-93-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Knijnenburg, Peter},
year = 1993,
title = {A Note on the Smyth Powerdomain Construction},
number = {RUU-CS-93-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Flatebo, M. and Datta, A.K. and Schoonen, A.A.},
year = 1993,
title = {Self-stabilizing l-Exclusion Algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-93-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.C.~van~der},
year = 1992,
title = {Pearl's belief propagation; the proofs},
number = {RUU-CS-92-47},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Krekelberg, B. and Kok, J.N.},
year = 1992,
title = {A lateral inhibition neural network that emulates a winner-takes-all algorithm},
number = {RUU-CS-92-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Matouv{s}ek, J. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1992,
title = {A deterministic algorithm for the three-dimensional diameter problem},
number = {RUU-CS-92-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.S.~de and Kok, J.N. and Palamidessi, C. and Rutten, J.J.M.M.},
year = 1992,
title = {On blocks; locality and asynchronous communication (extended abstract)},
number = {RUU-CS-92-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meeussen, V.C.S. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1992,
title = {Derivation lengths in terms rewriting from interpretations in the naturals},
number = {RUU-CS-92-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Ferreira, M.C.F. and Zantema, H.},
year = 1992,
title = {Total termination of term rewriting},
number = {RUU-CS-92-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, G.},
year = 1992,
title = {Two algorithms for finding rectangular duals of planar graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-92-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bonsangue, M. and Kok, J.N.},
year = 1992,
title = {Semantics, orderings and recursion in the weakest precondition calculus},
number = {RUU-CS-92-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Melissaratos, E.A.},
year = 1992,
title = {Optimal size finite element meshes without obtuse and small angles},
number = {RUU-CS-92-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1992,
title = {Termination of term rewriting by semantic labelling},
number = {RUU-CS-92-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Robert, J.-M. and Guibas, L.J. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1992,
title = {The exact fitting problem in higher dimensions},
number = {RUU-CS-92-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bouckaert, R.~R.},
year = 1992,
title = {Bayesian belief networks and conditional independencies},
number = {RUU-CS-92-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kloks, T. and Bodlaender, H.},
year = 1992,
title = {Only few graphs have bounded treewidth},
number = {RUU-CS-92-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bouckaert, R.~R.},
year = 1992,
title = {Conditional dependence in probablistic networks},
number = {RUU-CS-92-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, G.},
year = 1992,
title = {Drawing planar graphs using the lmc-ordering},
number = {RUU-CS-92-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1992,
title = {A random approach to motion planning},
number = {RUU-CS-92-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stappen, A.F.~van~der},
year = 1992,
title = {The complexity of the free space for motion planning amidst fat obstacles},
number = {RUU-CS-92-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Kloks, A.J.J. and Kratsch, D.},
year = 1992,
title = {Treewidth and pathwidth of permutation graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-92-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kloks, A.J.J. and Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1992,
title = {Approximating treewidth and pathwidth of some classes of perfect graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-92-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kloks, A.J.J. and Kratsch, D.},
year = 1992,
title = {Treewidth of chordal bipartite graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-92-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 1992,
title = {A linear time algorithm for finding tree-decompositions of small treewidth},
number = {RUU-CS-92-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1992,
title = {Cuttings and Applications},
number = {RUU-CS-92-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lentfert, P.J.A. and Swierstra, S.D.},
year = 1992,
title = {Towards the formal design of self-stabilizing distributed algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-92-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Halperin, D. and Overmars, M. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1992,
title = {Sparse arrangements and the number of views of polyhedral scenes},
number = {RUU-CS-92-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verwer, N.},
year = 1992,
title = {Congruences and quotients in categories of algebras},
number = {RUU-CS-92-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kok, J.N.},
year = 1992,
title = {Current trends in the semantics of dataflow},
number = {RUU-CS-92-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bruza, P.D. and Gaag, L.C.~van~der},
year = 1992,
title = {Index expression belief networks for information disclosure},
number = {RUU-CS-92-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kelleher, G. and Gaag, L.~C.~van~der},
year = 1992,
title = {The LazyRMS: Avoiding work in the ATMS},
number = {RUU-CS-92-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fischer, S.T. and Veldhorst, M.},
year = 1992,
title = {On parallel data structuring; A parallel priority queue},
number = {RUU-CS-92-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuiper, M.F.},
year = 1992,
title = {Speeding up parallelism detection for attribute grammars},
number = {RUU-CS-92-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1992,
title = {The power of parallel projection},
number = {RUU-CS-92-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Swierstra, D. and Moor, O.~de},
year = 1992,
title = {Virtual data structures},
number = {RUU-CS-92-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.K. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1992,
title = {Implicit point location in arrangements of line segments, with an application to motion planning},
number = {RUU-CS-92-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1992,
title = {Termination of term rewriting by interpretation},
number = {RUU-CS-92-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kloks, T. and Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1992,
title = {On the Treewidth and Pathwidth of Permutation Graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-92-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 1992,
title = {A tourist guide through Treewidth},
number = {RUU-CS-92-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pennings, M. and Swierstra, D. and Vogt, H.},
year = 1992,
title = {Using cached functions and constructors for incremental attribute evaluation},
number = {RUU-CS-92-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {unknown},
year = 1992,
title = {Abstracts of the Workshop on Computational Geometry (CG '92)},
number = {RUU-CS-92-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kloks, T. and Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1992,
title = {Testing superperfection of $k-$trees},
number = {RUU-CS-92-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Fellows, M.R. and Warnow, T.J.},
year = 1992,
title = {Two strikes against perfect phylogeny},
number = {RUU-CS-92-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, G. and Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1992,
title = {Triangslating planar graphs while minimizing the maximum degree},
number = {RUU-CS-92-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, G.},
year = 1992,
title = {Hexagonal grid drawings},
number = {RUU-CS-92-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Stappen, A.F.~van~der and Halperin, D.},
year = 1992,
title = {The complexity of the free space for a robot moving amidst fat obstacles},
number = {RUU-CS-92-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schoone, A.A.},
year = 1992,
title = {Redesigning the window protocol; the block acknowledgement revisited},
number = {RUU-CS-92-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, G.},
year = 1992,
title = {An O(n2) maximal planarization algorithm based on PQ-trees},
number = {RUU-CS-92-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Knijnenburg, P.M.W.},
year = 1992,
title = {An order-theoretic model for the algebra of communicating processes},
number = {RUU-CS-92-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Eisenbeis, C. and Temam, O. and Wijshoff, H.},
year = 1992,
title = {On efficiently characterizing solutions of linear Diophantine equations and its application to data dependence analysis},
number = {RUU-CS-92-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L.},
year = 1991,
title = {Kayles on special classes of graphs - An application of Sprague-Grundy theory},
number = {RUU-CS-91-49},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kaufmann, Michael and Sibeyn, Jop~F.},
year = 1991,
title = {Randomized multi-packet routing on meshes},
number = {RUU-CS-91-48},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, Goos},
year = 1991,
title = {Linear planar augmentation algorithms for outerplanar graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-91-47},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.~S.~de and Kok, J.~N. and Palamidessi, C. and Rutten, J.~J.~M.~M.},
year = 1991,
title = {A paradigm for asynchronous communication and its application to concurrent constraint programming},
number = {RUU-CS-91-46},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jonsson, B. and Kok, J.~N.},
year = 1991,
title = {Towards a complete hierarchy of compositional dataflow models},
number = {RUU-CS-91-45},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Jansen, K.},
year = 1991,
title = {Restrictions of graph partition problems. Part I.},
number = {RUU-CS-91-44},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Haaften, P.J.M.~van},
year = 1991,
title = {A protocol scheme for a class of minimum delay routing algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-91-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Classifying termination of term rewriting},
number = {RUU-CS-91-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Overmars, M.H. and Schwarzkopf, O.},
year = 1991,
title = {Computing and verifying depth orders},
number = {RUU-CS-91-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Point location in fat subdivisions},
number = {RUU-CS-91-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Jansen, K.},
year = 1991,
title = {On the complexity of the maximum cut problem},
number = {RUU-CS-91-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veldhorst, M.},
year = 1991,
title = {A bibliography on network flow problems},
number = {RUU-CS-91-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sibeijn, J.F.},
year = 1991,
title = {The sum of weighted balls},
number = {RUU-CS-91-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gallivan, K.A. and Marsolf, B.A. and Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1991,
title = {MCSPARSE A parallel sparse unsymmetric linear system solver},
number = {RUU-CS-91-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Gonzalez, T. and Kloks, T.},
year = 1991,
title = {Complexity aspects of 2-dimensional data compression},
number = {RUU-CS-91-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Back, R.J.R. and Sere, K.},
year = 1991,
title = {Superposition refinement of parallel algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-91-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kremer, E.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {UNIX System Security. Recente ervaringen en aanbevelingen.},
number = {RUU-CS-91-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Mattern, F. and Mehl, H. and Schoone, A.~A. and Tel, G.},
year = 1991,
title = {Global virtual time approximation with distributed termination detection algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-91-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Katz, M.J. and Overmars, M.H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1991,
title = {Efficient hidden surface removal for objects with small union size},
number = {RUU-CS-91-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Everett, H. and Wagner, H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Translating Queries for Sets of polygons},
number = {RUU-CS-91-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Snoeyink, J.},
year = 1991,
title = {Two- and three-dimensional point location in Rectangular subdivisions},
number = {RUU-CS-91-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Halperin, D. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Efficient ray shooting and hidden surface removal},
number = {RUU-CS-91-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Adegeest, J. and Overmars, M.H. and Snoeyink, J.},
year = 1991,
title = {Minimum-link c-oriented path queries},
number = {RUU-CS-91-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jonker, C.M.},
year = 1991,
title = {Cautious backtracking and well-founded semantics in truth maintenance systems},
number = {RUU-CS-91-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, G. and Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1991,
title = {Planar graph augmentation problems},
number = {RUU-CS-91-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.S.~de and Palamidessi, C.},
year = 1991,
title = {Embedding as a tool for language comparison, On the CSP hierarchy},
number = {RUU-CS-91-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bakker, E.M. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1991,
title = {The optimal placement of replicated items in distributed databases on tree-like networks},
number = {RUU-CS-91-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bakker, E.M. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1991,
title = {Some domination problems on trees and on general grahps},
number = {RUU-CS-91-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bakker, E.M. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1991,
title = {Uniform d-emulations of rings, with an application to distributed virtual ring contruction},
number = {RUU-CS-91-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Nilsson, B.J. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Shortest path queries in rectilinear words},
number = {RUU-CS-91-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1991,
title = {Symmetric orderings for unsymmetric sparse matrices},
number = {RUU-CS-91-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Termination of term rewriting, from many-sorted to one-sorted},
number = {RUU-CS-91-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sere, K.},
year = 1991,
title = {Stepwise refinement of reactive processor farms},
number = {RUU-CS-91-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gallivan, K. and Jalby, W. and Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1991,
title = {Evaluation of the Cedar memory system, configuration 16 x 16},
number = {RUU-CS-91-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1991,
title = {Preliminary basic performance analysis of the Cedar multiprocessor memory system},
number = {RUU-CS-91-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Swierstra, S.D. and Vogt, H.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Higher order attribute grammars, Lecture notes of the International Summer School on Attribute Grammars, applications and systems},
number = {RUU-CS-91-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Kloks, A.J..},
year = 1991,
title = {A simple linear time algorithm for triangulating three-colored graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-91-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Agarwal, P.A. and Kreveld, M.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Intersection queries in curved objects},
number = {RUU-CS-91-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sere, K. and Wright, J.~von},
year = 1991,
title = {Mechanising proofs of program transformaton rules},
number = {RUU-CS-91-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.S.~de and Palamidessi, C.},
year = 1991,
title = {A fully abstract model for Concurrent Constraint Programming},
number = {RUU-CS-91-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Snoeyink, J.},
year = 1991,
title = {Point location in zones of k-flats in arrangements},
number = {RUU-CS-91-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G.},
year = 1991,
title = {Network Orientation},
number = {RUU-CS-91-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bakker, E.M. and Leeuwen, J.~van and Tan, R.B.},
year = 1991,
title = {Linear interval routing schemes},
number = {RUU-CS-91-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de},
year = 1991,
title = {Dynamic output-sensitive hidden surface removal for c-Oriented polyhedra},
number = {RUU-CS-91-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1991,
title = {Union-copy structures and dynamic segment trees},
number = {RUU-CS-91-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoofman, R.},
year = 1991,
title = {The linear decomposition of lambda 2-models},
number = {RUU-CS-91-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Kratsch, D.},
year = 1991,
title = {The complexity of coloring games on perfect graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-91-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {A.A.Schoone},
year = 1991,
title = {Synchronous link-level protocols},
number = {RUU-CS-91-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Gilbert, J.R. and Hafsteinsson, H. and Kloks, T.},
year = 1991,
title = {Approximating treewidth, pathwidth, and minimum elimination tree height},
number = {RUU-CS-91-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kars, W.T.M.},
year = 1990,
title = {From game trees to game graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-90-43},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.C.~van~der},
year = 1990,
title = {A pragmatical view on the certainty factor model},
number = {RUU-CS-90-42},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoofman, R.},
year = 1990,
title = {A note on semi-adjunctions},
number = {RUU-CS-90-41},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boer, F.S.~de and Kok, J.N. and Palamidessi, C. and Rutten, J.J.M.M.},
year = 1990,
title = {The failure of failures towards a paradigm for asynchronous communication},
number = {RUU-CS-90-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kok, J.N.},
year = 1990,
title = {On logic programming and the refinement calculus semantics based program transformations},
number = {RUU-CS-90-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verwer, N.},
year = 1990,
title = {Categorical semantics as a basis for program transformation},
number = {RUU-CS-90-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hershberger, J. and Snoeyink, J.},
year = 1990,
title = {Computing minimum length paths of a given homotopy class},
number = {RUU-CS-90-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vogt, H. and Swierstra, D. and Kuiper, M.},
year = 1990,
title = {On the efficient incremental evaluation of higher order attribute grammars},
number = {RUU-CS-90-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bakker, E.M. and Leeuwen, J.~van and Tan, R.B.},
year = 1990,
title = {Perfect Colorings},
number = {RUU-CS-90-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoofman, R.},
year = 1990,
title = {Linear logic, domain theory and semi-functors},
number = {RUU-CS-90-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Hidden surface removel for $c$-oriented polyhedra},
number = {RUU-CS-90-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gonzalez, T.F.},
year = 1990,
title = {Covering a set of points with fixed size hypersquares and related problems},
number = {RUU-CS-90-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gonzalez, T.F.},
year = 1990,
title = {The on-line d-dimensional dictionary problem},
number = {RUU-CS-90-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lentfert, P.J.A. and Swierstra, S.D. and Uittenbogaard, A.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Distributed incremental maximum finding in hierarchically divided graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-90-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1990,
title = {On disjoint cycles in graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-90-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Longest segment problems},
number = {RUU-CS-90-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Poutré, J.A.~La},
year = 1990,
title = {Maintaining 2- and 3-connected components in graphs, Part II: 2- and 3-edge-connected components and 2-vertex-connected components},
number = {RUU-CS-90-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Poutré, J.A.~La and Leeuwen, J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Maintaining 2- and 3-connected components in graphs, Part I: 2- and 3-edge-connected components},
number = {RUU-CS-90-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoofman, R.},
year = 1990,
title = {Continuous information systems},
number = {RUU-CS-90-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G. and Mattern, F.},
year = 1990,
title = {The derivation of distributed termination detection algorithms from garbage collection schemes},
number = {RUU-CS-90-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vogt, H. and Berg, A.~van~den and Freije, A.},
year = 1990,
title = {Rapid development of a program transformation system with attribute grammars and dynamic transformations},
number = {RUU-CS-90-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gaag, L.C.~van~der},
year = 1990,
title = {On probability intervals and their updating},
number = {RUU-CS-90-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Hidden surface removal for axis-parallel polyhedra (extended abstract)},
number = {RUU-CS-90-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Kreveld, M.~van and Nilsson, B.J. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Finding shortest paths in the presence of orthogonal obstacles using a combined L1 and link metric},
number = {RUU-CS-90-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sibeyn, J.F.},
year = 1990,
title = {Matrix techniques for faster routing of affine permutations on a mesh interconnection network},
number = {RUU-CS-90-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schoone, A.A.},
year = 1990,
title = {Minimum hop route maintenance in static and dynamic networks},
number = {RUU-CS-90-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sibeyn, J.F.},
year = 1990,
title = {A pseudo-polylog average time parallel maxflow algorithm},
number = {RUU-CS-90-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, G. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1990,
title = {The file distribution problem for processor networks},
number = {RUU-CS-90-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kant, G. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1990,
title = {Strong colorings of graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-90-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Henglein, F.},
year = 1990,
title = {A lower bound for full polymorphic type inference: Girard-Reynolds Typability is DEXPTIME-hard},
number = {RUU-CS-90-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.~van and Overmars, M. and Agarwal, P.},
year = 1990,
title = {Intersection queries in sets of disks},
number = {RUU-CS-90-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Swierstra, S.D. and Vogt, H.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {Higher order attribute grammars: a merge between functional and object oriented programming},
number = {RUU-CS-90-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H. and Kloks, T.},
year = 1990,
title = {Fast algorithms for the Tron game on trees},
number = {RUU-CS-90-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bakker, E.M. and Leeuwen, J.~van and Tan, R.B.},
year = 1990,
title = {Prefix routing schemes in dynamic networks},
number = {RUU-CS-90-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1990,
title = {Merging visibility maps},
number = {RUU-CS-90-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jonker, C.M. and Disselkoen, V.C.J.},
year = 1990,
title = {Tools for the rectilinear steiner tree problem},
number = {RUU-CS-90-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Möhring, R.H.},
year = 1990,
title = {The pathwidth and treewidth of cographs},
number = {RUU-CS-90-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verwer, N.},
year = 1990,
title = {Deriving programming laws categorically},
number = {RUU-CS-90-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verwer, N.},
year = 1990,
title = {Homomorphisms, factorisation and promotion},
number = {RUU-CS-90-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meertens, L.},
year = 1990,
title = {Paramorphisms},
number = {RUU-CS-90-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Jeuring, J.},
year = 1990,
title = {Algorithms from theorems},
number = {RUU-CS-90-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoofman, R.},
year = 1990,
title = {From posets to coherence spaces},
number = {RUU-CS-90-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoofman, R.},
year = 1990,
title = {Properties of models which are complete for Hoare logic},
number = {RUU-CS-90-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1989,
title = {Correctness of the two-phase commit protocol},
number = {RUU-CS-89-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Henglein, F.},
year = 1989,
title = {Fast left-linear semi-unification},
number = {RUU-CS-89-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sharir, M. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {An improved technique for output-sensitive hidden surface removal},
number = {RUU-CS-89-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de},
year = 1989,
title = {Translating polygons with applications to hidden surface removal},
number = {RUU-CS-89-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de and Overmars, M.H. and Kreveld, M.~van},
year = 1989,
title = {Finding complete bipartite subgraphs in bipartite graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-89-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1989,
title = {Complexity of path-forming games},
number = {RUU-CS-89-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Yap, C.K.},
year = 1989,
title = {New upperbounds in Klee's measure problem},
number = {RUU-CS-89-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1989,
title = {On the complexity of some coloring games},
number = {RUU-CS-89-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Sharir, M. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {A simple output-sensitive algorithm for hidden surface removal},
number = {RUU-CS-89-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schipper, H. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {Dynamic partition trees},
number = {RUU-CS-89-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Goodrich, M.T. and Atallah, M.J. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {An input-size/output-size trade-off in the time-complexity of rectilinear hidden surface removal},
number = {RUU-CS-89-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G. and Leeuwen, J.~van and Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1989,
title = {The one-dimensional skewing problem},
number = {RUU-CS-89-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.~L. and Tel, G. and Santoro, N.},
year = 1989,
title = {Trade-offs in non-reversing diameter},
number = {RUU-CS-89-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Poutré, J.A.~La},
year = 1989,
title = {Lowerbounds for the UNION-FIND and the SPLIT-FIND problem on pointer machines},
number = {RUU-CS-89-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Poutré, J.A.~La},
year = 1989,
title = {A fast and optimal algorithm for the SPLIT-FIND problem on pointer machines (vervallen)},
number = {RUU-CS-89-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Poutré, J.A.~La},
year = 1989,
title = {New techniques for the UNION-FIND problem},
number = {RUU-CS-89-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H. and Welzl, E.},
year = 1989,
title = {Ranking intervals under visibility constraints},
number = {RUU-CS-89-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Schipper, H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1989,
title = {Storing line segments in partition trees},
number = {RUU-CS-89-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {Concatenable structures for decomposable problems},
number = {RUU-CS-89-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1989,
title = {Minimizing sums of addition chains},
number = {RUU-CS-89-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Fokker, J.},
year = 1989,
title = {The systematic construction of a one-combinator basis},
number = {RUU-CS-89-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.~de},
year = 1989,
title = {On rectilinear link distance},
number = {RUU-CS-89-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Guibas, L.J. and Overmars, M.H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1989,
title = {Counting and reporting intersections in arrangements},
number = {RUU-CS-89-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Guibas, L. and Overmars, M. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1989,
title = {Ray shooting, implicit point location, and related queries in arrangements of segments},
number = {RUU-CS-89-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.J.~van and Berg, M.T.~de},
year = 1989,
title = {Finding squares and rectangles in sets of points},
number = {RUU-CS-89-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meertens, L.},
year = 1989,
title = {Constructing a calculus of programs},
number = {RUU-CS-89-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1989,
title = {Computational geometry and its application to computer graphics},
number = {RUU-CS-89-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M. and Rote, G. and Woeginger, G.},
year = 1989,
title = {Finding minimum area k-gons},
number = {RUU-CS-89-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Scholten, B. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1989,
title = {Structured NC},
number = {RUU-CS-89-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lentfert, P.J.A. and Uittenbogaard, A.H. and Swierstra, S.D.},
year = 1989,
title = {Distributed hierarchical routing},
number = {RUU-CS-89-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Vogt, H.H. and Swierstra, S.D. and Kuiper, M.F.},
year = 1989,
title = {Higher order attribute grammars},
number = {RUU-CS-89-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Knijnenburg, P.M.W. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1989,
title = {On models for Propositional Dynamic Logic},
number = {RUU-CS-89-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Tel, G.},
year = 1989,
title = {Bit-optimal election in synchronous rings},
number = {RUU-CS-89-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1989,
title = {On linear time minor tests and depth first search},
number = {RUU-CS-89-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schoone, A.A. and Tel, G.},
year = 1988,
title = {Transformation of a termination detection algorithm and its assertional correctness proof},
number = {RUU-CS-88-40},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Brandenburg, F.J. and Leeuwen, J.~van and Tan, R.B.},
year = 1988,
title = {Some observations for the pigeon hole principle},
number = {RUU-CS-88-39},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Halperin, D. and Overmars, M.H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1988,
title = {Efficient motion planning for an L-shaped object},
number = {RUU-CS-88-38},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bergervoet, P.},
year = 1988,
title = {Intelligent Tutoring Systems (in Dutch)},
number = {RUU-CS-88-37},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Concatenable segment trees},
number = {RUU-CS-88-36},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Carlsson, S. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {A general approach to dominance in the plane},
number = {RUU-CS-88-35},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Knijnenburg, P.M.W.},
year = 1988,
title = {On axiomatizations for propositional logics of programs},
number = {RUU-CS-88-34},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Moran, S. and Warmuth, M.K.},
year = 1988,
title = {The distributed bit complexity of the ring; from the anonymous to the non-anonymous case},
number = {RUU-CS-88-33},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Majority voting; characterization and algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-88-32},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Beame, P.W. and Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1988,
title = {Distributed computing on transitive networks; the torus},
number = {RUU-CS-88-31},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Verwer, N.},
year = 1988,
title = {Data conversions in abstract data types},
number = {RUU-CS-88-30},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1988,
title = {Improved self-reduction algorithms for graphs with bounded treewidth},
number = {RUU-CS-88-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kreveld, M.J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Divided k-d trees},
number = {RUU-CS-88-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Smid, M.H.M. and Overmars, M.H. and Torenvliet, L. and Boas, P.~van~Emde},
year = 1988,
title = {Maintaining multiple representations of dynamic data structures},
number = {RUU-CS-88-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Guibas, L. and Overmars, M.H. and Sharir, M.},
year = 1988,
title = {Intersecting line segments, ray shooting, and other applications of geometric partitioning techniques},
number = {RUU-CS-88-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1988,
title = {ACHROMATIC NUMBER is NP-complete for cographs and interval graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-88-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zantema, H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Binary structures in program transformations},
number = {RUU-CS-88-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G. and Korach, E. and Zaks, S.},
year = 1988,
title = {Optimal Synchronization of ABD Networks},
number = {RUU-CS-88-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Yap, C.K.},
year = 1988,
title = {New upper bounds in Klees measure problem (extended abstract)},
number = {RUU-CS-88-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Connectability problems},
number = {RUU-CS-88-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kramer, M.R.},
year = 1988,
title = {Bit-serial systolic squaring algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-88-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Middelkoop, H. and Streefland, D.},
year = 1988,
title = {Parallel aspects of numerical weather prediction on a grid of transputers},
number = {RUU-CS-88-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1988,
title = {New lower bound techniques for distributed leader finding and other problems on rings of processors},
number = {RUU-CS-88-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Tsakalides, A.K.},
year = 1988,
title = {An optimal pointer machine algorithm for finding nearest common ancestors},
number = {RUU-CS-88-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G.},
year = 1988,
title = {Total algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-88-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Knijnenburg, P.M.W.},
year = 1988,
title = {On randomizing decision problems; a survey of the theory of randomized NP},
number = {RUU-CS-88-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1988,
title = {Planar graphs with bounded treewidth},
number = {RUU-CS-88-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Drost, N.J. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1988,
title = {Assertional verification of a majority consensus algorithm for concurrency control in multiple copy databases},
number = {RUU-CS-88-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Scholten, B. and Vincent, I.},
year = 1988,
title = {Sets without empty convex 6-gons},
number = {RUU-CS-88-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Dobkin, D.P. and Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Searching for empty convex polygons},
number = {RUU-CS-88-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Berg, M.T.~de and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Dominance in the presence of obstacles},
number = {RUU-CS-88-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1988,
title = {The client/server model in distributed computing},
number = {RUU-CS-88-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pluimakers, G.M.J.},
year = 1988,
title = {Authorization and transaction management in distributed database systems},
number = {RUU-CS-88-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Welzl, E.},
year = 1988,
title = {New methods for computing visibility graphs (extended abstract)},
number = {RUU-CS-88-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schoone, A.A. and Tel, G.},
year = 1988,
title = {Assertional verification of a termination detection algorithm},
number = {RUU-CS-88-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Drost, N.J. and Schoone, A.A.},
year = 1988,
title = {Assertional verification of a reset algorithm},
number = {RUU-CS-88-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1988,
title = {NC-algorithms for graphs of small treewidth},
number = {RUU-CS-88-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Walsteijn, M.J.},
year = 1988,
title = {A unifying approach to the denotational semantics of Communicating Sequential Processes},
number = {RUU-CS-88-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Drost, N.J.},
year = 1988,
title = {Protocols for local area networks; a survey},
number = {RUU-CS-88-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lentfert, P. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1988,
title = {Data structures in a real-time environment},
number = {RUU-CS-88-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Moor, O.~de},
year = 1987,
title = {The role of divide in divide-and-rule algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-87-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Poutré, J.A.~La and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1987,
title = {Maintenance of transitive closures and transitive reductions of graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-87-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Moor, O.~de},
year = 1987,
title = {Elimination of variables from functional programs},
number = {RUU-CS-87-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Hoofman, R.},
year = 1987,
title = {Powerdomains},
number = {RUU-CS-87-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1987,
title = {Dynamic programming on graphs with bounded treewidth},
number = {RUU-CS-87-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Smid, M.H.M. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1987,
title = {Maintaining range trees in secondary memory Part II; lower bounds},
number = {RUU-CS-87-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Smid, M.H.M. and Berg, M.T.~de and Kreveld, M.J.~van},
year = 1987,
title = {Maintaining range trees in secondary memory Part I; Partitions},
number = {RUU-CS-87-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Erf, J.H.~van~der},
year = 1987,
title = {Een datastructuur met zoektijd O(logn) en constante update-tijd},
number = {RUU-CS-87-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veldhorst, M.},
year = 1987,
title = {Linked allocation for parallel data structures},
number = {RUU-CS-87-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1987,
title = {Polynomial algorithms for chromatic index and graph isomorphism on partial k-trees},
number = {RUU-CS-87-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Smid, M.H.M. and Torenvliet, L. and Boas, P.~van~Emde and Overmars, M.H.~},
year = 1987,
title = {Two models for the reconstruction problem for dynamic data structures},
number = {RUU-CS-87-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G.},
year = 1987,
title = {Assertional verification of a timer-based protocol},
number = {RUU-CS-87-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schoone, A.A.},
year = 1987,
title = {Verification of connection-management protocols},
number = {RUU-CS-87-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1987,
title = {A better lowerbound for distributed leader finding in bidirectional asynchronous rings of processors},
number = {RUU-CS-87-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1987,
title = {The maximum cut and minimum cut into bounded sets problems on cographs},
number = {RUU-CS-87-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1987,
title = {A new lowerbound technique for distributed extrema finding on rings of processors},
number = {RUU-CS-87-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gafni, E. and Raynal, M. and Santoro, N. and Leeuwen, J.~van and Zaks, S. (no~longer~available and Science), revised~version~to~appear~in~the~series~Lecture~Notes~in~Computer},
year = 1987,
title = {2nd International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (draft papers)},
number = {RUU-CS-87-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Welzl, E.},
year = 1987,
title = {Construction of sparse visibility graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-87-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Levcopoulos, C. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1987,
title = {A balanced search tree with 0(1) worst-case update time},
number = {RUU-CS-87-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bezem, G.J. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1987,
title = {Enumeration in graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-87-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G.},
year = 1987,
title = {Directed network protocols (revised edition)},
number = {RUU-CS-87-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1987,
title = {Geometric data structures for computer graphics; an overview},
number = {RUU-CS-87-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1987,
title = {Computational geometry on a grid; an overview},
number = {RUU-CS-87-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Smid, M.H.M.},
year = 1987,
title = {Partitioning range trees},
number = {RUU-CS-87-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1987,
title = {Efficient data structures for range searching on a grid},
number = {RUU-CS-87-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Wood, D.},
year = 1987,
title = {Interval heaps},
number = {RUU-CS-87-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1986,
title = {Classes of graphs with bounded tree-width},
number = {RUU-CS-86-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Smid, M.H.M. and Torenvliet, L. and Boas, P.~van~Emde and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1986,
title = {The reconstruction of dynamic data structures},
number = {RUU-CS-86-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Wood, D.},
year = 1986,
title = {On rectangular visibility},
number = {RUU-CS-86-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Karlsson, R.G. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1986,
title = {Normalized divide and conquer ; a scaling technique for solving multi-dimensional problems},
number = {RUU-CS-86-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Karlsson, R.G. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1986,
title = {Scanline algorithms on a grid},
number = {RUU-CS-86-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1986,
title = {Graph algorithms (95 p.)},
number = {RUU-CS-86-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kuiper, M.~F. and Swierstra, S.~D.},
year = 1986,
title = {Using attribute grammars to derive efficient functional programs},
number = {RUU-CS-86-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlps = {{}},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Visser, A. and Moor, O.~de and Walsteijn, M.J.},
year = 1986,
title = {How to prove the first and second incompleteness theorem using concatenation},
number = {RUU-CS-86-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Walsteijn, M.J. and Kuiper, M.F.},
year = 1986,
title = {Attribute grammars in Prolog},
number = {RUU-CS-86-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Nieuwenhout, R.},
year = 1986,
title = {A dataflow graph code generator},
number = {RUU-CS-86-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tel, G.},
year = 1986,
title = {Distributed infimum approximation},
number = {RUU-CS-86-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {G.Tel and Tan, R.B. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1986,
title = {The derivation of graph marking algorithms from distributed termination detection protocols},
number = {RUU-CS-86-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1986,
title = {Compactly representable skewing schemes for trees},
number = {RUU-CS-86-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1986,
title = {General skewing schemes for trees},
number = {RUU-CS-86-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {G.Tel and Leeuwen, J.~van and Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1986,
title = {The one-dimensional skewing problem},
number = {RUU-CS-86-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Tan, R.B.},
year = 1986,
title = {Very thin VLSI-layouts of complete binary trees},
number = {RUU-CS-86-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1986,
title = {Distribution of records on a ring of processors},
number = {RUU-CS-86-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Franklin, Wm.~R. and Akman, V.},
year = 1986,
title = {Reconstructing visible regions from visible segments},
number = {RUU-CS-86-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Franklin, Wm.~R. and Akman, V.},
year = 1986,
title = {Adaptive grid for polyhedral visibility in object space; an implementation},
number = {RUU-CS-86-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Franklin, Wm.~R. and Akman, V.},
year = 1986,
title = {Octree data structures and creation by stacking},
number = {RUU-CS-86-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Tan, R.B. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1986,
title = {General symmetric distributed termination detection},
number = {RUU-CS-86-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schoone, A.A. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1986,
title = {Simulation of parallel algorithms on a distributed network},
number = {RUU-CS-86-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1985,
title = {Storing trees into parallel memories (extended abstract)},
number = {RUU-CS-85-29},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wm.R.Franklin and Akman, V.},
year = 1985,
title = {A simple and efficient halved line algorithm for hidden line elimination},
number = {RUU-CS-85-28},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {M.Veldhorst},
year = 1985,
title = {Parallel dynamic programming algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-85-27},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {A.Schoone and H.L.Bodlaender and Leeuwen, J.van},
year = 1985,
title = {Diameter increase caused by edge deletion},
number = {RUU-CS-85-26},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.L.Bodlaender},
year = 1985,
title = {Deadlock-free packet switching networks with variable packet size},
number = {RUU-CS-85-25},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {G.Tel and Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1985,
title = {Hierarchical memory systems in multiprocessors and multi-periodic skewing schemes},
number = {RUU-CS-85-24},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Tan, R.B.},
year = 1985,
title = {An improved upperbound for distributed election in bidirectional rings of processors},
number = {RUU-CS-85-23},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.L.Bodlaender},
year = 1985,
title = {Some lowerbound results for decentralized extrema-finding in rings of processors},
number = {RUU-CS-85-22},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.W.Scholten and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1985,
title = {General methods for adding range restrictions to decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-85-21},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.L.Bodlaender},
year = 1985,
title = {Emulations of processor networks with buses},
number = {RUU-CS-85-20},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Raaf, A.J.~de and A.Dijkstra and Swierstra, S.D.},
year = 1985,
title = {A LAN with real-time facilities based on OSI concepts},
number = {RUU-CS-85-19},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.L.Bodlaender},
year = 1985,
title = {Finding grid embeddings with bounded maximum edge length is NP-complete},
number = {RUU-CS-85-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1985,
title = {Range searching on a grid},
number = {RUU-CS-85-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Tan, R.B.},
year = 1985,
title = {Interval routing},
number = {RUU-CS-85-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.L.Bodlaender and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1985,
title = {New upperbounds for decentralized extremafinding in a ring of processors},
number = {RUU-CS-85-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.L.Bodlaender},
year = 1985,
title = {The complexity of finding uniform emulations on fixed graphs},
number = {RUU-CS-85-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1985,
title = {Geometric data structures for computer graphics},
number = {RUU-CS-85-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schoone, A.A. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1985,
title = {Verification of balanced link-level protocols},
number = {RUU-CS-85-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.L.Bodlaender},
year = 1985,
title = {The classification of coverings of processor networks},
number = {RUU-CS-85-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.L.Bodlaender},
year = 1985,
title = {On Approximation algorithms for determining minimum cost emulations},
number = {RUU-CS-85-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pluimakers, G.M.J. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1985,
title = {Authentication (abstract in het engels als -85-9a)},
number = {RUU-CS-85-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kriegel, H.P. and R.Mannss and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1985,
title = {The inverted file tree machine!: efficient multi-key retrieval for VLSI},
number = {RUU-CS-85-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Katajainen, J. and Leeuwen, J.~van and Penttonen, M.},
year = 1985,
title = {Fast simulation of Turing machines by random access machines},
number = {RUU-CS-85-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Welzl, E.},
year = 1985,
title = {The complexity of cutting paper},
number = {RUU-CS-85-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.L.Bodlaender},
year = 1985,
title = {The complexity of finding uniform emulations on paths and ring networks},
number = {RUU-CS-85-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {H.L.Bodlaender and Leeuwen, J.van},
year = 1985,
title = {On the complexity of finding uniform emulations},
number = {RUU-CS-85-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Diepen, N.W.P.~van and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1985,
title = {Program derivation through transformations; the evolution of list-copying algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-85-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1985,
title = {The quest for compositionality - a survey of assertion - based proof systems for concurrent programs. Part 1 ; concurrency based on shared variables},
number = {RUU-CS-85-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1985,
title = {$ast$ Pascal; compact reference guide to the programming language},
number = {RUU-CS-85-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Veldhorst, M.},
year = 1984,
title = {A note on Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting on an MIMD computer},
number = {RUU-CS-84-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Wiedermann, J.},
year = 1984,
title = {Array Processing Machines},
number = {RUU-CS-84-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Stomp, F.A. and Roever, W.P.~de and Gerth, R.T.},
year = 1984,
title = {The $mu$-calculus as an assertion language for fairness arguments},
number = {RUU-CS-84-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {J.Wiedermann},
year = 1984,
title = {Parallel Turing Machines},
number = {RUU-CS-84-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1984,
title = {Zooming by repeated range detection},
number = {RUU-CS-84-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L.},
year = 1984,
title = {Uniform emulations of two different types of shuffle-exchange networks},
number = {RUU-CS-84-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1984,
title = {$ast$ Data structures (190 p., in Dutch)},
number = {RUU-CS-84-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {J.Tappe and Leeuwen, J.~van and Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1984,
title = {Parallel memories, periodic skewing schemes, and the theory of finite abelian groups},
number = {RUU-CS-84-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Shyamasundar, R.K. and Roever, W.P.~de and Gerth, R. and Koymans, R. and Arun-Kumar, S.},
year = 1984,
title = {Compositional semantics for real-time distributed computing},
number = {RUU-CS-84-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1984,
title = {Uniform emulations of the shuffle-exchange network},
number = {RUU-CS-84-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1984,
title = {Simulation of large networks on smaller networks},
number = {RUU-CS-84-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Birkhoff, I.J.M.},
year = 1984,
title = {A direct routing algorithm for the bit-reversal permutation on a shuffle-exchange network},
number = {RUU-CS-84-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1984,
title = {The minimum bisection width of (three-dimensional) blocks},
number = {RUU-CS-84-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijshoff, H.A.G. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1984,
title = {The structure of periodic storage schemes for parallel memories},
number = {RUU-CS-84-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Penning, H.P. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1983,
title = {Operating Systems (231 p. in Dutch)},
number = {RUU-CS-83-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerth, R.},
year = 1983,
title = {Transition logic},
number = {RUU-CS-83-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Tan, R.B.},
year = 1983,
title = {Routing with compact routing tables},
number = {RUU-CS-83-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Zwiers, J. and Bruin, A.~de and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1983,
title = {A proof system for partial correctness of dynamic networks of processes},
number = {RUU-CS-83-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1983,
title = {The technological image of ``1984'' (in Dutch)},
number = {RUU-CS-83-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1983,
title = {Parallel computers and algorithms},
number = {RUU-CS-83-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1983,
title = {The locus approach},
number = {RUU-CS-83-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Wijshoff, H.A.G.},
year = 1983,
title = {Data mappings in large parallel computers},
number = {RUU-CS-83-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijshoff, H.A.G. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1983,
title = {A linearity condition for periodic skewing schemes},
number = {RUU-CS-83-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Koymans, R. and Vytopil, J. and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1983,
title = {Real time programming and asynchronous message passing},
number = {RUU-CS-83-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1983,
title = {Batched dynamic solutions to decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-83-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijshoff, H.A.G. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1983,
title = {On linear skewing schemes and d ordered vectors},
number = {RUU-CS-83-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1983,
title = {Range searching in a set of line segments},
number = {RUU-CS-83-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Koymans, R. and Vytopil, J. and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1983,
title = {A case study in proofs about realtime programming and asynchronous message passing (A formal system for a telecommunication language)},
number = {RUU-CS-83-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijshoff, H.A.G. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1983,
title = {Periodic storage schemes with a minimum number of memory banks},
number = {RUU-CS-83-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Oostrum, P.~van},
year = 1983,
title = {Interaction with personal information systems (in Dutch)},
number = {RUU-CS-83-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerth, R.T. and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1983,
title = {A proof system for concurrent ADA programs},
number = {RUU-CS-83-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bodlaender, H.L. and Wijshoff, H.A.G. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1983,
title = {Compositions of double diagonal and cross Latin squares},
number = {RUU-CS-83-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Penning, H.P. and Wolters, L.},
year = 1982,
title = {PRAXIS handleiding voor praktikumstaf en PRAXIS-beheerder (in Dutch)},
number = {RUU-CS-82-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Penning, H.P. and Wolters, L.},
year = 1982,
title = {PRAXIS gebruikershandleiding (in Dutch)},
number = {RUU-CS-82-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bohm, A.P.W. and Bruin, A.~de},
year = 1982,
title = {The denotational semantics of dynamic networks of processes},
number = {RUU-CS-82-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Pnueli, A. and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1982,
title = {Rendezvous with ADA - a Proof Theoretical View},
number = {RUU-CS-82-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Wijshoff, H.A.G. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1982,
title = {Periodic versus arbitrary tessellations of the plane using polyominos of single type},
number = {RUU-CS-82-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerth, R.T. and Roever, W.P.~de and Roncken, M.},
year = 1982,
title = {A study in distributed systems and Dutch patriotism},
number = {RUU-CS-82-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kramer, M.R. and Leeuwen., J.~van},
year = 1982,
title = {Systolic computation and VLSI},
number = {RUU-CS-82-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen., J.~van},
year = 1982,
title = {Distributed computing},
number = {RUU-CS-82-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kramer, M.R. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1982,
title = {The complexity of VLSI-circuits for arbitrary Boolean functions (to appear)},
number = {RUU-CS-82-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kramer, M.R. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1982,
title = {The NP-completeness of finding minimum area Layouts for VLSI-circuits (to appear)},
number = {RUU-CS-82-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerth, R.},
year = 1982,
title = {A sound and complete Hoare axiomatization of the ADA-rendezvous (extended abstract.)},
number = {RUU-CS-82-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Kramer, M.R. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1982,
title = {Wire routing in NP-complete},
number = {RUU-CS-82-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meulen, S.G.~van~der et~al},
year = 1982,
title = {FANLAN GUID (in Dutch) FANLAN inc.},
number = {RUU-CS-82-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meulen, S.G.~van~der},
year = 1982,
title = {Introduction to Computer Architecture (in Dutch)},
number = {RUU-CS-82-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {J and Leeuwen, van},
year = 1982,
title = {Fundamental Algorithms (in Dutch)},
number = {RUU-CS-82-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1981,
title = {Graphics and computational geometry},
number = {RUU-CS-81-18},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Gerth, R.T.},
year = 1981,
title = {A proof system for a subset of the concurrency section of ADA},
number = {RUU-CS-81-17},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1981,
title = {The bounded aspect ratio problem for VLSI},
number = {RUU-CS-81-16},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {On the equivalence of some rectangle problems},
number = {RUU-CS-81-15},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Birkhoff, I.J.M. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1981,
title = {Organisatie van bedrijfssystemen voor computer netwerken},
number = {RUU-CS-81-14},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Overmars, M.H. and Wood, D.},
year = 1981,
title = {VLSI layouts of perfect binary trees (to appear)},
number = {RUU-CS-81-13},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Roncken, M. and Gerth, R. and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1981,
title = {A proof system for Brinch Hansen's distributed processes (extended abstract)},
number = {RUU-CS-81-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1981,
title = {A formalism for reasoning about fair termination},
number = {RUU-CS-81-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {Transforming semi-dynamic data structures into dynamic structures},
number = {RUU-CS-81-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {Searching in the past II- general transformations},
number = {RUU-CS-81-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {The art of dynamizing},
number = {RUU-CS-81-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {Searching in the past I},
number = {RUU-CS-81-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Bohm, A.P.W. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1981,
title = {A basis for dataflow computing},
number = {RUU-CS-81-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Roncken, M. and Diepen, N.~van and Kramer, M. and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1981,
title = {A proof system for Brinch Hansen's distributed processes},
number = {RUU-CS-81-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {Stratified balanced search trees},
number = {RUU-CS-81-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1981,
title = {Maintenance of configurations in the plane (revised edition)},
number = {RUU-CS-81-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Grumberg, O. and Francez, N. and Makowsky, J.A. and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1981,
title = {A proof rule for fair termination of quarded commands},
number = {RUU-CS-81-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1981,
title = {On the equivalence of rectangle containment, rectangle enclosure and ECDF-searching},
number = {RUU-CS-81-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Nivat, M.},
year = 1980,
title = {Efficient recognition of rational relations},
number = {RUU-CS-80-12},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Schoone, A.A.},
year = 1980,
title = {Untangling a traveling salesman tour in the plane},
number = {RUU-CS-80-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Worst case optimal insertion and deletion methods for decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-80-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1980,
title = {Dynamization of order decomposable set problems},
number = {RUU-CS-80-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Computers en (on)doenlijke problemen},
number = {RUU-CS-80-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H.},
year = 1980,
title = {General methods for the all elements and all pairs problem},
number = {RUU-CS-80-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Dynamization of decomposable searching problems yielding good worst case bounds},
number = {RUU-CS-80-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Notes on maintenance of configurations in the plane},
number = {RUU-CS-80-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Apt, K.R. and Francez, N. and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1980,
title = {A proof system for communicating sequential processes -final edition},
number = {RUU-CS-80-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Schoone, A.A. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Triangulating a starshaped polygon},
number = {RUU-CS-80-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Dynamic multi-dimensional data structures based on quad- and k-d trees},
number = {RUU-CS-80-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1980,
title = {Some principles for dynamizing decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-80-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boerhout, W. and Bohm, A.P.W. and Gerth, R.},
year = 1979,
title = {Software support for an intelligent terminal},
number = {RUU-CS-79-11},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {Two general methods for dynamizing decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-79-10},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {Maintenance of configurations in the plane},
number = {RUU-CS-79-09},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Apt, K.R. and Francez, N. and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1979,
title = {A proof system for communicating sequential processes},
number = {RUU-CS-79-08},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {Further comments on Bykat's convex hull algorithm},
number = {RUU-CS-79-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Wood, D.},
year = 1979,
title = {The measure problem for rectangular ranges in d-space},
number = {RUU-CS-79-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Wood, D.},
year = 1979,
title = {Dynamization of decomposable searching problems},
number = {RUU-CS-79-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Alt, H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {The complexity of basic complex operations},
number = {RUU-CS-79-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Overmars, M.H. and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {Rapid subtree indentification revisited},
number = {RUU-CS-79-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {Computers en informatie-verwerking},
number = {RUU-CS-79-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1979,
title = {On program efficiency and algebraic complexity - (or- how to compute the Schur transform of a complex polynomial)},
number = {RUU-CS-79-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Lee, S. and Roever, W.P.~de and Gerhart, S.L.},
year = 1978,
title = {The evolution of list-copying algorithms and the need for structured program verification},
number = {RUU-CS-78-07},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1978,
title = {An essay on trees and iteration},
number = {RUU-CS-78-06},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1978,
title = {The composition of fast priority queues},
number = {RUU-CS-78-05},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Boas, P.~Emde and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1978,
title = {Move-rules and trade-offs in the pebble game},
number = {RUU-CS-78-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1978,
title = {Linear time generation of a new fixed-length data-compression code},
number = {RUU-CS-78-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1978,
title = {Compromising statistical data-base with a few known elements in a combinatorial model},
number = {RUU-CS-78-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1978,
title = {A useful lemma for context-free programmed grammers},
number = {RUU-CS-78-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Francez, N. and Hoare, C.A.R. and Lehmann, D.J. and Roever, W.P.~de},
year = 1978,
title = {Semantics of nondeterminism, concurrency and communication},
number = {RUU-CS-78-00},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1977,
title = {Inleiding tot database systems},
number = {RUU-CS-77-04},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Leeuwen, J.~van and Weide, Th.P.~van~der},
year = 1977,
title = {Alternative path compression techniques},
number = {RUU-CS-77-03},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Engelfriet, J. and Schmidt, E.Meineche and Leeuwen, J.~van},
year = 1977,
title = {Stack machines and classes of nonnested macro-languages},
number = {RUU-CS-77-02},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
urlpdf = {{}},
pubcat = {techreport}
author = {Meulen, S.G.~van~der and Veldhorst, M.},
year = 1977,
title = {Datastructuren voor lineaire ruimten ``Torrix''},
number = {RUU-CS-77-01},
institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University},
pubcat = {techreport}